Apple's iPhone gains 2% marketshare in US as competitors falter



  • Reply 21 of 43
    sflocalsflocal Posts: 6,122member
    Not happy to see MS's numbers trending down. We do not want a Google-Apple duopoly.

    The same Microsoft that held a mock iPhone funeral? That Microsoft?
  • Reply 22 of 43
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    sflocal wrote: »
    Not happy to see MS's numbers trending down. We do not want a Google-Apple duopoly.

    The same Microsoft that held a mock iPhone funeral? That Microsoft?

    Monkey man is no longer in control, so it's not the same MS.
  • Reply 23 of 43

    Originally Posted by boriscleto View Post


    Didn't Steve Jobs target 1% market share? Of the overall phone market, not just smart phones...

    The rest of the cellphone industry laughed hard over that one and said it wasn't likely to happen.  They all agreed Apple knew absolutely nothing about selling cellphones/smartphones.  Now that Apple's smartphone market share  is what it is now, Wall Street is still saying Apple is doomed.  The U.S. no longer matters.  Only global market share matters and Apple has only a small percentage of that and will never have more.  Apple will never get any respect from Wall Street while it doesn't have major market share.  Anything Apple does never meets Wall Street's criteria to be valued higher.  In fact, most any venture Apple tries is usually considered to become a failure sooner or later.  I think if any company other than Apple launched a new music service that was said to be good, the stock would surely go up.  With Apple, the stock drops.  I suppose Tim Cook will be blamed for that.

  • Reply 24 of 43

    Originally Posted by sflocal View Post

    The same Microsoft that held a mock iPhone funeral? That Microsoft?

    Back in 2013 IDC claimed Windows Phone would have about 10% market share by 2017.  At the time of that article, Windows Phone market share was 3.9%.  Basically, Windows Phone isn't gaining any market share at all.  It's a waste of time listening to "crystal ball" predictions.  They can't guarantee anything about the future.  Any of those agencies can easily look at Apple and say the company has limited growth and their prediction is not worth anything.  I honestly don't know why Wall Street investors blindly believe the things they're told.

  • Reply 25 of 43
    joshajosha Posts: 901member

    Originally Posted by Steffen Jobbs View Post

    Originally Posted by boriscleto View Post


    Didn't Steve Jobs target 1% market share? Of the overall phone market, not just smart phones...

    The rest of the cellphone industry laughed hard over that one and said it wasn't likely to happen.  They all agreed Apple knew absolutely nothing about selling cellphones/smartphones.  Now that Apple's smartphone market share  is what it is now, Wall Street is still saying Apple is doomed.  The U.S. no longer matters.  Only global market share matters and Apple has only a small percentage of that and will never have more.  Apple will never get any respect from Wall Street while it doesn't have major market share.  Anything Apple does never meets Wall Street's criteria to be valued higher.  In fact, most any venture Apple tries is usually considered to become a failure sooner or later.  I think if any company other than Apple launched a new music service that was said to be good, the stock would surely go up.  With Apple, the stock drops.  I suppose Tim Cook will be blamed for that.

    So that's where my previous brokerage (BMO) got their negativity on Apple. I traded Apple shares for many years, since the late 80s, but my brokerages just didn't understand Apple, so I ignored them.  Over the years I bought low and sold higher several times, making a very good return.

    Eventually my brokerage became BMO and they started yelling "sell all your Apple", whenever there was an Apple share price dip, usually called by some market "know it all" who published a newsletter. A few times I bought more shares on those Apple price dips, thx BMO !

     Finally my BMO brokerage said "GO if you don't buy this stuff we want you to buy".  Their stuff crashed, Apple is my winner.

    Many thx to all at Apple and all who support Apple's great products.<img class=" src="" />

  • Reply 26 of 43
    boredumbboredumb Posts: 1,418member

    Originally Posted by BlueFire1 View Post

    If Microsoft ever starts thinking outside the box, then maybe they'll have a chance to be more competitive.

    Outside of the box and into the trash...why bother with thinking???

  • Reply 27 of 43
    joshajosha Posts: 901member

    Originally Posted by wood1208 View Post

    Many people end up with android not because they like it but uninformed when go into carrier or retail store like best buy and those sales people push android phones because they make more commission on them and showing customers cheaper upfront ownership. When one month passes, you can not return and have to live with. Such things are changing as people becomes knowledgeable of how some android phones are crappy. That conversion is showing up in iphone sales numbers.

    The several friends I know who bought an android phone were looking for the cheapest phone.

    What they didn't realize was cheapest up front, wasn't necessarily cheapest over a phone contracts full term.

    Also what they didn't realize is the cheap up front android phones were older models and future android updates were limited.


    Those android users were a mixed bag who generally weren't very net fluent.

    -One friend who got a cheap android phone had only used it for phone and text. Never had her own computer, so never used the Net.

    -Another was a Mac user, who thought there was a big saving with a cheap up front android phone. But learned otherwise.  I helped that friend a bit, but eventually had to give up helping because a net problem on the phone required an android update, which was NEVER going to be available for that android phone.  iPhone next, I hope !

