Iran to reportedly allow iPhone imports to cope with rampant smuggling problem

in iPhone
The Iranian government is working to allow iPhone imports in a bid to stem a growing smuggling problem in the country, reports said on Thursday.

The trade ministry is requesting licenses for nine importers from the country's Trade Promotion Organization, Gulf News quoted the state-linked Tasnim news agency as saying. The latter added that to further attack smuggling, the government has been registering cellphones for the first time, theoretically preventing illegal imports from working.

Despite prohibitions imposed in and outside of Iran, iPhones are said to be relatively common in the country, at least among younger and wealthier people. The government largely ignored the issue until two months ago, when it began a crackdown that has since backfired and pushed up prices.

Legal iPhone sales could be tricky until the U.S. further eases sanctions, which effectively prevent not just domestic but many foreign institutions from conducting financial transactions with Iran. Importers would presumably have to buy iPhones from third parties which don't have any ties to banks operating in the U.S.

Apple might want to stem the flow of iPhones to Iran even if legal loopholes do exist. The company has been planning for a broader entry into the Iranian market once sanctions are lifted, and would likely want to avoid jeopardizing its position or being hit with unexpected fines.


  • Reply 1 of 13
    brakkenbrakken Posts: 687member
    Apple: opening markets, forging equality, forcing worker welfare, and strengthening the environment.
    there has never been an entity like Apple in human history.
    Go, Apple!!
  • Reply 2 of 13
    Most popular model will be the iPhone GS (Great Satan) with a red cover. 
  • Reply 3 of 13
    Nice to see Apple's fine doing business with a country that actually executes gays. So much for principles.
  • Reply 4 of 13
    pk22901pk22901 Posts: 153member
    "Most popular model will be the iPhone GS (Great Satan) with a red cover." We have a winner! :)
  • Reply 5 of 13
    Nice to see Apple's fine doing business with a country that actually executes gays. So much for principles.
    Did you actually read the article? Apple has nothing to do with it. They have no control over to whom third parties sell their phones. Nor should they. Aren't conservatives always talking about personal freedom? It's not without its downside. 
  • Reply 6 of 13
    Nice to see Apple's fine doing business with a country that actually executes gays. So much for principles.
    I don't hear you complaining about them doing business with Saudi Arabia, a country where women can't even drive and you can imagine what they do to gays. I personally don't mind  doing business with Iran, I actually think it would be great for both parties.
  • Reply 7 of 13
    flaneurflaneur Posts: 4,526member
    Nice to see Apple's fine doing business with a country that actually executes gays. So much for principles.
    And nice to see you taking a strong stand in favor of gays, and at a higher moral ground than Tim Cook. Bravo. 
  • Reply 8 of 13
    brakken said:
    Apple: opening markets, forging equality, forcing worker welfare, and strengthening the environment.
    there has never been an entity like Apple in human history.
    Go, Apple!!
    I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not or just blindly giving Apple credit for anything you can imagine. You could just as easily say the Asian handset manufacturers opened that market years ago because  they never had sanctions against Iran. Then you'd say Apple took a stand against evil - the total opposite of your position. Besides, this has been going on for decades - American computers/components being brought in from distributors in Dubai. How do you think the country operates without Intel CPUs? They don't manufacturer their own.
  • Reply 9 of 13
    Nice to see Apple's fine doing business with a country that actually executes gays. So much for principles.
    I'm disappointed that Apple didn't consult with you and get your list of approved countries to do business with.
  • Reply 10 of 13
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,821member
    Nice to see Apple's fine doing business with a country that actually executes gays. So much for principles.
    Hey while I was growing up in England listening to the Beatles 'Americans' were still lynching folks in the south for entertainment because they were not white.  It takes time for many countries to become civilized .  Isolationism makes it worse,  it's proven better to engage with countries with ignorant and bigoted concepts at their core to accelerate change, so all power to Apple iPhones being allowed in.  That said, let's not paint all people in one country with the same brush, surely you were not a racists or in the 60's and I am sure the vast majority of Iranians are good people.
    edited August 2016 stourqueDeelron
  • Reply 11 of 13
    flaneur said:
    Nice to see Apple's fine doing business with a country that actually executes gays. So much for principles.
    And nice to see you taking a strong stand in favor of gays, and at a higher moral ground than Tim Cook. Bravo. 
    Conservatives concerned for the welfare of Iranian homosexuals, well, I was wrong about them lacking compassion.
  • Reply 12 of 13
    fallenjtfallenjt Posts: 4,056member
    brakken said:
    Apple: opening markets, forging equality, forcing worker welfare, and strengthening the environment.
    there has never been an entity like Apple in human history.
    Go, Apple!!
    Yes there's one: Samsung...
    well quite opposite: poison their workers!
  • Reply 13 of 13
    fallenjtfallenjt Posts: 4,056member
    brakken said:
    Apple: opening markets, forging equality, forcing worker welfare, and strengthening the environment.
    there has never been an entity like Apple in human history.
    Go, Apple!!
    I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not or just blindly giving Apple credit for anything you can imagine. You could just as easily say the Asian handset manufacturers opened that market years ago because  they never had sanctions against Iran. Then you'd say Apple took a stand against evil - the total opposite of your position. Besides, this has been going on for decades - American computers/components being brought in from distributors in Dubai. How do you think the country operates without Intel CPUs? They don't manufacturer their own.
    Right. My friends traveled to Iran and he said they have every American brands in their stores as soon as next day when the product is released in US...that includes iPhone, iPad, iPod, Mac and even lightning connection converter...
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