Apple reportedly horning in on corporate bond issues, bypassing asset management firms



  • Reply 41 of 59

    OK, so either the headline should be "Apple horning in on bonds issuances" (because they're participating in the issuance without invitation), or it should be "Apple homing in on bonds issues" if issues is taken to be the business challenges at hand.


    Learned a new verb today.

  • Reply 42 of 59
    digitoldigitol Posts: 276member
    Glad Apple is "Horning" in on things. Stay Horny Apple. :P
  • Reply 43 of 59
    pigybankpigybank Posts: 178member
    Honing: using an abrasive machining process that produces a precision surface on metal.
    Horning: to try to become involved in a discussion or activity when you are not wanted: She's always horning in on our conversations.

    No. Because it's not just "honing" alone is has a different meaning as "honing in"
  • Reply 44 of 59
    "Horning in" is not a thing. Its either "homing in" as in a homing pigeon or "honing in" as in honing a blade
  • Reply 45 of 59
    pfisherpfisher Posts: 758member
    tundraboy wrote: »

    Come on, the economy's outlook isn't the greatest but it's nowhere near as shaky as it was around the time of the  Lehman collapse.

    Before the Lehman collapse or after? There is currently a MASSIVE stock bubble and housing bubble that has been growing thanks to Fed interest rates. Why do you think the stock market is currently at record levels? It's not because "we're back, baby".
    Do we know for sure or will we know for sure when or if there is a big correction? Just curious. I would like to have real proof. China is said to have been in a bubble but is growing around th world like crazy. Much of me feels we are in a long term bull market.
  • Reply 46 of 59
    pfisherpfisher Posts: 758member
    digitol wrote: »
    Glad Apple is "Horning" in on things. Stay Horny Apple. :P
    It all began with the apple. Check the bible on that one.
  • Reply 47 of 59
    pfisherpfisher Posts: 758member
    markbriton wrote: »
    Can someone tell me what "horning in" means? Sounds kinky.
    The correct term is boning.
  • Reply 48 of 59

    The first known use of "horn in" was in 1911, and the expression ("horn in") made it into a dictionary.  Also, read the discussion above.


  • Reply 49 of 59
    kpomkpom Posts: 660member
    Apple is basically an investment company that also makes phones, computers, and tablets.
  • Reply 50 of 59

    You are right, found it! Thanks.

  • Reply 51 of 59
    haarhaar Posts: 563member
    Dear Apple, instead of being self-serving... How about adding an extra 100 dollars of SSD storage, or RAM to your products?... Specifically the iPad which should have 64GB standard.
  • Reply 52 of 59
    crowleycrowley Posts: 10,453member

    Originally Posted by pfisher View Post

    Much of me feels we are in a long term bull market.

    Pretty sure that there's been a guy saying this the day before every economic crash in the past twifhundred years.

  • Reply 53 of 59
    anantksundaramanantksundaram Posts: 20,407member

    The economy is still in the dumps and the outlook is as shaky as ever, so it only makes sense for Apple (and other companies) to buy back their own shares, or in the case of numerous other companies as we've seen recently, merge with other companies.

    It's pretty darn bad; there's a gigantic bubble in the world economy because of all the money being printed. The central banks basically have no idea how to back us off the ledge at this point.

    Our resident global macroeconomists have spoken. So it must be true.

    Buy gold! Invest in bitcoins!! Pack up your canned food, dog, truck, fuel, and guns!!! Move to your mountain log cabin in Montana!!!!
  • Reply 54 of 59
    anantksundaramanantksundaram Posts: 20,407member
    A totally silly non-story. Companies are looking for a few extra basis points while holding their cash, that's all. There is no tax arbitrage here, no one's cutting in on anything, and most of it is invested in companies that have higher credit ratings than a vast majority of governments. Moreover, the headline makes it sound like its some epidemic, but zero empirical evidence is offered. All it says is that there was $200M invested in a $1B offering.

    Btw, English is not my first language, but 'horning in' is a perfectly legitimate phrase. Although, it might be inappropriate here since it seems to imply that companies like Apple are cutting in on something they have no business in. That's nonsense.
  • Reply 55 of 59
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    Our resident global macroeconomists have spoken. So it must be true.

    Buy gold! Invest in bitcoins!! Pack up your canned food, dog, truck, fuel, and guns!!! Move to your mountain log cabin in Montana!!!!

    Once the Fed starts to raise lending rates, just watch how markets react. At near-zero rates now, things are extremely shaky.

  • Reply 56 of 59
    mcdavemcdave Posts: 1,927member
    Horning in?

    It's a stiffer approach to "homing in".
  • Reply 57 of 59
    anantksundaramanantksundaram Posts: 20,407member

    Once the Fed starts to raise lending rates, just watch how markets react. At near-zero rates now, things are extremely shaky.

    Let's check back when that happens (I am expecting it will happen no earlier than 2016, btw), shall we?

    I'll bet it's one big blah.
  • Reply 58 of 59

    Horning in?  I think you mean homing in dude.  There are moments which mark your life.  Moments when you realize nothing will ever be the same and time is divided into two parts - before you knew it was homing in, and after. ;)

  • Reply 59 of 59
    flam1111flam1111 Posts: 10member
    I assume that's supposed to be "honing in", not "horning in"
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