U2 'Songs of Innocence' giveaway drives 2M downloads as back catalog sales soar



  • Reply 41 of 65

    To everyone whining about having to get a free album from U2 and bad-mouthing the band or Apple or the '50 year old fans,' I'm glad you're feeling uncomfortable. For heaven's sake, don't you know this band is Irish? Don't you understand that this is Rock 'n Roll? Bono was born to get in your face, be forceful and get under your skin. This man is more Jesuit than martyr. He is staying true to his himself, just using new/different means. So how does it feel? This is a bold move and will make music history. Can we not celebrate this fantastic moment? Can we not honor greatness? Can we not show gratitude for incredible generosity? 

  • Reply 42 of 65
    “I’m leaving, therefore I’m right,” will always instantly disprove whatever argument you’re making.

    Rule #4. No one cares.

    Rule #4. Uh huh¡

    Rule #5. This doesn’t matter.

    I guess if YOU say it, that makes it true¡
    “I’m leaving, therefore I’m right,” will always instantly disprove whatever argument you’re making.

    Rule #4. No one cares.

    Rule #4. Uh huh¡

    Rule #5. This doesn’t matter.

    I guess if YOU say it, that makes it true¡

    Oh my god, no one cares oh no, my world is collapsing. And I wanted you to care so much and get in the middle of 2 people having an intelligent conversation and act like a Juvenile!!
  • Reply 43 of 65
    Originally Posted by TheMacMan View Post

    Oh my god, no one cares oh no...

    So you HAVE no argument, then.

  • Reply 44 of 65
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,443moderator
    go faster wrote: »
    It would be less but it was forced on people....LMAO

    It seems to depend on iCloud settings if it auto-downloads. I didn't get it on any device as I don't use iCloud at all. I'd use iCloud if I could configure it to auto-download nude celebs, it took ages finding those and sorting duplicates is a nightmare. I suspect most people will have to search for it on the store manually and download it. I checked it out that way and didn't bother.


    I have a few U2 songs but the latest ones don't really have a mix of lyrics and melody that make a meaningful enough song for me. A couple of popular songs they did are the following, which I quite like. He looks like a creepy Elvis Costello in the first (Elvis Costello looks creepy anyway so I could have omitted that description):


    The dubbing (among other things) is funny in this one:


    bregalad wrote:
    the logical conclusion is that they're reporting 2 million people who don't have automatic downloads have chosen to download the album

    If auto-download has to be enabled, I'd say that's a reasonable number including those. I'd expect the vast majority of people not to enable settings themselves. Plus, a significant number of iTunes users are Windows users. There's only 80 million Macs been sold worldwide. They still get iCloud but I doubt they are as bothered about configuring it or using it.
  • Reply 45 of 65

    Originally Posted by PhilBoogie View Post

    That's a shame. I was hoping to have a mature discussion on the topic. 

    Why do you give a damn about this?  if the guy doesn't want stuff sent to his phone/itunes account, he doesn't want it.

  • Reply 46 of 65
    conrail wrote: »
    philboogie wrote: »
    That's a shame. I was hoping to have a mature discussion on the topic. 
    Why do you give a damn about this?  if the guy doesn't want stuff sent to his phone/itunes account, he doesn't want it.

    Probably selfishness on my part. He spent an hour with Apple on the phone and they weren't able to help him out. I looked for an answer, posted back, asking him to try it out, see if that helped him (as I don't have iTunes Match) and it did fix his issue. So I'm happy.

    That he is happy as well is completely irrelevant¡
  • Reply 47 of 65
    Marvin wrote: »
    ^ U2 post

    LOL at your intertwining of humor and info.

    Also, that first song' Sweetest Thing' (?) I actually like, never heard it before. Maybe they do have some good music, I just never bothered investigating and simply didn't like what I heard on the radio and MTV...back then
  • Reply 48 of 65
    Apple creates tool for removing free U2 album from iTunes library after public reaction[/B]



    [IMG ALT=""]http://forums.appleinsider.com/content/type/61/id/48880/width/500/height/1000[/IMG]

    edit: I already made the album hidden, but now opted-out. Feedback:

    "Songs of Innocence Has Been Removed from Your Account

    Your devices and computers should automatically update to reflect this. If you have already downloaded the songs to iTunes or an iOS device, you will now need to delete them manually. If you still see the album in your library or iTunes purchases, sign out of iTunes and then sign back in."
  • Reply 49 of 65

    Originally Posted by PhilBoogie View Post

    Looks very much like I was indeed wrong. Sorry about that. I don't have iTunes Match, and can only come up with this possible solution:

    Keep Match enabled, but disable 'Show All Music' in (iOS)/Settings/Music:

    Terrible website, but may be informative to others:


    I think I made that U2 album hidden in the iTunes Store on my desktop iTunes. You can unhide it as well there:

    Chuckled at the 'known to happen'. I have that as well.

