Apple sticking to family-friendly video efforts to avoid offense from viewers



  • Reply 21 of 48
    tyler82tyler82 Posts: 1,108member
    Great, now anytime somebody uses the pronouns "he" and "she" Apple will bleep it out.

    Apple is turning into Fisher Price.
    edited September 2018 Metriacanthosaurus
  • Reply 22 of 48
    krreagan2 said:
    I think this is great! Companies taking the initiative to be moral and family friendly (high road) without being pressured into it. For so long blood and guts and sex have been a necessary content for successful media content creation. it is nice to see Apple going in the other direction. My fear is that the American public is so accustomed to sex, violence and gore that it will take Apple several seasons to ween enough thoughtful viewers off the SV&G. Some of us can and do watch violent and sex infused media but can also just as easily watch (and prefer to watch) media that makes one think without the visceral violence and sex... (god forbid we actually use our brains during entertainment).
    Someone motioned Bones as an example of good TV. I agree with this except that Bones contributed to the "clean ending" phenomena. where all is right and clean at the end. The real world is not like this. Sometimes the good guys get it wrong regardless of their morals or viewpoint and it is never gets cleaned up!
    Ugh. Television is not real life. The purpose of television is reflect back to us, to entertain us, sadly too often - to sell to us.

    Mistaking that reflection as an attempt to replicate life or miniaturize it is foolish. 

    Apple didn’t pick (if this is the case) family friendly programming and content simply because they were “afraid” of losing customers. 

    These as things are heavily researched and assuming this is a concern it couldn’t possibly be a primary one. The video content strategy is about iOS remaining the stickiest of of the digital content services and of that lot there is or will only be Disney to compete with. Before anyone crowns Disney the king of family programming it should be noted that 1) Disney’s conte
  • Reply 23 of 48
    davgreg said:
    sirozha said:
     In Europe, there are actually excellent movies that have been made for many decades that have no sex or violence. They are just good stories and great acting. Not the stupid crap that comes out of Hollywood most of the time. 
    No, in Europe, the nudity is in OTA TV commercials and content.
    I used to live in Germany and saw it years ago. 

    Americans are so hung up on their bodies. Go to a spa and watch the Americans try not to stare.
    The fact that nudity is acceptable in Europe doesn't mean that sex is shoved into every freaking movie or show. 
  • Reply 24 of 48
    Let Amazon and Netflix peddle soft porn and violence in their "original series" shows. Apple can do better. 

    Better Call Saul is an example of how an amazing series can be done without sex or a lot of violence. 
    krreagan2 said:
    I think this is great! Companies taking the initiative to be moral and family friendly (high road) without being pressured into it. For so long blood and guts and sex have been a necessary content for successful media content creation. it is nice to see Apple going in the other direction. My fear is that the American public is so accustomed to sex, violence and gore that it will take Apple several seasons to ween enough thoughtful viewers off the SV&G. Some of us can and do watch violent and sex infused media but can also just as easily watch (and prefer to watch) media that makes one think without the visceral violence and sex... (god forbid we actually use our brains during entertainment).
    Someone motioned Bones as an example of good TV. I agree with this except that Bones contributed to the "clean ending" phenomena. where all is right and clean at the end. The real world is not like this. Sometimes the good guys get it wrong regardless of their morals or viewpoint and it is never gets cleaned up!
  • Reply 25 of 48

    part 2. Disney’s content strategy is currently based on Already released movies cartoons and the Star Wars series that’s a decidedly slim adventure in television  programming.

    2)  Disney doesn’t have iTunes.  iTunes will continue to exist and people who want to see dick and nipple and vagina and all of the dirty stuff and violence will be able to buy it if they choose too. 

    People mistake family friendly with white wash and sensor and that’s not possible it’s it’s possible to do that a different way it’s clear that it doesn’t need to become the Hallmark Channel but there’s lots of ways to do family from family friendly programming for instance this is us on NBC and other stuff as well sitcoms are generally family friendly most of CBS programming is family-friendly so this can be done. 

    Should be done. I think it’s a great idea. HBO is about to go through a really tough time now that thier  by AT&T because they’re going to be pushed to do more content and they’re not gonna be able to afford the kinds of things They did before Which will give rise to Showtime anytime growing  as reported the halo TV series is going to be for the family friendly perhaps a violent more violent than Apple my deal but people understand HBO is going to become more of a competitor now than the gold standard .  And no one can look at Netflix and see the things that they’re doing whether not they show Graphic things are not our quality because most of the stuff I’m not flex although it’s in 4K is complete crap. And others coming up - Amazons pivot in thier content strategy for example - will force opportunities to make competitive  family funny programming. Perhaps not completely evident today but Apple will have plenty of competition in the space soon if they choose to actually get in the game and I think that’s still an open question. 

    Apple exists today because of the iPhone but the iPhone can’t possibly be the long-term strategy someday that will have to Morph into a different kind of thing and the only other product that they have that could possibly over take it -and this is why a video streaming service would exist at all- is thier services division. They must recognize by now and certainly is Wall Street has long pushed for this - that services offer the largest opportunity for growth for the company after iPhone. How these services get sold whether it’s an Apple TV or iPhone or future thing - all these things will soon be fully formed portals to the services that are needed to maintain, purchase, protect, entertain and so on and so forth.

