Judge allows lawsuit over missing text messages to proceed against Apple



  • Reply 21 of 95

    Are you guys kidding me? Part of my job relies on getting text messages and getting them timely. Can you imagine of Google started eating all of your emails cause you switched to Yahoo?


    The people affected are no longer using the Apple product, therefore can no longer be bound by the TOS. This is not malfunctioning tech that just misdirected a few text messages. This is poor design that prevented many people from receiving any messages sent through Apple's own service. 

  • Reply 22 of 95
    tommy0guns wrote: »
    Are you guys kidding me? Part of my job relies on getting text messages and getting them timely.

    Do wireless carriers guarantee delivery of SMS to recipients? Does SMS tell you when a message was received and read by recipients? Does it notify you when messages do not get through?
    Your job relies on SMS? Are you kidding me?
  • Reply 23 of 95
    She switched to Samsung, she should consider herself fortunate her new phone worked longer than three months.
  • Reply 24 of 95
    eriamjheriamjh Posts: 1,726member

    Others may disagree, but Apple pretty much fucked up big time on the text message and iMessage thing when swapping/selling your iPhone.

  • Reply 25 of 95
    Originally Posted by SpamSandwich View Post


    Sweet fancy Moses!

    Oh my God, I have never heard that one before!!!! I love it!

    The mental picture is more than my pea brain can handle.



  • Reply 26 of 95
    Originally Posted by BuzDots View Post


    Oh my God, I have never heard that one before!!!! I love it!

    The mental picture is more than my pea brain can handle.



    All credit for that one goes to the TV show Seinfeld. I cannot take the credit. :D

  • Reply 27 of 95
    Do wireless carriers guarantee delivery of SMS to recipients? Does SMS tell you when a message was received and read by recipients? Does it notify you when messages do not get through?
    Your job relies on SMS? Are you kidding me?

    Handset to handset is best effort.

    Add on services like AT&T Business Messaging provides for added functionality such as delivery confirmation but requires a messaging gateway and an up charge on the each device.

    I work with tools that I've set to send SMS but as one of several options. One such tools sends an SMS, an email and an IM on the corporate chat. I wouldn't rely on SMS alone for mission critical.
  • Reply 28 of 95

    Wow, what a surprise! Lucy Koh decides in favor of litigation proceeding against Apple. Will wonders never cease?

  • Reply 29 of 95
    relicrelic Posts: 4,735member
    I can't stand it when people sue but if you look back at a lot of these class action suites it seems to be the only way for companies to acknowledge that a problem exists, In this case the problem existed since 2011, lawsuit against them is filed, problem is fixed within weeks or what ever short period of time since the filing.


    I'm still waiting for that ridiculous Bendgate thing to turn into a class action suit, you know it's going to happen, some lawyer somewhere is already collecting iPhone 6 users
  • Reply 30 of 95

    Something.Is.Really.Wrong.With.This.Judge. :smokey:

  • Reply 31 of 95
    relicrelic Posts: 4,735member
    Originally Posted by Disturbia View Post


    Something.Is.Really.Wrong.With.This.Judge. :smokey:

    You guys say that about every judge who passes judgment in favour of the plaintiff. I'm sure she knows a lot more about the law than you do. The case isn't over, it will be up to a jury to decide. How much money are we talking about here, if it's anything above the costs of her phone bill during the period of time she was without messages, which less be honest here, couldn't have been more than a few days till she got all of her contacts into the new phone, well it is Samsung, it could have taken till now to figure it out. I have a feeling it's some absurd amount, the U.S. needs to fix the part of the legal system that deals with law suits. Here in Switzerland people just don't do it as it's not worth the award, the max amount of damages you can sue someone here for is 200,000 CHF, 207,326.00 USD and I've only seen that kind of amount being awarded in extreme circumstances, like wrongful death cases where drunk driving was involved. This type of case though, maybe a few hundred bucks and it would definitely be a bench trial,  not jury.

  • Reply 32 of 95
    idreyidrey Posts: 647member
    sirlance99 wrote: »
    Except that, a ton of people DID DEACTIVATE iMessage like they were supposed to and they still didn't get text messages. People went through all the procedures they needed to and it didn't work. So there's that.

