Google I/O 2015 sets a low bar for Apple's WWDC to leap



  • Reply 41 of 295
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member

    Bet on it!

    iOS 9

    OS X 10.11

    New Mapping technologies

    New Streaming Music Service

    New TV Service

    Revamped AppleTV 

    ApplePay Rewards


    Spotlight search feature.

    FoundationDB ?

    I have my doubts we'll see all of that at WWDC. My guess is Apple will have an event this fall where they show off ?TV and Apple Music subscription services. Take those two out and replace them with Appke Watch. Jeff Williams basically confirmed native SDK coming at WWDC.
  • Reply 42 of 295
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member

    I'm using it now and find it needlessly confusing and poorly thought out. The icons are essentially meaningless and it's difficult to find the full functionality of the service by clicking around. On the plus side, unlimited storage for their reduced file size is great and 14 GB free for full-size pictures is outstanding. Apple needs to at least offer something on par with this and they could easily beat Google with the UI.

    Apple should offer free unlimited storage for photos. Use the cloud as a loss leader to sell more hardware.
  • Reply 43 of 295
    jbelkinjbelkin Posts: 74member
    Google does not care if their photos app is usable. Their interest in you ends as soon as you upload ALL your photos and they can tag and peer into your photos. That's all they want. This is how they're competing against FB- Instagram and Apple - they just want to grab and tag your photos.
  • Reply 44 of 295
    mazecookiemazecookie Posts: 163member
    Originally Posted by clexman View Post


    Apple's 5GB free per account needs to go away. iCloud Photos is useless without paying for storage. The sync your entire library or nothing setup is terrible. I would prefer if the last XX days were saved on my devices at full resolution and older photos were resized. The non-stop uploading/downloading is a pain when I want to send someone a picture I took last week.


    If Appleinsider wants to be a news source, they need to be impartial. Just saying Google sucks and Apple is awesome gets old.


    Google being locked out of China while Apple is not, should not be something to brag about. Caving to a communist country with ongoing civil rights violations' demands shows that Google made the right move pulling out of China.


    Apple Maps has a long way to go. It will be a few more years until it catches up to Google Maps (If they can).


    You can't complain about Google stealing ideas from Apple, when Apple is one of the biggest, "Me Too," companies out there. Maps on phones, Google first Apple second. Mobile payments, Google first Apple second. Big phones, Google first Apple second. Photo editing software that syncs to the web, Google first Apple second.


    Google did not pull out. Do you think they will shy away from harvesting more data? They were forced out. It is not something to brag about.


    Apple Maps does not have a long way to go. It needs better search, and in some areas, slightly better accuracy.


    Apple is far from a me too company. They are a "let's do it right, when the time is right" company.

    Lets run down your list:


    Maps - Google was not first. iPhone OS 1 ran Maps before Android was even announced. It was a collaborative effort between both Google and Apple.


    Mobile Payments - an example of when the time is right. Google Wallet sucked, had little to no adoption and insecurely processed cards. Google made software, but cannot execute on a project.

    Then comes along Apple, with a completely different, better approach. They partnered with banks, the payment networks, retailers, and merchants, to create their service. They helped retailers adopt and transition NFC terminals.

    Now Google, the me-too company, has copied like-for-like Apple's implementation, and will use the groundwork Apple has laid with the banks, payment networks and merchants.


    Big Phones - Really? Haha. Apple has used a wide variety of screen sizes for decades. Theres an 1.5inch iPod, a 3.5inch iPhone, 4inch iPhone, 7inch iPad, 9inch iPad, 11, 13, 15 and 17 inch MacBook, 21.5inch and 27inch iMac. Do you think Apple is a me too company for choosing a display size for their device? Haha

    One day, if Apple transitions to a quad core processor for their iPhones, will you say they copied again?


    Photo editing software that syncs to the web - you mean like with iPhoto and MobileMe?

