Earning a third as many paid users as Spotify in under 4 months, Apple Music already a hit, FBR says



  • Reply 41 of 61

    Originally Posted by TheWhiteFalcon View Post

    Spotify said "over twenty million" in June. Sorry, I need up to date numbers from them before I agree that it's a third as many.

    And as a percentage of active iOS devices that's a really low number...

    The whole global music industry makes $15 BILLION A YEAR.

    Apple Music with 6.5 million and growing will make $1 BILLION in its first year.

    iTunes Music makes $3 BILLION a year.

    Taken together, Apple Music and iTunes Music make over 25% of the WORLD'S MUSIC REVENUE. Wow!


    And it is growing.


    Once Apple Music reaches 20 million PAYING users, then Apple Music plus iTunes Music will have HALF of the world's music revenue.


    So Apple Music is off to a good start.

  • Reply 42 of 61

    Originally Posted by EricTheHalfBee View Post



    You don't need any numbers, because you'll believe what you want to and spin it to make Apple Music look bad regardless.


    You know why Spotify hasn't posted updated numbers? Because they probably LOST subscribers. Spotify is just like Samsung and their Galaxy S and Note sales. When they were going up they were happy to report numbers. As soon as they faltered they stopped. Spotify has done the same thing. I doubt we'll be hearing anymore numbers from Spotify on their subscriber base.


    All you have to do is look at their behavior this year. Whining about Apple charging 30%, sending out that pathetic e-mail to customers to get them to sign up online instead of through an in-App purchase, tattling like the little bitches they are to try and get the FTC to investigate and so on. This is a company that's scared to death of Apple Music, and rightfully so.


    Spotify's business model is unsustainable. They're going to have to do something quick to stay alive.


    Those 6.5 million PAYING Apple Music subscribers are 6.5 million customers that Spotify won't get.

  • Reply 43 of 61

    For my family of 5, Apple Music is $15.  Spotify would be $30.  Apple Music is a no-brainer.

  • Reply 44 of 61
    asdasdasdasd Posts: 5,686member
    The 75 million Spotify subscribers are all revenue generating right - ads and subscriptions. Apple Music is just revenue generating from its 6.5M
  • Reply 46 of 61

    Dumped Spotify two months ago. Sticking with Apple Music for us.


    Also, I totally get the interface. I should write an FAQ.


    Still dislike the 'one master payment method' for family accounts, but I don't see that changing anytime soon.

  • Reply 47 of 61
    calicali Posts: 3,494member
    I wonder how many of them were people who forgot to switch off "automatic renewal"?

    Not being pessimistic but realistic.
  • Reply 48 of 61
    2oh12oh1 Posts: 503member

    I believe bugs are holding the service back.  As the bugs get squashed and the service gets better, it's going to grow.


    Does Apple Music (and, especially, iCloud Music Library) work with iTunes libraries that have over 25,000 songs yet?

  • Reply 49 of 61
    jason98jason98 Posts: 768member

    Originally Posted by sog35 View Post



    sure.  And that's why Spotify is a few months to going bankrupt and has never showed a profit even once.

    There is always Microsoft for that.

  • Reply 50 of 61
    asdasdasdasd Posts: 5,686member
    sog35 wrote: »
    sure.  And that's why Spotify is a few months to going bankrupt and has never showed a profit even once.

    Because the 75M are all generating some revenue? I'm lost to that argument to be honest.

    I'd prefer this thread wasn't dominated by the kind of people who jump at any criticism of Apple as heresy. But it is.

    So I'll present all my arguments now and leave.

    Bad or underwhelming.
    The 11M-15M or so seems low. Weren't we all automatically subscribed (or given the option) when we launched music on 8.4? Why so low relative to the installed base?
    I doubt if they are making profits if spotify isn't.

    The conversion rate.
    The fact that the number of people on trial is growing since the last update and since we are past the time when the earliest adopters lost their free trial that's material. It looks like Apple will add another few million from the existing people on trial.

    Overall - relatively good start.
  • Reply 51 of 61
    I am sticking with AppleMusic. Sure it has bugs but it has less bugs now than when they started.
    Aside from the built in integration to iOS that I like, for me the biggest draw is privacy.

    The ad supported services (including Spotify) are propping people's listening habits all over town looking for a payout. I read the privacy documentation for AppleMusic and I am aware they keep a record of what I listen to to personalise the For You tabs, but the difference is I trust Apple with that data. Those other jokers? No so much.

    I was a free Spotify streamer from when they first branched out to the UK years ago and I am not going back. Great interface but just a bit creepy.
  • Reply 52 of 61
    pmzpmz Posts: 3,433member

    Originally Posted by OMGOMG1 View Post

    I wonder how many of these 6.5 paid users are using a company phone that is tied to company credit card, or how many of those users probably forgot about it and overlook the $10 a month?

    But then trying to think rationale about anything Apple to people who try to belittle others about their opinion of Apple that they see as "Anti-Apple" is just irrational.

