T-Mobile CEO John Legere says iPhone 6 demand 'unbelievable,' not affected by bogus 'bendgate'



  • Reply 81 of 112
    zeromeuszeromeus Posts: 182member

    Originally Posted by TokyoJimu View Post

    "there's nothing that would stop you from buying a Verizon, AT&T, or Sprint device at the Apple Store and coming over and putting a T-Mobile SIM in it,"

    Umm, except for the fact that AT&T iPhones are SIM-locked for the duration of your contract.

    NOPE!  If you buy an iPhone from the Apple store at full retail price, the phone will be unlocked upon restore.  Just go home, plug it into iTunes, and restore the phone and it's unlocked and ready to go.

  • Reply 82 of 112
    macvicta wrote: »
    These [claim to be] Apple users who legitimately had their iPhones deformed even in a front pocket.
  • Reply 83 of 112
    castcorecastcore Posts: 141member
    fuzzypaws wrote: »
    Not to mention the S models have better internals and overall higher specs, so that they are are more "future proof" and last for more years than the non-S varieties.

    You can also wait until Iphone 7. And iphone 6 internals are way better than the 5s u have right now. Nothing wrong with what you are doing but everybody has different upgrade cycles
  • Reply 84 of 112
    castcorecastcore Posts: 141member
    does anyone have t-mobile in sf bay area? wondering how the service is. thanks.

    I do and works great! Wifi calling basically makes ur service 5 bars whenever u have wifi
  • Reply 85 of 112
    This dude is on a roll, maybe time to buy some tmob stock.
  • Reply 86 of 112
    nhtnht Posts: 4,522member
    nolamacguy wrote: »

    meanwhile, those of us who buy the "tick" versions get an entire year of value out of the tool with absolutely no downsides. 3G? check. 4? check. 5? check. 6? check. no issues, despite the exaggerated media narratives around each (antenna issues, scratching issues, whatever)... in fact my 4 is still in service to this day.

    Having owned all those phones while my wife had the other she had the far better phones. The dual core A5 in the 4s was much better than the single core A4. The 4S has Siri and iOS 8. The 4 doesn't.

    The 5s has 64 bit and touchID and will likely get an extra years worth of support.

    The S models get as many new features as the non-S that it's not a tick rock cycle but a tick tick tick cycle thus far and the S models seem more refined because the form factor remained the same so they could concentrate on making the insides much better.

    I wouldn't wait an extra year to switch but being on the S cycle has no downsides and more upside given the history of iPhones. iPhone 4 users had to wait a year to get Siri with their 5. They had to wait a year to get Touch ID for a year.
  • Reply 87 of 112
    flaneurflaneur Posts: 4,526member
    macvicta wrote: »
    There's a weak point near the volume buttons that can lead to fracture with enough force applied.

    I know exactly what you mean. There's also one underneath each of your finger joints.
    macvicta wrote: »
    There were cases of bent iPhones that cropped up even before the YouTube fiasco. MacRumors had a running thread with reported cases before it was shut down. These are Apple users who legitimately had their iPhones deformed even in a front pocket.

    Like the man said, there's one born every minute. I am referring to anyone who would say something like your last sentence with a straight face.
  • Reply 88 of 112
    nhtnht Posts: 4,522member
    lowepg wrote: »
    Wow love this guy... if I wasnt enslaved by 5 contract phones to verizon, id consider switching on personality alone!

    Too bad his network is still so-so in comparison. Plus I'm shacked by a unlimited contract. If AT&T is ever dumb enough to kill those I'll pay the ETF and leave.
  • Reply 89 of 112
    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post



    How much longer before an iPhone 6 works its way into the hands of serving military personnel?


    How much longer before someone with an iPhone 6 gets shot in battle?

    And when he gets shot, when the iPhone 6 doesn’t protect him from the bullet, Apple will, of course, be completely doomed. “BUT PREVIOUS IPHONES WERE STRONG ENOUGH TO DEFLECT BULLETS”


    It's funny how suddenly the iPhone 5 is lauded as the most durable phone ever by the same people who pooh-poohed all over it in the so called scuff-gate 2 years ago.  And that was actually a much bigger issue than this (despite it being merely cosmetic), there were quite a few returns back then, and mind you these were phones that were already damaged in-box not just people being careless with them.  But conveniently, that's all forgotten now.


