Florida sheriff vows to arrest Tim Cook if Apple won't comply with court orders



  • Reply 101 of 131
    jungmarkjungmark Posts: 6,927member
    cali said:
    gatorguy said:
    My favorite statement was one he made to the press when they finally caught up to and in a shoot-out killed a career-criminal who had apparently killed a couple of people including an officer. When asked why they shot the suspect 60+ times he replied "because we ran out of bullets" or something to that effect.  LOL!
    You're the worst piece of shit. It's all funny until your father is beat to death over a traffic stop or your child is raped by a cop and let off scot-free when you realise your own ignorance toward humanity. I hope one day you experience the cruelest crimes upon you or your loved ones as a slap in the face to your own cruelty. Maybe that day we'll have thousands of puppets laughing at your slain father or raped daughter "LOL"!!

    Copblock.org. Read about all the crimes these pigs commit daily that the media refuse to cover. Hell A few blocks from my house a 9-year old girl was beat and tazed by 2 cops. They were let off with no media coverage and zero offences to their criminal record. Losers like gator were laughing and said the little girl deserved the beating as she laid in the hospital.

    As for this piece of shit sheriff pretending he's above the law, let's see what crime he makes up in attempt to arrest Tim Cook, A man who fights for human rights.
    You're the worst. Read about the crimes they've prevented, people they've rescued, criminals they've caught, crimes they solved. Oh wait...media rarely report every day job occurrences. No ratings there.  Sure there a few bad eggs but you can say the same about any group as large as law enforcement. Do we blame all blacks because a small minority are criminals? Same with any other race or group. 
  • Reply 102 of 131
    noivadnoivad Posts: 186member
    “Florida, Ladies & Gentlemen!” (no offense to the smart people that live in Florida—you people are great, but if a parody news sites has a tag with your state name, you know there’s something wrong with it)
  • Reply 103 of 131
    So if there were a court order to ram a fence post up his @ss, Tim would have to comply?
    edited March 2016
  • Reply 104 of 131
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,565member
    bdkennedy said:
    So if there were a court order to ram a fence post up his @ss, Tim would have to comply?
    Reductio ad absurdum. (Sorry for yelling. . .)

    edited March 2016 singularity
  • Reply 105 of 131
    If this berserk red neck goes to 1 Infinite Loop to arrest Tim Cook, would it not be legal to shoot him on promises for trespassing? Just asking.
  • Reply 106 of 131
    To call Tim Cook "a rascal" already sets the tone of how much stupidity this sherif is looking to seek for his county. With this case and Trump, now is good time to have ninja's, an Agent 47, a Jason Bourne and of course a 007 to help with all this mess. 
  • Reply 107 of 131
    Apple's firm stance against decrypting iPhones in criminal investigations could land CEO Tim Cook in jail, if the sheriff in one rural Florida county has his way.

    Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd. Via Fox 13

    "I can tell you, the first time we do have trouble getting into a cell phone, we're going to seek a court order from Apple. And when they deny us, I'm going to go lock the CEO of Apple up," Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd said, according to FOX 13. "I'll lock the rascal up."

    "You cannot create a business model to go, 'We're not paying attention to the federal judge or the state judge. You see, we're above the law,'" Judd added. "The CEO of Apple needs to know he's not above the law, and neither is anybody else in the United States."

    It's not clear exactly how Judd would follow through on such a threat; in addition to the fact that Cook lives in California and is unlikely to ever set foot in Polk County, he has a formidable legal shield in front of him.

    The sheriff's comments came during a press conference for a case in which the suspects -- who are accused of beating, sexually assaulting, and murdering a man -- took photos of their crime and showed those photos to others. The suspects then provided police with the phone's passcode.
    Nobody is above the law, but the law is created by us.  It is time to change the law then.
  • Reply 108 of 131
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    NickDI said:
    Nobody is above the law, but the law is created by us.  It is time to change the law then.
    The law is that the government doesn’t get a back door. You want to change that?
  • Reply 109 of 131
    Hillbilly trash. We have an awful lot of them in Florida. Outside of the six or seven reasonably sizable cities and resort type cities like Naples, Palm Beach County, etc., the entire state is filled with hillbilly trash.
  • Reply 110 of 131
    fallenjtfallenjt Posts: 4,056member
    Ignore this idiot. He just wants to make 5-minute fame using high profile situation lately. At the end of the day, who gives the crap about this guy, a guy with IQ of 10.
  • Reply 111 of 131
    fallenjtfallenjt Posts: 4,056member
    Not sure if anyone who comments here lives in Florida, but Polk County is unanimously known for having the worst, most un reasonable, above the law, full of themselves cops in Florida. This guy is a joke, and so is his county...
    There is no reason in hell Tim Cook would ever visit Polk county. Although, Woz has made a few appearances at the Ritz-Carlton on Lantana beach just a half a mile from the house I used to live in. 
    Even Cook sets foot there, I dare this guy to make an arrest. Cook has enough money to bury this motherfucker if he even gets close to Cook.
  • Reply 112 of 131
    fallenjtfallenjt Posts: 4,056member

