UBS ups Apple price target to $125 after survey indicates strong share for iPhone 6 Plus



  • Reply 21 of 52
    Microsoft truly believes the name attracts people... They traumatized a generation of computer users with cryptic error codes and bad UI and think no one remembers...

    Then they smear their name all over their phone as if people will be proud to show it off... such egotists are the Redmondites...

    This is so true. I was pretty good with their entire suite, but there were too many times when I had to outwit their software. Sometimes I went to pro user sites where people bemoaned that what they wanted to do was...impossible really, and how much sleep and money they had lost over that fact. I remember MANY office scenes with people standing around talking about how crappy MS was, look up how to do something and try it, it doesn't work. How much more they could get done in a day if they didn't spin their wheels trying to do something. I still think MSWord was designed on Mars. Still hear of people wanting to do page layout in it, lol, that's just wrong. It's as if they used Excel as the origin.

    I still have carpal tunnel from working in MSAccess because there were no keyboard shortcuts in form/report design view. Have they put in keyboard shortcuts there now? I don't really care. I may look at FileMaker again. Their whole metaphor seems a little odd after using Access for so long. Particularly the table relations screen. Well, my db days are behind me and I don't seem too interested in looking.
  • Reply 22 of 52
    brucemcbrucemc Posts: 1,541member

    The data continues to mount that Apple is going to have a mammoth quarter.  iPhone demand continues to be huge, coupled with higher ASP's arising from the 6+ and 64GB storage tier in both 6 models.  With the draw of the new iMac Retina 5K (a machine that a small number will buy, but which is great advertising for the Mac), the Mac business should continue with the strong gains from previous quarter.  Services will continue to grow with iOS user base, and some small contributions (but with very high margins) coming from Apple Pay.


    The only question is around the iPad business, as last Dec. 2013 quarter was quite good to compare against.  I think that with the new iPad Air 2 as a draw for upgrades from the iPad 2/3/4 base, and the expanded Mini line-up across lower price points (which is what worked well for the Mac last quarter), should make for a good iPad quarter as well (hopefully back to some growth, if only small).


    All together, I expect Apple to knock it out of the park financially.  Cash made during quarter will be a mind boggling amount.  Apple's share of mobile handset profits should be over 90%.

  • Reply 23 of 52
    rogifan wrote: »
    Seriously I don't get why what he says carries so much weight (this comment was reported on CNBC this morning). What has he done since leaving Apple? Apple is where it is because of Steve Jobs.

    Well, he founded a company in 2005 called Acquicor with Gil Amelio* and Ellen Hancock*, (of all people), that bought a company in 2007, then basically failed in 2008. So I guess there's that. :D

    *Clearly he didn't realize that often, if Jobs said someone was a bozo, he was right.

    If you guys want to play chicken and egg ...

    There would have been no Apple without Woz ... no platform for Jobs to create the mystique of [the first personal computer] the Apple ][, The Lisa, The Mac, NeXT, the return to Apple ... and all that followed!

    Strong financial backing, and the legitimacy of successful, experienced businessmen like Mike Markkula and Scottie attracted other savvy business talent like Gene Carter, Will Houd and others.

    Woz's personality and talent attracted engineering talent ...

    Jobs' personality and persuasiveness attracted and motivated creative talent ...

    It was a fairy tale -- the convergence of opportunity and The Three Princes of Serendip ....

    I watched it happen ... the good, the bad, the ugly ... and it turned out pretty good!

    I maintain that if you remove any of the above names from the story -- there would have been no Apple!

    Just as Tim's Apple's is based on the Apple that Jobs left -- Jobs' Apple is based of the Apple that the 2 Steves and their compadres created.

    To my mind, Woz has earned the right to express his opinion, right or wrong, about Apple.
  • Reply 24 of 52

    Originally Posted by Rogifan View Post

    And yet Woz says the iPhone 6 was three years to late. image

    Who's Woz?


    (Ok, I'll duck....:D)

  • Reply 25 of 52
    It ain't market share ...  It ain't profit share ...  It's mind share ...

    Couldn't of said it any better than that ...   And that's all you need to know!

    This is the biggest thing Microsoft is up against. They may be making some genuinely good products, but they're not seen as an innovator by 98% of people, they're seen as a stodgy old company who makes 'bad' operating systems.

    Yes! Apple make things that people want -- and mostly, it delivers!

    This is no small task -- you first must identify a need, create a thing that satisfies the need -- then educate the people that they [need] want that thing!

    ... then waltz me around again, Willie ...
  • Reply 26 of 52
    adybadyb Posts: 205member
    paul94544 wrote: »
    I bought an iP6 , It is truly astounding, best phone I have ever owned and its not even close. I had a few reservations at the size, at first. Only took me a week to get used to it and now I don't even notice the larger size. Its like a lot of things in life, easy to rush to judgement without living with it for some time. I have a the grippy plastic shell from Apple and it adds the friction necessary to avoid dropping it. It fits in my front jeans pocket..............

    I agree with everything you said although unfortunately here in the UK we can't use Apple Pay yet. The silicone case for the phone is a brilliant design, fits the shape of the phone beautifully and isn't floppy like most 'plastic' cases.
  • Reply 27 of 52
    adybadyb Posts: 205member
    Who's Woz?

