Apple offers rare look inside secret Apple Watch health and fitness testing labs [u]



  • Reply 21 of 43
    thomprthompr Posts: 1,521member
    Originally Posted by Benjamin Frost View Post

    If a fat man is to lose weight, he needs to want to lose weight. If he has the desire, then it will happen, Apple Watch or no Apple Watch.

    I think you are drawing too stark of a line here.


    In some cyborgs (apparently like yourself) I'm sure that "desire", also known as "will power", is binary.  You either have it or you don't.  But in many humans (apparently unlike yourself) will power lives on a spectrum, and it waxes and wanes.  With the help of the appropriate social support, tools, and/or biofeedback mechanisms, will power can be boosted towards the higher end.  This has been thoroughly documented in medical studies.  But I'm sure you already knew that.

  • Reply 22 of 43
    maestro64maestro64 Posts: 5,043member
    People seem to say "they don't wear a watch" as though that were some sort of insurmountable barrier to buying an Apple Watch.

    What Apple are clearly doing here is providing to these sorts of people some reasons why they may want to reconsider that decision - specifically in relation to fitness in this instance.

    If you don't wear a watch now, you might in future wear a 'smart' one if you perceive enough benefit from the extra facilities, feedback and information that the device provides.

    Personally, I'm already sold. I'm not a keep fit fanatic, but already being the owner of a Moto 360 (which, with Android Wear is rather limited) I can see the beginnings of the advantages in tracking my activity. I want to loose a bit of weight and this is giving me the nudge. I bought the '360 because I wanted it for development purposes. I'm going to buy the Apple Watch because I want the 'gold standard' in currently available wearable technology.

    I was one of those people who said I did not get it since younger people have done away with watches, but my son who never wore a watch said he could see a larger purpose to begin wearing a watch once he saw the apple watch last fall. When he said this I began to rethink the whole idea and wondered if apple could convince people to begin wearing them again.
  • Reply 23 of 43
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member

    Originally Posted by Maestro64 View Post

    I was one of those people who said I did not get it since younger people have done away with watches, but my son who never wore a watch said he could see a larger purpose to begin wearing a watch once he saw the apple watch last fall. When he said this I began to rethink the whole idea and wondered if apple could convince people to begin wearing them again.


    I think that the importance of "younger people" and the Apple watch is being overstated.


    My take on it is, screw young people (who have never worn a watch in their lives) and screw kids. They're not going to be the main users and purchasers of the Apple Watch, IMO.


    The typical Apple watch buyer is not going to be a kid. Broke ass young people are probably the same people that we see who would whine about the price. $350-$400 is not a lot at all, unless somebody is a broke kid or something.

  • Reply 24 of 43
    mubailimubaili Posts: 454member

    Originally Posted by Maestro64 View Post

    This is why everyone else's product will suck compared to Apple, no competitor is going to do this much testing and analysis to make sure they product works correctly and brings value to the end users. The competitor will whip out their me too solution and claim they are better without the research and development behind the product.

    Apple has the money to do this, the others can not afford to spend the time and money getting a product like this to market.

    I recognize the building they went into, it is on Bandley Dr.

    but I am sure there will be a SweatGate, or HeartRateGate etc after people get hold of Apple Watch.

  • Reply 25 of 43
    maestro64maestro64 Posts: 5,043member
    apple ][ wrote: »

    Easier said than done for many people.

    Fat people and severely obese people are everywhere. These fatsos are obviously not capable of keeping themselves healthy on their own. Some of those <span style="line-height:1.4em;">fatsos will no doubt benefit from an Apple Watch.</span>

    I think that the health aspect of the Apple watch is probably its most important feature.

    Actually is no different apple fan boys buying apple products like crazy and they can not get enough, those fatsos are fan boys of food and they can not get enough.
  • Reply 26 of 43
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member

    Originally Posted by mubaili View Post


    but I am sure there will be a SweatGate, or HeartRateGate etc after people get hold of Apple Watch.

    Of course there will be some sort "------gate", spread by dumbasses on the internet. No Apple product release is complete without some sort of "------gate".


    And of course, like 99% of other previous "-----gates", it will all be BS. What happened to the BS "bendgate" by the way? That sure didn't stop millions and millions of people from buying new iPhones.

  • Reply 27 of 43
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member

    Originally Posted by Maestro64 View Post

    Actually is no different apple fan boys buying apple products like crazy and they can not get enough, those fatsos are fan boys of food and they can not get enough.

    There is one siginificant difference though. One will kill you, while the other won't.


    I'd rather be a fanboy of Apple products, than a fat person who is a fanboy of food, that can't control themselves.

  • Reply 28 of 43
    maestro64maestro64 Posts: 5,043member
    mubaili wrote: »
    but I am sure there will be a SweatGate, or HeartRateGate etc after people get hold of Apple Watch.

    No doubt about it, I was looking a the fitbit Charge HR and everyone asked if it was as good as the Polar heart rate monitor and everyone said it shows lower heart rate so it calculated less calories consumer and people were all upset about this. Really you worry it showed lower calories consume, so what if you exercise a bit more. Now if it over stated I can see that being an issue because you may exercise less and eat more.

    Face people will complain for complaining sake, even it if has no baring on what they are doing.
  • Reply 29 of 43
    thomprthompr Posts: 1,521member
    Originally Posted by Apple ][ View Post



    I think that the importance of "younger people" and the Apple watch is being overstated.


    My take on it is, screw young people (who have never worn a watch in their lives) and screw kids. They're not going to be the main users and purchasers of the Apple Watch, IMO.


