Apple releases public beta of OS X 10.10.3, gives the masses a first taste of new Photos app



  • Reply 61 of 78
    hillstoneshillstones Posts: 1,490member

    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post



    Great. :rolleyes:


    Thanks for the info! I’ll stick with Aperture, then, for the time being.

    iPhoto and Aperture should continue to work as long as future OS updates don't kill them off.

  • Reply 62 of 78
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,787member
    hillstones wrote: »
    It is ridiculous that the drop down arrows are invisible until you move the mouse over the area to make them appear.  They also do not look like a typical drop-down menu.  Why would Apple hide the extra adjustment settings, and yet claim the program is easier to use?  In iPhoto, you click on Adjust, and all the settings appear with nothing hidden.

    I have already suggested that Apple make the Auto and the down arrow expansion option visible all the time as the hover requirement might elude many newbies. I assume now you have had them pointed out to you, you are happier with Photos' abilities?


  • Reply 63 of 78
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,787member
    Great. :rolleyes:

    Thanks for the info! I’ll stick with Aperture, then, for the time being.

    I'd suggest paralleling the experience.
  • Reply 64 of 78
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,787member

    Do they continue to operate off the same library? If Photos requires an update to the library, can Aperture still read and write it?

    They remain independent.. Aperture supports visible iterations of edits, Photos doesn't. That's why I will keep using Aperture for professional work, I love the purely math based iterations and stacks. I just hope both features gets added to Photos in the coming months along with more control in the smart folders. The other major requirement is for all the Aperture plug-ins we use to be Photos compatible. Hopefully at little extra cost.
  • Reply 65 of 78
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,787member
    hillstones wrote: »
    iPhoto and Aperture should continue to work as long as future OS updates don't kill them off.

    They are both EOL so it's just a matter of time I guess. Hopefully Aperture can work for many OS X versions to come. Who cares about iPhoto since Photos is superior?
  • Reply 66 of 78
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    Originally Posted by digitalclips View Post

    Hopefully Aperture can work for many OS X versions to come. Who cares about iPhoto since Photos is superior?


    I guess I’m still looking at it the wrong way. Apple wants Photos to replace everything, but it’s functionally only an iPhoto replacement as of yet. Guess I’ll try it, at least.

  • Reply 67 of 78
    hillstoneshillstones Posts: 1,490member

    Originally Posted by digitalclips View Post

    I assume now you have had them pointed out to you, you are happier with Photos' abilities?


    I think you are confusing me with the another user.  I don't have any issues with Photos' abilities as a photo editor.  I don't like the interface changes and lack of preferences to adjust them.  Thankfully you can view the sidebar with albums.  Why would Apple think finding photos is easier when your albums are hidden?  I would like to see the background color preference return so if you want awful white, you can have it, but if you want a dark grey, as in iPhoto, you can have that too, which is better on the eyes when viewing photos.  That is why the editor turns black. 


    I am going to test it on my MacBook Pro to see if I get the same error when trying to export the Photos diagnostics report.  Maybe then I could submit reports.  Of course I am not running the beta on my main production drive since I do use my Mac for work.

  • Reply 68 of 78

    at least photo is more responsive than iphoto and more simple to use. And can expected more improvements to come before the actual app launch.

  • Reply 69 of 78
    cmauscmaus Posts: 49member

    When using iOS 8.1.3 or earlier with the Photos for OS X and iCloud Photo Library betas:
    Manually edited dates of photos and videos may revert to their original dates taken.

    This can totally mess up the order of your photo library at this point of time!
  • Reply 70 of 78
    vanoordvanoord Posts: 2member

    The deal-breaker for me is the removal of 'Events'.


    Instead, I'm forced into accepting 'Moments' which is entirely arbitrary and doesn't allow any editing of how photographs are organised.


    If I take a photo on my iPhone and then another on my DLSR 30 seconds later, Photos will put them in separate 'Moments'.


    If I go out for the day, Photos may split the day into several 'Moments' depending how far I've travelled between taking photographs. 


    I can't rename the 'Moments' and I can't merge them or move photographs between them. They're an entirely arbitrary way of organising photographs and if you're using more than just an iPhone camera, then they're effectively useless. 


    ?The fact that Photos has seen fit to name some of the 'Moments' after the nearest road to where the photo was taken is adding insult to injury... 


    Having imported something like 7.5k photographs, I've got hundreds and hundreds of 'Moments' which have replaced two dozen 'Events'. They make no sense at all. 


    Okay, the 'Events' have been archived as albums, but that's not the same thing - they work like albums of duplicates and not as a means of organising the photographs on a primary level. 


    The fix wouldn't be that massive:

    (i) Allow the user to move photographs between 'Moments' (and to merge / delete 'Moments')

    (ii) Allow the user to rename 'Moments' 

    (iii) Allow the user to allocate 'Moments' to 'Collections' 

    (iv) Allow the user to rename 'Collections' 


    From my point of view, what I'm looking at is being able to allocate every photograph relating to - for example - my summer holiday in France to a 'Moment' called 'Summer Holiday in France'. That could live in a 'Collection' called 'Summer 2015' along with other 'Moments' from that summer. 


