Apple targets Android switchers with two new iPhone ads



  • Reply 41 of 70
    bluefire1bluefire1 Posts: 1,304member
    If my sons want an Android phone, they're paying for it. If they want an iPhone, it's on me.
  • Reply 42 of 70
    Rayz2016Rayz2016 Posts: 6,957member
    Soli said:
    Rayz2016 said:
    Soli said:
    Rayz2016 said:
    And the lie collapses…

    Always find it amusing how Android folk need the validation of IOS folk. Seems they spend a lot of time on Apple forums desperately trying to convince themselves they’re happy with their choice. 

    Very odd. 
    Have you gone to an Android-focused forum just to talk about how much you love your non-Android-based products? I've never once done that? I've been to many Android forums to look for specific answers to Android-related problems, but never to dish about how I tend to prefer Apple's products. I've never even once considered the notion. It just seems like an odd thing to do. If I ever have to create an account because I have a question to ask I doubt I would interject that data.
    Nope. Never done that. Doing that sort of thing shows a lack of class and manners in my opinion. 

    I did go to an Android forum once to see how they deal with with ageing batteries, but while I was there, I didn’t feel the need to convince myself that I was happy with my tech choices by p*ssing all over the discussion. 

    But I will admit that I do get a feeling of … justification in my own choice? … when I see Android fans runnng around Apple forums desperately trying to convince themselves that they’re not missing out on anything. The irony is that the more they do it, the less likely I am to consider Android a viable choice. Why would I want to join them in their misery?

    I will say this though: there are folk about who are genuinely happy with Android as a platform, but you won’t find them here. 
    Sometimes there's a huge influx of anti-Apple posters creating accounts all around the same time. Usually it happens when there's a major Apple event, but occasionally there will be an article posted that draws them in. I assume someone posted the AppleInsider link on an Android forum which created, for lack of better term, a Higgs-Bozo Bridge that allowed them to travel instantly from their universe into ours.
    A point for the Higgs-Bozo phrase. 🤣. 

    Hope we to see it added to the Oxford Dictionary next year. 
  • Reply 43 of 70
    Rayz2016Rayz2016 Posts: 6,957member
    majorsl said:
    Soli said:
    volcan said:
    majorsl said:

    No more locked in to "Apple's way or the highway" store. But, I won't go back.

    Living in mixed environment is pretty much only for professionals. Can't imagine a regular consumer having to navigate moving content from one OS to another. It would be like living in a foreign country and not speaking the language. For me, it probably wouldn't be so much of a problem because I use Mac, iOS, Windows and Linux at work but never touched Android. Can't imagine my family not having the Apple ecosystem. That is all they know.
    All you have to do is study the source code and run various anti-spyware and antivirus apps on your Android phone and Android Gear watch, which is a totally reasonable thing for every user to do¡
    I'm not even sure what this means. You mention in another comment "If you don't use iOS how do you know about iOS?"  It certainly seems you don't know about Android, or at least what is current.

    Choose a reputable anti-malware app that does everything and you only need it on your phone. Done.

    Wow! So I need an anti-malware for my phone? And everything will be hunky-dory? No affect on battery either?

    And they call us Apple fans deluded.

    Well according to Sophos, their antivirus software will not compromise your phone’s performance or battery life.  And it’s FREE!

    What they didn't mention was the second processor and battery pack you need piggybacked to your phone to make this actually true. 
  • Reply 44 of 70
    acejax805acejax805 Posts: 109member
    majorsl said:
    Soli said:
    majorsl said:
    spheric said:
    jsmythe00 said:
    BubbaTwo said:
    jsmythe00 said:
    macseeker said:
    There is a troll here.

    HAHA had to laugh at that one.  Nah no troll.  Just disenchanted with iphone.  Still a big fan of apple watch and ipad....and airpods!

    But the iPhone?  After using the note 8 for a bit, I'm glad I'm off iphone
    @ jsmythe00 -- I love your comments...Both of them.  Unlike many Apple or Android fanboys, I too have used both.  I also owned a Windows phone at one point.

    There are pros and cons to each of them, and I actually preferred Windows phone over both of them had they ever been able to overcome the Ap gap.