    You just described the success of every subscription service that has ever existed. But I'm sure that with Apple involved you'll have to find a way to make it suddenly different...because its Apple.

  • Reply 53 of 61
    pmzpmz Posts: 3,433member

    Originally Posted by sog35 View Post


    This is telling:


    Spotify, Deezer, and Pandora have not released paid subscribers since July.  I wonder why?

    Smart move on their part. No matter what the numbers, any and all decline would immediately be attributed to Apple Music.


    Even though that is likely completely true.

  • Reply 54 of 61
    Spotify started dropping paid customers in October (plus increased monthly subscriptions from $10.99 to $12.99) I am personally staying with Spotify until Apple fixes "loudness" issue. Spotify packs more of sound punch..and controls/settings are easier to use.

    I've been a paid Spotify user for at least 3 years, so I realize it will take time for me to get acquainted to Apple Music's controls/settings and features. I am confident that Apple will listen to its users and implement changes requested going forward.

    Spotify will one day me a memory....
  • Reply 55 of 61

    I really want to like Apple Music more, and I'm on a family plan, so I get it for free, but I do find it frustrating. I feel like it's slower than Spotify, and it's not as easy to discover music, IMO. I just feel like the Spotify application is more responsive and easier to search, plus I get easy access to lots of user created playlists, which I love and use a lot.


    And Apple Music doesn't have all of the songs I have on my Spotify playlists, and it is a PITA to port them over. I've been trying for the past week, and it sucks.


    I canceled my Spotify subscription, but I kinda want it back. I hope they keep improving on Apple Music, because I'd actually prefer to use it... I like using Apple services, it makes things easier, but I feel like there's room for improvement.


    I'd be interested to see the demographic breakdown of these numbers.

  • Reply 56 of 61
    bitmodbitmod Posts: 267member
    sog35 wrote: »
    AppleMusic seems to be designed for Millienials.  For people who don't buy music.

    Just because an App has a feature does not mean you need to use it.  

    Apple music is better than Spotify/Rdio because its integrated into iOS.  Also AppleMusic curation is the best.

    Apple Music is horrible at the moment. Spotify works 1000 times better on iOS and Mac - and it isn't integrated.
    Spotify also sounds a lot better with higher quality files. (If you have decent gear).

    I found the curation to be quite bad actually - better than Tidal, but worse than Spotify or Rdio.
    But then again, I don't listen to top 40.

    I dumped AM after trying my hardest to find any redeeming quality.
    Now I use Spotify for curation to find music - and play it on cd quality with Tidal (tidal curation is the worst).
  • Reply 57 of 61
    jungmarkjungmark Posts: 6,926member
    asdasd wrote: »
    Because the 75M are all generating some revenue? I'm lost to that argument to be honest.

    I'd prefer this thread wasn't dominated by the kind of people who jump at any criticism of Apple as heresy. But it is.

    So I'll present all my arguments now and leave.

    Bad or underwhelming.
    The 11M-15M or so seems low. Weren't we all automatically subscribed (or given the option) when we launched music on 8.4? Why so low relative to the installed base?
    I doubt if they are making profits if spotify isn't.

    Why is that considered low for a new service? I don't believe I was prompted but if I was, I declined. Not everyone wants a streaming service. Not everyone listens to music.

    It's a good start. And with additional improvements, the numbers will keep growing.

    Is Spotify considered to be on the low end considering its on both iOS and Android?
  • Reply 58 of 61
    bitmodbitmod Posts: 267member
    jungmark wrote: »
    Why is that considered low for a new service? I don't believe I was prompted but if I was, I declined. Not everyone wants a streaming service. Not everyone listens to music.

    It's a good start. And with additional improvements, the numbers will keep growing.

    Is Spotify considered to be on the low end considering its on both iOS and Android?

    I think we need to see where the numbers are in the new year - after people get billed for the service a few times.
    If we hear nothing - it ain't good.
  • Reply 59 of 61
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member

    Apple should hold back the Android version until fall 2016 when they've had a year to learn how on iOS to best tailor the app to users needs. Me, I just hold Siri and play a song. That's good enough for me. My only wish is if they could come up with some highly encrypted way to offer iMessage on Android. I'd kill for the day I could delete all my third party messaging apps. iMessage all the way, baby.

  • Reply 60 of 61
    AppleMusic still destroys years' worth of hard work put into one's library with its matching feature - wrong matches, wrong artwork,no way to upload what is wrong or provide feedback, not able to match its own iTunes content even. And without the Apple Music iCloud Library activated, all the "loved" songs from Radio stations or "make available offline" of music you don't own and want to stream (mybe because afterwards you want to buy it?), disappears.

    And replacing songs, in case of accidental deletion of one from your library, with DRM copies that cannot be used unless one is an Apple Subscriber.
    Still not good enough for me and not worth 120Euros/year.

    Make it usable and respect your users' song libraries and then we will see.
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