T-Mobile CEO John Legere says iPhone 6 demand 'unbelievable,' not affected by bogus 'bendgate'



  • Reply 41 of 112
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member

    No kidding! I said that bendgate was a bunch of crap from the very beginning!


    What kind of stupid people go around intentionally breaking their devices? 


    And what kind of even stupider people fall for such garbage?


    As for the T-Mobile CEO, I saw that video last night, and I like people who tell it like it is!

  • Reply 42 of 112
    slurpyslurpy Posts: 5,386member

    Originally Posted by MacVicta View Post

    We should want Apple to increase durability from generation to generation, not step backward. A slightly thicker iPhone 6 with a bigger battery would not effect usability.


    What a bullshit statement, an "expectation" you just came up with in order to justify your trolling. Since when did anyone expect more "durability" from generation to generation? When has that been a measure for anything? I'm pretty sure every smartphone in existence, and every single one made since the iPhone is LESS durable that the nokia bricks from 10-15 years ago. I'm pretty sure that isn't a "thing" in people's minds, nor has it affected sales. Phones are getting increasingly more complex, as well as thinner and lighter. Yes, they should be be "durable" enough of course for every day usage, and we've seen evidence of the extensive testing Apple does on this front. However, there is no expectation that they be "durable" enough to handle someone PURPOSELY trying to break them. 


    Not sure why I'm responding to a one-note troll though, since that's what you've shown yourself to be. The telling thing is that you neither own an iPhone 6, nor plan to buy one, and so you haven't been affected or victimized- yet you're such a crusader of this "cause". As are the most passionate trolls. 

  • Reply 43 of 112
    slurpyslurpy Posts: 5,386member

    Originally Posted by pfisher View Post


    That's why some of us prefer to buy the "S" models, which seem to fix the issues that come with the "non-S" models.


    I've owned the original iPhone, iPhone 3G, iPhone 4, iPhone 5, and now iPhone 6- and I haven't had a single one of these "issues" that you somehow state as fact. They actually ALL still work perfectly to this day. 


    But sure, whatever you say. Apple "fixes" their "broken" phones with the S versions. 

  • Reply 44 of 112
    fallenjtfallenjt Posts: 4,056member
    malax wrote: »
    <span style="line-height:1.4em;">I want my iPhone to be "durable enough" and no stronger.  Durability comes at a cost of some combination of weight, size, cost, battery life, etc.  There is no such thing as a free lunch.  Did Apple err on the side of lighter/thinner this time?  Not based on the evidence presented so far.  In that case, there is nothing for Apple to "fix."</span>
    Yes...making iPhone 6C to replace 6+ next year. Polycarbonate body will shut up everyone. People will find things to say anyway. Like Legere said why the f a person would sit on his expensive super computer?
    I read a study from a site that in order to bend the phone in your rear Levi's jeans pocket, one has to put more than 12.5 kg at the weak point and at that force, the jeans pocket will burst first, not the phone.
  • Reply 45 of 112

    I still find it humorous and disingenuous that in the first YouTube video this guy posts of bending the iPhone 6+, the time on the before and after is completely off. I believe prior/during the bending, the time says something around 2:25PM and when he shows the aftermath the time says something around 1:58PM. How deceitful this guy is. 

  • Reply 46 of 112

    Originally Posted by lkrupp View Post

    You can't fix stupid.


    But you can sell it a Samsung smartphone.  ;)

  • Reply 47 of 112
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member

    Originally Posted by muadibe View Post

    Yes, they did. Goes on sale on 10/17 I believe.

    There is a Chinese site tracking preorders. Sale.jd.com

    The latest numbers are 3,906,817 orders for iphone 6 and 4,041,095 orders for the 6 Plus.

    I imagine it will hit 8 million by the end of the day.

    Thanks, was not aware it already got the go-ahead.

  • Reply 48 of 112
    adonissmuadonissmu Posts: 1,776member

    He's the kind of CEO I'd want to work for. 

  • Reply 49 of 112
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    Are you shitting me?"


    Steve Jobs would absolutely have said this.

  • Reply 50 of 112
    ronerone Posts: 1member

    legitimate deformations - something like a legitimate rape???

  • Reply 51 of 112
    lowepglowepg Posts: 106member

    Wow love this guy... if I wasnt enslaved by 5 contract phones to verizon, id consider switching on personality alone!

  • Reply 52 of 112

    Though this "Bendghazi" nonsense has been beaten & debunked to death, I haven't seen this following point addressed in particular and many people still fall for it:



    Originally Posted by MacVicta View Post

    ...But the bending issue is a serious matter. There's a weak point near the volume buttons that can lead to fracture with enough force applied.


