After Apple Inc. dodged the iPhone 6 Plus BendGate bullet, detractors wounded by ricochet



  • Reply 241 of 429

    No amount of corrective press will help, it's too late.  I got a haircut today and the owner asked if I'd gotten an iphone 6 yet (I have), and then said I need to watch out for bending.

  • Reply 242 of 429
    bobschlob wrote: »
    muppetry wrote: »
    Oh - I see what you are getting at. I'm surprised that the central ridges (that would be missing due to the logo) are tall enough without compromising usable volume to contribute much strength, but I haven't seen the details. 
    I agree with that. I'm sure they don't add much. But I assume they were carved there to add at least 'some'.

  • Reply 243 of 429
    The article's first premise (its headline) is faulty: there is no way of knowing the effect of bend gate, nor is it a fact that the effect is a thing of the past and not ongoing. In fact, the very production of this article demonstrates that the problem persists, otherwise the absolute lack of traction would have prevented the articles reason for existence.

    So, alas for Apple, here it is, getting traction/attention/click & comments. And here we all are commenting on something that is long over.

    I'm an Apple fan, and have been for too many years to count. I'm also a fan of Apple media (why I'm here) which includes YouTube. Inbox Therapy is a reputable channel for reviews, and has been for a good long time. The clip which went viral was him merely responding to his viewers demands: see just how much it bends. So, that's what he did.

    Since then there's been nothing but controversy. But it's articles like this that make the problem worse. First, it declares the problem is over (it isn't), and secondly it attempts to mock those which exploited the problem--which is exactly what this article is doing.

    I won't bother with Apple-friendly media and the perks of being part of that machine (it's been thoroughly covered elsewhere), my only point is this, this article demonstrates exactly the opposite of which it attempts to claim: bend gate is a thing of the past (not yet), and those that attempted to exploit bend gate have suffered for doing so (they haven't). In fact, the article banks on the persistent problem, and exploits it for its own dubious ends.

    I'd like to own an iPhone 6 , but not because of anything stated in this article. I'll continue watching Unbox Therapy, because the guy is an honest reviewer. I'll continue consuming Apple related media. But This article just pushes the boundaries of what's reasonable, and it appears to be written not to inform, but to assuage bad feelings towards Apple. Apple's all grown up, they can handle the flack. They don't need bloggers to defend it--but they have been known to reward those that do.
  • Reply 244 of 429
    droidftwdroidftw Posts: 1,009member
    Originally Posted by MacBook Pro View Post

    Do "we" have forums here where "we" discuss Android issues at such length?


    Yes, it's a very regular thing here.  The comment sections of the Android articles are also much more active then those of the Apple articles.  Apple addresses the Shellshock bug, 55 comments.  Samsung does anything, 300+ comments.  You've been here long enough, you should know this.  AI is much more of an anti-Android site then it is a pro-Apple site.

  • Reply 245 of 429
    The article's first premise (its headline) is faulty: there is no way of knowing the effect of bend gate, nor is it a fact that the effect is a thing of the past and not ongoing. In fact, the very production of this article demonstrates that the problem persists, otherwise the absolute lack of traction would have prevented the articles reason for existence.

    So, alas for Apple, here it is, getting traction/attention/click & comments. And here we all are commenting on something that is long over.

    I'm an Apple fan, and have been for too many years to count. I'm also a fan of Apple media (why I'm here) which includes YouTube. Inbox Therapy is a reputable channel for reviews, and has been for a good long time. The clip which went viral was him merely responding to his viewers demands: see just how much it bends. So, that's what he did.

    Since then there's been nothing but controversy. But it's articles like this that make the problem worse. First, it declares the problem is over (it isn't), and secondly it attempts to mock those which exploited the problem--which is exactly what this article is doing.

    I won't bother with Apple-friendly media and the perks of being part of that machine (it's been thoroughly covered elsewhere), my only point is this, this article demonstrates exactly the opposite of which it attempts to claim: bend gate is a thing of the past (not yet), and those that attempted to exploit bend gate have suffered for doing so (they haven't). In fact, the article banks on the persistent problem, and exploits it for its own dubious ends.

