Microsoft's Surface Pro stunt fails as CNN election commentators stick to iPads



  • Reply 41 of 95
    So iPads were instrumental to the crushing defeat of Democrats yesterday? :D

    If that's the case. I'll send Sharpton and Matthews a couple iPads.
  • Reply 42 of 95

    Blake Griffin was going to dunk over a pile of Surface Pro's at the next All-Star game before Ballmer bought the team.


    He still can if Ballmer covers the top layer with iPads.

  • Reply 43 of 95
    jungmarkjungmark Posts: 6,927member
    apple ][ wrote: »

    That is true, but it's realistic, because tons of people do actually use Apple devices. Are those paid placements by Apple? I'm asking, because I'm not sure. I don't know how much paid product placement Apple does.

    It is totally unrealistic to have a whole town where the population only uses Microsoft phones and tablets.

    Look at the credits. It'll say list the "promotional considerations". I've seen Apple included in the list for some shows.
    I never understood why the Apple logo is taped over on TV shows a lot. If the only reason people use Apple products is due to rampant product placement, why tape over the logo?

    No such thing as free advertising. Plus if a logo'd device is used in an inappropriate way, they could be sued.
    Well in fairness to MS, the Surface is a laptop replacement, not an iPad replacement. Haha.
  • Reply 44 of 95
    dewmedewme Posts: 5,649member
    It's gratifying to see people turning lemons into lemonade by finding a useful purpose for Surface contraptions. I suppose they could also be used to raise the screen height on an iMac, replace a broken toilet seat lid, book rest, cat box liner, sun visor, door stop, ballast, .... ????

    Kudus to the CNN folks for resourcefulness.
  • Reply 45 of 95
    Forced placements will always backfire except in sitcoms.
  • Reply 46 of 95

    On product placement, Apple generally doesn't pay. See this:

  • Reply 47 of 95
    pdwmpdwm Posts: 8member
    Yes, there is a TV prog in the UK called "New Tricks" that used to have Apple MacBooks but the logo was covered by a sticker. Also seen it in other progs. But Dell and others were/are never covered over. I wonder why?
  • Reply 48 of 95
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,433moderator
    That's why Apple can't drop the iPad mini, it's to keep them hidden behind larger competing tablets where people don't want to be seen using them.

    CNN said it wasn't product placement as such but the reason they give is classic Microsoft:

    "CNN's chief synergizer, Matt Dornic, explained to me that the Surfaces were there to help connect with CNN's "Magic Wall." Microsoft had developed the software and it works best in Internet Explorer. However, he told me, "There was no product-placement deal.""

    They made proprietary software to work best with IE - as if anything else works best with it, what they mean is they purposely broke it to only work with a non-standards-compliant browser to get some vendor lock-in. This is what they tried to do years ago with IE extensions, thankfully that abomination is so long gone I can't even remember what they were called.

    Microsoft: the leader in making products people only use when they have no other choice.
  • Reply 49 of 95
    Yes it would, ask Steve what Cook would do if the Clippers had no choices? The Thumb is down to end pro sports in Los Angeles; cue the moving vans...
  • Reply 50 of 95
  • Reply 51 of 95
    elehcdnelehcdn Posts: 388member

    Originally Posted by pdwm View Post

    Yes, there is a TV prog in the UK called "New Tricks" that used to have Apple MacBooks but the logo was covered by a sticker. Also seen it in other progs. But Dell and others were/are never covered over. I wonder why?

    Apple is willing to provide equipment at reduced prices or for free, but rarely if ever actually pay for product placement. I also don't think that they are a stickler for forcing people to show their logos since they don't actually pay for screen time. oth, other companies not only provide equipment, but also pay for their product placement, so they expect their logos to be shown.

  • Reply 52 of 95
    I guess I'm feeing some schadenfreude over MS's continuing struggles and failures.

    It's really not like they don't deserve it after all these years of unenlightened leadership (including Gates') and a rapacious strategy of customer lock-in to their products and services. But I kind of feel bad for their "foot soldiers" who are just trying to do their jobs.

    But then again, any one of them with any sense should have been able to see the writing on the wall. So to hell with it!

    Welcome, all you Windoze switchers! Hope you can find your way around the Mac OS without too much trouble.
  • Reply 53 of 95

    I guess I'm feeing some schadenfreude over MS's continuing struggles and failures.

    It's really not like they don't deserve it after all these years of unenlightened leadership (including Gates') and a rapacious strategy of customer lock-in to their products and services. But I kind of feel bad for their "foot soldiers" who are just trying to do their jobs.

    But then again, any one of them with any sense should have been able to see the writing on the wall. So to hell with it!

    Welcome, all you Windoze switchers! Hope you can find your way around the Mac OS without too much trouble.