    And you know this how?  Did you use a sophisticated force meter to determine that there's a weak point?  I'm going to make a wild bet that you did not.  You cannot look at a video and infer there's a weak point from it.  At best you can deduce relative weakness from a video, not absolute - which makes sense:  There's a titanium insert where the volume buttons are so of course that the aluminum is going to bend around it "with enough force" as you say.  If anything it only proves there's a strong point at the volume buttons which doesn't allow them to deform while the aluminum around it deforms.  So congratulations, you've just discovered that titanium is much stronger than aluminum, good for you!  The implication that the point where it has been shown to bend is significantly weaker than anywhere else or it's inherently weak is just pure speculation and in all likelihood completely false.



     And no one can deny that the iPhone 6 is a structurally weaker device than the phone it replaced.


    Actually a lot of people can deny that, namely anyone that hasn't verified this first hand or doesn't have any knowledge of what "structural weakness" entails in this context.  Deforming at lower forces that the 5/5s doesn't imply there's something wrong with it, all it means it's a different design with vastly different characteristics & trade-offs.



     We should want Apple to increase durability from generation to generation, not step backward. A slightly thicker iPhone 6 with a bigger battery would not effect usability.


    Why?  In what situations do you need to be able to apply more that 100 but less than 150 pounds of force on your phone?  Is it not possible that Apple made previous phones too resistant to deformation and then they deemed that this was unnecessary with the new design?  And how do you know that making it slightly thicker would have significantly improved its deformation resistance?  Did you pull out your sophisticated force meter again and made a thicker iPhone 6 prototype to test it out? Again, all pure speculation, you can't infer from the previous design how this new design would have performed.  If anything adding extra thickness may not have done much unless it was a lot thicker - there's no way to know without trying it out. And this to what end, to appease a handful of concerned users that need to apply X amount of force on their phone, but no more?  Who decides what X should be?


    The bottom line is there's far too many armchair designers & engineers around here and on the web who think that because they thought about this apparent issue for a whole 5 minutes and seen a video of a guy bending a phone that this somehow makes them experts on the subject and are qualified to criticize Apple who has spent maybe hundreds of man-years looking into this and made the best trade-offs they could possibly make.

  • Reply 53 of 112
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member

    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post



    Steve Jobs would absolutely have said this.

    Possibly even with an f-word modifier.

  • Reply 54 of 112
    wood1208wood1208 Posts: 2,921member
    Those media driven, influenced paranoid smartphone users. I have solution for your bend/break phone phobia. Next time, buy smartphone that made from cotton/cloth. problem solved.
  • Reply 55 of 112
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    Originally Posted by kForceZero View Post

    Is it not possible that Apple made previous phones too resistant to deformation and then they deemed that this was unnecessary with the new design?


    How much longer before an iPhone 6 works its way into the hands of serving military personnel?


    How much longer before someone with an iPhone 6 gets shot in battle?

    And when he gets shot, when the iPhone 6 doesn’t protect him from the bullet, Apple will, of course, be completely doomed. “BUT PREVIOUS IPHONES WERE STRONG ENOUGH TO DEFLECT BULLETS”

  • Reply 56 of 112
    lowepglowepg Posts: 106member

    omg- this guy is hysterical.... actually now listening to the whole thing...


    "They have this feature where the phone will tell you your looking at.. well... ****, i usually know what im looking at...unless its friday night ...." he is too funny= love the REAL comments....

  • Reply 57 of 112
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member

    Originally Posted by lowepg View Post


    omg- this guy is hysterical.... actually now listening to the whole thing...


    "They have this feature where the phone will tell you your looking at.. well... ****, i usually know what im looking at...unless its friday night ...." he is too funny= love the REAL comments....

    Like corduroy pillow covers, Legere is making headlines.

  • Reply 58 of 112
    eacummeacumm Posts: 93member
    I bet the Bendgate video was sponsored by the other cell phone maker that begins with an S and ends with a G
  • Reply 59 of 112
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member

    Originally Posted by eacumm View Post

    I bet the Bendgate video was sponsored by the other cell phone maker that begins with an S and ends with a G


  • Reply 60 of 112
    MacVicta's argument seems to be: "where there's smoke, there's fire."

    The Internet doesn't work that way. It works like this: "where there's smoke, there's a meme about fire that keeps getting repeated over and over again until it seems like there's a 'consensus' about there being fire."

    Apple sold millions of iPhone 6's and only received 9 complaints. And a testing apparatus revealed the iPhone 6 Plus should hold up under normal use.
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