Wall Street shocked by Apple's staggering quarter, prompting analysts to raise estimates



  • Reply 21 of 83
    This behavior by many "analysts" is like predicting sunshine today, but changing the forecast after it starts raining. And they get paid for this. ANALysts.
  • Reply 22 of 83
    Stock manipulation happens all the time and given Apple's size and the amounts of money to be made, even small swings based upon negative or flat analyst predictions can have huge payouts to their investors or the firms themselves.

    If any of them deny they're doing exactly that - manipulating the market, then they should be fired for being more wrong about Apple on a consistent basis, than just about any publicly traded company.
  • Reply 23 of 83
    lkrupplkrupp Posts: 10,557member

    Originally Posted by chadmatic View Post


    Not surprising, Wall Street just doesn't "get it".

    I think they’re living by the rule “If it looks to good to be true...” It would appear that they simply cannot wrap their tiny idiot savant heads around the fact that Apple thinks different and works different than the rest. They can’t pigeonhole Apple and that’s screws with their heads.


    By the way, can we start calling Microsoft “beleaguered” now?

  • Reply 24 of 83

    Evercore ISI has watches sold in 2014!  The watch is not out yet!   This ANAL-ist is a laughing stock.  Why bother even reading anything any analyst says?

  • Reply 25 of 83



    File this under, "No Shit, Sherlock."

  • Reply 26 of 83
    jungmarkjungmark Posts: 6,927member
    "As for Morgan Stanley's "bull case" scenario, the investment firm could see shares of AAPL going as high as $150 if the company's larger-screened iPhones were to drive more mobile share gains,..."

    This is why I hate analysts. What does market share have to do with anything. Leave the temple of market share!
  • Reply 27 of 83
    boredumbboredumb Posts: 1,418member

    Originally Posted by TeeJay2012 View Post

    Originally Posted by FreeRange View Post

    It's amazing that Maynard Um of Wells Fargo still has a job.

    Maynard...Um .. is  um.. an idiot.

    ...and now he's been 'Manured'...

  • Reply 28 of 83

    Raise estimates, don't meet wall street estimates (while still doing great by internal estimates), stock drops.  

  • Reply 29 of 83
    alfiejralfiejr Posts: 1,524member

    looking at the many web pieces about Apple's big numbers, not one of them even mentioned what i think is a key, if not THE key, to the iPhone's soaring popularity - its much superior user security. (of course that extends to the entire Apple products/ecosystem too.)


    there is just no denying that Android is far more dangerous in many ways, and with the constant drumbeat of "hacking" episodes of all kinds in the news globally, plus identity theft and all the rest, everyone with anything at risk is starting to pay very serious attention to the issue. as they well should.


    the still unmatched security of Touch ID is the visible emblem of Apple's superior "walled garden" user security approach, and Apple's constant emphasis on the many other secure elements of iOS and OS X is having an real impact. these safety considerations are a very, very good reason to spend and extra couple hundred $'s to get an iPhone - and that's what people are demonstrably doing.


    this is also what makes Apple Pay suddenly so attractive - it's air tight security, at least so far.

  • Reply 30 of 83
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member
    Most of these analysts suck!

    They are as accurate as the morons who predicted that my city would be hit by snowmageddon just a few days ago! that turned out to be complete BS!

    Foolish people were going bananas, emptying store shelves of food and supplies! i didnt believe it for a second, and i made zero preperations.

    The biggest earnings ever to be reported in human history! How's that for an earnings blowout? :D

    Hell, i want to see price targets that are above $200! Dont come here with any crap that is only a few dollars more than where we are today.
  • Reply 31 of 83
    Apple is going to be the world's first super-company. I wrote about this almost a year ago and the argument is holding: http://torusoft.com/blog/how-to-recognize-a-super-company
  • Reply 32 of 83
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member
    Originally Posted by TheWhiteFalcon View Post

    Gene isn't going to raise his target until he has a 42" Apple TV set in his living room. Guy's obsessed with that TV.