    The typical Apple watch buyer is not going to be a kid. Broke ass young people are probably the same people that we see who would whine about the price. $350-$400 is not a lot at all, unless somebody is a broke kid or something.

    All demographics are important, even kids and fatsos (to use your words).  Perhaps this won't be apparent at first.


    But several years on, when the use cases for a wrist-worn computer have asserted themselves and the technology has improved (battery life, non-tethered operation, etc) I do believe that the majority of people in developed countries will be wearing these devices.  Kids and "fatsos" too.  Those that can afford the best will have AppleWatches, but cheap AndroidWear (or whatever) devices will command the highest worldwide "market share" (for what little it's worth).  Same as iPhones and Macs.

  • Reply 30 of 43
    maestro64maestro64 Posts: 5,043member
    apple ][ wrote: »
    I think that the importance of "younger people" and the Apple watch is being overstated.

    My take on it is, screw young people (who have never worn a watch in their lives) and screw kids. They're not going to be the main users and purchasers of the Apple Watch, IMO.

    The typical Apple watch buyer is not going to be a kid. Broke ass young people are probably the same people that we see who would whine about the price. $350-$400 is not a lot at all, unless somebody is a broke kid or something.

    Well the young people are the one buying iphones, kids today buy things they see value in and appeal to their personal needs. I think the watch is doing that for them. Older people could care less they already have a watch which tell time what more do that want. But some of the fitness crazy people are in the older category. I see far more people in the gym around my age than I see younger people.
  • Reply 31 of 43
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member

    Originally Posted by Maestro64 View Post

    Well the young people are the one buying iphones, kids today buy things they see value in and appeal to their personal needs. I think the watch is doing that for them. Older people could care less they already have a watch which tell time what more do that want. But some of the fitness crazy people are in the older category. I see far more people in the gym around my age than I see younger people.


    I think that all groups of people are buying iPhones, both young and old, and everybody else in between too.


    You mention an important aspect at the end.


    Younger people are obviously going to be less concerened about their health than a person who is older, for natural reasons. 

  • Reply 32 of 43
    slurpyslurpy Posts: 5,386member

    Originally Posted by Benjamin Frost View Post

    Thank you for your kind words; I may do just that.

    With the support of people like you, it may, indeed, become a bestseller.

    Believe in yourself and anything is possible.


    Why can't you ever have the intellectual courage to address any of the points when people respond to your ridiculous posts? I'm not talking about my posts only, but not once have you ever given an honest rebuttal of anything, it's always some snarky comment and a complete avoidance of the facts that people present you. One can only assume that you agree with everything that is said about your trash-like posts, because you have never managed or attempted to refute anything. Even trolls try to justify their trolling, you just move on and enter the next thread to shit up with your one-note posts, even though all emperical data is in complete contradiction to every single statement you make. 

  • Reply 33 of 43

    The thing about the Apple Watch for me (and, to a lesser extent, my Moto 360) is that it provides me with a target to meet and to better.


    I like targets. It gives me something to focus on. I can compete with myself and, to the extent that it allows it, my Moto 360 helps. Sure, I can try to eat less and move about more, but I'm not quite so aspergic that I'm capable of counting all my steps throughout the day - that needs a bit of reliable tech. So much the better if that tech gives me other useful features as well (which the Moto 360 doesn't).


    Apple Watch is definitely going to be on pre-order on April 10.

  • Reply 34 of 43
    dachardachar Posts: 330member

    Is anyone else getting the message "This video has been removed by the user"? I have it on both my iPhone and Mac.

  • Reply 35 of 43
    sector7gsector7g Posts: 156member

    Originally Posted by pacificfilm View Post

    Smart marketing move, and way ahead in physical data gathering. So looking forward to increased feedback possibilities on personal data workouts in/outside. Downside for me is I don't wear a watch. My pops does but heavy sports and exercise aren't his thing.


    Im seeing more and more "kids" wearing trackers, its not just a watch so not just old people are going to buy it, i know that was what you were getting at. one day everyone will have some type of tracking device on their person.

  • Reply 36 of 43
    dr. xdr. x Posts: 282member

    Originally Posted by Dachar View Post


    Is anyone else getting the message "This video has been removed by the user"? I have it on both my iPhone and Mac.

    I'm getting the same message on my Mac. I'd like to see the video if someone knows of another source.

  • Reply 37 of 43
    foggyhillfoggyhill Posts: 4,767member

    Originally Posted by Dr. X View Post


    I'm getting the same message on my Mac. I'd like to see the video if someone knows of another source.


    Just take the title of the removed video and do a google search and you'll get a link on yahoo (and probably some others).

  • Reply 38 of 43
    dr. xdr. x Posts: 282member
    Originally Posted by foggyhill View Post



    Just take the title of the removed video and do a google search and you'll get a link on yahoo (and probably some others).


    Thanks, I found the video. @foggyhill, @Dachar here you go



  • Reply 39 of 43
    geekmeegeekmee Posts: 646member
    paxman wrote: »
    Don't confuse the ?watch with what is still thought of as a 'normal' watch.

    I agree... Confusing the Apple Watch with a normal watch, is like confusing the iPhone with a cell phone. Apple is about to transcend the concept of a watch, the same way it transcended the concept of the cell phone.
  • Reply 40 of 43
    mac_128mac_128 Posts: 3,454member

    An interesting look at the demise of the watch on the 'eve' of the iPhone's arrival.



    And where it stood 5 years after.


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