New MacBook Pro model with Intel Coffee Lake CPU shows up in Geekbench database



  • Reply 61 of 63
    lorin schultzlorin schultz Posts: 2,771member

    DuhSesame said:
    DuhSesame said:
    Please Apple I’m begging you:  15” MacBook Pro WITHOUT TOUCHBAR! 
    Or at least open it up to any ol' custom key config we want. I might actually get some use out of mine if I could create a strip with the first three function keys and a few with key combos (like Option+Command+3 as an arbitrary example).

    It would change my world if I could create number keys that "pretend" to be on the numeric keypad -- Pro Tools assigns different functions to the numbers along the top row of the QWERTY section and those on the numeric keypad, and my workflow relies heavily on the ones on the numeric keyboard. Trying to work in Pro Tools on an Apple laptop is like trying to drive with one hand in your pocket... you can do it, but it sure is uncomfortable.
    Have you tried bettertouchtool?
    No, because I read a review that said it was kinda flakey and, with due respect to the developer, the misspellings and grammatical errors on the web site don't inspire confidence that careful attention to detail was applied to coding.

    I've also had issues in the past with clever software "workarounds" introducing unintended consequences. I had trouble with some Audio Hijack plugin disrupting normal operation of my primary audio apps, and some mouse pointer tool caused all kinds of graphics issues and was a major PITA to remove. I now rarely install anything that isn't from a major, recognized name unless there's a really good reason to do so.
    In this case, the "good reason to do so" is solving your "custom key config" problem above. I'm looking forward to building out custom AppleScript-running buttons for certain apps when I upgrade this year.
    At least it won’t corrupt your system.  Since the default presets are really awkward anyway, it’s probably worth to check it out.  The software itself is community-driven, which means the people who are using it can help to improve.
    Good to know, thanks! I realize I've come across as critical of BTT despite not having tried it, so I want to clarify that I think the concept is brilliant! My reservations are more about past experience than anything to do with BTT specifically.

    Do you use it yourself? Does anyone else here? Has anyone experienced any unexpected or unintended effects on the computer? If not, maybe I should try it!
  • Reply 62 of 63
    fastasleepfastasleep Posts: 6,450member
    DuhSesame said:
    Please Apple I’m begging you:  15” MacBook Pro WITHOUT TOUCHBAR! 
    Or at least open it up to any ol' custom key config we want. I might actually get some use out of mine if I could create a strip with the first three function keys and a few with key combos (like Option+Command+3 as an arbitrary example).

    It would change my world if I could create number keys that "pretend" to be on the numeric keypad -- Pro Tools assigns different functions to the numbers along the top row of the QWERTY section and those on the numeric keypad, and my workflow relies heavily on the ones on the numeric keyboard. Trying to work in Pro Tools on an Apple laptop is like trying to drive with one hand in your pocket... you can do it, but it sure is uncomfortable.
    Have you tried bettertouchtool?
    No, because I read a review that said it was kinda flakey and, with due respect to the developer, the misspellings and grammatical errors on the web site don't inspire confidence that careful attention to detail was applied to coding.

    I've also had issues in the past with clever software "workarounds" introducing unintended consequences. I had trouble with some Audio Hijack plugin disrupting normal operation of my primary audio apps, and some mouse pointer tool caused all kinds of graphics issues and was a major PITA to remove. I now rarely install anything that isn't from a major, recognized name unless there's a really good reason to do so.
    In this case, the "good reason to do so" is solving your "custom key config" problem above. I'm looking forward to building out custom AppleScript-running buttons for certain apps when I upgrade this year.
    Yeah, I phrased that poorly, didn't I? :) You're absolutely right about there being a "good reason" in this case. The truth is that I'm just nervous about installing software I don't trust. I can't say with certainty my concerns about BTT are valid, but since I depend on the machine for my living I tend to err on the side of caution.

    What I should have written is "unless there's a really good reason to do so, and there isn't a better alternative." In this case there is at least a safer alternative: using an external keyboard.

    Have you had time to try out BTT yet, or are you waiting for your upgrade? I'd be interested in reading your impressions of it.
    I’ve got a 2011. Planning on upgrading this year to a top of the line 2018 15” MBP when those arrive tho. 
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