    Hollywood does things one way they do believe that graphic sex and violence sells movie tickets and they make great provocative television but that’s not necessarily the only way. It could be argued that they’ve become very myopic in that way and that a lot of the shit that they’re serving right now is also crap

    The iPhone Going away is decades away. Buying quality services from them is not.  I think the family friendly strategy is probably genius and very well thought out and not having anything to do with being scared of people not buying iPhones it should be clear by now that people buy iPhones.  

    Stop living in Fear folks. Apple clearly does not. 

    For my two cents as long as it doesn’t ever have any f* Christian content I am on board. Christianity and Religion in general is for morons.
  • Reply 26 of 48
    “Avoid offense”

    You failed Apple. The only thing that offends me is censorship. 
  • Reply 27 of 48
    This is exciting, because it means they’ll have to double down on script and great stories.

    There are so many amazing stories out there that do not rely on violence, drugs, sex, etc.. 

    Unfortunately the mainstream movie industry is a bit hung up on particular story arcs. 

    Even finding kids movies that aren’t resolved through violence and do not have a big scary bad guy is hard. Gems in the rough. 

    So to have a big player taking this approach... I don’t see it as sanitising, just as Apple doing it differently, and it could really work. 
  • Reply 28 of 48
    nhtnht Posts: 4,522member
    Hmmm...I'm an unabashed geek so many of my favorite TV shows doesn't have sex and fairly sanitized violence.  Star Trek, Firefly, etc.

  • Reply 29 of 48
    Then they should prepare to lose the streaming wars. People that want squeaky-clean will have Disney’s streaming service. Nobody else is going to pay for bleached content. 
    Nonsense. First, Disney has a very strong brand and nobody complains about lack of nudity in their films, right?

    Second, it’s about what’s good. As a consumer I’ll pay a monthly fee for the content I want. Sometimes that’s HBO, but it doesn’t have to be year round. Same with whatever Apple delivers. 
    edited September 2018
  • Reply 30 of 48
    davgreg said:
    The Hip-Hop audio they stream is more offensive than anything on HBO, Showtime or Netflix.

    Apple should get out of- and stay out of- content.
    Streaming music from artists isn’t the same as producing your own content, durr. 
  • Reply 31 of 48
    stsk said:
    1. Disney has shown, not just nipples, but, no shit, full-frontal nudity in one of their movies. a. What's the title of the movie. b. What's the name of the actress in question? 2. In the immortal (paraphrased) words of Robin WIlliams: "You have to remember that America was founded by the Puritans - people so uptight that even the Brits couldn't stand them and kicked them out."
    "You have to remember that America was founded by the Puritans - people so uptight that even the Brits couldn't stand them and kicked them out."

    Describes Tim Cook
    What do you put forth as evidence? Oh yeah, nothing, since you don’t know the man. He could be a dirty dog and turn your stomach,
    yoi just don’t know. 
  • Reply 32 of 48
    sirozha said:
    Let Amazon and Netflix peddle soft porn and violence in their "original series" shows. Apple can do better. 

    Better Call Saul is an example of how an amazing series can be done without sex or a lot of violence. 
    krreagan2 said:
    I think this is great! Companies taking the initiative to be moral and family friendly (high road) without being pressured into it. For so long blood and guts and sex have been a necessary content for successful media content creation. it is nice to see Apple going in the other direction. My fear is that the American public is so accustomed to sex, violence and gore that it will take Apple several seasons to ween enough thoughtful viewers off the SV&G. Some of us can and do watch violent and sex infused media but can also just as easily watch (and prefer to watch) media that makes one think without the visceral violence and sex... (god forbid we actually use our brains during entertainment).
    Someone motioned Bones as an example of good TV. I agree with this except that Bones contributed to the "clean ending" phenomena. where all is right and clean at the end. The real world is not like this. Sometimes the good guys get it wrong regardless of their morals or viewpoint and it is never gets cleaned up!
    Agreed. Better Call Saul is awesome and completely PG. Content is king...not arbitrary boobs. 
  • Reply 33 of 48
    robbyx said:
    bb-15 said:
    davgreg said:
    The Hip-Hop audio they stream is more offensive than anything on HBO, Showtime or Netflix.

    Apple should get out of- and stay out of- content.
    A strawman argument. 
    - There is a difference between producing content and having a streaming platform which distributes content produced by other companies/studios. 
    - Apple Music right now is a streaming platform which distributes other company’s/studio’s music content. 
    - Apple TV has software which distributes video content produced by other companies/studios. 

