Apple signs on to Obama's cybersecurity framework as Tim Cook calls privacy 'life and death' issue



  • Reply 61 of 80


  • Reply 62 of 80
    crowleycrowley Posts: 10,453member

    Hilarious how often your arrogance and argumentativeness blows up in your face.



    Originally Posted by Sociable Weaver View Post

    If you really think you are not sharing data already with the government that's even funnier.


    i.e. Sharing your data purposely with government is null and moot if the government already has access to your data.  


    A perfectly fine post, that totally works as an addition (albeit a tangential and sarcastic one) to the conversation.  Maybe try understanding someone else's point rather than whining?  

  • Reply 63 of 80
    crowley wrote: »
    i.e. Sharing your data purposely with government is null and moot if the government already has access to your data.  

    A perfectly fine post, that totally works as an addition (albeit a tangential and sarcastic one) to the conversation.  Maybe try understanding someone else's point rather than whining?  

    Yeah guilty as charged sorry about the sarcasm. What's with the huge font, is that normal?
  • Reply 64 of 80
    Originally Posted by Crowley View Post

    Maybe try understanding someone else's point rather than whining?  

    Except, illiterate, I said nothing about not already sharing it. Please learn how to read.

    One would think that, for as many times as you’ve been told this, you might actually do something about it.

  • Reply 65 of 80
    crowleycrowley Posts: 10,453member
    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post


    Except, illiterate, I said nothing about not already sharing it. Please learn how to read.

    One would think that, for as many times as you’ve been told this, you might actually do something about it.

    And he never said you said anything about not already sharing it.  That was not his point - it was a follow on comment and a sarcastic jibe about government surveillance.  Despite you being a colossal jackass, not every reply to you is a direct criticism or insult.


    And enough of the illiterate.  It's demonstrably not true, and now so far beyond irritating, it's just pathetic.  Stop it.

  • Reply 66 of 80
    crowleycrowley Posts: 10,453member

    Originally Posted by Sociable Weaver View Post

    Yeah guilty as charged sorry about the sarcasm. What's with the huge font, is that normal?

    TS is under the illusion that other people are unable to understand him, so uses the big letters to patronise and insult them.  However, 99% of the time they understand him perfectly fine, as he never says anything particularly complicated or insightful, so they have already moved on from his uninteresting points.  

  • Reply 67 of 80
    Originally Posted by Crowley View Post

    And he never said you said anything about not already sharing it.


    That was the point of his entire post, yeah.


    That was not his point


    Good to know your illiteracy extends to others’ posts, too.


    Learn how to read, please; you can save a lot of time that way.

  • Reply 68 of 80

    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post



    That was the point of his entire post, yeah.


    Good to know your illiteracy extends to others’ posts, too.


    Learn how to read, please; you can save a lot of time that way.

    Nope, sorry, not getting this.  Can you perhaps make the font bigger?

  • Reply 69 of 80
    Originally Posted by Sociable Weaver View Post

    Nope, sorry, not getting this.


    You were wrong from the get-go because you didn’t read. Instead of just correcting your post, you decided to drag out the error because you’re terrified of ever being wrong. Read posts before replying to them in the future.


    If that’s too hard to comprehend, you’re on the wrong website.

  • Reply 70 of 80
    crowleycrowley Posts: 10,453member
    That was the point of his entire post, yeah.
    Good to know your illiteracy extends to others’ posts, too.
    Learn how to read, please; you can save a lot of time that way.
    Three for three! Nope.

    Embarrassing how wrong you are and how blind you are to it.

    Again, the point of his post was not to critique you, even if it may appear to be dressed that way. Other people generally aren't as quick to jump into argument baiting and insults as you are. It was a throwaway comment about how voluntarily giving up your private data is hardly relevant when the government has it anyway.

    You're so keen to tell other people to learn to read, but you don't seem to have any ability to comprehend other people's intentions. You should really work on that.
  • Reply 71 of 80
    crowleycrowley Posts: 10,453member
    Here's a hint TS. If something doesn't make sense to you to the degree that you're about to tell someone that they can't read, there's a very strong chance that you've misunderstood their intent. Try reading the exchange again and understanding their point of view. If you still can't figure it out, then maybe just give them the benefit of the doubt. Or else just ignore the comment, that's fine too.