    As a current Galaxy S8 owner, If Apple came out with a compelling device at the right price point I would at this point seriously consider returning to IOS...I am weary of flaky Android upgrades and Google's constant spying...Let's just say the Oreo upgrade from Nougat was a PIA, and if I wasn't tech savvy I would have been really frustrated...

    I am SERIOUSLY considering moving back to IOS...

    Oh, and I grow weary of all the FANBOYS on AI bashing anyone with a constructive counter point to Apple Kool-aid....Tech is a tool -- Not an identity!

    Thanks...sometimes you can't get through to the kool-aid drinkers.  And i admit, i was heavy on the punch, still am on some things, but theres no way iicould justify buying iPhone X.

    I spent a night trying to defend iPhone x to the note 8 and just looked like a fool.  As you said they both have pros and cons but i think there's one HUGE difference...willingness to adapt

    Android(Samsung) is willing to change and bend to customer wants quickly...literally from one year to the next

    Apple believes what they make is the Apex of design and anything else is wrong and will not change unless the ABSOLUTELY have to.

    How do you grow when you think everything you do is right?
    By putting out a device like the original iPhone. 

    Literally everything that Samsung phones do right (or arguably „better“) is a direct result of that. 
    There is a phrase for that: To 'rest on your laurels' means that you get lazy or complacent about what you could achieve because you're too busy basking in the memories of former glories. Credit
    And you think that Apple is doing that with all their rapid advancement since the original iPhone was launched? You think Touch ID and Face ID, and all their chip designs, etc. are the result of "resting on their laurels"?

    I don't see it, but I'd love to hear your argument as to how that is all Apple being lazy and complacent.
    You mean, for example, Touch ID which is basically the same tech that existed back to the Galaxy s5? More like rapidly chasing.

    Everyone constantly develops chips for their devices. Face recognization is in a lot of phones now, like the s8 & 9, and other devices too. You make it sound like Apple is developing and advancing while no one else is.  As said above, Apple is not always the Apex of design.  Some do better, some do worse.
    The FP sensor on the S5 was horrid. It was a half-baked, rushed out solution that worked less than 50% of the time .I know this because myself and everyone else I knew owned that device. Terrible implementation that left a bad taste in my mouth. When I started using the iPhone 7 plus the FP sensor was a dream come true. 
  • Reply 45 of 70
    acejax805acejax805 Posts: 109member
    jsmythe00 said:
    BubbaTwo said:
    jsmythe00 said:
    macseeker said:
    There is a troll here.

    HAHA had to laugh at that one.  Nah no troll.  Just disenchanted with iphone.  Still a big fan of apple watch and ipad....and airpods!

    But the iPhone?  After using the note 8 for a bit, I'm glad I'm off iphone
    @ jsmythe00 -- I love your comments...Both of them.  Unlike many Apple or Android fanboys, I too have used both.  I also owned a Windows phone at one point.

    There are pros and cons to each of them, and I actually preferred Windows phone over both of them had they ever been able to overcome the Ap gap.

    As a current Galaxy S8 owner, If Apple came out with a compelling device at the right price point I would at this point seriously consider returning to IOS...I am weary of flaky Android upgrades and Google's constant spying...Let's just say the Oreo upgrade from Nougat was a PIA, and if I wasn't tech savvy I would have been really frustrated...

    I am SERIOUSLY considering moving back to IOS...

    Oh, and I grow weary of all the FANBOYS on AI bashing anyone with a constructive counter point to Apple Kool-aid....Tech is a tool -- Not an identity!

    Thanks...sometimes you can't get through to the kool-aid drinkers.  And i admit, i was heavy on the punch, still am on some things, but theres no way iicould justify buying iPhone X.

    I spent a night trying to defend iPhone x to the note 8 and just looked like a fool.  As you said they both have pros and cons but i think there's one HUGE difference...willingness to adapt

    Android(Samsung) is willing to change and bend to customer wants quickly...literally from one year to the next

    Apple believes what they make is the Apex of design and anything else is wrong and will not change unless the ABSOLUTELY have to.

