Users continue to experience sluggishness, battery life problems in iOS 11 after multiple ...



  • Reply 21 of 85
    jasenj1jasenj1 Posts: 923member
    I haven't updated any of my iOS devices, and I don't plan to any time soon. The wife and I will probably upgrade to the iPhone 8 this year and I'll get 11 then. But there have been way too many problems with this new version.
  • Reply 22 of 85
    GeorgeBMacGeorgeBMac Posts: 11,421member
    airnerd said:
    ios11 has been causing issues for me, but i'm still on a 6.  I can't make it through a day anymore, where I could just fine a month ago.  I also have a lot of sluggishness just trying to type a text, the letters are about a second behind what I type.  

    I haven't done a restore from new through, and have heard that could solve the issue.  Don't have the time for that right now, so not really complaining too much since I haven't done what's been suggested.  
    EXACTLY the same here.
    Even though the battery was replaced about 3-4 months ago I have to recharge it a couple times a day.  I even had to "borrow" a friend's iPad charger to get a faster charge during the day.   Right now at noon it's being charged -- after a full over night charge it had dropped to 10% by lunch.

    But the keyboard/typing delay is the most irritating....  But, while it's pretty common, it's also sporadic.  One time its fine then the next two or three times the lag is back.  I haven't seen any pattern to it.

    Also, not related to iOS -- but my watch now has a problem in the exercise running app where once it is paused it (sometimes) cannot be unpaused....   That may or may not be new, but I never experienced it previous to Apple Watch OS4.

    I'm hoping Apple can fix all this...  It makes the phone and watch 'not fun anymore'
  • Reply 23 of 85
    I have an iPhone SE and iPad Mini 4 which both had awful battery life since updating to iOS11. I kept hoping that Apple would provide a fix. When the iOS 11.0.3 update came, the iPad mini 4 was fixed. However, the iPhone SE battery was still dismal. I procrastinated and unfortunately, Apple stopped signing iOS 10 so i was too late to go back. People kept suggesting a restore.. finally, I said ok.. I'll try it.      So what I decided to so was place the iPhone SE into DFU mode and perform a complete IOS update.
    To my surprise, I didn't need to restore my data after the update was complete. It was all still there and shockingly, they were right.  The battery was fixed!!!  In fact, I think its better than it every has been in iOS 10 now. I learned something. thank you 
  • Reply 24 of 85
    GeorgeBMacGeorgeBMac Posts: 11,421member
    jd_in_sb said:
    iPhone 6+ 64gb - After installing iOS 11 (and all updates since) battery life plunged, drains about 30% faster than iOS 10. Sluggishness not universal but pops up here and there. Siri was never slow before but takes forever now to respond to anything. Pressing button first time in camera app has 5-6 second delay before photo is snapped, was instantaneous in iOS 10. Notepad app lags noticeably. Safari crashes more frequently.

    On the plus side, Touch ID works for more than a week now. Before iOS 11, after a week or so iOS would start struggling to recognize my finger print then soon fail all together. With iOS 11 it’s been weeks and Touch ID is still working fine. 
    Same here -- the camera is now way too slow.

    If this is a problem where the "old" CPU is just too slow, I wonder if the "fix" is to invest in a new phone?
  • Reply 25 of 85
    after my success with iPhone SE via DFU mode update, I redid the iPad mini 4 and I think  it may have improved it as well.  I noticed some glitches that I had on the iPad mini 4 with the photos app went away. I had the same experience after the DFU update, in that no data restore was required. It was still there.    After that experience and regained confidence, I updated my other phones an iPhone 6s and 7 Plus.   No issues.    I think the issue has something to do with the initial upgrade from iOS 10 to 11.0.0.    iOS 11.0.3 seem pretty solid to me after the DFU restore. Its been about a week without any glitches to speak up.  knock on wood.
    edited October 2017
  • Reply 26 of 85
    dewmedewme Posts: 5,658member
    My Apple Watch gen 0 battery would drain in 2-3 hours with the first release of iOS 11. With the latest 11.1 beta it lasts more than a day. 
    king editor the grate
  • Reply 27 of 85
    Rayz2016Rayz2016 Posts: 6,957member
    As Rene Ritchie of iMore noted, use the iOS 11 calculator app and quickly enter this calculation:  1 + 2 + 3 