    I don't think that's too strange a concept, surely?

  • Reply 71 of 78
    damn_its_hotdamn_its_hot Posts: 1,210member

    Originally Posted by hillstones View Post

    Originally Posted by Damn_Its_Hot View Post


    Beware, once you move to Photos from iPhotos you can't go back. I'm sticking with iPhoto as long as I can.

    This is a FALSE statement.  The Photos app creates its own library, separate from the iPhoto Library.  You can continue to use both programs.  But if you add and edit photos in one application, they do not appear in the other.

    True, my stmt should have been qualified better.

  • Reply 72 of 78
    hillstoneshillstones Posts: 1,490member

    Installed 10.10.3 beta with Photos on my MacBook Pro i7 and got the same error trying to create a Photos Diagnostic log...cannot communicate with helper application.  Not sure how to fix that one.  Oh well, no bug or suggestion reports since a Photos Diagnostics log is required for any type of report involving the Photos app.  Great bug that you cannot report.

  • Reply 73 of 78
    damn_its_hotdamn_its_hot Posts: 1,210member

    Originally Posted by digitalclips View Post


    Originally Posted by Damn_Its_Hot View Post

    Yes you can. It sucks.

    Reminds me of the neutering that was done to iMovie. Apple claimed it was simple and so much easier to use. The thing is that they did not tell you they were cutting features so that it does not have parity (or other features compelling enough to throw out the old).

    It does not do what iPhoto does (editing, viewing). It changes the paradigm from events and albums as your main navigation to a timeline (yes you can still have events and albums). It also ties you to iCloud which is OK if you don't mind carrying a subset of your pix on your iPhone and have constant access to either WiFi or cellular so that you can retrieve the others. EXIF data is an afterthought and not easily accessible and the location is no longer stored the same.

    Beware, once you move to Photos from iPhotos you can't go back. I'm sticking with iPhoto as long as I can.

    It doesn't tie you to iCloud if you want to use a stand alone local Library you can.

    It can do very sophisticated edits compared to iPhoto. Perhaps you haven't seen how yet?

    Whoever voted for you hasn't used Photos obviously nor have you it seems.

    The last line you wrote is total tripe. Photos in no way stops you using iPhoto if you want to for a while. It creates its own Library. Plus you can choose where. It is highly customizable.

    I did not clarify well enough with my comment "once you move to Photos from iPhotos you can't go back". My assumption was that most people would not maintain parallel databases of photos to be able to access some features e.g., when editing a picture in iPhoto it keeps the original and history of the pix. Photos can import the iPhoto edited & stored pix but the previous states of the pix will not be preserved when moved. Therefore if you had a reason to want to preserve the chain of history you would have to go back to iPhoto and use it. I personally cannot think of a good use case to illustrate this but have heard comments from others that this is an important feature. Obviously you can use any number of image editing tools available, my assumption was that this does not make my life easier but in fact more complicated.


    IMHO, instead of making the large paradigm shift they did from iPhoto to Photos, it would make more sense to have Photos on OS X have the power features of Aperture on the desktop and the lighter weight version available on iOS. I personally can't see making many edits on my iPhone, some maybe on iPad and the potential of more on the vaporPad aka the iPad Pro.


    Perhaps Photos will turn out to be a more capable product than iPhotos is but I don't see this in its 1.0 release (which we have not yet seen). I also think bringing in Photos and comparing it to Aperture is another discussion. I think it is a leap to think that the plug has been pulled on Aperture (even though Apple has said it is EOL) we have seen this change before.

  • Reply 74 of 78

    I get that same diagnostics issue. But technically Feedback Assistant will let you submit bug reports even without the diagnostics added. The few I have reported thus far I have simply also said that the diagnostics aren't working and attached a screenshot of the error instead. Maybe someone at Apple will realize that the diagnostics are broken and still read our bug reports. We can hope the diagnostics tool is one thing fixed in the second public beta release.

  • Reply 75 of 78
    hillstoneshillstones Posts: 1,490member

    Here is a good article on what iPhoto can do, but Photos for OS X cannot do.  Typical Apple behavior...removing existing features and then trying to claim it is better, when it really isn't.  At least you can continue to use iPhoto and Aperture with 10.10.3, and ignore Photos for OS X.


  • Reply 76 of 78
    Does Photos allow you to import non Idevice photos and assign dates to them?

    Meaning I have a really old photo and I would like to upload it, assign a date to it, and have it display in the correct chronological spot in Years.
  • Reply 77 of 78
    tresytresy Posts: 1member

    I got the same problem. Driving me crazy, because you can't submit a bug report without the diagnostic report, and you can't get the diagnostic report.

  • Reply 78 of 78

    My browser is SO slow since this beta install, it's ridiculous. I've submitted a diagnostic report, of course, but that doesn't make it any easier to work. It's almost to the point where I'm going to have to uninstall...praying for a fix really soon!!!

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