    * What is new in this article is that Apple will be producing its own video content. 
    - That is the difference from all the other content Apple has distributed before. 
    - Apple will be making its own content and will become a movie / TV studio. 
    - To claim that content made by other companies is = to Apple creating content is a strawman. 
    It's not a straw man argument at all.  While you are correct that there is a big difference between producing and distributing, in the end Apple has still decided to allow violent, misogynistic, and homophobic music to be part of their platform, which seems incredibly hypocritical given all of their social justice causes and commitment to not produce violent and risque content.  We're not talking about third party apps available via Apple TV.  That's different, I agree.  But you're trying to give them an out when it comes to Apple Music and they don't deserve it.  Bottom line is, they know Apple Music would fail miserably if they stuck to their supposed principals and didn't allow hateful, violent, homophobic, and misogynist content on the service.  In the end they are free to produce whatever they want, but let's be real.  They are total hypocrites.

    So you are saying, for Apple to not be hypocritical, they ought to censor all those HBO and Netflix apps out of the Apple TV Store? I don't really understand your line of thoughts. A bookstore that sells a book that contains violence doesn't mean its owner supports violence, does it?
  • Reply 34 of 48
    cornchipcornchip Posts: 1,954member

    Well... so much for that Dr Dre orgy scene...
  • Reply 35 of 48
    Really smart Apple.....American’s are tired of the mainstream media dividing us, and Hollywood thinking they know better than all of us. I thank you Apple for giving us back broadcasting that makes us proud, and shows others around the world that just maybe America still holds onto some of those values that we used to admire so much. 
  • Reply 36 of 48
    sflocalsflocal Posts: 6,121member
    Yeah, meanwhile I have to be careful what song iTunes Music is going to play next at work since 1/2 the songs blurt out the n-word as if it’s a customary greeting.
  • Reply 37 of 48
    Rayz2016Rayz2016 Posts: 6,957member
    robbyx said:
    Rayz2016 said:
    badmonk said:
    As an Apple investor, high-priest and fan-boy, I am concerned.  To make high quality media requires courage and a willness to push the envelope.
    If you think nudity and violence is the only way to push the envelope then you need to see better movies. 
    Nudity and violence are part of life. They aren’t required to push the envelope, but they are often part of good story telling. Apple has become such a nanny. Writers and directors should be able to tell their stories without some big nanny company censoring their art.  If Apple demands boring, safe, offensive to no one content, very few people are going to want to work with them and even fewer are going to subscribe to whatever service they offer. 
    To begin with, the article says that Apple is avoiding excessive sex, violence and politics, not that they’re avoiding it altogether. 

    Secondly, Apple is not demanding anything boring; what they’re demanding is talented people who don’t need to use sex and violence as a substitute for a good story telling. 

    Sorry, but some of the best films and tv series  I’ve seen haven’t got a nipple or severed head in sight. 

    The Shawshank Redemption 
    Killing Eve
    Howl’s Moving Castle

    Just a few of the top of my head. 

    edited September 2018
  • Reply 38 of 48
    wizard69wizard69 Posts: 13,377member
    We live in a strange world these days when so called liberal institutions are so willing to censor everything.   Everybody should be concerned about that.

    Beyond that when did nudity become so evil?   A stray nipple isn't porn by any measure.   Actions like this just reinforce the idea that the human body is evil and disgusting.  

    Beyond that the Disney brand has always been family and children oriented which requires significant effort to create suitable material that can actually reach the intended audience.   That works for Disney and in fact is expected from parents.    The problem for Apple is this, if you want to offer content to a wide audience, over a streaming service, you need to have material that appeals to many.   I liken this to broadcast TV, or even cable, where people channel surf to find what is appealing at the moment.   Sometimes you feel like watching a kick boxing championship, other days might involve watching the weather channel, still others golf.   Even the same individual will search out variety.
  • Reply 39 of 48
    wizard69wizard69 Posts: 13,377member
    sirozha said:
    davgreg said:
    sirozha said:
     In Europe, there are actually excellent movies that have been made for many decades that have no sex or violence. They are just good stories and great acting. Not the stupid crap that comes out of Hollywood most of the time. 
    No, in Europe, the nudity is in OTA TV commercials and content.
    I used to live in Germany and saw it years ago. 

    Americans are so hung up on their bodies. Go to a spa and watch the Americans try not to stare.
    The fact that nudity is acceptable in Europe doesn't mean that sex is shoved into every freaking movie or show. 
    First off Sex has very little to do with nudity.   Drive down to any public park and you will find clothed people engaged in various forms of sex.   On the flip side many people sleep in the nude and never engage in sex.

    In any event what it is big hang up with Sex?   Seriously it is a basic human function.   If any thing we need to overcome out hang ups with respect to sex and realize that everyone of us on the planet today is the result of sex.   Well almost everyone, I guess there are a few clones running around and medically induced pregnancy are now a reality.
  • Reply 40 of 48
    Then they should prepare to lose the streaming wars. People that want squeaky-clean will have Disney’s streaming service. Nobody else is going to pay for bleached content. 
    I have to agree, if you look at all the most non network content which is popular today, it's all very edgy and pushing the limits. When we had young kids I the house the Disney channel was on most of the time or one of the many discovery network channels. Today Disney is never on but always like Disney shows.

    Apples can not complete with Disney, they have the corner I that market. In afraid this is going to be failing strategy for Apple, all because they only want to take moral high ground.
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