New MacBook Pro with Touch Bar models arrive at select Apple stores

in General Discussion
Apple's new MacBook Pro with Touch Bar models are trickling in to the company's retail stores, though it appears only select flagship locations are being granted early access to the hotly anticipated laptop.

MacBook Pro with Touch Bar display at Nanjing Road Apple store. | Source: @qiuping

Apple retail visitors posted pictures of in-store MacBook Pro with Touch Bar display models to various social media sites on Tuesday, a day after the first pre-order units arrived at customers' doorsteps.

According to online accounts posted to Twitter and Instagram, most stores with available stock received supply within a few hours of this writing. Developer Kevin Dente, for example, said his California Apple store at around 1:30 p.m. local time.

Photos posted to Instagram show MacBook Pro with Touch Bar models gracing display tables at Apple's Hong Kong flagship in ifc mall. The Nanjing Road Apple store in Shanghai also has limited supply on hand, though display floor units are running demo software behind glass enclosures, as seen above.

As usual, Apple has not disclosed an exact shipment timeline to store staff, though quick spot checks performed by AppleInsider reveal many locations are still waiting for their first units to arrive. Even the company's flagship Union Square store in San Francisco has yet to receive its allotment.

For those interested in checking out the new laptop in person before purchasing, we suggest calling your local Apple outlet to confirm stock on hand before making the trip down.

Alternatively, buyers who want to bypass Apple's current four to five week shipping quote times, authorized dealer MacMall today updated its website to reflect a three-day lead time on all eight MacBook Pro with Touch Bar configurations.


  • Reply 1 of 45
    bluefire1bluefire1 Posts: 1,308member
    My nearby Apple retail store expects to have them on display either Thursday or Friday this week. Can't wait to get my hands on one.
  • Reply 2 of 45
    Received my 15" with touch bar fully spec'd today. Its my first Mac and probably overkill for what I will use it for, but am enjoying it so far.
  • Reply 3 of 45
    its a little ridiculous it took them 3 weeks to have them on display, let alone any reasonable inventory available the day these laptops were released.  Its not like they haven't had ample time since the last update.  Look at the pictures in these articles, showing off this computer like its god's gift to mankind.  I've been waiting to upgrade for over a year, but this whole limited supply BS and inflated pricing is a huge turnoff. 
  • Reply 4 of 45
    noraa1138noraa1138 Posts: 32unconfirmed, member
    I really hope these machines flop.  Apple desperately needs a wake up call.  They've been treating their pro users like crap for years now, these MBP's feel like the final nail in that coffin.
    edited November 2016 bloggerblog
  • Reply 5 of 45
    ibillibill Posts: 400member
    My local store in Indianapolis did not have any demo units as of yesterday.
  • Reply 6 of 45
    ibillibill Posts: 400member
    noraa1138 said:
    I really hope these machines flop.  Apple desperately needs a wake up call.  They've been treating their pro users like crap for years now, these MBP's feel like the final nail in that coffin.
    I suspect the wakeup call they are receiving is that they can't make them fast enough. Sorry if that doesn't scratch your itch.
  • Reply 7 of 45
    They keep advertising MacMall. I just called them, they said it's a 2-3 week wait time to buy the new 15 inch Macbook Pro. Faster to just go to the store next week ...
  • Reply 8 of 45
    JonathanLukJonathanLuk Posts: 2unconfirmed, member
    Checked in Toronto Eaton Center today, no luck for now
  • Reply 9 of 45
    Back to building a  hackintosh for me. Im wanting a powerful desktop not a laptop that has been lobotomised because of battery life.  
  • Reply 10 of 45
    Received my 15" with touch bar fully spec'd today. Its my first Mac and probably overkill for what I will use it for, but am enjoying it so far.
    Fully spec'd as in: "2 Tb ssd" as well? Also really curious how the Radeon 460 stacks up against the 450 and 455...
  • Reply 11 of 45
    Wow, where did all these comment Trolls come from, 5 and less comments and they are knocking the product. Seriously! Typing this on my MacBook Air as I wait for my 15" MacBook Pro to be built.
  • Reply 12 of 45
    macwhat said:
    its a little ridiculous it took them 3 weeks to have them on display, let alone any reasonable inventory available the day these laptops were released.  Its not like they haven't had ample time since the last update.  Look at the pictures in these articles, showing off this computer like its god's gift to mankind.  I've been waiting to upgrade for over a year, but this whole limited supply BS and inflated pricing is a huge turnoff. 
    It would be a little unfair to stack up machines in the physical shops whilst people are waiting for their pre-ordered machines to be supplied. Display units, I agree, would be sensible but perhaps that too is deferring to those that ordered early.