    How do you grow when you think everything you do is right?
    Over 1 billion devices from ONE manufacturer says otherwise. I've used Android and it's people like you that turned me off to it. This superiority complex a lot of Android enthusiasts have is terrible. You think you're more of an authority on which software experience is better. 10 years I used Android and switched to iOS in the last two years and the UX/UI is far more intuitive and rich. Additionally, product support is actually something that is available and I don't feel like once I give my money and walk away, I'm forgotten. I actually get OS updates and the company doesn't see me as a product. I've used all of the best Android has to offer (from Pixels to Galaxy's to lesser-known brands and the root of the problem isn't the hardware, it's the software. If you like Android I think that's great. I simply got tired of it all and am finding a much more enjoyable and usable experience with iOS. iOS. Good luck to you!
  • Reply 46 of 70
    I get that they'd have an ad about the camera as that's one of the most important functions of a phone for many (most?) people. But the app store? Does anyone personally know someone that has had a problem installing a dodgy app on Android? I guess someone must be but I'm not sure that they are the type of people to buy an iPhone. I guess they are just playing on fear for uneducated/less-tech-savvy users that might start worrying about what they've done. But I'd have thought iPhone had more important advantages than the app store.
  • Reply 47 of 70
    foggyhillfoggyhill Posts: 4,767member
    BubbaTwo said:
    jsmythe00 said:
    macseeker said:
    There is a troll here.

    HAHA had to laugh at that one.  Nah no troll.  Just disenchanted with iphone.  Still a big fan of apple watch and ipad....and airpods!

    But the iPhone?  After using the note 8 for a bit, I'm glad I'm off iphone
    @ jsmythe00 -- I love your comments...Both of them.  Unlike many Apple or Android fanboys, I too have used both.  I also owned a Windows phone at one point.

    There are pros and cons to each of them, and I actually preferred Windows phone over both of them had they ever been able to overcome the Ap gap.

    As a current Galaxy S8 owner, If Apple came out with a compelling device at the right price point I would at this point seriously consider returning to IOS...I am weary of flaky Android upgrades and Google's constant spying...Let's just say the Oreo upgrade from Nougat was a PIA, and if I wasn't tech savvy I would have been really frustrated...

    I am SERIOUSLY considering moving back to IOS...

    Oh, and I grow weary of all the FANBOYS on AI bashing anyone with a constructive counter point to Apple Kool-aid....Tech is a tool -- Not an identity!
    I don;t believe you ever owned anything apple, ever. Convince me cause you sound like a  Android Shill right here and nothing else.
    Anyone doing the kind of damn thing you just did, coming here and posting an "above the fray" (sic) comment in the way you did is the opposite of what they claim they are, it's projection, and also loves to hear themselves call people fanboy...
    You're just one more person I can put on ignore.
  • Reply 48 of 70
    foggyhillfoggyhill Posts: 4,767member
    majorsl said:
    BubbaTwo said:
    jsmythe00 said:
    macseeker said:
    There is a troll here.

    HAHA had to laugh at that one.  Nah no troll.  Just disenchanted with iphone.  Still a big fan of apple watch and ipad....and airpods!

    But the iPhone?  After using the note 8 for a bit, I'm glad I'm off iphone
    @ jsmythe00 -- I love your comments...Both of them.  Unlike many Apple or Android fanboys, I too have used both.  I also owned a Windows phone at one point.

    There are pros and cons to each of them, and I actually preferred Windows phone over both of them had they ever been able to overcome the Ap gap.

    As a current Galaxy S8 owner, If Apple came out with a compelling device at the right price point I would at this point seriously consider returning to IOS...I am weary of flaky Android upgrades and Google's constant spying...Let's just say the Oreo upgrade from Nougat was a PIA, and if I wasn't tech savvy I would have been really frustrated...

    I am SERIOUSLY considering moving back to IOS...

    Oh, and I grow weary of all the FANBOYS on AI bashing anyone with a constructive counter point to Apple Kool-aid....Tech is a tool -- Not an identity!
    I love his quotes too, and yours. Same here, I moved away from iOS too. I have an s8 and Gear s3 and love them. No more locked in to "Apple's way or the highway" store. But, I won't go back.