    I do think that this lawsuit is crap nonetheless. 

    Well, so they say! Did they really do it? I don't even think they were aware of the process.
    BS is all it is.
  • Reply 33 of 95
    ecatsecats Posts: 273member
    *sigh* nothing says money hungry, than filing a lawsuit over a free feature for losing something as miniscule and intangible as a text message.

    What are the damages going to be like: "oh my god, my friend had to like speak to me on the phone, using like, their voice. I was, like, scarred for life."
  • Reply 34 of 95

    Originally Posted by Landcruiser View Post

    Originally Posted by SpamSandwich View Post


    Also, I'm pretty sure Apple has a disclaimer on the delivery of their text messages. I doubt they 100% guarantee delivery of every text. I'll do a search.


    UPDATE:  Of course they have a reasonable terms and conditions that covers this BS suit (emphasis mine) —








    This plaintiff cannot use Apple's services without agreeing to this Terms and Conditions agreement.

    Nobody reads the Apple contract.... it all start with Adam and Eve. :-) It's their fault.



    Correction: Eve's fault. She's the one who was tempted.

  • Reply 35 of 95

    Originally Posted by Disturbia View Post


    Something.Is.Really.Wrong.With.This.Judge. :smokey:




  • Reply 36 of 95

    just out of curiosity, because i think this case will go nowhere and because i find it a waste of time of brobdingnag proportions- has this ever happened to another handset/software maker over messages? 

    ?i mean first it is that messages are being sent to too many people (nudies or selfies that are nude) and now apple is in trouble for the direct opposite. i would be happy if i did not receive every text- some people text too much.

  • Reply 37 of 95
    Originally Posted by revenant View Post


    just out of curiosity, because i think this case will go nowhere and because i find it a waste of time of brobdingnag proportions- has this ever happened to another handset/software maker over messages? 

    ?i mean first it is that messages are being sent to too many people (nudies or selfies that are nude) and now apple is in trouble for the direct opposite. i would be happy if i did not receive every text- some people text too much.

  • Reply 38 of 95

    Originally Posted by Benjamin Frost View Post







  • Reply 39 of 95
    chris_cachris_ca Posts: 2,543member

    I changed my television service from cable to antenna/over-the air.

    Now I get nothing on channel 3.

    I’m gonna sue the cable company!!!




    The original messages were sent by the original sender via iMessage.

    The new, non-iPhone device does not have iMessage.

    In most cases, the person did not turn off iMessage Settings > Messages.

    This is Apple’s fault how?


    Yes, it should have been simpler/more clear on how to turn it off but a class action?

  • Reply 40 of 95
    Originally Posted by Relic View Post


    You guys say that about every judge who passes judgment in favour of the plaintiff. I'm sure she knows a lot more about the law than you do. The case isn't over, it will be up to a jury to decide. How much money are we talking about here, if it's anything above the costs of her phone bill during the period of time she was without messages, which less be honest here, couldn't have been more than a few days till she got all of her contacts into the new phone, well it is Samsung, it could have taken till now to figure it out. I have a feeling it's some absurd amount, the U.S. needs to fix the part of the legal system that deals with law suits. Here in Switzerland people just don't do it as it's not worth the award, the max amount of damages you can sue someone here for is 200,000 CHF, 207,326.00 USD and I've only seen that kind of amount being awarded in extreme circumstances, like wrongful death cases where drunk driving was involved. This type of case though, maybe a few hundred bucks and it would definitely be a bench trial,  not jury.

    I hear what you're saying ... but hey, welcome to AI where Apple Fan Boys (and Ladies) ROCK!


    That said:


    1. Lawsuit over iMessage because bunch of people (how many are there anyways?!!) didn't get txt from their BFs, GFs for a few days.....?!! OMG! I can't get your SMS!

    2. This is the most stupid lawsuit from even more stupid people. What kind of idiot switches from iOS to garbage android from King of annoying Ads?!!

    3. This.Judge.Is.Bored.:smokey: 

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