  • Reply 13 of 45
    I stopped yesterday at the Menlo store in NJ. Was surprised to see it had moved to a huge new location with a row of glass panel doors that all pivot open individually like a set of window blinds. I'm not sure I loved the effect but it probably makes more sense and is more attractive than other options for a door that size. The old store was way too small and this new one is a much better size.

    Anyway, no touchbar MBPs there yesterday, but I ordered a 13" model with the specs max'd out the Saturday after the announcement and they have a delivery expectation listed as 12/13/16. 

    Super excited.

    side note: South Park is brilliantly focusing heavily on internet trolls this season. Worth checking out. They had some of the most relevant social commentary this election season and I don't think they get the credit for their bravery that they deserve. And no I don't work for apple or South Park or anything even remotely related. Honestly still exists despite all pointing to the contrary.
  • Reply 14 of 45
    Checked in Toronto Eaton Center today, no luck for now
    Not on display, but they are selling them. I bought one from the Eaton Centre today around 4pm... :)
  • Reply 15 of 45
    Rayz2016Rayz2016 Posts: 6,957member
    command_f said:
    macwhat said:
    its a little ridiculous it took them 3 weeks to have them on display, let alone any reasonable inventory available the day these laptops were released.  Its not like they haven't had ample time since the last update.  Look at the pictures in these articles, showing off this computer like its god's gift to mankind.  I've been waiting to upgrade for over a year, but this whole limited supply BS and inflated pricing is a huge turnoff. 
    It would be a little unfair to stack up machines in the physical shops whilst people are waiting for their pre-ordered machines to be supplied. Display units, I agree, would be sensible but perhaps that too is deferring to those that ordered early.

    I suspect this is what they are.  My local Apple Store had Nike Apple Watches on display and for demos, but you couldn't buy one for a month. 
  • Reply 16 of 45
    Rayz2016Rayz2016 Posts: 6,957member
    djkfisher said:
    Wow, where did all these comment Trolls come from, 5 and less comments and they are knocking the product. Seriously! Typing this on my MacBook Air as I wait for my 15" MacBook Pro to be built.
    I suspect half them are disgruntled users from other platforms; the other half are just joining in for a sense of belonging. 

    edited November 2016 williamlondon
  • Reply 17 of 45
    not content with the dick move to solder in the ram, they have now also decided to solder in the SD-Drive in the 15" models. Want to upgrade that storage, buy a new laptop. Way to be green.

    Pro for Profit.

    I must be old to think that being able to upgrade and repair an expensive piece of kit to get more use out it was a good feature.  Of course they will sell a lot of these machines, but not to professionals.

    IT people who used to push family and friends to apple after the switch to intel are abandoning apple in droves sure it will take a couple of years for that to filter through but its happening.
  • Reply 18 of 45
    Got my new system yesterday, have been using for a day and can report:

    All working perfect
    New bar is kinda cool, not sure I would use it all that much though.  (Maybe while traveling when I don't have other input devices)
    GPU is rocking fast, can play Starcraft at much higher settings
    Keyboard is precise
    Screen is super sharp and bright
    Could hook up my desk with 1 dongle (was surprised after all the press on this). 

    Keyboard is loud
    CPU is showing to be slower than my older computer on Geekbench, not sure if I trust this number through.  And, I know it is less about that than usability
    Price.  This is where I am struggling the most.  Again, great machine, but not 3K better than the old unit.  So, will give it the next week and see if it grows on me.
  • Reply 19 of 45
    Hey, AI, you need to step in and get rid of these fucking trolls, they are ruining this site very quickly, just as happened at MacRumors. Please do something, this thread is a perfect example of some people that need to be shown the door, and quick, lest you turn off all your other long term members who will inevitably grow tired of the trolls and their sycophantic juvenile followers and go elsewhere. Please, the internet has enough MacRumors forums, protect this one and do it quick!

    edit: maybe impose some rules, such that if your dislikes exceed your likes, all posts are held for moderation, and if you post something negative within your first few posts, you are banned permanently, or if you rack up x number of dislikes within x number of your first posts, you are banned. Rules like that seem reasonable, and if the trolls can't abide, they can go elsewhere, it's not as if they're going to be clicking on the ads on this site anyway, your advertisers won't miss them.
    edited November 2016 spheric
  • Reply 20 of 45
    Back to building a  hackintosh for me. Im wanting a powerful desktop not a laptop that has been lobotomised because of battery life.  
    You are a posting douche.  "this bike won't work for me as I need a car to drive to work".  Keep your "assclown" comments to yourself.
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