I Bet My Life: Microsoft HoloLens perfectly targets its core competency



  • Reply 81 of 258
    pfisherpfisher Posts: 758member

    Originally Posted by Rogifan View Post

    'Nuff said.





    What movie is this? Low budget "Evil Dorks from Space"?


    How embarrassing. I bet these guys went out and got drunk after this and tried to forget what MS Marketing told them to do.



  • Reply 82 of 258
    canukstormcanukstorm Posts: 2,732member

    Originally Posted by LarryA View Post

    True, but that was 3 months ago, and I know they're moving units because Best Buy was out of stock when my wife went to get one.

    The Surface Pro 3 have been increasing, no doubt.  The concept behind that device does resonate with many consumers.

  • Reply 83 of 258

    Originally Posted by pfisher View Post




    What movie is this? Low budget "Evil Dorks from Space"?


    How embarrassing. I bet these guys went out and got drunk after this and tried to forget what MS Marketing told them to do.



    I dunno. It looks to me like they're having a lot of fun. And personally I'd rather have fun than look cool

  • Reply 84 of 258
    canukstormcanukstorm Posts: 2,732member

    Cnet has an decent on what the Hololens is and how it works;




    The main gist of the article is the last paragraph;


    "But Oculus, Microsoft, Google and others believe in a different, potentially more natural way to interact with our technology. These companies and the hardware they're creating imagine a world where hand gestures, 3D images and images superimposed on reality are the next-generation tools for productivity, communication and everything else we use gadgets and the Internet for."


    MS knows it lost the war on the mobile space (ie: smartphones).  The HoloLens is about them trying to lead and take charge of the next generation of computing.

  • Reply 85 of 258
    canukstormcanukstorm Posts: 2,732member

    Originally Posted by Hamitzyot View Post


    I dunno. It looks to me like they're having a lot of fun. And personally I'd rather have fun than look cool

    Assuming over time that this device gets smaller / thinner, then you can have fun and look cool.

  • Reply 86 of 258
    asciiascii Posts: 5,936member

    Originally Posted by Benjamin Frost View Post


    For me, the whole wearables craze is where I get off. I have quite enough computing stuff with a Mac, iPhone and iPad. I don't want to become a cyborg pathetically attached to a glaring screen on my wrist that looks like an ugly black blob to others most of the time with its screen off. 

    I'm looking forward to becoming a cyborg. Having my brain plugged in to the Internet, and being able to query the problem I'm working on against the body of human knowledge, would be a tremendous help.


    You can kind of do that with Google already, but something more integrated with out thought processes would be better. So instead of having to stop thinking, query, and start thinking again, it would just be seamless.

  • Reply 87 of 258
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member
    Originally Posted by ascii View Post

    I'm looking forward to becoming a cyborg. Having my brain plugged in to the Internet, and being able to query the problem I'm working on against the body of human knowledge, would be a tremendous help.


    You can kind of do that with Google already, but something more integrated with out thought processes would be better. So instead of having to stop thinking, query, and start thinking again, it would just be seamless.

    I can see a chip in your brain in the near future.


    Why eat Chinese food with chopsticks when you could have nutrition pumped directly into your stomach with a feeding tube?

  • Reply 88 of 258
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,817member
    Well Apple's next major product is Apple Watch, maybe you've heard of it?

    It too was also not finished when it was first shown ~4 months ago. However, it specified an entry level price point and gave a ballpark ~6 mo arrival date, and didn't advertise impossible, impractical and downright silly pie in the sky concepts, didn't name it itself something with a buzzword that is simply inaccurate ("flying drone watch"), and didn't claim credit for a range of technologies that others had released two years earlier. 

    Apple actually acknowledged (both for Watch and for Apple Pay) that others had tried to do things in the space and outlined why they'd failed. 

    Microsoft is floating a copy of a demo that bears no correlation to the experimental prototype they had to show. 

    Tellingly, The Verge, Engadet, Wired & CNET all wrote this up like the PR lapdog they are, as if it were some wildly new thing that actually does create holograms and could possibly do the absurd things portrayed in the video. You should be complaining there, not that AI is pointing out the truth. 

    That's the truth!
  • Reply 89 of 258
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,817member
    hamitzyot wrote: »
    Why is this Microsoft's problem? They didn't have to give the iPad a version of Office at all.

    No of course not Microcrap could have made a fortune supplying Office to Microcraps's mobile solutions ... Oh wait a minute .... :D

    How's the weather in Redmond today by the way?
  • Reply 90 of 258

    I think this would be great to use in a Laser Tag setting with a Halo theme since Microsoft owns Halo.  The augmented reality would create and overlay either Covenant or Spartan imagery on the players. Or something like battle chess like that holographic chess like game the played in Star Wars. I can see this as being great for games and educational learning.  But not necessarily for everyday use.

