Apple CEO Tim Cook calls for racial equality in light of US shooting deaths



  • Reply 101 of 121
    is it the law in America that the sentence for resisting arrest is death? because that's kind of messed up
    No. But it is apparently the sentence for selling illegally copied CDs or for telling an officer you are legally carrying a gun but are reaching for your wallet and ID. Oh, and it is apparently the sentence for stupidity. Since that can be judged in the street by officers of questionable merit, I suspect we may be reading about the death of apple ][ soon.
    edited July 2016 londorbaconstangsphericpbrstreetgpropod
  • Reply 102 of 121
    Let the investigations play out. If the police were guilty of murder, throw them under the jail, then, capital punishment is a good method of stopping murderers. 

    Also, 4 police officers are dead tonight, anyone think we'll hear from Tim Cook on that? 
    Yes, we do think we'll hear from Tim Cook about Dallas. Wait, we don't just think it, because he tweeted about it just as he did the other senseless murders:

    You are part of the problem.
    edited July 2016 Anilondorbaconstangsphericpbrstreetgpropod
  • Reply 103 of 121
    singularitysingularity Posts: 1,328member
    is it the law in America that the sentence for resisting arrest is death? because that's kind of messed up
    No. But it is apparently the sentence for selling illegally copied CDs or for telling an officer you are legally carrying a gun but are reaching for your wallet and ID. Oh, and it is apparently the sentence for stupidity. Since that can be judged in the street by officers of questionable merit, I suspect we may be reading about the death of apple ][ soon.

    It appears some people think this would be a good thing!
  • Reply 104 of 121
    Some facts to consider...

    In 2015, police killed (in the line of duty) nearly twice as many white people as black people.

    In 2015, Chicago gang bangers killed more black people (just in Chicago) than police killed  (in the line of duty) across the entire USA.

    In 2015, more US citizens were killed by cars than were killed by guns.

    These facts tend to be ignored by liberals, the media, and Obama because they don't support their anti-cop, anti-gun, white-privilege, black-victim narratives. These same narratives helped incite the events in TX last night.
    apple ][SpamSandwichbuzdotstallest skil
  • Reply 105 of 121
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    Some facts to consider...

    In 2015, police killed (in the line of duty) nearly twice as many white people as black people.

    In 2015, Chicago gang bangers killed more black people (just in Chicago) than police killed  (in the line of duty) across the entire USA.

    In 2015, more US citizens were killed by cars than were killed by guns.

    These facts tend to be ignored by liberals, the media, and Obama because they don't support their anti-cop, anti-gun, white-privilege, black-victim narratives. These same narratives helped incite the events in TX last night.
    It's how they're killed that matters. Show me one instance in which a white man was killed for simply reaching for his wallet as he was instructed to do so. Just look at the video posted in this thread. The officer asks the black gentleman for his credentials and as soon as he goes to retrieve them he's shot, and continues to get shot even as he raises his hands. 
  • Reply 106 of 121
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    Some facts to consider...

    In 2015, police killed (in the line of duty) nearly twice as many white people as black people.

    In 2015, Chicago gang bangers killed more black people (just in Chicago) than police killed  (in the line of duty) across the entire USA.

    In 2015, more US citizens were killed by cars than were killed by guns.

    These facts tend to be ignored by liberals, the media, and Obama because they don't support their anti-cop, anti-gun, white-privilege, black-victim narratives. These same narratives helped incite the events in TX last night.
    Next up for proposed bans out of Washington:  Cars and cops.
    tallest skil
  • Reply 107 of 121
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    Next up for proposed bans out of Washington:  Cars and cops.
    Clearly cops need to be killing more women. This is blatant sexism.

  • Reply 108 of 121
    sphericspheric Posts: 2,636member
    apple ][ said:
    flaneur said:
    We're in the same gutter zone as white supremacy or neo Nazi websites.
    Are you talking about BLM?, because BLM is basically the black KKK.

    They're both racist, supremacist organizations, they both want segregation, and they both use violence and intimidation, including murder to further their cause.

    And Obama and many others on the left support the black KKK.

    Screw anybody who supports BLM and/or the KKK. 
    Holy. Fucking. Shit.

    Now THAT is impressive. It's like the last fifty years just never happened.

    Welcome to my ignore list.
  • Reply 109 of 121
    Great timing Cook!   How about going back to building hardware and keep your liberal nose out of race relations, which you obviously do not understand!
    tallest skilbuzdots
  • Reply 110 of 121
    splifsplif Posts: 603member
    wizard69 said:
    marrtyy said:
    I find it ironic that a man who fund-raises for Paul Ryan who has/will endorse Trump a hate-monger speaks out about hate and killing. Hmmmm.
    Their is nothing about Trump nor his speeches that indicates that he is a hate monger. He has and hopefully will continue to address real issues with Illegal immigration that has created huge problems in this country. Enforcing the law has little to do with hate.
    Please explain Trump's policies on anything (besides building a wall).
  • Reply 111 of 121
    singularitysingularity Posts: 1,328member
    splif said:
    wizard69 said:
    Their is nothing about Trump nor his speeches that indicates that he is a hate monger. He has and hopefully will continue to address real issues with Illegal immigration that has created huge problems in this country. Enforcing the law has little to do with hate.
    Please explain Trump's policies on anything (besides building a wall).
    Trump's policies are easy to explain:
    He will make America great. By being great. So great that the USA will hurt from being great.

