DJI announces Inspire prosumer drone with 4K video recording, releases SDK for Phantom 2 Vision



  • Reply 41 of 50

    "Drone" overused and misunderstood. This is blown out of proportion by the news media in an attempt to instill fear in anyone who will listen to their garbage about politics or any other subject for that matter. Get a grip. I could use 6 feet of rope from a home improvement store to commit more heinous crimes than a RC quadcopter.

  • Reply 42 of 50

    Originally Posted by SHSF View Post


    For anyone into modelling aircrafts or who's flied one of these quad-copters in particular, am I right in assuming that both the prosumer and and the 7,000 pro model offer fully automated lift off, trajectory, and landing based on gps coordinates?


    My impression from checking out their website a month or so ago was that only the pro model had an app to do that. Does access to the sdk mean that devs can create auto-flying apps for the prosumer model too, while that was not the case in the past?

    The Phantom 2 line already has waypointing and return-to-home, although flaws in the controller or unintended interference does sometimes result in a flyaway (plenty of examples on Youtube). Hopefully the SDK means that it'll be easier for pilots to notice that their battery is too close to dying for them to be flying it hundreds of feet away.


    For anyone who's interested in getting into the hobby (which really is a lot of fun) I strongly recommend picking up one of the lower-end quadcopters first like the Hubsan H4 or Syma X5C and practice with those before moving on to something at the Phantom level. 

  • Reply 43 of 50
    shsfshsf Posts: 302member
    Originally Posted by imac.usr View Post


    The Phantom 2 line already has waypointing and return-to-home, although flaws in the controller or unintended interference does sometimes result in a flyaway (plenty of examples on Youtube). Hopefully the SDK means that it'll be easier for pilots to notice that their battery is too close to dying for them to be flying it hundreds of feet away.


    For anyone who's interested in getting into the hobby (which really is a lot of fun) I strongly recommend picking up one of the lower-end quadcopters first like the Hubsan H4 or Syma X5C and practice with those before moving on to something at the Phantom level. 

    Thanks buddy!

  • Reply 44 of 50
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,310member
    Well my interest in video and photography makes a quad copter very appealing to me, for the ability to say, capture wild life and scenery from a higher altitude than my traditional gear or from a safer position. I am not quite sure how Google Glass would be of any use in any situation I can think of for high quality photography or video. If I wanted a first person view I'd use my Canons or if hands free a GoPro. The only reason I can see for Google Glass for photography or video is clandestine capture and that's just creepy. That said, everyone knows what Google Glass looks like now so they can throw you out if wearing them.
    Videos like this one help showcase the higher "creep" factor possible with a drone. Those still bothered by something like Google Glass should surely see the problem with this.

  • Reply 45 of 50
    zoetmbzoetmb Posts: 2,654member
    Originally Posted by Gatorguy View Post

    Videos like this one help showcase the higher "creep" factor possible with a drone. Those still bothered by something like Google Glass should surely see the problem with this.

    While that will be the perception, I don't understand the problem.   If you walked onto that beach, you'd see a lot more, far closer up, than from the drone.


    Having said that, I think there are going to be bans against drones in cities and there already some regulations that they can't fly near airports or above 200 feet.   It doesn't take very many jerks who use drones inappropriately for people to get outraged about them.  While I don't know why anyone would want to look inside a hospital room, apparently a drone was used in Kingston, NY to do just that. 


    But there are some great uses for drones.  I was on a site yesterday (which I can no longer find) which had some of the most incredible footage I've ever seen.   The drone footage was smoother than anything I've ever seen shot by helicopter.   This site: has  some of the same videos (towards the bottom of the page), but the other site had some even better ones.    I have to admit, these videos are so spectacular that I think at this point, between buying another very expensive lens and going for a drone, I'd go for the drone.   


    I was with family this past weekend and the kids were roller blading in a large park with a circular path.   I was thinking that if I had a drone, I could have followed them around from above.   This was in an incredibly beautiful area on the water in New York State and having that drone fly over the water and through some of the mountains would have been incredible as well.


    Before they make these things illegal (and I bet some localities do), I'd be in favor of a reasonable licensing system as long as a license from one State was good in another State and the cost was reasonably low.   

  • Reply 46 of 50
    zoetmb wrote: »
    ^ post

    Thanks for these video's; they look great. Pity you can't find the other site you mentioned, doesn't the history in Safari help out there?
  • Reply 47 of 50
    gatorguy wrote: »
    Well my interest in video and photography makes a quad copter very appealing to me, for the ability to say, capture wild life and scenery from a higher altitude than my traditional gear or from a safer position. I am not quite sure how Google Glass would be of any use in any situation I can think of for high quality photography or video. If I wanted a first person view I'd use my Canons or if hands free a GoPro. The only reason I can see for Google Glass for photography or video is clandestine capture and that's just creepy. That said, everyone knows what Google Glass looks like now so they can throw you out if wearing them.
    Videos like this one help showcase the higher "creep" factor possible with a drone. Those still bothered by something like Google Glass should surely see the problem with this.



    I couldn't watch more than a few seconds of the video, as the intrusion was horrendous.

    There is no future for these drones. They need to be banned from sale.
  • Reply 48 of 50
    zoetmbzoetmb Posts: 2,654member

    Originally Posted by PhilBoogie View Post

    Thanks for these video's; they look great. Pity you can't find the other site you mentioned, doesn't the history in Safari help out there?

    I found it on my phone, which wasn't working (wouldn't charge) when I wrote this post.  It's working again now, but for some reason, that site is not in the history.    If I find it again, I'll post it.   But if you search "drone video african animals", you get some similar ones.   

  • Reply 49 of 50
    zoetmbzoetmb Posts: 2,654member

    Originally Posted by Gatorguy View Post

    Google Glass isn't about spying for most either. Drones could potentially be even more intrusive and privacy-broaching, viewing/filming entire neighborhoods backyards and peeping in second story bedrooms. Worse you won't even know who is doing it. I think it's another intriguing idea that sounds cool and fun but a small number of deviates (or at least deviate claims) will kill it.

    Yes, except that at least you know when the drone is there because you can hear it or see it.   How about all the people living in those luxury high rises with floor to ceiling windows.   Almost every one I've ever seen has a telescope and at least in places like NYC, it's not for watching the stars, since there's only a few nights a year where you can see anything.    With a telescope (or for that matter with a super-telephoto lens, like the 800mm lenses frequently used for sports shooting), you have no idea someone is watching you.   


    In addition, if a drone is at a low enough level that you can have access to it (like right outside your window), you can grab it.   I'm sure there's going to be some cases where people shoot down drones just for the fun of it.


    Having said that, as per my other post, I do think  these will eventually be either banned or highly regulated, but not necessarily for good reasons - mostly because of paranoia and it's one more thing politicians can do instead of paying attention to the real problems in society.  

  • Reply 50 of 50
    zoetmb wrote: »
    philboogie wrote: »
    Thanks for these video's; they look great. Pity you can't find the other site you mentioned, doesn't the history in Safari help out there?

    I found it on my phone, which wasn't working (wouldn't charge) when I wrote this post.  It's working again now, but for some reason, that site is not in the history.    If I find it again, I'll post it.   But if you search "drone video african animals", you get some similar ones.   

    Thanking you kindly for replying. No need to search any further; your given criteria was enough to find the most amazing footage I never thought possible to be created by 'mere consumers'.
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