  • Reply 45 of 295
    pistispistis Posts: 247member
    I was chatting with a Wall Street trader the other week who was taking the same view of this market , essentially what he said was that if you look at the last 2o years or so we have had 3 booms the first started in the early 90s and was based on Internet it culminated in th dot com bubble and burst in around 2001 , the second was based on housing easy credit which roared thru 2003 til 2006 ending with the near melt down of the financial stem and credit default swaps mess. the 3rd which we are coming towards the end of is based on essentially nothing is moblie/search and social media and the printing of money. He thinks that the next crash when it happens will be very steep and harmful because there's nothing really of any substance to back it up. I tend to agree
  • Reply 46 of 295
    pmcdpmcd Posts: 396member
    Apple does need to simplify iCloud. Going back to they have never gotten it right. The 5Gigs per user is an insult to those of us with many Apple products. As for Photos I have no idea what is up with Apple. If they want consumers to use their software and devices, they must solve the backup issue. If they plan on milking iDevice users then people will look elsewhere.
  • Reply 47 of 295
    amitdasamitdas Posts: 4member
    Low bar?
    Google Self-driving car development is progressing rapidly... isn't Apple all of a sudden in the race also
    User-interface via fibers woven in clothes: Project Jacquard
    User-interface via gestures drawn in the air : Project Soli
    Internet "hotspots" via high altitude balloons: Project Loon
    Modular phone components: Project Ara
    INTER-OPERABLE IoT platform... let me repeat INTER-OPERABLE: Project Brillo
    Virtual reality camera rig and video standard: Project Jump
    Offline Google Maps with directions!
    Multi-window support on Android M

    Google has already moved well beyond Android to other areas.

    Not really covered at I/O:
    Google Shopping Express - same-day delivery from brick-and-mortar stores
    Google Fi - cross carrier wireless service to connect IoT devices?
    Chromecast 2 - gaming, 4k
    ChromeOS on a hdmi-stick
    Chromebook school program
    Google Fiber - gigabit to the home, 12 cities by EOY
  • Reply 48 of 295
    marzellmarzell Posts: 2member
    Great article!
  • Reply 49 of 295
    michael scripmichael scrip Posts: 1,916member
    rogifan wrote: »
    Apple should offer free unlimited storage for photos. Use the cloud as a loss leader to sell more hardware.

    You're right... Apple could give it away for free. But they are in a unique position that they offer services in addition to products.

    Apple already offers iCloud pricing... but I get the feeling the average consumer doesn't understand it or even knows about it.

    Instead... Apple could simply advertise a "Photo Package" for $60/year for unlimited photo storage and backup.

    Make it easy to understand and easy to sign up. Apple already has your credit card on file in iTunes.

    A simple once-a-year payment to the same company who makes the hardware and software... and your photos are backed up and safe.

    I'm sure lots of iPhone/iPad owners would pay for that before they'd pay for a 3rd party service like Dropbox.

    And because it's built-in to the Apple ecosystem... it should work better than other solutions (free or paid)
  • Reply 50 of 295
    matrix07matrix07 Posts: 1,993member
    Originally Posted by jd_in_sb View Post

    Google Photos is mind blowing. Unlimited storage and free. This was the big news at I/O. It will be a smash hit.

    Sure. When you give something away for free it's not hard to be a smash hit. But when I read this I kind of don't mind to pay



     When you upload, submit, store, send or receive content to or through our Services, you give Google (and those we work with) a worldwide license to use, host, store, reproduce, modify, create derivative works (such as those resulting from translations, adaptations or other changes we make so that your content works better with our Services), communicate, publish, publicly perform, publicly display and distribute such content. The rights you grant in this license are for the limited purpose of operating, promoting, and improving our Services, and to develop new ones. This license continues even if you stop using our Services (for example, for a business listing you have added to Google Maps). Some Services may offer you ways to access and remove content that has been provided to that Service. Also, in some of our Services, there are terms or settings that narrow the scope of our use of the content submitted in those Services. Make sure you have the necessary rights to grant us this license for any content that you submit to our Services.

  • Reply 51 of 295
    singularitysingularity Posts: 1,328member

    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    Google I/O was never a 'bar' for WWDC in any way, shape, or form except in some deranged Android DED fantasy.