    As for Android malware, Sophos has a free malware scanner for Android that works great and is unobtrusive.

    With that said, I love my MBP 15" 2016 I'm using right now.  Windows 10 still "isn't there" for me, not even close. :smile: 
    More garbage shilling for a complete insecure system, I'm calling Bs on the end of your post  too. no smiles from me. Not credible.
    I wouldn't be surprised if the "whole gang"  of "transfuge" actually all know each other from some other forum like gsmarena.
    edited April 2018 StrangeDayswatto_cobra
  • Reply 49 of 70
    foggyhillfoggyhill Posts: 4,767member
    majorsl said:
    spheric said:
    jsmythe00 said:
    BubbaTwo said:
    jsmythe00 said:
    macseeker said:
    There is a troll here.

    HAHA had to laugh at that one.  Nah no troll.  Just disenchanted with iphone.  Still a big fan of apple watch and ipad....and airpods!

    But the iPhone?  After using the note 8 for a bit, I'm glad I'm off iphone
    @ jsmythe00 -- I love your comments...Both of them.  Unlike many Apple or Android fanboys, I too have used both.  I also owned a Windows phone at one point.

    There are pros and cons to each of them, and I actually preferred Windows phone over both of them had they ever been able to overcome the Ap gap.

    As a current Galaxy S8 owner, If Apple came out with a compelling device at the right price point I would at this point seriously consider returning to IOS...I am weary of flaky Android upgrades and Google's constant spying...Let's just say the Oreo upgrade from Nougat was a PIA, and if I wasn't tech savvy I would have been really frustrated...

    I am SERIOUSLY considering moving back to IOS...

    Oh, and I grow weary of all the FANBOYS on AI bashing anyone with a constructive counter point to Apple Kool-aid....Tech is a tool -- Not an identity!

    Thanks...sometimes you can't get through to the kool-aid drinkers.  And i admit, i was heavy on the punch, still am on some things, but theres no way iicould justify buying iPhone X.

    I spent a night trying to defend iPhone x to the note 8 and just looked like a fool.  As you said they both have pros and cons but i think there's one HUGE difference...willingness to adapt

    Android(Samsung) is willing to change and bend to customer wants quickly...literally from one year to the next

    Apple believes what they make is the Apex of design and anything else is wrong and will not change unless the ABSOLUTELY have to.

    How do you grow when you think everything you do is right?
    By putting out a device like the original iPhone. 

    Literally everything that Samsung phones do right (or arguably „better“) is a direct result of that. 
    There is a phrase for that: To 'rest on your laurels' means that you get lazy or complacent about what you could achieve because you're too busy basking in the memories of former glories. Credit
    You mean like putting a moronic fingerprint scanner on the back near the camera instead of doing face-id + 2-3 biometrics so dubious they can't be relied on for secure authentification, wth are you even talking about.
    The only one lazy and half assed is Samsung, Google and all the rest.
    The ones who is selling their device at 30% off just months after being launched, that surely means people find "value" in those phones huh.
    edited April 2018 radarthekatStrangeDayswatto_cobra
  • Reply 50 of 70
    radarthekatradarthekat Posts: 3,871moderator
    jsmythe00 said:
    BubbaTwo said:
    jsmythe00 said:
    macseeker said:
    There is a troll here.

    HAHA had to laugh at that one.  Nah no troll.  Just disenchanted with iphone.  Still a big fan of apple watch and ipad....and airpods!

    But the iPhone?  After using the note 8 for a bit, I'm glad I'm off iphone
    @ jsmythe00 -- I love your comments...Both of them.  Unlike many Apple or Android fanboys, I too have used both.  I also owned a Windows phone at one point.

    There are pros and cons to each of them, and I actually preferred Windows phone over both of them had they ever been able to overcome the Ap gap.

    As a current Galaxy S8 owner, If Apple came out with a compelling device at the right price point I would at this point seriously consider returning to IOS...I am weary of flaky Android upgrades and Google's constant spying...Let's just say the Oreo upgrade from Nougat was a PIA, and if I wasn't tech savvy I would have been really frustrated...

