U2 frontman Bono apologizes for foisting 'Songs of Innocence' on unsuspecting iTunes users



  • Reply 21 of 67
    slurpy wrote: »
    pazuzu wrote: »
    Apple paid $100million dollars for it. Nothing in life is free.

    Hey troll, it was free for iTunes users- which party paid for it is completely irrelevant. If I get a coupon for a free meal, is it somehow "not free" because the restaurant had to cover the cost"? If you win a free iPad, is it "not free" because someone else paid for it? Or in your limited little mind, is the definition of free that it magically materializes out of thin-air with no cost to anyone? You're such a disingenuous tool, your quips are always such meaningless garbage. 

    Also, if so many of you weren't such haters, you would see Bono's response as honest and refreshing.  He called himself out and apologized, even though he didn't do anything wrong. What else do you whiners want from him?


    Bono's apology was as douche-baggy as I would have expected from him.

    Cook and Bono were a pair of idiots for deciding upon this hare-brained scheme.

    The one good thing to come out of it is that it's unlikely to happen again, and for that, we should all be thankful. Wiser heads at Apple prevailed.
  • Reply 22 of 67

    I didn't get the album even though I wanted it. My Leopard machine doesn't have the latest iTunes. Does anybody have a link where I could get the album outside of iTunes? After all. I am an iTunes user and Mac owner.

  • Reply 23 of 67

    Originally Posted by Slurpy View Post



    Hey troll, it was free for iTunes users- which party paid for it is completely irrelevant. If I get a coupon for a free meal, is it somehow "not free" because the restaurant had to cover the cost"? If you win a free iPad, is it "not free" because someone else paid for it? Or in your limited little mind, is the definition of free that it magically materializes out of thin-air with no cost to anyone? You're such a disingenuous tool, your quips are always such meaningless garbage. 


    Also, if so many of you weren't such haters, you would see Bono's response as honest and refreshing.  He called himself out and apologized, even though he didn't do anything wrong. What else do you whiners want from him?

    Slurpy - Exactly.  You nailed it in the head without knowing it.  Some don't want ANYTHING from him.  LOL

  • Reply 24 of 67

    Originally Posted by Zozman View Post


    No kidding huh, When someone gives me something, i say thank you too.

    Too many self entitled douches around, even if you don't like a give, you say thank you, then put it under the bed :p

    I was surprised about how many people complained about getting a free album :S

    Let's say you are a diabetic and someone gives you free pineapples.  Wonder how high you'll jump and how deep you'll be buried in afterwards.  If everything free is good...  LOL

  • Reply 25 of 67

    Instead of forcing something on your iTunes subscribers, how about just sending out the U2 album equivalent of credit to all iTunes subscribers.  Let the audience decide what they want to listen to.

  • Reply 26 of 67
    mpantonempantone Posts: 2,153member

    Well, one of the positive outcomes is that some people finally learned how to turn off automatic downloads after this incident.

  • Reply 27 of 67
    lkrupp wrote: »
    Well I don’t see it at all. Those people are the dregs of humanity, the whiners and complainers that contribute NOTHING in this world.

    Sorry, I wasn't meaning to imply that I understood or agreed with all the bitching & complaining. Just that I could see it might be slightly inconvenient if you didn't want the album to have to delete it. But I wouldn't think it would warrant even talking about it as an issue though. Many of those on the forums here that are complaining about it are putting far more effort into their complaints than what it would take to remove the album from their iTunes library. Of course, I would question how many of the people complaining about it even have an iTunes account to begin with.
  • Reply 28 of 67
    technotechno Posts: 737member

    Originally Posted by rbalmer View Post

    Wow, after years of complaining about having to pay $.99 for a song and stealing it instead people have actually come to the point where they're complaining about free music. U2 fan or not, it seems that appreciation for art is truly dead. If having a free album appear in your iTunes library actually bothers you that much it's probably time to get a hobby.

    It is nice to see so many people with a reasonable point of view on this, finally. I got very sick of all the complainers. Just shut up and say thank you.

  • Reply 29 of 67
    gtrgtr Posts: 3,231member
    pazuzu wrote: »
    At the end of the day you don't force Drek on anybody. Music is a very personal thing- why are so many surprised about people's negative reaction to this?

    Would you like a free Lawrence Welk album too?

    A better comparison would have been your posts.

    They're free, but we sure as f*ck don't care for them.

    How do we go about arranging for them to be deleted?