    Corrected for accuracy

  • Reply 52 of 295
    thepixeldocthepixeldoc Posts: 2,257member
    pistis wrote: »
    I was chatting with a Wall Street trader the other week who was taking the same view of this market , essentially what he said was that if you look at the last 2o years or so we have had 3 booms the first started in the early 90s and was based on Internet it culminated in th dot com bubble and burst in around 2001 , the second was based on housing easy credit which roared thru 2003 til 2006 ending with the near melt down of the financial stem and credit default swaps mess. the 3rd which we are coming towards the end of is based on essentially nothing is moblie/search and social media and the printing of money. He thinks that the next crash when it happens will be very steep and harmful because there's nothing really of any substance to back it up. I tend to agree

    You're right... Apple could give it away for free. But they are in a unique position that they offer services in addition to products.

    Apple already offers iCloud pricing... but I get the feeling the average consumer doesn't understand it or even knows about it.

    Instead... Apple could simply advertise a "Photo Package" for $60/year for unlimited photo storage and backup.

    Make it easy to understand and easy to sign up. Apple already has your credit card on file in iTunes.

    A simple once-a-year payment to the same company who makes the hardware and software... and your photos are backed up and safe.

    I'm sure lots of iPhone/iPad owners would pay for that before they'd pay for a 3rd party service like Dropbox.

    And because it's built-in to the Apple ecosystem... it should work better than other solutions (free or paid)

    I'm one of the few (idiots?) that thinks that Apple doesn't charge enough for their devices, because they are so much better than their competition.

    However at the very same time... IMHO iCloud storage equal to a mobile devices internal storage should be free. It must be as simple as turning it on, and absolutely MUST be reliable and secure.

    Just that little decision, would cure 2 huge rants against Apple; 1) they rip consumers off with over expensive storage upsells; and 2) that Apple likes to nickle-and-dime their very good and loyal customers.

    In addition to the above, it sure would help some of us techs on the frontlines helping people that were enthusiastic enough to save up for an i-device (even if it was the cheapest i.e. lowest storage capacity available) be able to update them easily if they're not rocking an Apple computer and only have an old WinBox that they rarely (want to) use anymore.

    Apple "could" kill a lot of birds... and Green Robot fans... with one small decision and announcement. I believe the 2 main reasons why they haven't already done this, is 1) they actually realize how much data capacity they need (which is 2x device capacity for redundancy); and 2) they don't actually own and operate *all* of the data capacity they need now.

    Re: #2 - could someone with more knowledge chime in on that statement above please.
  • Reply 53 of 295
    "Google's own Nexus 7 tablet ...... never really got L working well". I had the Nexus 7 and it had Android L. That combination was a disaster. I've had Android phones since 2008 until the fall of 2014 when I was gifted an iPhone. Took some time to get used to and still find some operations a bit weird but I can no way stand a buggy OS that requires restart every 30 minutes. I wanted my wife to experience the same sort of liberation and gifted her one last week. And I own an iPad. Contemplating on getting a MacBook. Won over and satisfied.
  • Reply 54 of 295
    michael scripmichael scrip Posts: 1,916member
    matrix07 wrote: »
    When you upload, submit, store, send or receive content to or through our Services, you give Google (and those we work with) a worldwide license to use, host, store, reproduce, modify, create derivative works (such as those resulting from translations, adaptations or other changes we make so that your content works better with our Services), communicate, publish, publicly perform, publicly display and distribute such content. The rights you grant in this license are for the limited purpose of operating, promoting, and improving our Services, and to develop new ones. This license continues even if you stop using our Services (for example, for a business listing you have added to Google Maps).

    Sure. When you give something away for free it's not hard to be a smash hit. But when I read this I kind of don't mind to pay

    That's boilerplate legal-speak though. They HAVE to publish that... or someone would sue them over the silliest thing.

    use, host, store: keeping your photo on their servers.

    reproduce: make copies of your photo for their various CDNs and servers.

    modify, create derivative works: making thumbnails for your photo.

    communicate, publish, publicly perform, publicly display, distribute such content: ummmm... it's a online photo sharing service.