    I'd like to own an iPhone 6+, but not because of anything stated in this article. I'll continue watching Unbox Therapy, because the guy is an honest reviewer. I'll continue consuming Apple related media. But This article just pushes the boundaries of what's reasonable, and it appears to be written not to inform, but to assuage bad feelings towards Apple. Apple's all grown up, they can handle the flack. They don't need bloggers to defend it--but they have been known to reward those that do.
  • Reply 246 of 429
    Hahaha conspiracy theories on AI in regards to the timing on the bending of the iPhone 6 plus. Nice try but the guy really shows the phone bending live in the video. Given the bad day apple had on thursday for those of you with a lot of apple shares this conspiracy brings some relief...
    At the end of the day all phones will bend/break under enough pressure but Apple seem to bend under less pressure than the competition. They sold and will continue to sell like hot potatoes anyway.
  • Reply 247 of 429
    muppetrymuppetry Posts: 3,331member

    Originally Posted by DroidFTW View Post

    Originally Posted by MacBook Pro View Post

    Do "we" have forums here where "we" discuss Android issues at such length?


    Yes, it's a very regular thing here.  The comment sections of the Android articles are also much more active then those of the Apple articles.  Apple addresses the Shellshock bug, 55 comments.  Samsung does anything, 300+ comments.  You've been here long enough, you should know this.  AI is much more of an anti-Android site then it is a pro-Apple site.


    I'm not sure I agree. If Samsung or Google do something related to Apple (anti-Apple commercials etc.) it certainly attracts articles and negative comments, but I think that news specific to Android devices relatively gets little coverage here.

  • Reply 248 of 429
    Great editorial. I am impressed by your command of the facts and because you didn't pull any punches. I understand that many users of other phones may be distressed to see the high quality new offerings by Apple, but their writing crap about Apple doesn't make their phones look any better. They just seem foolish, and in fact, I derive some satisfaction from their distress.
  • Reply 249 of 429
    apple ][ wrote: »
    Yo, dude man, this is like totally an editorial piece. It even says "editorial" next to the title of the article, for real bro.

    I also find the rest of your post to be rather vague, highly questionable and quite rubbish to be honest. You are asking the wrong questions homie. You should be questioning the motives of those that have contributed to spreading this phony 'bendgate' story, and not those that are exposing the truth. Now that 'bendgate' has been revealed to be no gate at all, it sure seems to me that you don't like the truth coming out.
    Dude don't even waste your breathe. For all we know this guy that bent the iPhone could have done it with ulterior motives. Just after the phone launches some idiot with big hands puts force on the phone then claims it bends. Have they been post of big handed guys bending other large phones? Gimme a break. And then you got bunch of dufuses trolling every Apple blog with their vitriol nonsense.
  • Reply 250 of 429
    solipsismx wrote: »
    If there is only a single typo in such a long article that is exceptional for any internet-based journalism in the 21st century.

    Indeed. Usually the editorials here have multiple repeated sentences and occasionally repeated paragraphs. I'm not sure why one misspelled word is causing discussion.
  • Reply 251 of 429
    I'm not sure why one misspelled word is causing discussion.

    For the best reason possible, [@]digitalclips[/@] thought he was seeing an American English usage that he wanted to understand.
  • Reply 252 of 429

    Originally Posted by Maccaguy View Post

    A wise man once told me not to believe anything someone says before the "but"...


    I find it most informative and revealing to invert everything before the "but" and doubt everything after it.

  • Reply 253 of 429
    Just want to say I picked up an iPhone 6 today at the Apple store. Just like any other mobile device, I will remember not to sit on it or not drop it to avoid any damage. I have sat down repeatedly throughout the day with the device in my front pockets and can report no bending or other damage to report. Wow, what a surprise. Critical thinking must be something of the past for the noobs out there.
  • Reply 254 of 429
    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    Originally Posted by Silver Shadow View Post

    I'm not sure why one misspelled word is causing discussion.

