I Bet My Life: Microsoft HoloLens perfectly targets its core competency



  • Reply 121 of 258
    Holy moly,

    I've read some bitter, biased editorials before, but this one has got to take the cake. You're really going to try to sit there and type to the general public that the iPhone 6 is more revolutionary a product than this hololens? Really??? With a straight face???

    If you want to question Microsoft's ability to bring this thing to market, to launch it with any type of dexterity or skill, or to reach the consumer base on a compelling way, that's all fair game. But you're really going to sit there and simply call the product stupid and a fake?

    Did you used to tell kids in the schoolyard that they smelled too?

    Get your head out of your a$$. Who cares what company has made a product; just care about whether it's a compelling product.
  • Reply 122 of 258

    Originally Posted by AdamC View Post


    I doubt it will be so even in 10 years time.


    What Primesense did is more plausible than this.

    MS did say HoloLens will be going on sale during the Windows 10 time frame so definitely much earlier than 10 years.  

  • Reply 123 of 258

    Are you guys for real?


    Microsoft announces a product with the potential (even if it doesn't live up to the hype; even if it crashes and burns) to change the way we interact with technology, and what you get from that is that they are *out of ideas*?


    This idea is so ludicrous to me that I can't even think of a good retort. It's like... it's like we live on different planets. Cause in my world, this product has the potential to revolutionize. It may fail, or maybe Apple even beats Microsoft to the inch with a better product. But the potential is there nonetheless.


    Out of ideas. Ridiculous. Go look up 'The Backfire Effect', would ya?

  • Reply 124 of 258
    iqatedoiqatedo Posts: 1,829member

    So why didn't MS simply announce a VR headset? It has nothing to do with holography.

  • Reply 125 of 258
    Originally Posted by IQatEdo View Post


    So why didn't MS simply announce a VR headset? It has nothing to do with holography.

    It's not VR. It's AR. Slight distinction


    And they did announce a headset? I'm confused

  • Reply 126 of 258
    iqatedoiqatedo Posts: 1,829member

    Originally Posted by Hamitzyot View Post


    It's not VR. It's AR. Slight distinction


    And they did announce a headset? I'm confused

    Sure, if you want. AR is simply a particular implementation built on VR.

  • Reply 127 of 258

    Originally Posted by IQatEdo View Post


    Sure, if you want. AR is simply a particular implementation built on VR.

    I guess...I'm still not entirely sure what point you're trying to make...

  • Reply 128 of 258
    iqatedoiqatedo Posts: 1,829member

    Originally Posted by Hamitzyot View Post


    I guess...I'm still not entirely sure what point you're trying to make...

    You're kidding... why use the fancy notion of holography when it has nothing to do with holograms? You connect the dots. :)

  • Reply 129 of 258

    Originally Posted by IQatEdo View Post


    You're kidding... why use the fancy notion of holography when it has nothing to do with holograms? You connect the dots. :)

    Maybe it's that while these things aren't actually holograms you'll perceive them to be so 

  • Reply 130 of 258
    dacloodacloo Posts: 890member
    What a childish and pointless article.
  • Reply 131 of 258
    Originally Posted by Corrections View Post



    Well Apple's next major product is Apple Watch, maybe you've heard of it?


    It too was also not finished when it was first shown ~4 months ago. However, it specified an entry level price point and gave a ballpark ~6 mo arrival date, and didn't advertise impossible, impractical and downright silly pie in the sky concepts, didn't name it itself something with a buzzword that is simply inaccurate ("flying drone watch"), and didn't claim credit for a range of technologies that others had released two years earlier. 

    Apple actually acknowledged (both for Watch and for Apple Pay) that others had tried to do things in the space and outlined why they'd failed. 

    Microsoft is floating a copy of a demo that bears no correlation to the experimental prototype they had to show. 


    Tellingly, The Verge, Engadet, Wired & CNET all wrote this up like the PR lapdog they are, as if it were some wildly new thing that actually does create holograms and could possibly do the absurd things portrayed in the video. You should be complaining there, not that AI is pointing out the truth. 

    This is all wonderful and all (and overly opinionateda), but there is no competing Apple product at all in any way shape or form. I am happy for both companies. It is possible, you know.


