Guns N' Roses' singer Axl Rose compares Apple CEO Tim Cook to Donald Trump



  • Reply 21 of 66
    I guess he is making the music industry great again
  • Reply 22 of 66
    epicurusepicurus Posts: 29member
    to be honest, artists instead of being greedy, they should be thanking the likes of Apple and others who have brought this way of obtaining songs n videos to people’s devices, because their labels had zero interest in going this way they were dragging their feet the whole process they didn’t want the cd market to collapse. they were not investing millions/billions into this kind of delivery system... artists should be barking up the tree of their labels and complaining to them why they aren’t getting a bigger cut. their labels are essentially the strong man, they contribute nothing to the delivery or data servers they just collect the money and keep a good chunk 
  • Reply 23 of 66
    Axel must realize the way for the modern musician to make money is to tour, and to use the data from streaming services to determine where your fans are and your best routes for the tour, I'd say he's also lazy and doesn't want to or can no longer perform live.
  • Reply 24 of 66
    dewmedewme Posts: 5,691member
    This is simply bizarre. When you look at just about any desirable human attribute, whether it's empathy, charity, honesty, trustworthiness, humanity, humility, dignity, etc., you'd be very hard pressed to find any two individuals that are as polar opposites as Tim Cook and Donald Trump. If you're going to publicly attack someone because you have a personal grievance with them at least make your claims believable and make sure they're based on something that is rational and observable to sober and mentally competent individuals. Otherwise - it just looks like you're losing it and the train to Realityville has fallen off the rails. This guy needs help.
  • Reply 25 of 66
    KuyangkohKuyangkoh Posts: 838member
    Hehehe, another washed out artist....want to be in headline again so he attacked the President that has nothing to do w his so called shouting music....
  • Reply 26 of 66
    mac_dogmac_dog Posts: 1,083member
    whatever...i still believe if u make good music, people will buy it—no matter how it’s being served up. mayb when he’s done with his contract with the record companies, he can strike out on his own and take all the profits from his music. /s
  • Reply 27 of 66
    maestro64maestro64 Posts: 5,043member
    Axel must realize the way for the modern musician to make money is to tour, and to use the data from streaming services to determine where your fans are and your best routes for the tour, I'd say he's also lazy and doesn't want to or can no longer perform live.
    That is actually a great idea, I wonder if the Artist actually figure this out. If I was an artist and streaming services wanted my songs, I would make it a requirement when they make the fraction of a penny royalty payment they also include the regions of where those payment originated from. That is why the "The Hoff" hangs out in Germany, they are the only one's who like his music.
    edited March 2018 SpamSandwichbshank
  • Reply 28 of 66
    eideardeideard Posts: 428member
    Rose is less-than-qualified to comment on music. Economics, politics, business management and marketing are wholly beyond his ken. IMHO.
    edited March 2018 baconstangcornchip
  • Reply 29 of 66
    MgwlMgwl Posts: 11member
    Is there a good breakdown of how much the artists are paid by Apple Music and other streaming services? It would be really interesting to see if there are any merit to these ”complaints” that surfaces from time to time (which I think there is) and what we could possibly do about it (like also buying the albums from artists we really dig?).

    I recently subscribed to Apple Music, although hestitantly, since I reckon that my family like to play the recent hits while they are just that; recent. As for myself, I will continue buying obscure death metal albums on iTunes Store because I imagine the bands get a bigger part of the share that way. Right or wrong?

  • Reply 30 of 66
    boltsfan17boltsfan17 Posts: 2,294member
    Having been in the music industry and occasionally still do some work on the side, I believe he's just lashing out at Tim Cook because he hates how little artists make from streaming. I assume he probably feels the same way about digital music platforms as fellow rock musicians Def Leppard. 
  • Reply 31 of 66
    spice-boyspice-boy Posts: 1,450member
    I don't know Tim is often saying he has the "best people" and the iPhone is "incredible". Hmmm....
  • Reply 32 of 66
    spice-boyspice-boy Posts: 1,450member
    jbdragon said:
    So I assume he's saying that both are good people?
    Both successful and influential in their own way.
    It matters how one's "success" is achieved. 
  • Reply 33 of 66
    maestro64maestro64 Posts: 5,043member
    Mgwl said:
    Is there a good breakdown of how much the artists are paid by Apple Music and other streaming services? It would be really interesting to see if there are any merit to these ”complaints” that surfaces from time to time (which I think there is) and what we could possibly do about it (like also buying the albums from artists we really dig?).