    The iOS 11 animations prevent normal operations because they are so intrusive. The calculator slows down and it interferes to the point of affecting calculations.
    The iOS 11 animations prevent normal operations because they are so intrusive. - Yet this affects ONLY the OLDER phones, not the latest iPhone 8 series. Any conspiracy to "slow down" the old phones as part of "planned obsolescence"?
    Not unless you’re trying to start one 
  • Reply 28 of 85
    Rayz2016Rayz2016 Posts: 6,957member
    This is crazy! I have had no issues with my 7 Plus with any of the iterations of iOS 11.
    Well it’s not all that surprising. 

    Bear in mind that if something is wrong then people complain. 

    If everything is is okay then folk say nothing at all. 

    Is this a widespread problem? It might be, but the internet is not the best place to find out, not from Apple’s viewpoint anyway. What usually happens is that one person says they have a problem, then ten other people think they have the same issue, when in fact the performance of their phone hasn’t actually changed. Do not underestimate the power of the group mind. 
  • Reply 29 of 85
    I have an iPhone 6 still (3 years strong), so my belief and my plan has been not to upgrade to iOS 11 at this point. My phone has great battery life and feels great. I haven't used a 6s, 7, or newer phone yet, so I don't know what I'm missing. Ignorance is bliss and so is the extra cash in my bank account. 
  • Reply 30 of 85
    This is crazy! I have had no issues with my 7 Plus with any of the iterations of iOS 11.
    No, it's a further indication that the problem is with other models, such as iPhone 6.
  • Reply 31 of 85
    avon b7avon b7 Posts: 7,959member
    I know two iPhone 6 users who have complained about both the slowdown and less battery life after updating.
  • Reply 32 of 85
    GeorgeBMacGeorgeBMac Posts: 11,421member
    Rayz2016 said:
    This is crazy! I have had no issues with my 7 Plus with any of the iterations of iOS 11.
    Well it’s not all that surprising. 

    Bear in mind that if something is wrong then people complain. 

    If everything is is okay then folk say nothing at all. 

    Is this a widespread problem? It might be, but the internet is not the best place to find out, not from Apple’s viewpoint anyway. What usually happens is that one person says they have a problem, then ten other people think they have the same issue, when in fact the performance of their phone hasn’t actually changed. Do not underestimate the power of the group mind. 
    Nope, it's not in my mind.  It's in my iPhone 6.   Battery drain + plus slow, screwy keyboard,camera and calculator.
    edited October 2017 baconstang
  • Reply 33 of 85
    retrogustoretrogusto Posts: 1,128member
    As Rene Ritchie of iMore noted, use the iOS 11 calculator app and quickly enter this calculation:  1 + 2 + 3 

