After Apple Inc. dodged the iPhone 6 Plus BendGate bullet, detractors wounded by ricochet



  • Reply 301 of 429

    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post



    How? They’re a nigh-insignificant part of the market.

    Source? That sounds suspiciously like a "fact" pulled straight out of your butt.


    I think the next quarterly reports form Apple and top Android OEMs should provide some data to support or refute your view.

  • Reply 302 of 429
  • Reply 303 of 429
    Apple "scandals" could be about making a pretty penny. As "bendgate" story spread, the stock fell 3 % on Thursday, and as the "story" fizzled out as a non-issue, the stock recovered. 3 % profit in two days ...!

    I think I'll put some money aside and be ready for the next wave - maybe in October when the new iPads and Yosemite arrive.
  • Reply 304 of 429

    Forbes published an article yesterday that did a good job of explaining the design flaw behind this issue.

  • Reply 305 of 429
    Originally Posted by freediverx View Post

    Source? That sounds suspiciously like a "fact" pulled straight out of your butt.


    Pre-Apple phones larger than 4.7” accounted for less than 10% of the smartphone market.

  • Reply 306 of 429
    Originally Posted by Benjamin Frost View Post

    I think Apple panicked with the iPhone 6 Plus. They thought they had to bring it out because of the large Samsung phones, when, in fact, they should have only brought out the 4.7" along with an improved 4".

    With luck, Cook and Ive will learn from their mistakes and rectify them next autumn. It's just a shame that we will have to endure a year of sales that will not be as stellar as they should be.

    Are you still harping on?  Have you even paid attention to anything anyone has said in response to your previous posts or are you going to continue enlightening us in all your wisdom in complete ignorance, because that's all you're coming off as with every post at the moment: plain ignorant.

  • Reply 307 of 429
    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post



    Pre-Apple phones larger than 4.7” accounted for less than 10% of the smartphone market.


    That is some really astute business intelligence for someone planning to go back in time to sell phones. By the same reasoning, Apple was foolish to produce the first iPhone since the marketshare at the time for 3.5" touchscreen phones without a physical keyboard were pretty low.


    Back to the present, phablets make up a significant portion of higher end Android smartphone sales in the US, and a huge portion of the Asian market where most future growth lies. You'll never catch me buying one, but it's still a smart business move

  • Reply 308 of 429
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,585member
    How? They’re a nigh-insignificant part of the market.
  • Reply 309 of 429

    There are numerous sites and sources all over the net citing Asia as a growing big screen phone market, so what's to stop those who've wanted a bigger screen but couldn't have one before because they don't want an iPhone alternative.... now they can.  I don't even see why it's such a bad thing, Apple have clearly reviewed this and come to the same conclusion.  They want to tap into a growing market ..

  • Reply 310 of 429
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    I have zero interest in the 5.5" device but it's WAY to early to say it was a mistake. These large phablet style devices are huge in Asia and China is a big market for Apple. It could very well be that the 5.5" device was designed moreso with Asia in mind. What's quite amusing is for the past two years all we've heard is how stupid Apple was for not making a larger phone. Now the complaint is they don't have a flagship smaller phone. Apple can't win.
  • Reply 311 of 429
    flaneurflaneur Posts: 4,526member

    Ah, that reminds me.


    Disgusting. Sorry I watched it. Why give these miserable barbarians any attention whatsoever? Americans can be so unappreciative of artful technology sometimes.

    Edit: one disgusting is enough.
  • Reply 312 of 429
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,585member
    rogifan wrote: »
    I have zero interest in the 5.5" device but it's WAY to early to say it was a mistake. These large phablet style devices are huge in Asia and China is a big market for Apple. It could very well be that the 5.5" device was designed moreso with Asia in mind.

    Not just the Asian market...

    And who are these phablet buyers and what do they do with them?’s-popularity#.VBcMy4CSxuC
  • Reply 313 of 429
    ivince wrote: »
    I think Apple panicked with the iPhone 6 Plus. They thought they had to bring it out because of the large Samsung phones, when, in fact, they should have only brought out the 4.7" along with an improved 4".

    With luck, Cook and Ive will learn from their mistakes and rectify them next autumn. It's just a shame that we will have to endure a year of sales that will not be as stellar as they should be.

    Are you still harping on?  Have you even paid attention to anything anyone has said in response to your previous posts or are you going to continue enlightening us in all your wisdom in complete ignorance, because that's all you're coming off as with every post at the moment: plain ignorant.

    Calm down.
  • Reply 314 of 429
    As TS said, the huge-screen phone market is a tiny fraction of the total. Even Samsung, the poster child for this category, sells most of their phones in the smaller sizes. They want to sell their large-screened "premium" phones preferentially, because that's where all the profit is.