    I am SERIOUSLY considering moving back to IOS...

    Oh, and I grow weary of all the FANBOYS on AI bashing anyone with a constructive counter point to Apple Kool-aid....Tech is a tool -- Not an identity!

    Thanks...sometimes you can't get through to the kool-aid drinkers.  And i admit, i was heavy on the punch, still am on some things, but theres no way iicould justify buying iPhone X.

    I spent a night trying to defend iPhone x to the note 8 and just looked like a fool.  As you said they both have pros and cons but i think there's one HUGE difference...willingness to adapt

    Android(Samsung) is willing to change and bend to customer wants quickly...literally from one year to the next

    Apple believes what they make is the Apex of design and anything else is wrong and will not change unless the ABSOLUTELY have to.

    How do you grow when you think everything you do is right?
    By being right.  You can honestly defend Samsung’s weak face recognition solution and iris scanner that causes eye strain against Apple’s FaceID?  Seriously?  You’re lying to yourself.  
  • Reply 51 of 70
    radarthekatradarthekat Posts: 3,871moderator

    majorsl said:
    spheric said:
    jsmythe00 said:
    BubbaTwo said:
    jsmythe00 said:
    macseeker said:
    There is a troll here.

    HAHA had to laugh at that one.  Nah no troll.  Just disenchanted with iphone.  Still a big fan of apple watch and ipad....and airpods!

    But the iPhone?  After using the note 8 for a bit, I'm glad I'm off iphone
    @ jsmythe00 -- I love your comments...Both of them.  Unlike many Apple or Android fanboys, I too have used both.  I also owned a Windows phone at one point.

    There are pros and cons to each of them, and I actually preferred Windows phone over both of them had they ever been able to overcome the Ap gap.

    As a current Galaxy S8 owner, If Apple came out with a compelling device at the right price point I would at this point seriously consider returning to IOS...I am weary of flaky Android upgrades and Google's constant spying...Let's just say the Oreo upgrade from Nougat was a PIA, and if I wasn't tech savvy I would have been really frustrated...

    I am SERIOUSLY considering moving back to IOS...

    Oh, and I grow weary of all the FANBOYS on AI bashing anyone with a constructive counter point to Apple Kool-aid....Tech is a tool -- Not an identity!

    Thanks...sometimes you can't get through to the kool-aid drinkers.  And i admit, i was heavy on the punch, still am on some things, but theres no way iicould justify buying iPhone X.

    I spent a night trying to defend iPhone x to the note 8 and just looked like a fool.  As you said they both have pros and cons but i think there's one HUGE difference...willingness to adapt

    Android(Samsung) is willing to change and bend to customer wants quickly...literally from one year to the next

    Apple believes what they make is the Apex of design and anything else is wrong and will not change unless the ABSOLUTELY have to.

    How do you grow when you think everything you do is right?
    By putting out a device like the original iPhone. 

    Literally everything that Samsung phones do right (or arguably „better“) is a direct result of that. 
    There is a phrase for that: To 'rest on your laurels' means that you get lazy or complacent about what you could achieve because you're too busy basking in the memories of former glories. Credit
    Resting on your laurels.  Is that how you catch all your competition flat-footed two years behind on getting a 64-bit processor into a phone?  Example after example.  
  • Reply 52 of 70
    radarthekatradarthekat Posts: 3,871moderator
    When I just now deleted all of jsmythe00’s messages (the entire history) and banned his account, I was prompted, as always, to enter a reason for the decision to ban.  Here is what I entered...

    “Acute obtuseness in the face of solid arguments against his claims and conjectures.  Takes the conversation into a downward spiral.”

    Don’t let me need to write this about you.  (This message to the obvious low-message-number android trolls who come around on occasion.)

  • Reply 53 of 70
    majorslmajorsl Posts: 119unconfirmed, member
    Soli said:
    Rayz2016 said:
    Soli said:
    Rayz2016 said:
    And the lie collapses…

    Always find it amusing how Android folk need the validation of IOS folk. Seems they spend a lot of time on Apple forums desperately trying to convince themselves they’re happy with their choice. 