  • Reply 28 of 43
    asdasdasdasd Posts: 5,686member

    Windows is ahead of iOS in some markets. Personally I think it could be competitive with Apple long term, but I think that Android has peaked, and is an anti-brand.


    My sister calls her phone her "cheap Android crap" but is, as yet, not impressed with iPhone prices although she loves her iPad.  On the other hand anybody who jumps to iOS tends to stick.

  • Reply 29 of 43

    Originally Posted by TheWhiteFalcon View Post


    Not happy to see MS's numbers trending down. We do not want a Google-Apple duopoly.


    I agree. Definitely don't want to have to choose between only 2 phone OS's.  Especially when Apple is the only one of them treating the user as the customer, rather than the product. That really means there is NO choice.   And no competition.

  • Reply 30 of 43
    Google IS evil. Karma will get them one day.


    There's the problem! Should be easy to fix:)
  • Reply 31 of 43
    pfisherpfisher Posts: 758member

    Originally Posted by boriscleto View Post


    Didn't Steve Jobs target 1% market share? Of the overall phone market, not just smart phones...

    I loved when he said that. Under-promise, over-deliver. That's the Apple I miss. Let people experience the wonder of the product. 

  • Reply 32 of 43
    pfisherpfisher Posts: 758member

    Originally Posted by Steffen Jobbs View Post

    Originally Posted by sflocal View Post

    The same Microsoft that held a mock iPhone funeral? That Microsoft?

    Back in 2013 IDC claimed Windows Phone would have about 10% market share by 2017.  At the time of that article, Windows Phone market share was 3.9%.  Basically, Windows Phone isn't gaining any market share at all.  It's a waste of time listening to "crystal ball" predictions.  They can't guarantee anything about the future.  Any of those agencies can easily look at Apple and say the company has limited growth and their prediction is not worth anything.  I honestly don't know why Wall Street investors blindly believe the things they're told.

    MS really should have kept RT and kept developing it. Mobile OS and a laptop OS. They keep messing up in so many ways. Too many phone models that are too confusing in naming. Phones that won't run Windows 10 or be limited, creating confusion. Too ambitious with Win10 that it's taking "forever" to come out. Will miss this year's holiday season for Win10 phones? Also, MS should be creating basic, good apps. Also, issues with usability in particular for Win 8.1, despite how nice it is. Also, having to jump between "mobile" view to change settings and go to "desktop view" to change settings. And the whole Nokia mess...

  • Reply 33 of 43

    Originally Posted by pfisher View Post


    I loved when he said that. Under-promise, over-deliver. That's the Apple I miss. Let people experience the wonder of the product. 

    Doesn't matter what Apple promises. Naysayers will keep moving their goalposts so that Apple always under-delivers no matter how unrealistic or irrational.

  • Reply 34 of 43
    hill60hill60 Posts: 6,992member

    My phone company stopped supporting an older version of their App, they contacted over 100,000 affected iOS & Android users using the old version to get them to update.


    They also  contacted 400 Windows phone users to tell them Windows will not be getting an updated version and to use the web instead.


    Says it all, really.

  • Reply 35 of 43
    hill60hill60 Posts: 6,992member

    Originally Posted by asdasd View Post


    Windows is ahead of iOS in some markets.




    It's a total and epic failure.

  • Reply 37 of 43
    michael scripmichael scrip Posts: 1,916member
    spheric wrote: »

    24 countries...... out of 195

    Windows Phone: #winning


    But seriously... Windows Phones can be had for less than $100 in certain markets... while an iPhone can cost $1,000 in those same markets.

    Are we really surprised by Windows Phone "beating" the iPhone in those markets?

    I wouldn't pop the champagne just yet though...
  • Reply 38 of 43
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,581member
    24 countries...... out of 195

    But seriously... Windows Phones can be had for less than $100 in certain markets... while an iPhone can cost $1,000 in those same markets.

    Are we really surprised by Windows Phone "beating" the iPhone in those markets? .
    Well I'm surprised. I had no idea Winphones had any legs at all, even in one country. There's rarely mention anywhere about them. I appreciated the OP's post.
  • Reply 39 of 43
    sphericspheric Posts: 2,666member
    I was surprised, too.

    Glad I looked that up.
  • Reply 40 of 43
    michael scripmichael scrip Posts: 1,916member
    gatorguy wrote: »
    Well I'm surprised. I had no idea Winphones had any legs at all, even in one country. There's rarely mention anywhere about them. I appreciated the OP's post.

    spheric wrote: »
    I was surprised, too.

    Glad I looked that up.

    But what does it matter if Windows Phone outsells the iPhone in.... Kenya ?

    Seems like a silly observation.

    And again... most Windows Phones in these countries are low-priced budget models... which is a segment Apple doesn't even compete in.

    So I understand what those articles were trying to say... but it doesn't really move the needle very much for Windows Phone.
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