    I think I may have over explained what he will do 
  • Reply 112 of 121
    splifsplif Posts: 603member
    splif said:
    Please explain Trump's policies on anything (besides building a wall).
    Trump's policies are easy to explain:
    He will make America great. By being great. So great that the USA will hurt from being great.

    I think I may have over explained what he will do 
    Ha! I think you may have.
  • Reply 113 of 121
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    splif said:
    Please explain Trump's policies on anything (besides building a wall).

    And here’s an aggregation on education, as he hasn’t outlined a comprehensive plan yet.

    And here are the numbers for his tax plan.

    edited July 2016 apple ][
  • Reply 114 of 121
    splifsplif Posts: 603member
    splif said:
    Please explain Trump's policies on anything (besides building a wall).

    And here’s an aggregation on education, as he hasn’t outlined a comprehensive plan yet.

    And here are the numbers for his tax plan.

    edited July 2016 tallest skil
  • Reply 115 of 121
    joshajosha Posts: 901member
    Let the investigations play out. If the police were guilty of murder, throw them under the jail, then, capital punishment is a good method of stopping murderers. 

    Also, 4 police officers are dead tonight, anyone think we'll hear from Tim Cook on that? 
    If the courts aren't biased against the black people !
    Which I doubt.
  • Reply 116 of 121
    joshajosha Posts: 901member
     Is this the result of upper IQ limit on people on the force and lack of gun control?
    It's do to a built in racial bias, because of the biased society they are brought up in.
  • Reply 117 of 121
    I'm a young black female so I'll give you the truth... People are so quick to say it's not racism...It is...Boldly it is...Why? I have a degree and several certifications and own two businesses, it means nothing. I called the police before on the behalf of a child that ran to my home (in a quiet suburb, a little more than middle income) and instead of the cops checking on the welfare of the child...They asked me...if you go to jail can you still maintain your household or will you be foreclosed? What the heck did that have to do with me helping this kid that was terrified...I was being a good person opening my door to this kid (high school aged). In the end I watched them walk this kid back into his home and he never came back out and the cops never went in.

    Now that was slight. So I'll give you a little more. I drive a pickup truck sometimes, I was on my way driving through my city, I pulled over when I seen an ambulance, fire truck and about four police cars. I immediately turned on the video recording on my iPhone when I noticed, they all pulled in behind me. I'm baffled, I see the cops about six of them total walking up with guns drawn. I started praying. I rolled all my windows down, so they could see I'm alone, I have on business clothes. The officer asked my name I gave it, he said nice truck. Again I'm baffled...I took the keys out the ignition sat them on my window ledge. I already had my ID, insurance and registration in hand....The officer asked me why did I have that...Umm this is a traffic stop right? I look in my rearview mirror and noticed the other cops are looking at the back of the truck. They all came forward and asked why are you crying. I'm right near where my nephew was just murdered by cops the prior week (no weapon). I don't want that to be my fate...The officer said we just wanted to see who you were, your truck doesn't have any damage, put your hands down and stop crying. I can't I won't. Why? I've already had the single run in with cops that made me feel like I was inferior in my own home (not leased, not rented) why shouldn't I feel even more scared parked on a side street that isn't well lit? I let the cops drive off totally, and all of the other rescue vehicles before I felt calm and rational enough to put the keys back in my ignition and go back home.

    We can argue that there's no such thing that exists in America, we can do that all day, but it's a lie and it's even more a lie for those that have yet to experience it first hand. I never thought I would share a moment where I didn't trust law enforcement, I was raised that you believe in the police for justice. I know every time a black man/woman are murdered by a cop, the first thing that happens is the question what's their history, what's their background.. No one ask that about the cops until days or even weeks later.

    I don't believe in my heart that all cops are bad but I do believe that there's a breakdown in communication that starts the moment they see my face. My name doesn't make it easy for them I could be any race, my voice doesn't either (there's a stereotype on how we talk also).

    I've dealt with never feeling racism head on until I reached my 30s now the lights are shining bright on it.

    I've seen so many despicable comments here it doesn't make since. Philandro Castile, had no record, still in his seat belt, ordered to get his ID, advised he had a CCW permit well in advance, but ended up riddled with holes and the cop watched while he took his last breathes, no CPR, no first aid administered just a cool stare and lots of yelling, while being recorded.

    I watched both videos from two different angles on Alton Sterling, what I didn't see in any of the videos was a gun in his hands. What I do know is they confiscated the video from the store owner who refuted the story they released to the public.

