Apple updates leadership page with new hires, shift in Siri lead to Craig Federighi



  • Reply 21 of 43
    ireland said:
    Look how much better the App Store got when Cue lost control over it. Hope same happens to Siri. Dictation for me is barely better than when Siri launched.
    Has App Store search and discovery gotten better? I don’t use the App Store a lot but it seems like this is still a common complaint.
  • Reply 22 of 43
    RacerhomieXRacerhomieX Posts: 95unconfirmed, member
    Screw Diversity. The only thing Apple should care about is intellectual Diversity.
    Is it ironic or predictable that the only black person on the senior leadership team is the VP for Inclusion and Diversity? Of course the alternative (a white man in that position) would have even worse optics. They should at least move her picture to the middle of the group, so it doesn't look like she was tacked on (even though it's alphabetical).
    Screw Diversity. The only thing Apple should care about is intellectual Diversity.
  • Reply 23 of 43
    zoetmb said:
    Is it ironic or predictable that the only black person on the senior leadership team is the VP for Inclusion and Diversity? Of course the alternative (a white man in that position) would have even worse optics. They should at least move her picture to the middle of the group, so it doesn't look like she was tacked on (even though it's alphabetical).
    "Diversity" is progressive Newspeak. Hiring based on performance and individual talent is tantamount to thoughtcrime.
    Ridiculous.  You can't understand how to develop, market and sell to the world (or even to the U.S.) without having a diverse management team and staff.  Trying to achieve diversity and hiring based on performance and talent are not mutually exclusive.   When almost everyone is a middle- or upper-class white guy, a company makes the same mistakes that GM made back in the 1970's when its golf course Cadillac driving white executives didn't believe that the masses really wanted more reliable, fuel-efficient, compact cars, which enabled the Europeans and Japanese to make tremendous inroads in the U.S. market.  

    Even when it comes to things like user interface, there are cultural, age and gender differences that impact the way that people think and use products.   Without diversity, that doesn't get recognized and built into the products.   Diversity makes for good business and that's aside from the issues of fairness.   

    Or do you think that upper middle-class white guys can understand the needs of everyone in every market?
    That "differential" approach is called fragmentation in Apple'a parleance... "To every race its screen size", there is no such thing. Apple is totalitarian in technology markets, not "diversitarian"... That is what Samsung does, diversifying its products based on the race of its clients.
    Wonder where you got that from, like Apple didn't change it's screen sizes with the six partly to better compete in china where culturally bigger phones where more popular, you act as thought Apple doesnt have a team of maketing people of Asian descent dedicated to making Apple relevent in china, its that totalitarian mentality thats probably responsible for how Apple is fairing or not over there, most people not belonging to minority groups have a very narrow mind set when it comes to this, like it some how means Apple shoud hire unqualified personnel just so it can say "hey look at us we care about the environment and hire black people", can all the people who have a negative attitude to this show where it says diversity policies mean unqualified or discrimination against whites ?

     What's funny is that Steve built Apple on diversity, and by the way true diversity is of thought and has little to do with skin color, for Apple to be strong it needs as broader thought streams coming from as diverse backgrounds as possible even if this clashes at times, this will allow for a diferrent way of looking at it and thats when the best ideas come through, if the room is filled with the same type of people who think the same typical thoughts and come to the same conclusions, how can fresh new ideas come through ? Is it a good thing that Apple can't design a single product with out rounded conners ? Coz that's clearly because the entire ID team is an extension of Jony, and they clearly all love the roundedness and probaly why Scot was booted even though he was and probably still is the best at what he did, the iOS UI lost a lot of simplicity when he left, it got a much nicer look though, is it not more desirable for a leader to hire unique and rare talent on merit and not on how familiar and relatable that talent is e.g. Male boss hirring mostly male coz of how well the interview chitchat went and who he liked as a guy
  • Reply 24 of 43
    larryjwlarryjw Posts: 1,036member
    Is it ironic or predictable that the only black person on the senior leadership team is the VP for Inclusion and Diversity? Of course the alternative (a white man in that position) would have even worse optics. They should at least move her picture to the middle of the group, so it doesn't look like she was tacked on (even though it's alphabetical).
    "Diversity" is progressive Newspeak. Hiring based on performance and individual talent is tantamount to thoughtcrime.
    Is this James Damore under a pseudonym? 
  • Reply 25 of 43
    ... most notably the shift in responsibility for Apple's Siri to Craig Federighi, and away from services chief Eddy Cue.