    It may sound scary... but all those things must happen with a photo sharing service.

    And I know everyone thinks Google will use your photos in their next TV commercial or magazine ad... or sell your photos to a stock photo website... but does that really happen?

    Who wants my shitty phone pictures? :D
  • Reply 55 of 295
    clexman wrote: »

    If Appleinsider wants to be a news source, they need to be impartial. Just saying Google sucks and Apple is awesome gets old.

    Appleinsider reports on news and rumors, but like any good newspaper also has an editorial page. This was titled "Editorial" or did you only see what fit with your preconceived rant... I didn't bother refuting a lot of your other off-based Fandroid shit because it merits no further discussion.
  • Reply 56 of 295
    michael scripmichael scrip Posts: 1,916member

    I'm one of the few (idiots?) that thinks that Apple doesn't charge enough for their devices, because they are so much better than their competition.

    However at the very same time... IMHO iCloud storage equal to a mobile devices internal storage should be free. It must be as simple as turning it on, and absolutely MUST be reliable and secure.

    Just that little decision, would cure 2 huge rants against Apple; 1) they rip consumers off with over expensive storage upsells; and 2) that Apple likes to nickle-and-dime their very good and loyal customers.

    In addition to the above, it sure would help some of us techs on the frontlines helping people that were enthusiastic enough to save up for an i-device (even if it was the cheapest i.e. lowest storage capacity available) be able to update them easily if they're not rocking an Apple computer and only have an old WinBox that they rarely (want to) use anymore.

    Apple "could" kill a lot of birds... and Green Robot fans... with one small decision and announcement. I believe the 2 main reasons why they haven't already done this, is 1) they actually realize how much data capacity they need (which is 2x device capacity for redundancy); and 2) they don't actually own and operate *all* of the data capacity they need now.

    Re: #2 - could someone with more knowledge chime in on that statement above please.

    Oh I'd love it if Apple dropped the bomb and gave everyone huge amounts of free iCloud storage.

    But I don't think that's gonna happen since they recently updated the pricing schedule.

    I was just thinking it wouldn't be too difficult to get Apple users to sign up for Apple services to go along with their Apple products. You could theoretically pay one bill for a bunch of services.

    Apple is one of the few companies who offers pretty much everything under one roof: hardware, software, music, video, storage, etc.

    A company like HTC cannot offer that that.
  • Reply 57 of 295
    davendaven Posts: 714member
    You forgot the USB-C connector "we are pushing manufacturers adopt the USB- connector...and it's flippable. How cool is that?" I laughed when I heard that one
  • Reply 58 of 295
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member

    I'm not gonna lie! I'm expecting to see some cool announcements and surprises at this year's WWDC.


    I'll start off small. I'd like to see a new, force touch Magic Trackpad introduced. The timing would be just right, because my current Magic Trackpad just broke a few weeks ago, and I've been waiting until WWDC, to see if a new model is introduced. That's the second Magic Trackpad that's gone bad on me in 3 years. There hasn't been a reason for Apple to update the Magic Trackpad up until this point, but now there certainly is, because of the inclusion of the force touch trackpad on some of their laptops.


    I wonder if Apple will make any announcements about Apple TV and their new streaming service, or if that will be done in a separate event.


    The one thing that will make me most happy is to see some sort of iPad Pro being introduced. 

  • Reply 59 of 295
    matrix07matrix07 Posts: 1,993member

    Originally Posted by Michael Scrip View Post

    That's boilerplate legal-speak though. 

    That might be true for many companies but not Google, the one who lied through the teeth about user data many times.

  • Reply 60 of 295
    michael scripmichael scrip Posts: 1,916member
    matrix07 wrote: »
    That might be true for many companies but not Google, the one who lied through the teeth about user data many times.

    Oh sure.

    But this particular legal-speak is referring to photos and what they have to do with them in order to be a photo storage and sharing service.

    If a photo service could not "display" a photo... it wouldn't be very useful, right? :)
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