  • Reply 30 of 67
    lkrupplkrupp Posts: 10,557member

    Originally Posted by Lolliver View Post

     Of course, I would question how many of the people complaining about it even have an iTunes account to begin with.


    And the same goes for the so-called bendgate. Most of the noise comes from those who don’t even own the device. If you take the time to search the Apple discussion forums you see almost NOTHING about it. What you do see are questions from potential buyers who “heard on the Internet” that the iPhone bends and want to know if it’s true. 

  • Reply 31 of 67
    lkrupp wrote: »
    And the same goes for the so-called bendgate. Most of the noise comes from those who don’t even own the device. If you take the time to search the Apple discussion forums you see almost NOTHING about it. What you do see are questions from potential buyers who “heard on the Internet” that the iPhone bends and want to know if it’s true. 

    Totally agree.

    The number of people I have had ask me why I bought an iPhone 6 because "Don't they bend really easily" is ridiculous. Of course as soon as I ask them if they belive everything the media/YouTube tells them you see the light bulb turn on again.

    I'm not sure I would say people are more gullible these days (although that may well be the case) but the ease with which misinformation can be spread as fact certainly doesn't help.

    Unfortunately, even though the whole bendgate nonsense was debunked almost as quickly as it got started it won't matter much. It will still be far more common to hear people saying "Did you hear the new iPhone is really easy to bend" than it will be to hear "Did you hear that iPhone bendgate thing wasn't even true"
  • Reply 32 of 67
    jfc1138jfc1138 Posts: 3,090member
    Free music?

    The horror.
  • Reply 33 of 67
    It's cool Bono, Apple, you can down load free U2 music to my iTunes account anytime

    Exactly! Why are people complaining about something that was given to them?
  • Reply 34 of 67
    It's cool Bono, Apple, you can down load free U2 music to my iTunes account anytime

    Exactly! Why are people complaining about something that was given to them?

    No doubt, you'll be looking forward to having Ebola being given to you.
  • Reply 35 of 67
    No doubt, you'll be looking forward to having Ebola being given to you.

    Really? You're going to compare getting a free U2 album to getting Ebola? You may not like the album but you don't have to be such a low life about it. I feel sorry for anyone who may have lost a loved one to that disease who then has to read your idiotic comment. :no:
  • Reply 36 of 67
    slurpyslurpy Posts: 5,386member

    Originally Posted by bingo1 View Post


    Let's say you are a diabetic and someone gives you free pineapples.  Wonder how high you'll jump and how deep you'll be buried in afterwards.  If everything free is good...  LOL


    Yeah, getting a free album is analogous to giving someone food which can harm them according to their medical condition. Good to see all you trolls and U2 haters have reasonable, grounded analogies and arguments. I guess thats required when you need a way to bitch about free music. 

  • Reply 37 of 67
    slurpyslurpy Posts: 5,386member
    Originally Posted by Benjamin Frost View Post

    No doubt, you'll be looking forward to having Ebola being given to you.


    In your mind, did you think you were making a reasonable or witty remark?


    Comparing music to Ebola? Thousands are dying from it, and I actually know people who have lost family members.

  • Reply 39 of 67
    mobiusmobius Posts: 380member
    slurpy wrote: »

    I think you just demonstrated you are of equal temperament. Chill. He was pointing out the illogicality of the previous guy's post with a witty comparison - funny because it is so extreme (I laughed). If we can't laugh at dark things like desease and death then I think we will have lost part of our humanity. It's a coping mechanism. Some things in life are so awful that a little humour makes them less horrific and scary. The media goes out of their way to scaremonger about Ebola and death. That's the real problem - not some guy on a tiny insignificant forum like this.
  • Reply 40 of 67
    Originally Posted by Slurpy View Post



    Yeah, getting a free album is analogous to giving someone food which can harm them according to their medical condition. Good to see all you trolls and U2 haters have reasonable, grounded analogies and arguments. I guess thats required when you need a way to bitch about free music. 

    Do you know what spam is?  Free email which you don't care to read.  Sure you can argue that some find those junk email really entertaining.  The treasure to you might be someone's trash.  What part of spam this act between Apple and U2 is don't you understand?  Just an interesting thought, iTunes has free music of the week, would you like Apple to force push it to your iTunes library?  Imagine that one day you go to your mailbox, your most important letter/mail sits in a pile of marketing prints.... you fail to see the mail and end up throwing everything away...  if FREE is all that good for you.

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