    I just think it requires more compute power than the headset can accomplish on its own.


    These would be great in a museum as well.  Imagine seeing a dinosaur skeleton and then have it become a solid live looking dinosaur that gets into a battle with another dinosaur, like T. Rex vs Triceratops all right in front of me.


    Here is another idea the teacher writes a math equation on the white board and the hololens instantly graphs the equation.


    I can't wait for these ideas to become reality.

  • Reply 91 of 258

    Originally Posted by CanukStorm View Post


    Assuming over time that this device gets smaller / thinner, then you can have fun and look cool.

    True. I'm expecting that we'll have to wait for a 2.0 release before it really grabs consumers, like many of Microsoft's products

  • Reply 92 of 258
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,817member
    hamitzyot wrote: »
    I dunno. It looks to me like they're having a lot of fun. And personally I'd rather have fun than look cool

    Reminds me of the Microcrap funeral for the iPhone sketch, maybe the same actors?
  • Reply 93 of 258
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,817member
    hamitzyot wrote: »
    True. I'm expecting that we'll have to wait for a 2.0 release before it really grabs consumers, like many of Microsoft's products

    There is no accounting for taste.

    But right ... The Zune 2.0 did well, and the Slate and the Surface ... Oh wait a minute ... :D
  • Reply 94 of 258

    Originally Posted by digitalclips View Post

    No of course not Microcrap could have made a fortune supplying Office to Microcraps's mobile solutions ... Oh wait a minute .... image

    How's the weather in Redmond's today by the way?

    They could have, but they didn't. Instead, they shipped many new computers with Office for free, offered it as a free download for college students, they made Office Online free. There are many instances in which Microsoft avoided charging for their software, so clearly money is not the issue. (also I suggest you cease using the term "MicroCrap". It's just childish)

    And it's currently 57 and partly cloudy in Redmond

  • Reply 95 of 258
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,817member
    hamitzyot wrote: »
    They could have, but they didn't. Instead, they shipped many new computers with Office for free, offered it as a free download for college students, they made Office Online free. There are many instances in which Microsoft avoided charging for their software, so clearly money is not the issue. (also I suggest you cease using the term "MicroCrap". It's just childish)
    And it's currently 57 and partly cloudy in Redmond

    And you think Microcrap would be offering anything 'for free' if it were not for getting floor wiped by Apple? Let's check history ... mmmm .... nope.

    I've used the term Microcrap since they you lot stole Mac OS and Mac Office, that's my polite term. Go back to a Microcrap blog and be happy.
  • Reply 96 of 258
    dsddsd Posts: 186member



  • Reply 97 of 258
    asciiascii Posts: 5,936member

    Originally Posted by mstone View Post


    I can see a chip in your brain in the near future.


    Why eat Chinese food with chopsticks when you could have nutrition pumped directly into your stomach with a feeding tube?


    That's not a very good analogy. There's pleasure in eating food, but unless you really like Google's web interface, there's not much pleasure in using that vs a more direct alternative.

  • Reply 98 of 258

    Originally Posted by digitalclips View Post

    Reminds me of the Microcrap funeral for the iPhone sketch, maybe the same actors?

    Those are Microsoft's Joe Belfiore, Alex Kipman and Terry Myerson. Hardly actors

  • Reply 99 of 258

    Originally Posted by digitalclips View Post

    There is no accounting for taste.

    But right ... The Zune 2.0 did well, and the Slate and the Surface ... Oh wait a minute ... image

    The Zune HD was actually quite good, and received very positive reviews. But by that time Apple had already monopolized the market with the iPod Touch, so it didn't matter

    I'm not gonna argue with you on the Slate. I think everyone can agree it was conclusively a flop

    And the Surface 2 actual landed a 4.7 on Engadget, compared to the iPad Air's 4.6. Not a huge difference, but hey, it's there

  • Reply 100 of 258
    I've been following this blog for quite some time, left a few comments. This is one of your worst articles and you should fire the author.

    I've used many Apple products in the past, I actually have 3 MacBooks at home, etc. After the Windows event I installed Windows 10 on my MacBook Pro 8,3 and I like it more than I like OS X and especially Yosemite.

    To the author: Well, if you wanted to provoce a reaction, you succeeded with it. But provocation is something that a terrorist video on YouTube can do too. You provoced me to unsubscribe to this site and never visit it again. Bashing against Microsoft, a company that has pulled Apple out of their financial crisis in '97 and is building nice products ever since in an unreflected and completely unprofessional way is not accepatble.
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