Apple to release iOS 8.0.2 in a 'few days,' offers instructions to downgrade



  • Reply 61 of 110
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    lowepg wrote: »
    Yeah me too!
    I wish the stock price was back at the same levels before Jobs died..... er... wait a minute....

    The deification  of Jobs (and demonization of Cook) is sooo boring. I guess its normal, people want to forget and forgive his blunders.

    But lets not be so naive to think that he had some noble crusade that transcended the almighty dollar. YES, Jobs made iphones without protruding lenses. He also cheated WoZ out of their first venture together. YES, Jobs never had a live stream event with accidental Chinese overdubs, but he did force his daughter to be raised by welfare.... So.... maybe that all balances out (in some Zen way).
    Nothing worse than Jobs sycophants that seem to think he could never do wrong or nothing bad ever happened at Apple on his watch. The only difference between now and when he was running the show is the rise of social media and everything being amplified on the internet 1000%.
  • Reply 62 of 110
    How can anyone complain about Apple reacting in only 12 hours? After all, iOS 8.01 was obviously released too quickly and now these idiots are complaining that 12 hours for a temporary fix took too long?
  • Reply 63 of 110
    I hope the next iOS update includes a security update for the new "Bash" security problem that leave iOS (and OS X) as vulnerable as kittens in cardboard boxes in the middle of the freeway. *sigh*
  • Reply 64 of 110
    pmzpmz Posts: 3,433member

    Originally Posted by kForceZero View Post

    Yes, that's right, the same sheer stupidity and piss poor management that made Apple the largest company on earth by market cap and with the highest customer satisfaction of all the tech companies. Makes you wonder, why isn't every company as stupid & poorly managed? Why would they bother do a better job if they could make money hand over fist anyway? Everyone could just sit on their butts all day and watch the billions roll into their bank accounts. Who' s stupid again?

    What does this have to do with anything? Do you not understand that this release is an embarrassment and never should have happened? I know all that jazz that you just spewed out necessarily. None of it matters.


    They still released 8.0.1, somehow completely oblivious to the fact that the new iPhones would NOT EVEN HAVE CELL SERVICE upon updating. I don't care how much iPhone 6 money they are busy counting right now....maybe that is the problem.....arrogance. Either way, it shouldn't have happened, and it did. There is no excuse, there is no letting them off the hooks because they are an extremely smart, successful company. It is still an inexcusable failure, that should be remedied faster than "a couple days".

  • Reply 65 of 110
    I see no mention of fixing the Wifi connection problems that has been disrupting thousands of users who upgraded their iPhones, iPads, and iPods to iOS 8 over the past few days. There is a huge thread of people on Apple forums who have tried to find a solution and are waiting for one from Apple. People are really mad!
  • Reply 66 of 110

    Originally Posted by sog35 View Post



    Call any Apple store and they could have helped you right away.

    Or do a search on the internet.




    This isn't downloading a new app.  This is updating an entire OS.  Take the proper steps.  If your device is mission critical you need to have a backup device.  PERIOD. 


    Somebody has anger issues.

  • Reply 67 of 110
    1983 wrote: »
    I agree with you for the most part, but the 6 plus structural weakness in the area below the volume control buttons is an oversight on the part of Apple.

    Oversight??? That area has always had a structural weakness, in every iPhone & iPod Touch model that was ever made. Just because things have structural weak points it doesn't mean they were oversights.

    It should of been noticed when stress-testing in the engineering stage, especially considering how malleable aluminium can be and how large and thin the 6 plus is. And then structurally enforced in that area before being put into production.

    It WAS noticed and it was decided that it was enough. No amount of reinforcements will prevent people from destroying their phones. It's only a question of how many phones will get destroyed.

    A phone shouldn't bend, even ever so slightly by just sitting in your pocket even if it is just an occasional occurrence.

    WRONG. Every object in the universe bends, there's no known material that doesn't bend, even rocks bend. Furthermore it should bend slightly, the more it resists bending the more likely it is to crack. Are you even aware that skyscrapers "bend" like a tree in the wind? If they couldn't bent then they'd snap in half. This is also why before steel reinforced concrete was invented most buildings topped out at 6-7 floors.