    The iOS 11 animations prevent normal operations because they are so intrusive. The calculator slows down and it interferes to the point of affecting calculations.
    I'm running 10.3.3 on my iPhone 6, and it seems to have the same problem--sometimes I get 7, sometimes 24, but only on the first calculation after opening the app. If I try it a second time, I get the correct answer.
  • Reply 34 of 85
    6S+...battery life about 20% worse overall (iOS 10.0.3). Other problems: 1) with rotation lock off, it sometimes takes as much as 10 seconds for the screen to respond to a changed orientation. 2) The iTunes Remote App consistently loses its connection with iTunes on my iMac after an hour or so of AirPlaying music from the Mac to a living room iPod HiFi connected via AirPort Express. Returning to a spot near the computer restores the Remote App connection. This never happened with iOS 8, 9, or 10, and doesn't seem to be cured by closing and re-opening apps on either the Mac or iPhone, or by rebooting. 3) When following a link from app to another, the link back to the original app in the upper left corner of the screen is functional only about 50% of the time.
  • Reply 35 of 85
    I have no battery problems with the latest public beta of 11.1 on my new iPhone 8. And in contrast to what was said in an earlier post, the calculator issue /is/ present on the iPhone 8. Anyway, if 1+2+3+4+5=33, well, so be it. These days, the truth is negotiable. 
  • Reply 36 of 85
    dewmedewme Posts: 5,658member
    The calculator test is a bit damning - but I've seen this kind of sluggishness with several iOS (and macOS) releases whenever a large change takes place with the device, e.g., new OS install, logging on to an Apple Id that involves a lot of movement of cloud based content and data. I assume there are a number of background housekeeping tasks that the OS must perform and it steals cycles and bandwidth to complete these tasks in a reasonable amount of time. You'd imagine that the developers who design these housekeeping tasks recognize the implications and tradeoffs, and I'm sure they do. But based on anecdotal and personal history of upgrades I'd say that they are more inclined to configure their processes to complete the housekeeping tasks as quickly as possible. I'm also inclined to think that when they benchmark their processes they are in a cushy Apple lab with lots of newer and beefier hardware devices and very stout connectivity performance. There's no other way to explain why updates like the initial rollout of Apple Music and Photos would have been allowed to impose such egregious and crippling performance hits on customer's machines that lasted for several days. Not minutes or hours - days.

    I recognize that these necessary upgrade processes can be large and disruptive. At the very least Apple could provide some feedback to the user to let them know how long the suffering will continue and perhaps even provide an opportunity to time-shift the more invasive tasks to off-hours if the user can defer using the dependent services or use them in a degraded/partial mode. Apple tries to keep everything simple, but sometimes simple hurts, especially when you have crap connectivity.

    The good news is that once all the housekeeping, migration, or whatever the update entails completes the system seems to return to acceptable behavior and performance. If it doesn't, well then it is a shot across the bow reminder that a hardware upgrade may be in your future.
    edited October 2017
  • Reply 37 of 85
    tapetape Posts: 48member
    As Rene Ritchie of iMore noted, use the iOS 11 calculator app and quickly enter this calculation:  1 + 2 + 3 

    The iOS 11 animations prevent normal operations because they are so intrusive. The calculator slows down and it interferes to the point of affecting calculations.
    The iOS 11 animations prevent normal operations because they are so intrusive. - Yet this affects ONLY the OLDER phones, not the latest iPhone 8 series. Any conspiracy to "slow down" the old phones as part of "planned obsolescence"?
    It absolutely does happen on my 8+.
  • Reply 38 of 85
    People have been having battery issues after updating to a new iOS version for years even as others have no problem. In my experience the only fix that works is a clean install and then re-download your apps, re-create your folders and re-add your passwords. It's a pain but less of a pain than watching your battery get used up in a few hours.
  • Reply 39 of 85

    Really annoyed and disappointed. created an account just for this.

    I dnt know why I continue to stick with apple despite everyone I know saying to leave.

    Bought iphone 6s plus new in March this year cause i wanted the headphone jack.

    Had no issues with ios 10 phone was perfect. I was putting off upgrading to ios 11 but there was so many constant prompts everyday to agree and update later that night. it finally updated a week ago and the phone runs like crap. Constant glitching and lagging. Battery life not as good as it was before. so many little annoying issues with everything in the phone. On two different occasions I feel like the finger id unlocked itself when I wiped the front of the phone with a thick towel like wth!

    When phone is not touched for a while and then you suddenly pick it up it lags. notifications on the front screen lag. the alarm clock lags and screws up...

    Come on guys either push out a new update for the 6s plus ppl or let us go back to IOS 10.

    If you cant figure out the issues just push out the IOS 10 update so we can go back.   

  • Reply 40 of 85
    Not me, fast and same battery life as before upgrade.
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