    Very odd. 
    Have you gone to an Android-focused forum just to talk about how much you love your non-Android-based products? I've never once done that? I've been to many Android forums to look for specific answers to Android-related problems, but never to dish about how I tend to prefer Apple's products. I've never even once considered the notion. It just seems like an odd thing to do. If I ever have to create an account because I have a question to ask I doubt I would interject that data.
    Nope. Never done that. Doing that sort of thing shows a lack of class and manners in my opinion. 

    I did go to an Android forum once to see how they deal with with ageing batteries, but while I was there, I didn’t feel the need to convince myself that I was happy with my tech choices by p*ssing all over the discussion. 

    But I will admit that I do get a feeling of … justification in my own choice? … when I see Android fans runnng around Apple forums desperately trying to convince themselves that they’re not missing out on anything. The irony is that the more they do it, the less likely I am to consider Android a viable choice. Why would I want to join them in their misery?

    I will say this though: there are folk about who are genuinely happy with Android as a platform, but you won’t find them here. 
    Sometimes there's a huge influx of anti-Apple posters creating accounts all around the same time. Usually it happens when there's a major Apple event, but occasionally there will be an article posted that draws them in. I assume someone posted the AppleInsider link on an Android forum which created, for lack of better term, a Higgs-Bozo Bridge that allowed them to travel instantly from their universe into ours.
    I, for one, am not here from any forum.  I've been coming here from almost this site's inception to read about Apple news because I'm a big macOS fan.  AppleInsider is one of my "go to" places, almost daily.

    I am not, nor have I ever been, much of an iOS fan.  I only registered to the forum a few days ago when the reality distortion field became too much for me to not post from time to time.

    I don't need anyone's "justification" for my choices, but thought an alternate opinion might be interesting to some.  An alternate opinion is just that, it's not p*issing all over a discussion, it is, in fact a discussion. And it isn't a lie either.

    Clearly, that sort of discussion is not welcome to some because:
    1. Apple can do no wrong.
    2. Apple did it first.
    3. Apple didn't do it first, but does it better.
    4. Any proof otherwise, see 1.
    It's really like hitting a wall sometimes. Maybe the owners/admins of this place should post a warning at the entrance here, "Die Hard Apple Fans Only. All Others Not Welcome", because that's the impression given in just the above and the behavior I've witnessed for years in reading the discussions here. As soon as the anti-Apple comment is even suggested, the wolves attack.
  • Reply 54 of 70
    StrangeDaysStrangeDays Posts: 12,943member
    majorsl said:
    BubbaTwo said:
    jsmythe00 said:
    macseeker said:
    There is a troll here.

    HAHA had to laugh at that one.  Nah no troll.  Just disenchanted with iphone.  Still a big fan of apple watch and ipad....and airpods!

    But the iPhone?  After using the note 8 for a bit, I'm glad I'm off iphone
    @ jsmythe00 -- I love your comments...Both of them.  Unlike many Apple or Android fanboys, I too have used both.  I also owned a Windows phone at one point.

    There are pros and cons to each of them, and I actually preferred Windows phone over both of them had they ever been able to overcome the Ap gap.

    As a current Galaxy S8 owner, If Apple came out with a compelling device at the right price point I would at this point seriously consider returning to IOS...I am weary of flaky Android upgrades and Google's constant spying...Let's just say the Oreo upgrade from Nougat was a PIA, and if I wasn't tech savvy I would have been really frustrated...

    I am SERIOUSLY considering moving back to IOS...

    Oh, and I grow weary of all the FANBOYS on AI bashing anyone with a constructive counter point to Apple Kool-aid....Tech is a tool -- Not an identity!
    I love his quotes too, and yours. Same here, I moved away from iOS too. I have an s8 and Gear s3 and love them. No more locked in to "Apple's way or the highway" store. But, I won't go back.

    As for Android malware, Sophos has a free malware scanner for Android that works great and is unobtrusive.
    Do you see the irony of advocating Android because there are great malware scanners for it!?
    edited April 2018 randominternetpersonSoliGG1watto_cobra
  • Reply 55 of 70
    SoliSoli Posts: 10,038member
    majorsl said:
    Soli said:
    Rayz2016 said:
    Soli said:
    Rayz2016 said:
    And the lie collapses…

    Always find it amusing how Android folk need the validation of IOS folk. Seems they spend a lot of time on Apple forums desperately trying to convince themselves they’re happy with their choice. 