  • Reply 26 of 43
    foggyhillfoggyhill Posts: 4,767member
    Apple executive responsible for Siri is on the hot seat!  Siri if anything is now stupider then ever!  I try it again for a day and it now apologizes after you call it stupid!  It a riot to use for laughs! :)
    Only if by stupider you mean smarter.... Maybe they just want to integrate it more in all other tech and it does in that fit more with that other guy.
  • Reply 27 of 43
    foggyhillfoggyhill Posts: 4,767member
    6502 said:
    Seems like only 2 of the 8 actually do something important.
    Because HR (People) is of course totally not important... (sic).
  • Reply 28 of 43
    65026502 Posts: 381member
    foggyhill said:
    6502 said:
    Seems like only 2 of the 8 actually do something important.
    Because HR (People) is of course totally not important... (sic).
    Haven't met one yet that was.
  • Reply 29 of 43
    entropysentropys Posts: 4,258member
    6502 said:
    foggyhill said:
    6502 said:
    Seems like only 2 of the 8 actually do something important.
    Because HR (People) is of course totally not important... (sic).
    Haven't met one yet that was.
    Yeah. I invest in companies in inverse ratio to the size of their corporate departments. Hasn't done me wrong yet.
  • Reply 30 of 43
    entropysentropys Posts: 4,258member
    zoetmb said:
    Is it ironic or predictable that the only black person on the senior leadership team is the VP for Inclusion and Diversity? Of course the alternative (a white man in that position) would have even worse optics. They should at least move her picture to the middle of the group, so it doesn't look like she was tacked on (even though it's alphabetical).
    "Diversity" is progressive Newspeak. Hiring based on performance and individual talent is tantamount to thoughtcrime.
    Ridiculous.  You can't understand how to develop, market and sell to the world (or even to the U.S.) without having a diverse management team and staff.  Trying to achieve diversity and hiring based on performance and talent are not mutually exclusive.   When almost everyone is a middle- or upper-class white guy, a company makes the same mistakes that GM made back in the 1970's when its golf course Cadillac driving white executives didn't believe that the masses really wanted more reliable, fuel-efficient, compact cars, which enabled the Europeans and Japanese to make tremendous inroads in the U.S. market.  

    Even when it comes to things like user interface, there are cultural, age and gender differences that impact the way that people think and use products.   Without diversity, that doesn't get recognized and built into the products.   Diversity makes for good business and that's aside from the issues of fairness.   

    Or do you think that upper middle-class white guys can understand the needs of everyone in every market?
    Interesting. So, to understand what the market needs a company has to employ based on skin colour, class background and a complete coverage of gender lotto? 
    (I know that is the meme about Detroit in the seventies, but there was a lot more blame to share around than coke snorting executives).
  • Reply 31 of 43
    larryjw said:
    Is it ironic or predictable that the only black person on the senior leadership team is the VP for Inclusion and Diversity? Of course the alternative (a white man in that position) would have even worse optics. They should at least move her picture to the middle of the group, so it doesn't look like she was tacked on (even though it's alphabetical).
    "Diversity" is progressive Newspeak. Hiring based on performance and individual talent is tantamount to thoughtcrime.
    Is this James Damore under a pseudonym? 
    Ad hominem attacks are not a counter-argument. 
  • Reply 32 of 43
    jony0jony0 Posts: 380member
    They should at least move her picture to the middle of the group, so it doesn't look like she was tacked on (even though it's alphabetical).
    Well mostly alphabetical, they did invert the first two, Dye & Dowling.
  • Reply 33 of 43
    k2kwk2kw Posts: 2,077member
    tundraboy said:
    Moving Siri to Federighi from Cue is good.  Siri is involved in a very critical technological race and should rightly be under the purview of a tech dev guy.  Let Cue focus on dealmaking.
    They still need to give iCloud to someone else.

    Finally. Years over due. Maybe they realized that with the HomePod coming out that they couldn't hide the problems in SIRI by displaying a webpage for the user to look things up. As much as they may want to focus on Music with the HomePod its going to be compared to the Echo/Alexa. Hopefully with a new 4K appleTV the HomePod will turn out to be a great product. It they make it good enough it could easily be a product where people by at least 3 of them for their homes. Hopefully the speakers work as good as SONOS and SIRI is finally as useful as Alexa (I love the Echo but I would definitely switch if the HomePod is good enough).
  • Reply 34 of 43
    Vp inclusion and diversification - Wow, being marginalized pays well nowadays.

