i) Access to File System (The most important one. I know everyone in this forum would laugh at this point - only to be hypocrites 1 year later when Apple opens it up in iphones as well, apart from opening it up in iPads this year)
ii) Better battery life (of course not through optimization, but by use of larger batteries)
iii) Customization (yes, even basic customization options can go a long way in improving user experience, which is just NOT possible in IOS
Who needs an filesystem on a phone, your're second point made me laugh and for the last point: iOS is designed the way i like it no need to customize. Android users think their Pro users because they can customize. BIg deal.
Everyone!!! You would be the first person to appreciate it once it is available!!!! What about access to file system on ipad? Did you ever ask for it? Did you ever imagine Apple would do it? Now that it is available in iPads, everyone would praise it because it is that damn useful (much like when large screen iphones were launched). Same would happen as and when Apple decides to do the same in iPhones.
Access to the god damn "file system", who the he'll cares , it's all abstraction anyway; what the files thins offers is still not a file system access by windows or android standards. And who would want that considering terrible the security has been on those systems. you already download free apps like Document 5 that do what you grade a whiners want todo.
I don't understand why anyone in their right mind would choose an iPhone knockoff. Unless money is a problem I can't wrap my head around it.
i) Access to File System (The most important one. I know everyone in this forum would laugh at this point - only to be hypocrites 1 year later when Apple opens it up in iphones as well, apart from opening it up in iPads this year)
The iPhone always had a file system and you accessed the file system the same way you do with apps on a desktop app, like Safari or Keynote (i.e.: through the app).
Even when you plugged it into iTunes, possibly at least as early as iOS 2.0 when the App Store launched, you could add files directly to an app. What it didn't have was a way to share files between sandboxed apps on the device (although that's debatable with features in the Mail app), access to system or hidden files (which Apple needs to clamp down on in Finder for Mac as it's pointless for typical users in 2017), or a command line app (like mobileTerminal) so that you can pretend to be L337 on your smartphone.
What Apple is doing with iOS 11 is not opening up the file system in the way you imply with Android, but adding APIs so that the Files app, nee iCloud Drive, can allow for hierarchal GUI of some files and folders that will work with various apps of the developers choosing. This is exactly how myself (and others here) said it should happen, and that is nothing like what you imply with Android.
Yes, providing a container and providing a means For apps to provide services for this type of file, migrating to a separate container what was once available in each app. The container abstracts the location of storage
Nice write-up Roger. Congratulations on the 6 Plus. It's refreshing to read a personal opinion devoid of smugness.
Still tilting at windmills, I see.
Considering how smug he writes, thee is irony there.
My writing is the complete opposite of smug. I make an effort to treat people fairly without resorting to ridicule, bullying, nitpicking, taking comments deliberately out of context etc.
Sometimes people insist in fighting battles that were long lost and make themselves look foolish as a result but I don't rub it in. I let a lot of things go but if someone comes back with personal 'attacks' or goes out of their way to twist my words then I defend myself robustly. That's fair game but never being smug into the bargain and never holding grudges.
Security is reason enough for me to choose Apple over Android, period. Preferring to keep my family and friends close, I do not do FaceBook nor Twitter. DuckDuck does my searches and Little Snitch restrains anything and everything "Google". I see no Evil, I hear no Evil, I speak no Evil and I do no Evil.
"I'm happy to stay in the iPhone world for the moment, but unlike some Apple fans, I imagine I could be just as happy with a high-end Android phone. There are pros and cons to both platforms. It's just a matter of smart shopping, and deciding which tradeoffs you're willing to live with."
i often tell my friends something along these lines when they cant decide whether to move to iOS or stay on Android like myself. I remind them that there are pros and cons to both sides and it all boils down to what works best for you and what things are you willing to loose by moving to either as there things you gain going to android/iOS and things you loose.
I got tired of apple running behind the facts and telling us what we needed... Bigger screens? Nah... Google maps? Nah, a higher resolution? Nah, waterproof? Nah, a stylus? Nah. Etc etc? Nah sure android picked up a lot of things from apple, but they never had a smug attitude, and never had to eat their own words. As a cameraman I use otg to connect my camera to my phone and verify my shots... I just can't wait till apple says that we are ready to use it. Is an iPhone smoother than an android? Maybe, but who cares, I have a girlfriend and a life and a phone which serves my needs.
