Apple eyeing electric car production by 2020, report says



  • Reply 61 of 295
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    solipsismy wrote: »
    Huh? The size and location of the battery and motor in electric cars allows for even more trunk space for a given automobile size. So far, only the hybrids with an internal combustion engine, gas tank, electric motors and battery array are the ones that seem to take up too much room.

    In fact, the Tesla Model S's trunk is so large that they were able to place a couple extra seats back there.

    700 700


    Then I stand corrected, thanks.
  • Reply 62 of 295
    solipsismy wrote: »
    dasanman69 wrote: »
    You also can't have a trunk or a boot to [@]Benjamin Frost[/@] full of batteries, and carry all the soccer gear, groceries, the dry cleaning, etc... around.

    Huh? The size and location of the battery and motor in electric cars allows for even more trunk space for a given automobile size. So far, only the hybrids with an internal combustion engine, gas tank, electric motors and battery array are the ones that seem to take up too much room.

    In fact, the Tesla Model S's trunk is so large that they were able to place a couple extra seats back there.

    700 700


    That's a proportionally tiny trunk for such a large car.

    If you look at the cut-away, the floor is on two levels to accommodate the battery. It's deceptively pokey.
  • Reply 63 of 295
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,821member
    I wish them well.

    Until they can overcome the problems inherent to electric cars, they won't achieve the extensive market they have with their mobile devices.

    Some problems with electric cars:

    1. Total mileage is very limited compared to fossil fuels. You need to be able to do 400 or 500 miles on a charge.

    2. Charging takes ages. When you can charge in three minutes, it'll be comparable to gas.

    3. The battery is extremely heavy and bulky. This means that boots are tiny.

    4. The battery has to be replaced frequently at great expense and time. No such problem with gas.

    5. Where do you charge your car? In the UK, at least, this is very limited. Forget charging at home. A large proportion of people live in apartments and leave their car on the street. To my mind, this is the biggest obstacle to electric cars—there is no infrastructure, nor any easy way to solve that problem. This is why charging times need to come down to five minutes or fewer.

    6. Electric cars are much more expensive than normal ones. Total overall lifetime cost, as well as initial cost, is still much higher than for equivalent gas cars. There is virtually no market for them, save for small city cars, though they have become less visible in London in the past few years.

    One would expect Apple to build the most attractive electric car that you could wish for. If anyone can make them popular, they surely can. However, transforming the infrastructure is a monumental undertaking that is out of their hands. The only way to solve the charge problem, to my mind, is to hugely reduce the charge time. It sounds, from the recent rumours, that Apple are concentrating on battery tech. 

    I'd love an electric Apple Car; I guess Cook and Ive like a challenge!

    As usual you are seemingly out of touch.
  • Reply 64 of 295
    dasanman69 wrote: »
    Then I stand corrected, thanks.

    In fact, the one thing that keeps me wishing Apple is building a car is because of how much opportunity there is to make this industry work because of the gains had by moving to an all-electric automobile. Of course, my wishful thinking has a lot more to do with getting the infrastructure designed so that it can be built up with ease (see ?Pay), particularly a way that a battery can be recharged — not replaced — within 10 minutes.

    These all-electric cars are incredibly simple in comparison to the current automobiles with combustions. I forget who used the term on these forums, but they referred to the Tesla as solid-state. While not completely accurate, I do think it's a great term for a tech forum to help get the idea across of the advantages that will be had with electric autos.

    That's the frame, with suspension, tires, batteries and motors right there. To me, that's beautiful with a future-forward elegance, so I can understand why people want Apple to get into this business.

  • Reply 65 of 295
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,821member
    rogifan wrote: »
    I never said Apple plants false rumors. I think any Apple blogger will tell you there are times when Apple leaks stuff to places like WSJ or Re/Code. If Apple PR wanted to they could call up their buddies at Re/Code, give them a story but say "you didn't hear it from us". It doesn't have to be a denial of the rumors (I do think Apple has a team working on something) but just something to put the breaks on what's spiraling out of control. I can guarantee you all CNBC will be talking about tomorrow is this Bloomberg story.