    I wonder what she does all day?  Maybe her job is to spot and eliminate any "James Damore's" before they can cause any trouble.
  • Reply 35 of 43
    Eddy has been taking on water in most of his endeavors for years, but earlier, the endeavors seemed on the periphery of Apples core business.  Now services are core.  Sad that Siri had to get this bad before a change was made, but thankfully it finally was made.  What about the rest under Eddy's domain though?  Too much at stake for Apple to let legacy trump innovation and execution. Tim Cook has given Eddy enough rope to hang the both of them, at this point, surprised the Board isn't penalizing Tim for Eddys gaffes.

    Not saying services are easy... and they've been an achilles heel for Apple for a very long time.  That's why they need crack leaders on Eddys stuff yesterday.  There are so many stories about Eddy... e.g., showing up late in New York to meet with video content providers, dressed for the beach.  Look at the foray into original programming.  You would think he was untouchable... the owners son or something.  Eddy just isn't the right guy right now for what they ask of him.
    edited September 2017
  • Reply 36 of 43
    "Hey Siri, which hair care products are running low?"

  • Reply 37 of 43
    foggyhillfoggyhill Posts: 4,767member
    widmark said:
    Eddy has been taking on water in most of his endeavors for years, but earlier, the endeavors seemed on the periphery of Apples core business.  Now services are core.  Sad that Siri had to get this bad before a change was made, but thankfully it finally was made.  What about the rest under Eddy's domain though?  Too much at stake for Apple to let legacy trump innovation and execution. Tim Cook has given Eddy enough rope to hang the both of them, at this point, surprised the Board isn't penalizing Tim for Eddys gaffes.

    Not saying services are easy... and they've been an achilles heel for Apple for a very long time.  That's why they need crack leaders on Eddys stuff yesterday.  There are so many stories about Eddy... e.g., showing up late in New York to meet with video content providers, dressed for the beach.  Look at the foray into original programming.  You would think he was untouchable... the owners son or something.  Eddy just isn't the right guy right now for what they ask of him.
    Services have explosed in revenues and profits, more than the competition, so they're doing something right.
    The ones that related to getting things into AppleTV have suffered though; but content providers and distributors are universally considered a bitch to deal with, so not sure what to do there.

    Netflix invest 7B in content mainly to bypass them entirely and Apple will have to the same it seems. It tried to work with them and it is not working.. It doesn't seem to be working for anyone. Content will be all put in individual sillos and people will have to subscribe to all of them separately.
  • Reply 38 of 43
    Is it ironic or predictable that the only black person on the senior leadership team is the VP for Inclusion and Diversity? Of course the alternative (a white man in that position) would have even worse optics. They should at least move her picture to the middle of the group, so it doesn't look like she was tacked on (even though it's alphabetical).
    Uh, Lisa Jackson is also African American.
  • Reply 39 of 43

    simply258 said:
    sessamoid said:

    Lisa Jackson is also African-American. 
    What what?
  • Reply 40 of 43
    GG1GG1 Posts: 483member
    zoetmb said:
    Is it ironic or predictable that the only black person on the senior leadership team is the VP for Inclusion and Diversity? Of course the alternative (a white man in that position) would have even worse optics. They should at least move her picture to the middle of the group, so it doesn't look like she was tacked on (even though it's alphabetical).
    "Diversity" is progressive Newspeak. Hiring based on performance and individual talent is tantamount to thoughtcrime.
    Ridiculous.  You can't understand how to develop, market and sell to the world (or even to the U.S.) without having a diverse management team and staff.  Trying to achieve diversity and hiring based on performance and talent are not mutually exclusive.   When almost everyone is a middle- or upper-class white guy, a company makes the same mistakes that GM made back in the 1970's when its golf course Cadillac driving white executives didn't believe that the masses really wanted more reliable, fuel-efficient, compact cars, which enabled the Europeans and Japanese to make tremendous inroads in the U.S. market.  

    Even when it comes to things like user interface, there are cultural, age and gender differences that impact the way that people think and use products.   Without diversity, that doesn't get recognized and built into the products.   Diversity makes for good business and that's aside from the issues of fairness.   

    Or do you think that upper middle-class white guys can understand the needs of everyone in every market?
    It is too bad you don't understand Newspeak. Or should I say: Ungoodwise, you are an Oldthinker.

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