    (Ok, I'll duck....:D )

    Female tennis player??

  • Reply 28 of 52
    brucemc wrote: »
    The data continues to mount that Apple is going to have a mammoth quarter.  iPhone demand continues to be huge, coupled with higher ASP's arising from the 6+ and 64GB storage tier in both 6 models.  With the draw of the new iMac Retina 5K (a machine that a small number will buy, but which is great advertising for the Mac), the Mac business should continue with the strong gains from previous quarter.  Services will continue to grow with iOS user base, and some small contributions (but with very high margins) coming from Apple Pay.

    The only question is around the iPad business, as last Dec. 2013 quarter was quite good to compare against.  I think that with the new iPad Air 2 as a draw for upgrades from the iPad 2/3/4 base, and the expanded Mini line-up across lower price points (which is what worked well for the Mac last quarter), should make for a good iPad quarter as well (hopefully back to some growth, if only small).

    All together, I expect Apple to knock it out of the park financially.  Cash made during quarter will be a mind boggling amount.  Apple's share of mobile handset profits should be over 90%.

    First: iMac Retina -- 2-3 week delivery!

    Second: Right on about this quarter,

    Third: 2015CQ1 Apple/IBM Partnership products -- apps, iPad Pro?, New Mac Pro, HomeKit, HealthKit, New AppleTV/Home Server

    Fourth: 2015CQ2 AppleWatch, ApplePay 2, WWDC, someNewThing.

    then this ... posted to another thread:
    Black Friday 2015:


    The most ubiquitous payment provisioning over all!
  • Reply 29 of 52

    LOL why so much whining about Wozniak? What did he say to upset you?

  • Reply 30 of 52

    Originally Posted by BuddyRevell View Post


    LOL why so much whining about Wozniak? What did he say to upset your delicate feelings?

    Thank goodness for AI's blocking feature.

  • Reply 31 of 52

    Originally Posted by SpamSandwich View Post


    Thank goodness for AI's blocking feature.

    Haha keep whining. It amuses me.

  • Reply 32 of 52
    blazarblazar Posts: 270member
    Every time i touch my iphone6, i am reminded that Ive is a wizard. There is just something there to love about Apple stuff.
  • Reply 33 of 52

    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    Originally Posted by Rogifan View Post

    And yet Woz says the iPhone 6 was three years to late. image

    Who's Woz?


    (Ok, I'll duck....:D)


    Who was what?

  • Reply 34 of 52

    Originally Posted by Dick Applebaum View Post

    . . .

    To my mind, Woz has earned the right to express his opinion, right or wrong, about Apple.




    You're only as good as your last ____________. The only things that matter are what a person is doing NOW—in present time.


    His significant contributions were almost forty years ago.


    Then he left.


    When you leave a group, you lose all or most all credibility with it.

  • Reply 35 of 52

    Originally Posted by DanielSW View Post

    Originally Posted by Dick Applebaum View Post

    . . .

    To my mind, Woz has earned the right to express his opinion, right or wrong, about Apple.




    You're only as good as your last ____________. The only things that matter are what a person is doing NOW—in present time.


    His significant contributions were almost forty years ago.


    Then he left.


    When you leave a group, you lose all or most all credibility with it.



    What you say is often true.


    Woz is a special case.

  • Reply 36 of 52
    dunksdunks Posts: 1,254member
    I went from the 4S to a 6 and adjusted within two weeks. I thought I'd miss one handed use but I really don't. Pocket-ability is the main priority. I'm not a big guy but it's fits in all of my pockets no problem.

    The display is stunning. It's noticeably more crisp and spacious than the regular 6. Great for surfing the web and watching movies. The display and battery means it could easily replace a lot of the reasons I use an iPad. And that's what the 6 feels like; an iPad that fits in your pocket. It would be nice to see some previously iPad-only apps start to migrate across to the iPhone 6 though.

    Very happy with this purchase.
  • Reply 37 of 52
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,821member
    rogifan wrote: »
    All the more head scratching why the new MS phone has Microsoft written on the front and back of the device. IMO seeing the name Microsoft would be a turnoff but for some reason they decided just replacing the name Windows with Microsoft will solve their problems.

    I bet half the folks that used PCs don't even realize Microsoft ad Windows are connected words!
  • Reply 38 of 52
    bluefire1bluefire1 Posts: 1,309member

    Woz is entitled to his own opinion, but he's not entitled to his own facts. Anyone can make a large screen smartphone; it took Apple to do it right.

  • Reply 39 of 52
    flaneurflaneur Posts: 4,526member
    bluefire1 wrote: »
    Woz is entitled to his own opinion, but he's not entitled to his own facts. Anyone can make a large screen smartphone; it took Apple to do it right.

    Correct, and it took three years for processors, displays and innards-cramming to come together.

    Oh, and Woz never got the good taste thing, except for circuit design.
  • Reply 40 of 52
    chasmchasm Posts: 3,502member
    Uncle Woz says a lot of stuff. Most of the time its interesting, sometimes its a little nuts. He's probably right that an oversized iPhone 4 would have stemmed some of the tide on Android, but then Samsung (et al) would have just taken bigger losses so I'm not sure it would have made that much of a difference.

    Once again, other companies test the waters, then Apple comes in with a cannonball and reaps all the benefits.
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