    What I also know is that again it's so easy to sit in our homes and pass judgement without ever meeting someone of another race or having a straight conversation with anyone that doesn't "fit" our criteria. We never know how the other side lives because we are so quick to judge and castrate. I'm guilty of it now, I noticed, that I don't let the facts play out in some instances. The one thing about me is I don't take my opinion and smash it down others people throats because I only see my POV.

    This won't end for any of us, until we start seeing each other as equals. I'm more successful than a lot of people I know and communicate with but yet and still I'm reduced to nothing by people that won't even say Hi back when I speak. Is it fear? Because you let the media paint a picture of who I may be?
  • Reply 118 of 121
    apple ][ said:
    flaneur said:
    We're in the same gutter zone as white supremacy or neo Nazi websites.
    Are you talking about BLM?, because BLM is basically the black KKK.

    They're both racist, supremacist organizations, they both want segregation, and they both use violence and intimidation, including murder to further their cause.

    And Obama and many others on the left support the black KKK.

    Screw anybody who supports BLM and/or the KKK. 
    Here's where you don't have a clear understanding of Black Lives Matter. It's not an organization about exclusion, it's not saying everyone doesn't matter also. It's about saying hey we all matter but why are we as a group constantly targeted for misconceptions. It has nothing to do with further dividing races. Read the mission statement, read posts by the organizers. No one has ever said let's segregate, we have enough of that.

    It's to open society's eyes back up to things that have been covered up where we are affected. There's lots of non-African American members as part of the Black Lives Matter movement. Why? They get it, they actually interact with us and know that we are smeared in a history that won't allow us to move forward. It's commonly known that many of us don't rely on public aid to move forward but I constantly see crap like public housing being thrown out there, welfare, handouts....that's what you believe because you refuse to introduce yourself to any black people nor hold a civil conversation because you let the media have you living in fear of us.

    My first thought when I meet white, hispanics, middle-easterns, isn't fear, it's who is this person and I had a decent conversation with them, I like them. I don't look for the bad in people, if one person does something and it's broadcast in the media, I don't base my opinions of all of you off it. I was raised that every person is an individual and until they prove otherwise to me, that's who they are.

    The US has long since started off being screwed by racism, then sexism, then classism. Not one of us can truly move forward and heal from any race until it's all put out there in an open forum where people learn to trust each other by knowing each other.

    Despite popular opinion, us African Americans, have been labeled and targeted for anything that goes wrong. If one of us are shot, some people say one less. There's no doubt there's disparity in mostly African American's definitely not by choice. There's hardworking people that get up cut their grass, walk their dog, go to work, sit at the table and eat dinner, but yet and still a lot of people choose to "see" what's portrayed in the media as our "norm". It's so far from it.
  • Reply 119 of 121
    flaneurflaneur Posts: 4,526member
    tamaralig —

    Thanks for your personal testimony. The low level of comments in this thread are appalling, and you would think we'd find a higher level of thinking on an Apple news site.

    But I think we have to factor in one of the kinds of person who gravitates to any kind of computer discussion site. I have in mind the technical type whose brain development has been heavily skewed toward the left hemisphere, which in men leaves them severely cut off from empathy centers and holistic-thinking centers of the right hemisphere.

    We have some of these here, and they're very vocal, because they're your basic angry white guys (i.e., Trump supporters) who are especially cranky right now because they feel the culture is moving away from their old privileged, dominant position.

    We also have some exceptionally enlightened people here, seemingly of many ethnic backgrounds, so on balance the site is worth sticking with for the duscussions, including even some of the cultural evolution arguments like this one. I'm grateful for your contribution. We need more stories from the front lines, because some of these guys are basing what they think on what they see on their screens, not from the streets.
  • Reply 120 of 121
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    tamaralig said:
    No one has ever said let's segregate, we have enough of that. 
    Why? Of course people are saying it. People are doing it, subconsciously, by design. Why create strife where there is none? Why force something people don’t want? That’s pretty unAmerican.
    It's commonly known that many of us don't rely on public aid to move forward but I constantly see crap like public housing being thrown out there, welfare, handouts....
    Blacks use welfare roughly 100% disproportionately.
    you let the media have you living in fear of us.
    Without commenting on the specifics of this statement, trusting the media is the least intelligent thing you could do these days; absolutely.
    The US has long since started off being screwed by racism, then sexism, then classism.
    Sounds more like commie propaganda to me.
    ...until it’s all put out there in an open forum...
    When we try that, we’re called racists.
    There's hardworking people that get up cut their grass, walk their dog, go to work, sit at the table and eat dinner, but yet and still a lot of people choose to "see" what's portrayed in the media as our "norm". It's so far from it.
    Reminds me of an old quote of which I’m quite fond:

    There is a class of colored people who make a business of keeping the troubles, the wrongs, and the hardships of the Negro race before the public. Having learned that they are able to make a living out of their troubles, they have grown into the settled habit of advertising their wrongs–partly because they want sympathy and partly because it pays. Some of these people do not want the Negro to lose his grievances because they do not want to lose their jobs.

    – Booker T. Washington

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