Apple working to market Apple Watch to enterprise, job listing reveals

in Apple Watch edited April 2015
Apple is looking to market the Apple Watch as a tool useful in the enterprise world, and not just as a fashion item, a new corporate job opening indicates.

This week the company posted an listing for an Apple Watch marketing specialist, as discovered by AppleInsider. Apple's ideal candidate will be working with Apple's Business Markets team, and encourage businesses of all sizes to "focus on applications of the Apple Watch in the enterprise space."

The person is expected to be comfortable in developing web, mobile, audio, video, and social content, with skills in areas like writing, Keynote, and Photoshop. A background in "Health/Wellness" is considered a "plus," which may suggest that in some cases Apple wants to sell companies on health and fitness benefits.

Beyond content creation, the specialist will be tasked with running "perpetual competitive analysis," and keeping tabs on the Watch's active enterprise deployments.

Apple has devoted the lion's share of Watch marketing towards consumers, billing it as much as a fashion accessory as a practical device. It's not clear how well the Watch might succeed in the enterprise realm, since it requires an iPhone, and is built for fashion over ruggedness. It also starts at $349, which even with bulk discounts may be expensive to deploy among large workforces.

It could however have a use among businesses that are already attached to the iPhone and want to speed up certain interactions, such as sending alerts or opening secure doors. Apple has yet to show off any uniquely enterprise-oriented Watch apps.


  • Reply 1 of 10 is been advertising all over Facebook on their upcoming app for the Apple Watch. So the Apple Watch could be used by sales force for sales leads and customer updates, etc.
  • Reply 2 of 10 is been advertising all over Facebook on their upcoming app for the Apple Watch. So the Apple Watch could be used by sales force for sales leads and customer updates, etc.

    I've seen that. I don't hold out hopes it'll be any good. Their website is fairly meh.
  • Reply 3 of 10
    ingelaingela Posts: 217member
    I think it will do great in a work environment, but I think the BYOD sector is the one that will be taking advantage of it first and foremost. After initially being a little skeptical, I think this is a far bigger market than the iPad, especially in the type of workforce where employees pulling out their phones from their pockets to check alerts is frowned upon. And that's a HUGE sector. ..the being frowned on for always pulling out your phone market.

    ..come to think of it, people are going to be far more irritated by this device than of people pulling out their phones. YIKES, i can see backlash already. Distractions, distractions, and this is going to be the mother of them.
  • Reply 4 of 10
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member
    Originally Posted by sog35 View Post



    huge, huge, market.


    Also being able to check sports scores at church, boring lunches is a game changer.

    The only thing I have read about muting the ?Watch for incoming calls is covering it with your hand, but without a mute button I guess you'll have some means to turn it off within the settings.

  • Reply 5 of 10
    konqerrorkonqerror Posts: 685member
    Originally Posted by TheWhiteFalcon View Post

    I've seen that. I don't hold out hopes it'll be any good. Their website is fairly meh.


    Salesforce is a dream compared to Oracle and shudder SAP. My company uses SAP for all their enterprise apps. Say you need to look up Acme Widgets. You need to pull up a search box, and set Name = *WID*. And half the system is broken in Chrome, the other half is broken in Safari.

  • Reply 6 of 10
    mac_128mac_128 Posts: 3,454member
    Originally Posted by Ingela View Post

    ..come to think of it, people are going to be far more irritated by this device than of people pulling out their phones. YIKES, i can see backlash already. Distractions, distractions, and this is going to be the mother of them.

    Yes they will. Back in the day, even glancing at your watch was considered rude. Now the watch has notifications in little tiny type, so many people will have to noticeably lift their watch to their face to read it. And unlike the watch of days gone by, they can actually interact with it, turning that impolite glance into a full on interaction, resulting in a noticeable distraction. I can't even imagine what will happen if people start using it while they drive -- two hands to operate, and a major shift of focus from the road to inches in front of your face.


    Where I see it doing really well is in schools where students aren't allowed to have their iPhones out during classes. I can see students using the watch to send visual messages, have some quick text shorthand messages to exchange, and perhaps these kids will even learn mores code to utilize the taptic engine for surreptitious haptic communication.


    Actually all the ?Watch needs to really take off is a high profile rescue of someone who would not have been had it not been for the ?Watch. ;-)

  • Reply 7 of 10
    ingelaingela Posts: 217member
    Originally Posted by Mac_128 View Post


    Yes they will. Back in the day, even glancing at your watch was considered rude. Now the watch has notifications in little tiny type, so many people will have to noticeably lift their watch to their face to read it. And unlike the watch of days gone by, they can actually interact with it, turning that impolite glance into a full on interaction, resulting in a noticeable distraction. I can't even imagine what will happen if people start using it while they drive -- two hands to operate, and a major shift of focus from the road to inches in front of your face.


    Where I see it doing really well is in schools where students aren't allowed to have their iPhones out during classes. I can see students using the watch to send visual messages, have some quick text shorthand messages to exchange, and perhaps these kids will even learn mores code to utilize the taptic engine for surreptitious haptic communication.


    Actually all the ?Watch needs to really take off is a high profile rescue of someone who would not have been had it not been for the ?Watch. ;-)

    I have always felt the blue collar worker is the best use of this gadget if it is durable enough. All of us have been working with our hands when that buzzing or ringing phone call comes in. As big a headache as it is, it is something that that sometimes must be checked because it 'might" be important.  Being able to quickly glance and ignore the alert without putting down your hammer or pulling off your gloves and ignore the alert is huge. 

  • Reply 8 of 10
    mike1mike1 Posts: 3,323member

    "A background in "Health/Wellness" is considered a "plus," which may suggest that in some cases Apple wants to sell companies on health and fitness benefits."



    Ugh! More likely that they are targeting specific industries like hospitals, gyms etc. where employees might have reasons to use health and fitness functions. Not many companies are going to sping for Apple Watch Sports to give their employees as part of wellness programs.


  • Reply 9 of 10
    mac_128mac_128 Posts: 3,454member

    Originally Posted by mike1 View Post


    Not many companies are going to sping for Apple Watch Sports to give their employees as part of wellness programs.


    Funny you should say that ... as part of a health initiative, my company just sent out a subsidy toward buying a FitBit which is already heavily discounted for employees. Many around here are jumping on the fitbit bandwagon. A colleague just got super excited this morning when she realized her $100 subsidized FitBit was giving her a call notification from her iPhone. I can see companies offering similar deals on the ?Watch.

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