    This constant shit-flinging and derailing of threads can't be making you, or anyone else, happy.
  • Reply 72 of 80
    irnchrizirnchriz Posts: 1,617member
    If Apple does not want to update iOS to allow for information sharing with governments, my question to Cook would be: would he allow a third-party app in the App Store that will accomplish the same feat? Is he truly an advocate for human rights and personal safety? Let's get to the real bottom of his motives, shall we.

    What you suggest is putting a backdoor in iOS security. Such an act would make these systems insecure and open to hackers and terrorists to abuse. Your suggestion is far worse than what Apple are doing.
  • Reply 73 of 80

    Thank you Tim…We as users, customers, stockholders and possible victims are mostly ill-equipped to deal with the complexity, on most any level, of the tech that more and more runs our lives each day. That dependence VERY QUICKLY could lead to something MUCH darker, without a very non-pourous filter applied, that helps educate us on what is rational and what is a possible enslaver.


    More than most think, that’s a very fine line and most humans are NOT prepared intellectually to make those judgements. And, that puts enormous pressure on Apple, and your whole organization to be upfront in what your will and will NOT do and so far, you’ve made reasonably good decisions. Many are skeptical about Apple being an honest broker of our trust but I had MUCH rather have you who’s making those decisions based on corporate motivations versus a closed governments’ institutions that remain (on purpose) closed to ANY external scrutiny…. That’s where the Stasi came from… Let’s not go back. 

  • Reply 74 of 80
    "The USA is not China. I can see not playing ball with the Chinese government. But not playing ball with USA government on averting terror threats is way too negligent in citizen safety."

    I can promise you the only thing you will gain from giving up information is your own personal security.
    The NSA does not need a backdoor into IOS devices like they have with Android.
    "There always Google" my previous statement already addressed that. Google is a joke when it comes to security. They could care less about your privacy or security. And businesses know this hence the slooooooooooooooooowwwwwwww 4 year up take on Google Pay. Apple did in 4 months over 1,000.000 times the business Google did in 4 years. Why? Because they actually have security. Also the reason Visa is going to the token Apple model for security in the next year(s)on cards.
    Wake up and stop being a lemming.
  • Reply 75 of 80
    razorpitrazorpit Posts: 1,796member

    This is one thing I trust the Obama administration with, security and privacy.  I mean look at the millions of dollars spent just to see his birth certificate and college transcripts!

  • Reply 76 of 80
    mcdavemcdave Posts: 1,927member
    crowley wrote: »
    They do? Any evidence for that ever happening?

    It's on their 10K, read the post.
  • Reply 77 of 80
    crowleycrowley Posts: 10,453member

    Originally Posted by McDave View Post

    It's on their 10K, read the post.

    Your post only mentioned the 10-K with regards the government tax break, but ok.


    It's quite long, could you perhaps tell me what bit specifically refers to them "selling data to the highest bidder"?


    I'm not saying it doesn't exist, I'm just not aware that Google does such a thing.  Their business is selling advertising space, that they target with their data analytics; they don't sell the data itself, as far as I'm aware.

  • Reply 78 of 80
  • Reply 79 of 80
    mcdavemcdave Posts: 1,927member
    crowley wrote: »
    Your post only mentioned the 10-K with regards the government tax break, but ok.

    It's quite long, could you perhaps tell me what bit specifically refers to them "selling data to the highest bidder"?

    I'm not saying it doesn't exist, I'm just not aware that Google does such a thing.  Their business is selling advertising space, that they target with their data analytics; they don't sell the data itself, as far as I'm aware.

    Here's an example of one how one of their public services works by Googles selling data literally to the highest bidder
    I'm sure their service portfolio extends well beyond this especially as clicks haven't translated well to taps.
  • Reply 80 of 80
    The Federal government has no place leading any initiative regarding privacy or security. They are the worst examples to provide any leadership considering the debacles that have recently happened in various departments of the government - IRS, FAA, CIA, etc. Let industry establish the standards and let the government stay where they belong - out of everyone's business.
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