Inside iOS 9: Apple's iPad-exclusive split-screen multitasking will enhance productivity



  • Reply 61 of 115
    knowitallknowitall Posts: 1,648member

    Would you stop it with this FALSE DILEMMA of "2GB OR FAIL" ?
    Operating systems like Linux, NeXTSTEP and Windows NT were fully capable of running multiple apps and windows on just megabytes of RAM.

    They can, but not with the data requirements of current media.
    At the time, my NeXTStation came to a grinding halt when processing media files orders of magnitude smaller than similar ones today.
    Not to forget that applications were an order of magnitudes smaller than similar apps today.
    So, no, 1 GB is not enough. Based on experience I would say that 4GB would give a fair performance nothing less.
  • Reply 62 of 115
    sflocalsflocal Posts: 6,122member

    Originally Posted by jungmark View Post

    Why would you want to do that? So it'll drain your battery faster? Consume more data faster?

    Classic sign that the original poster has way too much time on his hands, or maybe has ADHD.  Either way, the next thing this guy would immediately complain about is why the battery is draining so fast, or why his iPad is so slow.

    There's always that one person...

  • Reply 63 of 115

    It's getting rather annoying that Apple limit these features exclusively to one model while it is perfectly capable on other models just so they can get sales on a particular model.  I'm sure someone will use the Apple reason that the iPad Pro has enough memory to do it.


    We'll just have to wait for a jailbreak to enable this on other iPads.

  • Reply 64 of 115

    Originally Posted by iscaro View Post


    You are right...

    They should give the iPhone 6 Plus this feature too!

    Most likely a saved for iPhone 7 Plus feature because it will have 4GB of memory as the Note 5 recently advertises with 4GB.

  • Reply 65 of 115
    idreyidrey Posts: 647member
    cropr wrote: »
    Nothing spectacular, we've seen this feature before on Windows 8 and on the Samsung tablets. For a change, Apple is copying a nice concept from others. Strangely, nobody here at AppleInsider calls this a knock off.

    Have you seen this at the same level of excellence as in the iPad? Or are you just talking about those half assed feature in ms and sameson crap? That were added just to have a longer list of features, but had no real funtionality. Don't be the first, be the best. But you do have a valid point. No one ( but you) is mentioning that Apple copied. I think the reason is that Apple didn't just copied, they improved.
  • Reply 66 of 115
    pmzpmz Posts: 3,433member

    Originally Posted by idrey View Post

    Have you seen this at the same level of excellence as in the iPad? Or are you just talking about those half assed feature in ms and sameson crap? That were added just to have a longer list of features, but had no real funtionality. Don't be the first, be the best. But you do have a valid point. No one ( but you) is mentioning that Apple copied. I think the reason is that Apple didn't just copied, they improved.

    Have to agree, there is something VAGUELY similar on Windows, but it works like shit.


    Apple is best at taking decent ideas that work like shit, and making an excellent implementation unmatched by any other. Thats the difference between committed development/engineering and the rush-to-market/bullet-point-marketing style of software development. Gold vs. Shit.

  • Reply 67 of 115
    Uh, it would actually be useful if Apple's own productivity suite fully supported split view. I cannot split view Numbers or Keynote with each other.
  • Reply 68 of 115

    Originally Posted by Vision33r View Post


    Most likely a saved for iPhone 7 Plus feature because it will have 4GB of memory as the Note 5 recently advertises with 4GB.


    I'm hoping they're going to introduce widgets. iOS7 will no doubt come with iOS 10, and it's frankly about damn time the OS had them.

  • Reply 69 of 115

    Originally Posted by mike1 View Post


    Yes. MS and Samsung Tablets that nobody has bought.


    Sales by no means equal quality. The surface is pretty terribad in my eyes, but not because of poor sales.


    Still, doesn't negate the fact it's a feature that was 'inspired from' an almost identical implantation on numerous other devices.