    For the best reason possible, @digitalclips thought he was seeing an American English usage that he wanted to understand.


    One of the somewhat unique and entertaining aspects of this forum. One never knows what obscure side road will be explored.

  • Reply 255 of 429
    Originally Posted by Benjamin Frost View Post

    I love Apple, but...

    The WWDC this year was exciting; there was a palpable buzz in the air. I'm sure we we will see the fruits of Swift, Metal etc. in the years to come.

    This September, however, hasn't gone by without some big event being marred by controversy.

    Firstly, we had the live stream keynote that caused me to want to hurl my iPhone at the screen due to the constant freezing. Its main highlight was the ?Watch, a product that was announced with no definite date, no indication of battery life and no price, unlike the first iPhone. Technologically, the digital crown takes us back to a time before the iPhone with its needlessly confusing interface. Telling was the share price: it rose strongly during the Apple Pay demo and dived during the ?Watch demo. It finished with U2 and Cook in a protracted embarrassing fizzling out.

    Secondly, we had the preorder nightmare, in which Apple found it impossible to enable the Apple faithful to buy iPhones online without tearing their hair out.

    Thirdly, we had the Chinese scalpers dominating the lines in NYC, casting a slur on what should have been an innocent reflection of Apple's popularity.

    Fourthly, we had BendGate, which made me realise that Apple should have brought out the 6 in two sizes: 4" and 4.7".

    Finally, we had 8.01, a disaster that DED neglects to mention in his article here. People like Slurpy were cussing at all those who were affected, saying that all companies make mistakes and that anyone who updated immediately was an idiot.

    Whilst I'm looking forward to buying probably the iPhone 6, and very looking forward to the new iPads, I feel that this has been a torrid time in Apple's history, and is indicative of a failure of leadership at the very top. As a shareholder, this is not a state of affairs that I wish to continue.

    Tim Cook needs to examine what his priorities are as CEO of Apple, because at the moment, Apple are not doing justice to Steve Jobs's legacy.

    Weird.  You have this manufactured memory that everything Apple ever did under Steve Jobs was flawless.  I think he was among the greatest entrepreneurs ever but Apple made some mistakes too under him.  The key was how well Apple would pivot and fix all the problems as they crop up and that has continued with bendgate and 8.0.1.


    And you are going to raise 'failure of leadership at the very top'?  Shepherding two completely new iPhone models through development and introduction, an SoC that widens its lead over its competitors, the biggest ever introductory sales figures in the history of iPhone, then, on top of the two iPhones there's the totally new ?Watch  --all these astounding product achievements and you are going to focus on ultra short term fires that people will forget in about a week's time?  And worse you have the temerity to complain "Tim Cook needs to examine what his priorities are as CEO of Apple"?  Oh Jesus Crispus Attucks! You're the one grumbling about little things that have zero effect on the big picture.  It's you whose priorities are backwards! 

  • Reply 256 of 429
    koopkoop Posts: 337member
    This guy needs at least 3 editors reviewing his stuff before he's allowed to post anymore pieces. Yeesh.
  • Reply 257 of 429
    Originally Posted by gimarbazat View Post

    Hahaha conspiracy theories on AI in regards to the timing on the bending of the iPhone 6 plus. Nice try but the guy really shows the phone bending live in the video. Given the bad day apple had on thursday for those of you with a lot of apple shares this conspiracy brings some relief...

    At the end of the day all phones will bend/break under enough pressure but Apple seem to bend under less pressure than the competition. They sold and will continue to sell like hot potatoes anyway.


    There's no such thing "live on video", as tens of thousands of fake Youtube video prove; it is a video, that's all you really know. Even a live stream would be doubtful unless you exactly knew what happened to the phone beforehand.


    The only real live demo I'd maybe accept is if someone Bent the phone straight after buying it and opening the box, inside an Apple Store, with dozens of amazed random neutral bystanders to see this feet; bonus for these people posting videos themselves directly afterward. That would have been an incredible circus with possibly hundreds of millions of views (from all the phones involved).