Some may laugh, but I *honestly and truly* trust Apple far more than any other tech company with my security and privacy. Their business model aligns with it. Google's aligns with security (for the data they collect), but not with privacy. Same for FB. I am not sure Amazon's aligns with either. Right now, the masses don't seem too concerned with either security or privacy, but I am not so sure that will remain the case forever. For decades people weren't really concerned with the health effects of smoking either.
This is a great quote, almost exactly what I've been pointing out for years now.
Part of the problem is that even when people are concerned with security and/or privacy (and most people actually are concerned at some level), they don't know what to do about it. They feel trapped, and don't feel they have any reasonable alternatives available. I've talked with many people about their use of social media for example (including polling random people in public), and most of them do NOT trust facebook, or even like the company at all. But they continue to use it because "I don't have a choice if I want to keep in touch with my friends and family". That seems like a terrible business model, just waiting to be disrupted.
Nice write-up Roger. Congratulations on the 6 Plus. It's refreshing to read a personal opinion devoid of smugness.
Still tilting at windmills, I see.
Considering how smug he writes, thee is irony there.
My writing is the complete opposite of smug. I make an effort to treat people fairly without resorting to ridicule, bullying, nitpicking, taking comments deliberately out of context etc.
Sometimes people insist in fighting battles that were long lost and make themselves look foolish as a result but I don't rub it in. I let a lot of things go but if someone comes back with personal 'attacks' or goes out of their way to twist my words then I defend myself robustly. That's fair game but never being smug into the bargain and never holding grudges.
You might think that, but not everyone here does...
Nice write-up Roger. Congratulations on the 6 Plus. It's refreshing to read a personal opinion devoid of smugness.
Still tilting at windmills, I see.
Considering how smug he writes, thee is irony there.
My writing is the complete opposite of smug. I make an effort to treat people fairly without resorting to ridicule, bullying, nitpicking, taking comments deliberately out of context etc.
Sometimes people insist in fighting battles that were long lost and make themselves look foolish as a result but I don't rub it in. I let a lot of things go but if someone comes back with personal 'attacks' or goes out of their way to twist my words then I defend myself robustly. That's fair game but never being smug into the bargain and never holding grudges.
You might think that, but not everyone here does...
Each to their own but if you care to give examples in context, I will look at them and you will hopefully see that my replies are proportionate and, more often than not, very restrained. You might not agree with or even like what I say but that's what discussion forums are all about.
Did you get an Apple Genius to check it out? With the metal lift off, I'd hope for a free replacement phone from Apple.
And who would want that considering terrible the security has been on those systems.
you already download free apps like Document 5 that do what you grade a whiners want todo.
Sometimes people insist in fighting battles that were long lost and make themselves look foolish as a result but I don't rub it in. I let a lot of things go but if someone comes back with personal 'attacks' or goes out of their way to twist my words then I defend myself robustly. That's fair game but never being smug into the bargain and never holding grudges.
i often tell my friends something along these lines when they cant decide whether to move to iOS or stay on Android like myself. I remind them that there are pros and cons to both sides and it all boils down to what works best for you and what things are you willing to loose by moving to either as there things you gain going to android/iOS and things you loose.
As a cameraman I use otg to connect my camera to my phone and verify my shots... I just can't wait till apple says that we are ready to use it. Is an iPhone smoother than an android? Maybe, but who cares, I have a girlfriend and a life and a phone which serves my needs.
Part of the problem is that even when people are concerned with security and/or privacy (and most people actually are concerned at some level), they don't know what to do about it. They feel trapped, and don't feel they have any reasonable alternatives available. I've talked with many people about their use of social media for example (including polling random people in public), and most of them do NOT trust facebook, or even like the company at all. But they continue to use it because "I don't have a choice if I want to keep in touch with my friends and family". That seems like a terrible business model, just waiting to be disrupted.