    But as you know, if you consider a product not shipped immediately after being announced the Apple Watch is also vaporware. The iPad was also vaporware as it didnt ship for months. The iPhone was also vaporware as it didnt ship for months and it also was demo'd as a prototype, much like Hololens.


    Even if this product does 30% of what it promises, it is still better than 0%.

  • Reply 132 of 258

    Over the past five years, Microsoft struggled for two years just to port Windows to ARM, and that was (literally) to save its life. And even that didn't work 


    i liked this post and found it informative, but i am puzzled about the above that is quoted from it. are you saying that microsoft is dead since it did not save its own life?


    which is fine by me, i gave up on fixing windows problems years ago and moved everything to mac. and though no platform is perfect, the number of problems that i have to fix is very minimal (and mostly due to ignorance as i do not know how mac does certain things).


    also, as far as that song MS chose- apple released the air with that song from Yael Naim in which she sings (but the did not put in the commercial) "fining myself making every possible mistake"

  • Reply 133 of 258

    It is interesting to note, that the HoloLens "device" shown on stage has nothing to do with the actual prototype: 



  • Reply 134 of 258
    sirdirsirdir Posts: 190member
    What I found really frustrating for Microsoft: Even their biggest surprise, the HoloLense only summoned very little applause. With most other 'news' you could clearly see they were waiting for applause, but the room was silent except for some nervous coughs.
    Just compare that to an Apple keynote. Microsoft isn't even able to have their own people cheer and clap.
    And the whole demo was much too long and much too much useless advertisment talk, I needed to watch the demo in 4 parts because after a few minutes I'd fall asleep.
  • Reply 135 of 258
    clemynxclemynx Posts: 1,552member
    hamitzyot wrote: »
    Yes, thank you for noticing. Your point?

    Actually Picasso didn't say that.

    Anyway, the corollary is : bad artists try to copy. That's Microsoft, and Samsung, and many others.
  • Reply 136 of 258
    xixoxixo Posts: 451member
    staticx57 wrote: »
    What is Apple coming out with? A new Macbook with a high DPI display? That's cool and all, but I have one already.

    Er, a watch that runs out of power quickly if you actually use it?
  • Reply 137 of 258
    As I pointed out months ago MS has a cash flow problem. They invested in too many R&D projects and have had to cut most of them to bring costs in line with current income. Their layoffs have allowed some creative bookkeeping to hide the shape of things from Wall Street.

    MS hopes that Win10 will get them back on track with everyone paying for the "upgrades" to Win10 compatible software. Also it will allow them to force transition to "software as a service" - paying annual fees to keep your copy of Excel working.

    Hollow-Lens was a demo of concept to keep the crowd distracted from other actions they may take rather than a project that they have the budget to develop in house at this time. And you are right to say that they're clueless as to its practical implementation.

    So get your wallets ready - "free Win10" will be anything but....

    ...And the Band Played On...
  • Reply 138 of 258
    thedbathedba Posts: 776member
    I read Daniel's synopsis of HoloLens and most of your comments and have to say that I very much agree with the author of this piece.
    So far all Microsoft has done, is release a concept video.
    As for one member, complaining about DED bringing up the Surface too much, just look up the infamous video of the original Surface coffee table. Search in youtube The term "Microsoft Surface 2007". Then tell us how that turned out.
  • Reply 139 of 258
    clemynxclemynx Posts: 1,552member
    Obviously they didn't just do a demo video, journalists tried it.
  • Reply 140 of 258
    iaeeniaeen Posts: 588member
    staticx57 wrote: »
    But as you know, if you consider a product not shipped immediately after being announced the Apple Watch is also vaporware. The iPad was also vaporware as it didnt ship for months. The iPhone was also vaporware as it didnt ship for months and it also was demo'd as a prototype, much like Hololens.

    New Apple product categories are demoed early because the need to undergo regulatory review that will make the device public anyway. Apple has to choose between announcing early or losing the element of surprise. Apart from the fact the paperwork isn't all finished, the "prototype" Apple demos is nearly identical to the fully functional finished product.

    Microsoft, on the other hand, announces things like the hololens years before they are ready for regulatory review and even before they even know how they are going to accomplish everything they promise. I fully expect this product to be a repeat of the surface (table). It looks cool in the demo doing a couple of specific things, but never becomes a finished product.
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