    I recently subscribed to Apple Music, although hestitantly, since I reckon that my family like to play the recent hits while they are just that; recent. As for myself, I will continue buying obscure death metal albums on iTunes Store because I imagine the bands get a bigger part of the share that way. Right or wrong?


    Notice that no one from the music industry voice these concerns, it is only the artist, you have yourself why, the music industry use the artist as mouth pieces to help the music industry in their negotiations with Apple. I believe Apple probably negotiates a good deal which put pressure of the music industry, and they do not want to give up their portion to the artists so the get the artist to complain. Do you think Artist get this deep into the details royalties, these are the same people who signed away most of their rights to the music they perform. Most artists are not the brightest when it comes to business matters. They are definitely a few who know the game but they are not the ones complaining.
  • Reply 34 of 66
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    Having been in the music industry and occasionally still do some work on the side, I believe he's just lashing out at Tim Cook because he hates how little artists make from streaming. I assume he probably feels the same way about digital music platforms as fellow rock musicians Def Leppard. 
    Presumably if an artist at his level does not have complete control over how and where his music is sold or played, he has failed to treat his art as the business it is.

    Taylor Swift, on the other hand, is a very smart manager of her property. Madonna has the same history of controlling her art and business. Same with Lady Gaga, same with Foo Fighters... there are many good examples of musicians who don’t abrogate their responsibilities just because they are in an artistic field.
  • Reply 35 of 66
    LatkoLatko Posts: 398member
    It may almost certainly have to do with earnings. Since Jimmy Iovine gave up the music streaming perspective and the Apple Music business case in particular, the gap between artist income and Apple's proficiency is only widening.  
    That's then Tims responsibility, who always lauded artists and music to be "in Apple's genes"
    He probably forgot to add "if it isn't too much  of an effort"
    Sorry, just a wild guess...
    edited March 2018
  • Reply 36 of 66
    StrangeDaysStrangeDays Posts: 13,075member
    don’t do drugs, kids
  • Reply 37 of 66
    And cue the Axl bashing. Don’t agree with Axl’s comments but a couple things here guys. First of all he is not a “has been” at all. His tour is the highest grossing one in the world and the 4th highest of all time. For those still hating on his behavior 25+ years ago (which I do too)  before he was medicated, please note that he is all about his music now. 

    He has delivered amazing 3 1/2 hour sold-out performances around the globe with no drama, fighting, or incidents of any kind. 

    For those thinking he is just seeking attention that has never been his style. You can count on one hand his Tweets from the last year, was a recluse for 5+ years and did no promoting for the mess called Chinese Denocracy. 

    As for the “druggie” comments, remember he has always been the cleanest of all the GnR guys (which isn’t saying much) and his belly would suggest drugs are not what he indulges in these days.

    Not being a fanboy and I’m not happy with the tweet but as someone like me commenting here who knows way less than you guys about the inner workings of Apple I was hoping to see what you all think about what it’s meaning could be. 
  • Reply 38 of 66
    quinneyquinney Posts: 2,528member
    Clearly he is referring to the way both Trump and  Cook celebrate women.
  • Reply 39 of 66
    spice-boyspice-boy Posts: 1,450member
    Kuyangkoh said:
    Hehehe, another washed out artist....want to be in headline again so he attacked the President that has nothing to do w his so called shouting music....
    He actually was insulting Tim Cook. 
  • Reply 40 of 66
    cgWerkscgWerks Posts: 2,952member
    How little things change... decades later and we're still trying to figure out what Axl Rose is saying. :)
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