  • Reply 54 of 95
    magman1979magman1979 Posts: 1,299member
    I got a new touchscreen computer yesterday. I will not be putting my data on it until I know I like it and have figured out all of the little idiosyncracies of it. Maybe the news people didn't have a lot of time to become familiar with the Surface tablets and used their familiar iPads. I played with Windoz 8 two times and each time found the navigation to be clunky and annoying. It must take time for somebody to learn to get around on one of those Surface tablets. 

    I see plenty of Apple product placement and plenty of Microsux product placement. For Microsux they always show a machine with the Windoz 8 tiles on the screen before they begin doing anything with it. For Apple they always show the rear of the tablet or iMac so the Apple logo is shown. No product label gets on screen without paying for it. 

    I still don't understand how so many people can continue to like Windoz. I find it OK and useful but not pleasant to use. It is a functional software package. It just isn't intuitive and consistent. I'm enjoying Chrome OS but it isn't perfect. It is basic yet easy to use. The OS has fewer choices and yet I like it a lot better than Windoz. The OS makes sense for what it is designed to do. There is even a program (Chrome app) to allow me to view Flash movies. 

    You mention several reasons why Windows is so poor, and I agree with all of them. In fact, if I had the time, I could add MANY "issues" to that list.

    What perplexes me, is why you actually went out and bought one of those hunks of junk? Do yourself a favour and get a MacBook Air or Pro, you'll thank me, and your sanity will cheer you on.
  • Reply 55 of 95
    calicali Posts: 3,494member
    I never understood why the Apple logo is taped over on TV shows a lot. If the only reason people use Apple products is due to rampant product placement, why tape over the logo?

    My understanding is sometimes logos are covered because it conflicts with a partners interest. It happens A LOT in the music equipment industry. Say Yamaha advertises or sponsors a music event. The event then applies tape over competing product logos.
    Since they can't force musicians to relearn their trusty equipment they can use teir own instruments but if its a competing brand the logo is covered.
    Pay attention next time you watch American Idil or any event that uses bands, you'll see tape covering logos ESPECIALLY on keyboards.

    My dad was on tour with a band and had his equipment logos covered all the time.

    You might remember Samsung was requiring everyone to cover their iPhone logos during the Olympics.

    In this case the CNN commentator's Apple logos should have been covered. This was very unprofessional but I'm sure the commentators didn't tell anyone about their iPads in the first place.
  • Reply 56 of 95
    idreyidrey Posts: 647member
    apple ][ wrote: »

    Perhaps. I've never actually seen any data on that or any article talking about that.

    I'm pretty sure about one thing though. I sometimes see Apple devices on TV and there's a piece of tape over the Apple logo. I guess that those aren't paid.:)

    What about those live news where they are filming on the streets and you see random people using iPhones. Or all those celebs that are photographed by the paparazzis and they are using their iphones (some of which are paid by other companies like samsung) one thing i am pretty sure of people like their iphones i know i do!
  • Reply 57 of 95
    joshajosha Posts: 901member

    Poor  (rich with $s) Microsoft.  I'm beginning to seriously feel sorry for them !


    Perhaps the thought of a virus from Windows scared them.

    After all there is currently the Ebola scare.

  • Reply 58 of 95
    jbdragonjbdragon Posts: 2,312member
    apple ][ wrote: »
    I do.

    There was this TV show that I was following some time ago called Under The Dome. After a while, the ridiculously obvious product placements of Microsoft devices popping up all over that show made it unwatchable and totally unrealistic. I think that they even have a new season of that show, but I don't really give a crap, because I'm done with it.
    The surface pops up all the time on NCIS:LA. What I don't get is no one, even on that show seem to use the keyboard cover as a cover! They grab the surface from one spot and the cover from another and make a big showing of snapping them together!. It's pretty funny.

    Even MS commercials they're doing that. What's worse is it doesn't even come with the tablet even though they're always showing it off and snapping it together . It's another big cost on top of the surface it's self.
  • Reply 59 of 95
    idreyidrey Posts: 647member
    dewme wrote: »
    It's gratifying to see people turning lemons into lemonade by finding a useful purpose for Surface contraptions. I suppose they could also be used to raise the screen height on an iMac, replace a broken toilet seat lid, book rest, cat box liner, sun visor, door stop, ballast, .... ????

    Kudus to the CNN folks for resourcefulness.

  • Reply 60 of 95
    hexclockhexclock Posts: 1,299member
    zroger73 wrote: »
    I watched that show and noticed the same thing. In the late Dallas TV series, it was not unusual to hear an Apple ringtone coming from a non-Apple phone. In an episode of The Middle earlier this year or last, Frankie was using an antiquated laptop in bed that was obviously not an Apple, yet it the screen shot was obviously Mac OS X. These inconsistencies really detract from what little viewing experience exists in the first place of modern, mindless television programs.
    I think the high product placement Apple enjoys is because so many audio and video editors use Macs, and by extension, iPhones.
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