    I guess I wasn't the only one! I finally got them of off my iPhone Yay!

  • Reply 50 of 65
    relicrelic Posts: 4,735member
    Originally Posted by Slurpy View Post



    Thats'a actually a brilliant idea. Apple SHOULD offer iTunes/Appstore credit with every single iDevice purchase. Even a small amount (ie. $20) would go a long way. 

    Just don't buy direct from Apple, many third party Apple vendors offer such deals, here in Switzerland, a store by the name of DataQuest offers a 30 to 100 CHF Apple Store gift cards when a new iPhone or iPad is purchased. I actually prefer shopping at DataQuest because of such offers, they even sell used, refurbished and display models, upgrading components such as memory and storage is a fraction of what Apple charges, not only that but their a lot more aggressive with their prices, inventory also seems to be a little larger then the Apple Store in Zurich. I personally like that they sell a lot of profesional music production gear and will special order pretty much anything you want. They also offer one on one classes for free when a new Apple computer is purchased and will even do house calls if you have a problem. I guess they have to offer such things to stay competitive, especially when the Apple Store is literally a block a way from them, which I always thought was kind of tacky of Apple to open up a store so close to anther Apple vendor. I talked too a couple of ex Apple Store employees who moved on too Dataquest because they offer commission on top of salary, better bonus's (they do a lot of corporate sells) and more vacation time that Apple was actually counting on for DataQuest to close up shop do to a lack of sales, I mean who in their right mind would go to Dataquest when there is an actual Apple Store just around the corner. Little did Apple know is that Swiss are crazy loyal to their shops, especially when it's a Swiss owned company. Anyway just shop around, there are lots of deals to be found.

  • Reply 51 of 65
    relicrelic Posts: 4,735member
    Originally Posted by TheUnfetteredMind View Post


    I downloaded it since it was free. I wouldn't have purchased it, but it's nice to get free. As Relic said, better than a lot of what's out there.


    Btw, good to see you Relic!

    Sorry for the delay, thank you so much. It's been a bumpy month for me, I died a couple of weeks ago in the recovery room after surgery, I was even pronounced but I guess I wasn't ready as my little black heart fluttered back to life. I don't remember much, one of the ICU doctors managed to brake two of my ribs performing CPR on me, ouchy. As I don't weigh anything and my bones aren't the strongest right now, I break fairly easy. A feisty 4 year old could kick my butt right now, not after I get a couple of punches' in of course, I mean I won't go down without a fight, that and I fight dirty, noogies and wet willies. I'm doing better though, eating again and have even started to watch TV a little, something which was impossible up until very recently, it caused extreme nausea, so it's been nice too catch up on some celebrity sex tapes that I've missed, Elmo has one huge cock and of course Master Chef, I can't believe Leslie lost to that bitch, using salt instead of sugar in his Boston Cream Pie was a pretty stupid mistake though. How have you been, a little better then me I hope.

  • Reply 52 of 65
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,822member
    go faster wrote: »
    It would be less but it was forced on people....LMAO

    I am missing something here ... if it were forced how come so few seem to have it?
  • Reply 53 of 65
    u2me2 wrote: »
    <p>To everyone whining about having to get a free album from U2 and bad-mouthing the band or Apple or the '50 year old fans,' I'm glad you're feeling uncomfortable. For heaven's sake, don't you know this band is Irish? Don't you understand that this is Rock 'n Roll? Bono was born to get in your face, be forceful and get under your skin. This man is more Jesuit than martyr. He is staying true to his himself, just using new/different means. So how does it feel? This is a bold move and will make music history. Can we not celebrate this fantastic moment? Can we not honor greatness? Can we not show gratitude for incredible generosity? </p>
    yes I do know they are Irish. Bono is a twat and a hypocrite. No we can decide not to celebrate this moment.
    And I am assuming your post was just a piss take.
  • Reply 54 of 65
    themacman wrote: »
    Yes, I have spent more than 4 hours trying to get an unwanted item on my iPhone, now, I cannot get rid of it no matter what!!! 