    Very odd. 
    Have you gone to an Android-focused forum just to talk about how much you love your non-Android-based products? I've never once done that? I've been to many Android forums to look for specific answers to Android-related problems, but never to dish about how I tend to prefer Apple's products. I've never even once considered the notion. It just seems like an odd thing to do. If I ever have to create an account because I have a question to ask I doubt I would interject that data.
    Nope. Never done that. Doing that sort of thing shows a lack of class and manners in my opinion. 

    I did go to an Android forum once to see how they deal with with ageing batteries, but while I was there, I didn’t feel the need to convince myself that I was happy with my tech choices by p*ssing all over the discussion. 

    But I will admit that I do get a feeling of … justification in my own choice? … when I see Android fans runnng around Apple forums desperately trying to convince themselves that they’re not missing out on anything. The irony is that the more they do it, the less likely I am to consider Android a viable choice. Why would I want to join them in their misery?

    I will say this though: there are folk about who are genuinely happy with Android as a platform, but you won’t find them here. 
    Sometimes there's a huge influx of anti-Apple posters creating accounts all around the same time. Usually it happens when there's a major Apple event, but occasionally there will be an article posted that draws them in. I assume someone posted the AppleInsider link on an Android forum which created, for lack of better term, a Higgs-Bozo Bridge that allowed them to travel instantly from their universe into ours.
    I, for one, am not here from any forum.  I've been coming here from almost this site's inception to read about Apple news because I'm a big macOS fan.  AppleInsider is one of my "go to" places, almost daily.
    Fair enough, and I wasn't speaking of anyone in particular, just noting to Rayz2016 that there is a pattern when there's a large influx. I have no idea when you made your account or how many joined at the same time. This is not one of the articles in which I am speaking.

    You don't really help your argument with the rest of your statements.
    edited April 2018 liquidmarkwatto_cobra
  • Reply 56 of 70
    Bragging that you have features of Adobe photo and video editing that have been known for years is not the best way to sell phone. Well it is phone in the first place. If I want to play with fancy stuff I will get iPad and proper software.
  • Reply 57 of 70
    jdgaz said:
    3 more family members made the move to iOS in the last few months. Have yet to see one go the other way.
    So you are seeing it here. Four phones. Last one is Android LG because it is cheap phone and we do not care about anything except Waze, Maps, Weather, Uber, Lyft...and business contacts for practical use of phone. The rest is for hobbysts and kids. Next replacements to come, but iPad's will stay with us for other reason. Mobile does not equal mobile. There are different forms and formats of mobile use. Phone is phone with communications function as main function.
  • Reply 58 of 70
    aegean said:
    jsmythe00 said:
    acejax805 said:
    So true on the App Store. I read several stories each week about apps with malware or deceitful permissions/access in the Android store. I can also attest from using Android for over 5 years the app quality is levels below that of the iOS side. Amazing how different the exact same app can be on Android versus iOS. Fortunately, I made he switch 2 years ago and haven’t looked back; well maybe just to once or twice to gloat. 

    ...i made the switch to Android last year and haven't looked back

    Not concerned with buggy OS, hamstrung apps, dated and bland user interface.

    I thought I'd be dealing with a buggy and slow phone but to my surprise its far more stable than apple, or at least iOS 11
    That's a lie.
    You know this is very strong accusation, and I would be caful to make blunt statements like that. It is simply rude. Any proof it is a lie? If not then please tone down to acceptable discussion levels.
    edited April 2018 muthuk_vanalingam
  • Reply 59 of 70
    auxioauxio Posts: 2,744member
    Bragging that you have features of Adobe photo and video editing that have been known for years is not the best way to sell phone. Well it is phone in the first place. If I want to play with fancy stuff I will get iPad and proper software.
    So instead of the convenience of snap and go with your phone, you'd rather go through the hassle of taking a photo with your phone, sending it to your computer/iPad, opening it in Adobe software (which you're paying a monthly fee for), editing it, exporting it, and sending it back to your phone so that you can show others on the go?  Lol.