    So who buys these phones? There may be a few platform-agnostic knowledgeable buyers who simply want a huge screen. I think this is a vanishingly small proportion. Most people who buy them fall into two categories:

    1) People who don't even know that iOS and Android are two different things (I'd say at least 80% of the general public) and simply want a "high-end" smartphone, and are steered to Samsung or some other Android phone by salespeople who gain commissions by minimizing customer purchases of iPhones.

    2) Apple-haters who would never buy an iPhone in a million years.

    Neither one of these categories is going to be reduced in any meaningful way by the release of a huge iPhone. After an initial surge of purchases by that vanishingly small percentage mentioned in the first paragraph, I think sales of the 5.5" will level off to a quite small number, mainly people like me who would like an iPad Nano that can also be used for the one or two cellphone calls a month that they actually make.

    Samsung and the others are stuck in this category—it's the only part of their market that makes them any money. (Well, the "others" actually lose money). If they want to make high-performance "premium" cellphones, until they develop much more efficient processors, or Android stops being a Java Virtual Machine (ha ha), they're trapped into making phones big enough to cover up the huge-ass batteries they need.

    Apple can demonstrably sell smaller phones and make a profit. Samsung can't.
  • Reply 315 of 429
    flaneurflaneur Posts: 4,526member
    pmz wrote: »
    I can't honestly agree that this did less harm than good for Apple. I know far too many people who would otherwise know nothing of iPhone 6.... Tell me, "oh I heard that bends really easily".

    This is a fantastic case study of the way the modern fiction sphere works: total and utter fraud can and frequently is perpetrated through what passes for news outlets, such as social media, YouTube, and the idiot box.
    The real problem is, this happens far too often with other information that most people wouldn't even stop to think about or question...I would venture to say almost all information. Lies are the backbone of all media. Ignorance is their platform.
    When you think about it: how crazy is it to believe anything you're told without verification, by advertising-sponsored media?

    Very good post, with a new term, for me at least: "the modern fiction sphere."
  • Reply 316 of 429
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,585member
    As TS said, the huge-screen phone market is a tiny fraction of the total. Even Samsung, the poster child for this category, sells most of their phones in the smaller sizes. They want to sell their large-screened "premium" phones preferentially, because that's where all the profit is.

    So who buys these phones? There may be a few platform-agnostic knowledgeable buyers who simply want a huge screen. I think this is a vanishingly small proportion. Most people who buy them fall into two categories:

    1) People who don't even know that iOS and Android are two different things (I'd say at least 80% of the general public) and simply want a "high-end" smartphone, and are steered to Samsung or some other Android phone by salespeople who gain commissions by minimizing customer purchases of iPhones.

    2) Apple-haters who would never buy an iPhone in a million years..
  • Reply 317 of 429

    Originally Posted by 2oh1 View Post

    While I agree with much of what this article is saying, the author misses the point. The bloggers who fabricate this whole bendgate thing are raking in the dough from a massive boost in ad revenue as their clicks and views skyrocket. For them - the bloggers - it's not really about iPhones vs Android. It's about generating revenue for their blogs and/or video channels.

    So the net effect is that $ travel from a's bank account to b's (douchebag's) bank account and zero revenue is generated for (a). Guess who the sucker is in this arrangement?

  • Reply 318 of 429
    flaneurflaneur Posts: 4,526member
    I'd rather talk about the Br 'got' versus the American 'gotten.' ;)

    I'm stuck on "ill-gotten gains." Any others? Speaking of which, herbapou's estimate of a $150,000 gain for that backward-baseball-cap barbarian would be the very definition of ill-gotten.

    Has he been identified, I ask for the third time? If he's in SoCal, i'd like to "debrief" him.
  • Reply 319 of 429
    flaneur wrote: »
    I'd rather talk about the Br 'got' versus the American 'gotten.' ;)

    I'm stuck on "ill-gotten gains." Any others? Speaking of which, herbapou's estimate of a $150,000 gain for that backward-baseball-cap barbarian would be the very definition of ill-gotten.

    Has he been identified, I ask for the third time? If he's in SoCal, i'd like to "debrief" him.

    Couldn't agree more, about those ill-got gains.....
  • Reply 320 of 429
    Originally Posted by iVince View Post


    Are you still harping on?  Have you even paid attention to anything anyone has said in response to your previous posts or are you going to continue enlightening us in all your wisdom in complete ignorance, because that's all you're coming off as with every post at the moment: plain ignorant.

    BF's first statement "I think Apple panicked with the iPhone 6 Plus" is simply speculation. Therefore the rest of his piece is conjecture and not worth anything  

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