  • Reply 70 of 115
    Read this:

    Apple says slide over and picture and picture work on any iPad model!

  • Reply 71 of 115
    Originally Posted by Relic View Post

    My Google Tango tablet


    ...can only be purchased as part of a software development kit (Goog Store US). 


    If it's as wonderful as you brag, why were only 4,000 produced?  Why isn't it already available to the general masses at the retail level (it's been ~four months since the initial release)?

  • Reply 72 of 115
    relic wrote: »
    2GB is the bare minimum in 2015

    So no matter the device, not matter what it's designed to do, and regardless of the operating system it's using "2GB is the bare minimum in 2015." Got it¡
    And no, it doesn't make a huge impact on battery, my Blackberry Passport lasts almost as twice as long as an iPhone 6 and it has 3GB of memory,

    I'm sure it does, for you, but that's because it's simply not as usable other, more capable devices with less RAM.
    Blackberry Passport :: 3450 mAh
    iPhone 5S :: 1570 mAh

    Less than half the battery size and it far outlasts your Passport.

    400 400

    maximizing profits

    That's just the stupidest thing you're probably ever written. So let me get this straight, you believe Apple is "maximizing profits" by, as you put it, making their devices less usable and less usable. And you think this model is sustainable? Is this where you say that anyone that owns an Apple device is an iSheep and that Apple is only good at marketing, with absolutely no sense for actual engineering and no understanding of how to make a well balanced device. And Apple spending all that time and money into creating the HW and SW to make their 3D Touch an effective feature? If their modus operandi was about exclusion in order to boost profits then why do that at all? No one was expecting it. Same goes for the 256-bit wide memory bandwidth on the iPad Pro or the 128-bit on the iPad 3 when everything else at the time was 32-bit. They must all be a bunch of dummies for not seeing how they could have been "maximizing profits" all this time by not making their devices work well, but instead just focused on what fits on a spec sheet that is only important to a few people that like to believe they understand tech.

    Do you know why the Passport really had 3GB RAM? Because it needed it. In fact, it could have used 4GB but it was only 32-bit.
    forcing app developers to stream line their apps, whatever the reason why it's so low on iOS decices, it needs to change.

    You're really saying that apps should be inefficient, that Apple should have no guidelines to help make the 3rd-party app experience good for customers, and you honestly have no idea with your "whatever the reason" comment why this is beneficial? No wonder you constantly scratch your head about anything Apple does.
    Well, actually I guess it doesn't as people will just buy these product's anyway.

    There is it! Just a bunch of foolish people who will buy anything Apple puts out. :no:
  • Reply 73 of 115

    Originally Posted by PScooter63 View Post



    ...can only be purchased as part of a software development kit (Goog Store US). 


    If it's as wonderful as you brag, why were only 4,000 produced?  Why isn't it already available to the general masses at the retail level (it's been ~four months since the initial release)?


    Probably because it's an environment modeling device that's not exactly designed for mass-market appeal, being aimed solely at developers for testing purposes. Something doesn't have to be the #1 best seller to be "good".

  • Reply 74 of 115

    Originally Posted by NolaMacGuy View Post

    hey, did you know you spelled "Apple" wrong in your username?

    He created his account on an iPad, so...

  • Reply 75 of 115
    majani wrote: »
    Probably because it's an environment modeling device that's not exactly designed for mass-market appeal, being aimed solely at developers for testing purposes. Something doesn't have to be the #1 best seller to be "good".

    Where is the implication for "has to be the #1 best seller" in [@]PScooter63[/@]'s post about selling only 4,000 units?
  • Reply 76 of 115
    solipsismy wrote: »

    There is it! Just a bunch of foolish people who will buy anything Apple puts out. :no:

    Well, there are people that will. I ask people all the time why they bought the phone they did. When it comes to iPhones I hear them say all the time "I don't, because it's an Apple ". They literally have no clue why they bought the iPhone.