    Slight bending is not the issue, the important thing is what forces can it tolerate before there's internal damage to components, that's the only thing that matters. If people are putting enough pressure on it to damage internal components and there's no manufacturing defects then it's their problem, not Apple's.
  • Reply 68 of 110
    If you ask me, it sounds like a sabotage job. Could even be an inside job with someone or several people getting a big payoff. Big players, Google and Samsung coincidently coming out in the news targeting the iPhone 6. That said, an outside hack cannot be overlooked.

    And if you want to start throwing around conspiracy theories, now the government's spy agencies have plenty of motivation to infiltrate Apple's ranks, bribe Apple employees to sabotage software to break encryption and Touch ID and otherwise undermine iOS because of Apple's recent decision to disable any ability to access their devices via password or backdoor weaknesses.

    It's also interesting to note that China STILL has not announced when the iPhone 6 will be made available there.
  • Reply 69 of 110
    No doubt Apple should have serious egg on their face for failing to properly test the update before release but I wonder how many iPhone 6 owners actually managed to update before it was pulled. Probably not many but the tech pundit press and bashers are in full scale rage mode and highlighting every Apple fail from antenna gate forward. The ones who can legitimately rage are those who got their phone bricked but it's not that difficult to restore back to 8.0. Calm down; let's keep it rational.
  • Reply 70 of 110
    pmz wrote: »

    What does this have to do with anything? Do you not understand that this release is an embarrassment and never should have happened? I know all that jazz that you just spewed out necessarily. None of it matters.

    They still released 8.0.1, somehow completely oblivious to the fact that the new iPhones would NOT EVEN HAVE CELL SERVICE upon updating. I don't care how much iPhone 6 money they are busy counting right now....maybe that is the problem.....arrogance. Either way, it shouldn't have happened, and it did. There is no excuse, there is no letting them off the hooks because they are an extremely smart, successful company. It is still an inexcusable failure, that should be remedied faster than "a couple days".

    I do understand that the release was an embarrassment, never said it wasn't. What I don't understand is how (according to your assertion) this suddenly makes them stupid & poorly managed literally overnight. How can a company so poorly managed get to what it is now? That was my point. Do YOU not understand that what you said makes zero sense? All that "jazz I spewed" absolutely does matter, it proves that you're the one spewing not just jazz but utter garbage.

    They really should turn off the WIFI at the psych ward!
  • Reply 71 of 110
    And if you want to start throwing around conspiracy theories, now the government's spy agencies have plenty of motivation to infiltrate Apple's ranks, bribe Apple employees to sabotage software to break encryption and Touch ID and otherwise undermine iOS because of Apple's recent decision to disable any ability to access their devices via password or backdoor weaknesses.

    It's also interesting to note that China STILL has not announced when the iPhone 6 will be made available there.
    I think people tend too be too paranoid of government spy agencies in democratic countries. Too much Hollywood fear-mongering being treated as the norm in the USA spy world. It's unlikely any innocent person would be framed by spies from these countries or steal corporate secrets for nefarious reasons. Like any profession, there is always someone who will turn rogue. The risks have to be properly weighed. I am not concerned that NSA or CIA, for example, might be spying on me. Do they have any reason to frame you or steal your corporate secrets to disable your ambitions? I suppose anyone can feel they are important enough to be a wanted man by their democratic government, but I think people need to chill out and conclude the government has legitimate fish to fry than waste their time on irrelevant people.

    I also call BS on China delaying approval. Probably waiting for all the scandals to appear as to slow down iPhone sales in favor of Chinese smartphone companies.
  • Reply 72 of 110
    I think people tend too be too paranoid of government spy agencies in democratic countries. Too much Hollywood fear-mongering being treated as the norm in the USA spy world. It's unlikely any innocent person would be framed by spies from these countries or steal corporate secrets for nefarious reasons. Like any profession, there is always someone who will turn rogue. The risks have to be properly weighed. I am not concerned that NSA or CIA, for example, might be spying on me. Do they have any reason to frame you or steal your corporate secrets to disable your ambitions? I suppose anyone can feel they are important enough to be a wanted man by their democratic government, but I think people need to chill out and conclude the government has legitimate fish to fry than waste their time on irrelevant people.