    Can you provide the evidence that 'Apple leaks stuff'? Or are you just full of it?
  • Reply 66 of 295
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    Can you provide the evidence that 'Apple leaks stuff'? Or are you just full of it?

    They just talked about it today on the iMore podcast. Of course Apple leaks from time to time. All big companies do.
  • Reply 67 of 295
    realistic wrote: »
    Oh great! Apple might make a car but then again Apple might not make a car. Six more years of useless rumors to go along with the past 4 years of the Apple TV rumors we still keep hearing about.

    For $1100.01 per hour, Bromwich will tell you everything.
  • Reply 68 of 295

    Originally Posted by Benjamin Frost View Post

    That's a proportionally tiny trunk for such a large car.

    If you look at the cut-away, the floor is on two levels to accommodate the battery. It's deceptively pokey.


    Boy, you have some abjectly bad listening skills.  As was mentioned, that "hump" in the trunk floor is for the motor, not the battery.  The battery is the entire base of the vehicle (about 4 inches thick).  You have no idea what the Tesla is, how it's built, or what it can do, do you?


    As for total cargo area, unless you are trying to compare it to a minivan, the trunk space is enormous.  In fact, it has the largest trunk volume of any sedan, 26.5 cubic feet!  (and that's not including the "frunk" under the hood - an additional 5 and a half cubic feet of room).    



    Rather than bloviating about what you clearly don't know, why don't you take a moment and research?  I already knew the Tesla has a lot of cargo room, but it took me all of 2 minutes to find the actual numbers and a legitimate comparison with other large sedans.  

  • Reply 69 of 295
    mpantonempantone Posts: 2,153member
    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    First it was the Financial Times. Then the Wall Street Journal. Now the New York Times is reporting on this, citing "two people with knowledge of the company's plans".

    There may be something here.....

    Yes, cold fusion.


    I should invest in styrofoam coffee cups.

  • Reply 70 of 295
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    sog35 wrote: »
    One of the biggest concerns from wall street is Apple is only an iPhone company. Adding another product like cars would be good diversification. Ever since the rumors came out we had 4 new all time highs in the stock price. And the idea is not ridiculous at all.

    Apple created the premium segment in the phone space. The premium segment already exists in the automobile space.
  • Reply 71 of 295
    wovelwovel Posts: 956member
    rogifan wrote: »
    Apple could easily call up their buddies at Re/Code and have them run a story that was attributable to anonymous sources. Unless they figure it will peter out once MWC starts and the new Samsung Galaxy phone is announced.

    You don't follow tech news much if you think the press would get distracted from a potential Apple Car 5 years from now by Samsung announcing a new or otherwise.
  • Reply 72 of 295
    rogifan wrote: »
    They just talked about it today on the iMore podcast.

    No idea what that is. Would you mind posting this undeniable proof that Apple is purposely leaking this news.
    Of course Apple leaks from time to time. All big companies do.

    1) You were so close to making a balanced and objective statement but you want the other way. There is no "of course" here, because there is no proof that all big companies do it.

    2) Your first comments were wondering why Apple isn't whispering to the media sub rosa that they aren't building a car and not under, and now you're saying that all companies leak info this way, and yet you're ignoring the reality of your own design that Apple could be the ones leaking this info about a car. Why would you do that?
  • Reply 73 of 295
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    solipsismy wrote: »
    No idea what that is. Would you mind posting this undeniable proof that Apple is purposely leaking this news.
    1) You were so close to making a balanced and objective statement but you want the other way. There is no "of course" here, because there is no proof that all big companies do it.

    2) Your first comments were wondering why Apple isn't whispering to the media sub rosa that they aren't building a car and not under, and now you're saying that all companies leak info this way, and yet you're ignoring the reality of your own design that Apple could be the ones leaking this info about a car. Why would you do that?

    I never said Apple was leaking this story. In fact I said I don't think it is coming from them. But that doesn't mean Apple never leaks. I think it's completely naïve to assume they don't. The iMore show is on YouTube.
  • Reply 74 of 295
    solipsismy wrote: »
    In fact, the one thing that keeps me wishing Apple is building a car is because of how much opportunity there is to make this industry work because of the gains had by moving to an all-electric automobile. Of course, my wishful thinking has a lot more to do with getting the infrastructure designed so that it can be built up with ease (see ?Pay), particularly a way that a battery can be recharged — not replaced — within 10 minutes.