    gatorguy said:
    Grady should go back to sheriff school and learn that he is paid by Floridians to be of service to the people, not an obnoxious egoistic dick who can't bare others in not believing in his corrupt ideologies.
    He's actually far from corrupt. On the contrary he could be one of the least corruptible sheriff's in the South. But he dang sure is hard-nosed, following the law to the letter.

    He has zero tolerance for porn with not even a single adult bookstore remaining in Polk County since he took office a few years ago, much less a topless bar or massage parlor. He runs regular stings for prostitution, both the prostitutes and the johns, and if you're even suspected of child porn you're on his radar, with a section of the sheriff's office dedicated to ferreting out folks who look for or download anything even remotely considered child porn.

    He's quick to arrest anyone he believes is guilty of animal cruelty or improperly caring for livestock. Before Judd became sheriff things like dog-fighting were also a poorly hidden secret. Not anymore, they're raided and shut down as soon as Judd gets wind of them.

    Grady Judd also has little tolerance for on-line bullying of kids with even high-schoolers subject to arrest if they cause someone harm as a result. He aggressively investigates Facebook users boasting of a crime, (or God-forbid taunting him to catch them!), has arrested his own officers when suspected of doing anything unlawful, has created one of the country's best police training academies and on and on.

    With that said he's never met a camera he didn't like. 
    Still...Fuck him on this matter: Encryption!
  • Reply 113 of 131
    Joe111Joe111 Posts: 8member
    PR stunt by AAPL this Not creating a back door to iOS 
    It is simply allowing the password to be guessed on ONE device.
  • Reply 114 of 131
    Joe111Joe111 Posts: 8member

    Not sure if anyone who comments here lives in Florida, but Polk County is unanimously known for having the worst, most un reasonable, above the law, full of themselves cops in Florida. This guy is a joke, and so is his county...
    There is no reason in hell Tim Cook would ever visit Polk county. Although, Woz has made a few appearances at the Ritz-Carlton on Lantana beach just a half a mile from the house I used to live in. 
    Well Florida is known as "the penis of the USA"
  • Reply 115 of 131
    It drives me nuts hearing these law enforcement morons and other government officials claiming Apple is above the law. What ever happened to due process? Apparently Apple isn't afforded due process in this country the way morons like Grady Judd speak.
    Exactly. Apple isn't above the law, but neither is the FBI who is doing something that violates the Constitution. 
  • Reply 116 of 131
    Joe111Joe111 Posts: 8member
    "I AM the LAW"  !

  • Reply 117 of 131
    Sign the Whitehouse petition here:

    Hurry, there are currently 23,000 signatures. 100,000 are needed by March 18 to require a Whitehouse response.
    The title of the petition is: 

    Halt efforts that compel Apple and other device makers to create a "backdoor" for the Government to access citizens data

  • Reply 118 of 131
    Rayz2016Rayz2016 Posts: 6,957member
    gatorguy said:
    larrya said:
    Same guy who insists on preaching church sermons in his uniform, and who proclaims his support for "faith-based" jailing, so I guess at least on person is above the law. 
    My favorite statement was one he made to the press when they finally caught up to and in a shoot-out killed a career-criminal who had apparently killed a couple of people including an officer. When asked why they shot the suspect 60+ times he replied "because we ran out of bullets" or something to that effect.  LOL!
    A very worrying man to have in charge of armed men. Glad you find execution funny though. Very classy. 
  • Reply 119 of 131
    What an idiot...
  • Reply 120 of 131
    OK... Who else realizes that he just call Tim Cook a "rascal"? Just saying... LOL!
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