    I also call BS on China delaying approval. Probably waiting for all the scandals to appear as to slow down iPhone sales in favor of Chinese smartphone companies.

    Pre-Snowden I might agree with you. Post-Snowden I might be accused of not being paranoid enough.
  • Reply 73 of 110
    Originally Posted by Benjamin Frost View Post

    If you'd made your iPhone 6 and 6 Plus a tiny bit thicker, you could have avoided BendyGate and made the current protruding camera lens that catches on pockets flush, thereby eliminating two design flaws in one go.


    Neither are design flaws.


    Originally Posted by Red Oak View Post

    I have not seen so many Apple missteps in a four week period since TC took over.


    Then maybe you should be paying attention.


    Originally Posted by ottobot View Post

    Has anyone considered a class action lawsuit?


    Shut up and go away.


    Originally Posted by jorjitop View Post

    There is a huge thread of people on Apple forums who have tried to find a solution and are waiting for one from Apple. People are really mad!


    Who cares? 

  • Reply 74 of 110
    Pre-Snowden I might agree with you. Post-Snowden I might be accused of not being paranoid enough.
    There is nothing Snowden revealed that changed my mind. It's quite obvious that guys like Snowden and Assange enjoy being prostitutes of Putin. Throwing your support behind Snowden and Assange is the equivalent of throwing support behind Putin and his likeminded regime.
  • Reply 75 of 110
    There is nothing Snowden revealed that changed my mind. It's quite obvious that guys like Snowden and Assange enjoy being prostitutes of Putin. Throwing your support behind Snowden and Assange is the equivalent of throwing support behind Putin and his likeminded regime.

    That's an unusually shortsighted opinion. Without Snowden's disclosures the massive highly unconstitutional "collect it all" policies currently in effect would not have been exposed, although it had long been suspected. If the Constitution and Bill of Rights are not important to you, you're either not an American or you've failed to connect some very large dots.
  • Reply 76 of 110
    pazuzupazuzu Posts: 1,728member
    What's happening to Apple- Samsung-like phones? Microsoft-like OS? Terrible commercials?
    Record numbers sold voids all the above?
  • Reply 77 of 110
    pmz wrote: »

    What does this have to do with anything? Do you not understand that this release is an embarrassment and never should have happened? I know all that jazz that you just spewed out necessarily. None of it matters.

    They still released 8.0.1, somehow completely oblivious to the fact that the new iPhones would NOT EVEN HAVE CELL SERVICE upon updating. I don't care how much iPhone 6 money they are busy counting right now....maybe that is the problem.....arrogance. Either way, it shouldn't have happened, and it did. There is no excuse, there is no letting them off the hooks because they are an extremely smart, successful company. It is still an inexcusable failure, that should be remedied faster than "a couple days".
    So punish Apple and move on with your life.
  • Reply 78 of 110
    Originally Posted by OcelotWreak View Post

    I hope the next iOS update includes a security update for the new "Bash" security problem that leave iOS (and OS X) as vulnerable as kittens in cardboard boxes in the middle of the freeway. *sigh*

    If you look up the word FUD in the dictionary, this would be the definition. Do you really have any unauthenticated users executing root shell scripts on your iPhone or Mac? Of course they will fix it. It was only discovered yesterday. Here kitty, kitty, want a piece of FUD?

  • Reply 79 of 110

    Originally Posted by OcelotWreak View Post

    I hope the next iOS update includes a security update for the new "Bash" security problem that leave iOS (and OS X) as vulnerable as kittens in cardboard boxes in the middle of the freeway. *sigh*

    And what about every Android device out there?  Most of which never get updates?

  • Reply 80 of 110
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,595member
    ibeam wrote: »
    If you look up the word FUD in the dictionary, this would be the definition. Do you really have any unauthenticated users executing root shell scripts on your iPhone or Mac? Of course they will fix it. It was only discovered yesterday. Here kitty, kitty, want a piece of FUD?
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