    Apple should be held accountable to their loyal fans for breaking one of the most honored aspect of Apple.

    That's why I created a petition to Apple, Inc., which says:

    "Apple introduced the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus. They mistakenly thought that all of their 500 million subscribers just love U2. Some of DO NOT. Steve Jobs negotiated the original iPhone with AT&T to exclude bloatware, and not force content upon their customers. Now, Steve Jobs is rolling over in his grave because Mr. Cook, for whatever reason, decided that all Apple fans should have the Album. Please sign the petition to remove the U2 Album of our phone." 

    Will you sign my petition? Click here to add your name: 


    Would you piss off already?
  • Reply 55 of 65

    Originally Posted by Relic View Post


    Sorry for the delay, thank you so much. It's been a bumpy month for me, I died a couple of weeks ago in the recovery room after surgery, I was even pronounced but I guess I wasn't ready as my little black heart fluttered back to life. I don't remember much, one of the ICU doctors managed to brake two of my ribs performing CPR on me, ouchy. As I don't weigh anything and my bones aren't the strongest right now, I break fairly easy. A feisty 4 year old could kick my butt right now, not after I get a couple of punches' in of course, I mean I won't go down without a fight, that and I fight dirty, noogies and wet willies. I'm doing better though, eating again and have even started to watch TV a little, something which was impossible up until very recently, it caused extreme nausea, so it's been nice too catch up on some celebrity sex tapes that I've missed, Elmo has one huge cock and of course Master Chef, I can't believe Leslie lost to that bitch, using salt instead of sugar in his Boston Cream Pie was a pretty stupid mistake though. How have you been, a little better then me I hope.

    All my "problems" are inconsequential compared to what you just went through so ... yeah. Such things tend to give one a different perspective. I'm glad you're still with us (I'm sure many others feel the same) and you seem to have an amazing ability to deal with it all and maintain your spunky attitude. I get upset over stupid annoyances so when I read posts of yours like above, I reflect and feel silly that such things affect me so.


    Hopefully my nephew who is really into Elmo doesn't discover what you said about him :P

  • Reply 56 of 65
    Would you piss off already?

    Are you lonesome and depressed? Go back on your Prozac. It might help you not to be mean, angry, and wanting. Just saying.

    Good luck.
  • Reply 57 of 65
    Originally Posted by TheMacMan View Post

    Are you lonesome and depressed? Go back on your Prozac. It might help you not to be mean, angry, and wanting. Just saying. Good luck.

    Just shut up. Your petition is meaningless, just like all others. Your whining is meaningless, just like all others’. Hide the album and get on with your life.

  • Reply 58 of 65
    relicrelic Posts: 4,735member

    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post


    Just shut up. Your petition is meaningless, just like all others. Your whining is meaningless, just like all others’. Hide the album and get on with your life.

    I honestly thought his post was a joke, wow, just amazes me what people do with their time sometimes.

  • Reply 59 of 65

    Originally Posted by Relic View Post

    Originally Posted by TheUnfetteredMind View Post


    I downloaded it since it was free. I wouldn't have purchased it, but it's nice to get free. As Relic said, better than a lot of what's out there.


    Btw, good to see you Relic!

    Sorry for the delay, thank you so much. It's been a bumpy month for me, I died a couple of weeks ago in the recovery room after surgery, I was even pronounced but I guess I wasn't ready as my little black heart fluttered back to life. I don't remember much, one of the ICU doctors managed to brake two of my ribs performing CPR on me, ouchy. As I don't weigh anything and my bones aren't the strongest right now, I break fairly easy. A feisty 4 year old could kick my butt right now, not after I get a couple of punches' in of course, I mean I won't go down without a fight, that and I fight dirty, noogies and wet willies. I'm doing better though, eating again and have even started to watch TV a little, something which was impossible up until very recently, it caused extreme nausea, so it's been nice too catch up on some celebrity sex tapes that I've missed, Elmo has one huge cock and of course Master Chef, I can't believe Leslie lost to that bitch, using salt instead of sugar in his Boston Cream Pie was a pretty stupid mistake though. How have you been, a little better then me I hope.


    So good to read your post, Relic! 


    Your spirit is amazing - you are an example to us all.

  • Reply 60 of 65

    Just shut up. Your petition is meaningless, just like all others. Your whining is meaningless, just like all others’. Hide the album and get on with your life.

    I think I'd like to add anger management to my recommendation to you.

    have a nice day :-)
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