    Some use it no more than a feature phone. They buy no apps and only use the phone and text part.
  • Reply 77 of 115
    sirlance99 wrote: »
    Well, there are people that will. I ask people all the time why they bought the phone they did. When it comes to iPhones I hear them say all the time "I don't, because it's an Apple ". They literally have no clue why they bought the iPhone.

    Not being able to give a detailed answer in their thought process doesn't mean they only bought it because they are "iSheep fanboys." I'm sure there are some that do, but that goes with all thing, including the opposite and even more ridiculous extreme that [@]Relic[/@] has admitted she's in on multiple occasions: she wants to be perceived as different so if something is popular, regardless of why it's popular it loses her interest. At least people that buy something because it's popular are doing so because they are playing the odds. I don't expect the average person to read all the reviews, test multiple devices, and study all the intricate technologies that go into common everyday CE that we tend to do, so it makes perfect sense if their answer ranges from "I know someone who has it and they seem to like it" to "because it's most popular [which means they can probably get help with it if and when they need to]."
    Some use it no more than a feature phone. They buy no apps and only use the phone and text part.

    it's that time of year again where I'm asked by numerous people which iPhone they should buy. Most that ask me have no large games, no large productivity apps, no music, no movies, and will take pictures and the occasional video.For them it's mostly a phone, a web browser, a mail client, messages, and probably no more than a dozen smallish 3rd-party apps. These people love their smartphone and use it as a smartphone even knowing they aren't taking full advantage of all its features. A feature phone simply wouldn't do.

    Also, these people I typically recommend the 16GB iPhone because they typically use less than half their original available user storage space, which is my simply guideline, but this year I need to adjust that due to the 50% increase in Megapixels in the camera, the 4x resolution in the video camera, and the rumoured 2x size in still images when Live Photos are enabled. I still need to find out if the video will be H.265 or H.264, which will obviously affect file sizes. Regardless of the codec, I haven't quite figured out a simple algorithm based on current images and videos in their Photos app or how many they've taken within x-time frame if iCloud is a helping factor, or if I think the new device will lead to increased usage in areas that use additional data. One thing that's a benefit are the new technologies used to allow for apps to use less space and updates to require less free space.
  • Reply 78 of 115

    Originally Posted by gumbi View Post



    Well, considering that from the description this sounds like an almost exact copy of the original windows 8 implementation, they didn't have to try to hard to get it right...


    The Windows 8 implementation was nearly garbage and didn't work well, so I hope not.

  • Reply 79 of 115

    I'm extremely disappointed that my iPad Air 1 cannot use this feature.  Seems like it should not be too old of hardware to be able to handle the task.  Boo.

  • Reply 80 of 115
    Originally Posted by Vision33r View Post


    Most likely a saved for iPhone 7 Plus feature because it will have 4GB of memory as the Note 5 recently advertises with 4GB.


    Yes, because 4Gb is useful regardless of the OS or use (sic)... I'm so fracking tire of this crap.


    That's how it goes it Android land:



    - Put more pixels on screen and kill battery life

    - Lets put a huge clock rate on our CPU to beat Apple and kill battery life, overheat and throttle like crazy

    - Let's put more memory because otherwise we suck and also why not kill battery life too...

    - Lets put more pixels than focus/lense can resolve despite slowing down focus and shot to shot, taking space encoding noise and well, you guessed it, taking more battery life... no problem

    - Use a display tech with better blacks despite most content being light not dark, burn in, color shift, and garish colors (they've now resolved the color problem)....

    - Lets use a OS we don'T control and can't update when its needed

    - Put memory than anyone regardless of speed, usefulness or battery life...

    - Use 2 sets of 4 cores despite not being to schedule efficiently among them (and use this those scores as proof of "superiority").






    Funny how this Note 5 is still going to lag because its badly SW/HW integration and well, it's running god damn Android, but whatever, I'm sure it will get 8Gb next year.

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