    Yet, even in this case, I'd still declare whatever happened there non scientific and not proving the phone would bend in my pocket; so, the result would ultimately be just the same for me, and probably for Apple too. The important thing is that the phone is durable enough to survive relatively unscated at least 2-3 years; all previous phones have shown this and this one will ultimately show the same in time.


    Apple phones are routinely resold 3-5 years after they are bought at a decent price. Don't really see that in any othe phones from any other companies.

  • Reply 258 of 429
    connie wrote: »
    I think everybody that owns an iPhone 6 Plus should try to bend it as hard as they can. If it does bend the Youtube guy is correct. If it does not bend Apple is correct. 

    Whether an iPhone 6 owners experiences this issue under normal use (and how they feel about it) is between them and Apple, Inc, and the phone is covered under warranty. As a third party to this, you are not owed anything. If you want to buy one and break it for your amusement, go right ahead.
  • Reply 259 of 429

    Originally Posted by DroidFTW View Post



    Yes, it's a very regular thing here.  The comment sections of the Android articles are also much more active then those of the Apple articles.  Apple addresses the Shellshock bug, 55 comments.  Samsung does anything, 300+ comments.  You've been here long enough, you should know this.  AI is much more of an anti-Android site then it is a pro-Apple site.


    The comments that have the most comments about Samsung are:

    - Those on Samsung commericals ABOUT Apple products (One every week)

    - Court cases Samsung VS Apple (there are some of these a few times a month)

    - Samsung or competitors commenting about Apple (like the Google comment about Apple and Samsung) (1-2 times a month)

    - Reviews that compare Apple to various Samsung products (There are so many Android releases, that this happens once a week)

    - Articles in the financial press which compare Apple to the industries' performance (1-2 times per month)

    - Articles in financial press that directly compare Samsung to Apple and how each could be doing things differently / better. (1 per 2 months)

    - Labor/manufacturing practices of manufacturers in China, including Samsung (once every 2-3 months)

    ... There's a lot of news that put Apple and Samsung together, not a surprise since they're by far the biggest players in the industry.


    So you have quite a selective memory hmmmm.  I think those articles would be relevant to Apple.


    How many soly Samsung articles have there been in the last 2-3 months, not many. 


    One thing you fail to mention, is the massive amount of Android trolls on Apple forums VS Apple fans on android forums (sometimes, those forums weren't supposed to be all Android, but they turned out that way anyway). I'd say it 50 to 1, despite Apple having supposedly just 10% of the world wide market, they're sure a popular target...


    The number of trolls on the Macrumors forum in particular was off the chart last week. So, if you are to complain about Apple users talking about their main competitor about 10% of the time, then people on Apple forums could complain that Android trollers post more than 50% of all posts in some Apple forums around release time; many of those posts being clearly wrong, hysterical and sensationalized.

  • Reply 260 of 429
    rayzrayz Posts: 814member
    freediverx wrote: »
    Ben Frost is butthurt because he REALLY didn't want a bigger iPhone. This seems to have triggered an anti-Apple streak in his comments lately.

    I can empathize to some degree, and I think it would be nice if they had also offered a 4" iPhone 6 option. I can also say that if Apple had released a single new model at the 5.5" size (or chooses to do so in the future) they'd have likely lost me as an iPhone customer.

    Stil, if your beef is with the size of the new iPhones, then focus your criticism on that instead of joining the losing team's "Apple is doomed" cacophony.

    Ah, so he's suffering from Irrational Butthurt Syndrome, caused by the belief that Apple should build products just for him, and leading to repeating the 'Apple is doomed' rubbish until he's blue in the face.

    I didn't think they'd release a 5.5-inch phone either, but oddly enough I didn't see it as Apple trying to make me look foolish online.

    I think that folk conveniently forget that Apple has created one or two failures under Jobs's tenure. And under Jobs, their handling of the antennae thing was unbelievably poor because it hey kept drawing attention to competitors' products

    If you don't like the 5.5-inch model then don't buy it. Hell, if you think that Apple is doing it all wrong then buy a Samsung and be happy. Don't give yourself an ulcer just because Cook didn't listen to you.
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