    42" was maybe an ok size some years ago, when people first started taking about any Apple TV.


    But like I said, that was years ago! 42" is a complete joke today! It's way too small!


    The smallest Apple TV size offered should be 50" at least, and it should go all the way up to around 90".

  • Reply 33 of 83
    techno wrote: »
    hmmm, really?

    The week leading up all we hear from the "analysts" are reports that downplay the success and help push AAPL lower. Now the quarterly results are in and they are "shocked."


    I wasn't shocked. Were any of you? Can you say stock manipulation?

    Ha! My favorite manipulation attempt was by the Shark Tank guy O'Leary who tried to talk down Apple's prospects a little while ago. I can't find the original article. O'Leary is always talking up Apple on the TV show. I read his dismal comments on one of the financial rags, the comentators all laughed at him.

    Hey, I read that the most popular options straddle for the earnings call put the range at <103 makes money and >118 makes money. Does that mean most of them lost money? Lol.

    Sigh. Why can't Apple hit a high note like MSFT did in its heyday, where the p/e was 60 something.
  • Reply 34 of 83
    apple ][ wrote: »
    They are as accurate as the morons who predicted that my city would be hit by snowmageddon just a few days ago! that turned out to be complete BS!

    Foolish people were going bananas, emptying store shelves of food and supplies! i didnt believe it for a second, and i made zero preperations.
    You can stand proud that you are brighter ( in your world) than many, many people who spend their lives studying weather phenomena. Given the data they had, quite different than analysts data, they made predictions that gave those responsible for emergencies a hard choice. Ignore and hope to hell it isn't as bad as predicted, or take care and deal with problems that in the past, at lower expectations, cost lives and created horrific damages.
    Any logic to try to tie this to Apple gives analysts far too much wisdom and shows your "opinion" even more "fawlty" logic as Mr C. might say. Nature is managed by somewhat ethereal sources, Apple by smart business people who have learned from the past, not perfect, as the whiners rush to point out on this site and others, but have a pretty good run behind them, lots of potential ahead.
  • Reply 35 of 83
    joshajosha Posts: 901member
    hexclock wrote: »
    Hopefully we broke through the latest resistance line for good.

    Never, they'll always find some reasons to bounce AAPL down and up.
  • Reply 36 of 83

  • Reply 37 of 83
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member
    Originally Posted by pacificfilm View Post

    You can stand proud that you are brighter ( in your world) than many, many people who spend their lives studying weather phenomena. Given the data they had, quite different than analysts data, they made predictions that gave those responsible for emergencies a hard choice. Ignore and hope to hell it isn't as bad as predicted, or take care and deal with problems that in the past, at lower expectations, cost lives and created horrific damages.

    Any logic to try to tie this to Apple gives analysts far too much wisdom and shows more "fawlty" logic as Mr C. might say. Nature is managed by somewhat ethereal sources, Apple by smart business people who have learned from the past, not perfect, as the whiners rush to point out on this site and others, but have a pretty good run behind them, lots of potential ahead.

    Forecasting weather is often less accurate than the predictions of Wall Street analysts, a group of people who provide no useful service to the world.


    My beef is not with the weather people, it's with today's PC society, where every little thing gets exaggerated and people turn into complete wusses. The Mayor shut down the entire city! Cars were forbidden from driving on any roads after 11 PM! That is insane!


    They need to grow some balls! It's only some snow! People and cities have dealt with snow for thousands of years! The way that they were talking about the storm, you'd think that they were talking about a scene out of "The Day After Tomorrow".<img class=" src="http://forums-files.appleinsider.com/images/smilies//lol.gif" /> These people need to separate fiction from reality.

  • Reply 38 of 83
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    And there's still clowns on CNBC saying Apple is doomed because of hardware commoditization. How many years now has Wall Street been singing this tune?
  • Reply 40 of 83
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