    I guess we should all look forward to two years from now when the iPhone 7 will be made of liquid metal or some alloy that feels cooler to the touch thereby sparking "Cool-gate: People's hands are freezing as they grab their phone!" Then all the folks that are now obsessed with bending iPhone 6's will have forgotten all about it and will then complain that "it's not acceptable for Apple to release a phone that feels so much colder that the previous generation!"  Then they'll be lauding the iPhone 6 as the warmest iPhone ever! <img class=" src="http://forums-files.appleinsider.com/images/smilies//lol.gif" />

  • Reply 90 of 112
    Originally Posted by MazeCookie View Post


    Love this guy. Speaks his mind, no bullshit.

    There's no BS, but Legere is a showman.  You may want to watch the Uncarrier 7.0 presentation here:




    One thing:  When the T-Mobile execs in this presentation talk about their new LTE network, they never mention improvements in overall coverage.

  • Reply 91 of 112

    Originally Posted by nht View Post

    Too bad his network is still so-so in comparison. Plus I'm shacked by a unlimited contract. If AT&T is ever dumb enough to kill those I'll pay the ETF and leave.


    Your AT&T "unlimited" contract has never been unlimited.

  • Reply 92 of 112
    nhtnht Posts: 4,522member
    bobcat62 wrote: »
    Your AT&T "unlimited" contract has never been unlimited.

    Eh they whine at me when I go over but they don't seem to bother throttling me enough to notice. Probably because I don't go over every month.
  • Reply 93 of 112
    plovellplovell Posts: 826member

    I lined up for three hours at the Apple Store on launch day, before they said they were sold out. Most went to China, from what I could see(*)


    Then tried to buy a full-price one at the T-Mobile Store nearby. They had in stock the one I wanted but would not sell it without a plan or contract.


    Sorry Mr Legere -- you lost the sale right there. I now have one on a different carrier.


    * funniest thing in the line was a lady with a Samsung Galaxy phone (3, maybe 4) that could not hold a charge. It was clearly not local as it had a plug-adapter taped to the charger. But it wouldn't hold charge for more than a minute or so. And absolute wall-hugger !!


    Very few of the people in line had iPhones. Conversations in English were less than 50% although not all were Asian. There were quite a few eastern european discussions too.

  • Reply 94 of 112
    heliahelia Posts: 170member
    Finally someone who both makes sense and knows business! :)
  • Reply 95 of 112
    I find it amusing that some people desperately want you to believe something they read about on the Internet, but is not something they have experienced.
  • Reply 96 of 112
    freerangefreerange Posts: 1,597member
    You have to warn us about language? Who are you? My nannie?
  • Reply 97 of 112

    This guy is great. A breath of fresh air. His interview is required watching in how NOT to be a stuffed suite. But the interesting take-away from this is how Apple media "disasters" seem to translate into mega sales. Anyone with a mediocum of intelligence/integrity would see this, but it is somehow never reported.

  • Reply 98 of 112

    Originally Posted by FreeRange View Post

    You have to warn us about language? Who are you? My nannie?

    You're not the only one here, it's not your shop, and my, what a grown-up response!

  • Reply 99 of 112
    boredumbboredumb Posts: 1,418member

    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post


    Originally Posted by Fuzzypaws View Post

    Not to mention the S models have better internals and overall higher specs, so that they are are more "future proof" and last for more years than the non-S varieties.

    I don't follow your logic since the non-"S" versions "have better internals and overall higher specs" than their "S" predecessors.

    Ummm...I think Fuzzypaws is comparing, for example, '5S' with '5', while you are comparing, for example, '5' with '4S'...?

  • Reply 100 of 112
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    boredumb wrote: »
    Ummm...I think Fuzzypaws is comparing, for example, '5S' with '5', while you are comparing, for example, '5' with '4S'...?

    He is, which is why I am saying his comparison is flawed because in both comparisons it's YoY so based on that there is no additional future proofing.

    I would even argue that the new casing design would be more future proof over the 2nd year of the same case because it's a new casing design, which in many cases means a new size category for Apple, but regardless of that means the same design will look more *new* for longer. However, I'd still qualify such a statement by wanting to know the actual ability for a specific model's ability to retain what percentage of its MSRP for a period after going on sale, which I think is more likely based on other market criteria, which means the iPhone 5C might actually beat other iPhones that started off as high-end devices.
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