    These all-electric cars are incredibly simple in comparison to the current automobiles with combustions. I forget who used the term on these forums, but they referred to the Tesla as solid-state. While not completely accurate, I do think it's a great term for a tech forum to help get the idea across of the advantages that will be had with electric autos.

    That's the frame, with suspension, tires, batteries and motors right there. To me, that's beautiful with a future-forward elegance, so I can understand why people want Apple to get into this business.


    Do you not think Tesla can do a good enough job developing an electric car? What can Apple do differently?
  • Reply 75 of 295

    Although I do think Apple is building a vehicle, you have to wonder how much money they make from these rumours. When their stock goes up 1%, it more than pays for all those buildings and the 1000 people working on this project. Perhaps controlled leaks are part of the business strategy to raise the stock price. Next we'll see a space launch platform being built in the centre of Campus 2 and the rumours will be Apple is going to space....and the stock will rise again from excitement.

  • Reply 76 of 295
    mpantonempantone Posts: 2,153member
    Originally Posted by SolipsismY View Post

    No idea what that is. Would you mind posting this undeniable proof that Apple is purposely leaking this news.

    1) You were so close to making a balanced and objective statement but you want the other way. There is no "of course" here, because there is no proof that all big companies do it.

    2) Your first comments were wondering why Apple isn't whispering to the media sub rosa that they aren't building a car and not under, and now you're saying that all companies leak info this way, and yet you're ignoring the reality of your own design that Apple could be the ones leaking this info about a car. Why would you do that?


    This is Rogifan's standard M.O. Make some bombastic, inflammatory statement, then fall deathly silent when called to back up her "theories."


    The Girl Who Cried Wolf? Maybe.


    It's a tiresome ploy, one that really contributes to the relentless devaluation of this site's forum quality. Have you read the MacRumors comment forum recently? It is appalling.

  • Reply 77 of 295
    jungmarkjungmark Posts: 6,927member
    rogifan wrote: »
    Then why doesn't Appe stop the insanity? They could shut everybody up in seconds with a "leak" to WSJ or Re/Code or whoever smacking down these rumors. Why is Apple allowing them to persist?

    Apple doesn't comment on rumors. This has been debated ad nauseum on many threads.
    rogifan wrote: »
    They don't have to officially comment. They can use the "people familiar with the matter" line.

    So you want "people familiar with the matter" to comment on rumors attributed to other people familiar with the matter?
  • Reply 78 of 295
    jungmarkjungmark Posts: 6,927member
    New rumor. Apple is working on a ispaceship but won't be completed until 2161.
  • Reply 79 of 295
    sog35 wrote: »
    Its helping the stock and is good hype. No reason to shutdown the rumor.

    The truth is something is cooking. No way 4 of the biggest business news services all got the same rumor unless Apple feed it to them
    Yes it is all about the stock. Anything that helps the stock price.
  • Reply 80 of 295
    rogifan wrote: »
    I never said Apple was leaking this story. In fact I said I don't think it is coming from them. But that doesn't mean Apple never leaks. I think it's completely naïve to assume they don't. The iMore show is on YouTube.

    1) As I noted, you said they should leak a story, with an implication that they are obviously not leaking these stories. My repeated questions and statement to you are about how you can possibly know anything about what they are leaking and not leaking.

    2) Can you really be that dense? I never said Apple or big companies don't leak anything on purpose or by accident. I said that you have ZERO evidence to make such a claim as fact. I even gave you an out by showing how you can state it reasonably as a hypothesis.

    3) Honestly, I can't stand any of the iNames from Apple, not a big fan of podcasts, and definitely don't care for poorly made podcasts about tech (e.g.: Gruber's "The Talk Show") so I'm definitely not going to listen to a bunch of pricks in a podcast about some unsubstantiated rumours. If you want some real insight I believe this forum has the best members for helping the truth come out (e.g.: recent posts by [@]Geospatial[/@]).
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