    So you are seeing it here. Four phones. Last one is Android LG because it is cheap phone and we do not care about anything except Waze, Maps, Weather, Uber, Lyft...and business contacts for practical use of phone. The rest is for hobbysts and kids. Next replacements to come, but iPad's will stay with us for other reason. Mobile does not equal mobile. There are different forms and formats of mobile use. Phone is phone with communications function as main function.
    If you just want a phone for communication, why not get a feature phone and forgo apps altogether?  Saying you chose Android phones over iOS because you want a phone only for communication is nonsensical.

    And since you only care about those apps (no fancy stuff, as you say), you could easily get a previous generation iPhone for just as cheap which would work just fine for you.
    edited April 2018 Soliwatto_cobra
  • Reply 60 of 70
    StrangeDaysStrangeDays Posts: 12,943member
    majorsl said:
    Soli said:
    Rayz2016 said:
    Soli said:
    Rayz2016 said:
    And the lie collapses…

    Always find it amusing how Android folk need the validation of IOS folk. Seems they spend a lot of time on Apple forums desperately trying to convince themselves they’re happy with their choice. 

    Very odd. 
    Have you gone to an Android-focused forum just to talk about how much you love your non-Android-based products? I've never once done that? I've been to many Android forums to look for specific answers to Android-related problems, but never to dish about how I tend to prefer Apple's products. I've never even once considered the notion. It just seems like an odd thing to do. If I ever have to create an account because I have a question to ask I doubt I would interject that data.
    Nope. Never done that. Doing that sort of thing shows a lack of class and manners in my opinion. 

    I did go to an Android forum once to see how they deal with with ageing batteries, but while I was there, I didn’t feel the need to convince myself that I was happy with my tech choices by p*ssing all over the discussion. 

    But I will admit that I do get a feeling of … justification in my own choice? … when I see Android fans runnng around Apple forums desperately trying to convince themselves that they’re not missing out on anything. The irony is that the more they do it, the less likely I am to consider Android a viable choice. Why would I want to join them in their misery?

    I will say this though: there are folk about who are genuinely happy with Android as a platform, but you won’t find them here. 
    Sometimes there's a huge influx of anti-Apple posters creating accounts all around the same time. Usually it happens when there's a major Apple event, but occasionally there will be an article posted that draws them in. I assume someone posted the AppleInsider link on an Android forum which created, for lack of better term, a Higgs-Bozo Bridge that allowed them to travel instantly from their universe into ours.
    I don't need anyone's "justification" for my choices, but thought an alternate opinion might be interesting to some.  An alternate opinion is just that, it's not p*issing all over a discussion, it is, in fact a discussion. And it isn't a lie either.

    Clearly, that sort of discussion is not welcome to some because:
    1. Apple can do no wrong.
    2. Apple did it first.
    3. Apple didn't do it first, but does it better.
    4. Any proof otherwise, see 1.
    It's really like hitting a wall sometimes. Maybe the owners/admins of this place should post a warning at the entrance here, "Die Hard Apple Fans Only. All Others Not Welcome", because that's the impression given in just the above and the behavior I've witnessed for years in reading the discussions here. As soon as the anti-Apple comment is even suggested, the wolves attack.
    Sorry, but you’re full of shit. The resistance regulars here have to absurd claims about android (“It has better malware scanners!”) isn’t because we feel Apple can do no wrong. We all have things we can cite that we wish Apple did better (example of mine include the horrible ATV remote, and the frustrating keyboard which can’t learn when I meant to hit the space bar instead of the comma, etc). Our resistance to silly claims about Android and Apple is because Apple’s superior products speak loudly. Macs, iPhone, iPad, iOS, AirPods, Watch, 64-bit, etc etc... Their products and tech routinely kill it, inspiring dozens of knockoffs and chinese copies. 

    Tho I personally don’t believe you’ve been reading since the origin of AI and just registered two days ago to say how much you love the malware scanners on Android. 
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