Presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren focusing 'right to repair' on farmers, not tech



  • Reply 21 of 36
    65026502 Posts: 381member
    bells said:
    Ms. Warren and the rest of her liberal/progressive friends in Congress can move to Russia, China or Cuba if they would like since they believe that life is better without FREEDOM! While I may be parts of her idea to allow farmers to fix their own equipment, that is not really what she is trying do with her proposed legislation. Like many liberal/progressive ideas it sounds good from what they say but the ‘fine print’ I am certain includes many restrictive ‘strings’ attached that will limit the farmer’s FREEDOM. It is all about more and more and more government control of our lives to get and keep “We the People” under their ‘collective’ thumb. We are witnessing the effects of reducing regulation and lowering tax rates already with our current vibrant economy. More control by the government means stifling the progress that has been made in the last two years after 10-years of decline and stagnation. 
    Nuts. Trump is the buddy to Russian commies. 

    And how’s that conservative FREEDOM when it comes to abortion? Oops. Drug? Oops. Strip clubs? Oops. Conservatives have their own silly baggage too, clearly. 
    That’s funny, because it’s the Democrats in Washington who are literally proposing Marxist policies.

    Typical deflect fallacy. Throw out a scary name and fail to address the argument. Republicans have plenty of protectionist anti capitalist legislation and questionable morals to boot. Further Marxism and socialism are not the same. Socialism brought you things like public roads, education, and the Internet (e.g government research dollars).  The government spends billions on public research that couldn’t be conducted any other way. The police force, fire department, and court houses are all socialist. 

    Companies like John Deere are abusing the Digital Millenum Copyrighr Act, which certainly is anti-consumer. They essentially created a software lock that prevents farmers from working on their own equipment like they have been doing for years driving the cost up for farming products. 

    Many Republican States, some Democrat States, won’t let Tesla sell cars direct based on archaic laws that date back to when car manifacturers relied on dealers to sell vehicles and dealers heavily invested in their businesses to do so.

    Presciption Drugs are another example. Republicans have passed legislation prohibiting the federal government from using its purchasing power to negotiate a better price for drugs, prohibiting online sales of drugs, and preventing the importation of legally obtained drugs.

    Rebublcans have passed laws prohibiting power sourced from renewable resources at the expense of the so called free market.

    The Republican government handed out tons of money to Foxcon to build a plant with no foreseeable near term benefit to doing so. Republicans love corporate welfare.

    People like you seem to want to go back to the days when companies pretty much could do anything in the name of making a buck including killing you.

    Other  people want companies to act responsibly and the only way to achieve that is legislation. That seems right since the law provides corporation owners a lot of protection from taxes and lawsuit liability.

    Dems love to criticize conservatives but when they criticize back they're "deflecting".

    I agree not being able to sell cars directly is archaic but there are both dems and republicans that oppose this.

    I didn't know the fed. govt can be the middleman and buy up prescription drugs and resell them to us at a discount. Can they do the same for iPhones, iMacs, and everything else we buy?

    The Foxcon deal is still being worked out, remember Solyndra? That was democrat, it goes both ways. Like Brown's high speed train to nowhere for > $200B

    The dems are not our saviours. There are dirty dems just like there are dirty republicans. And there are good dems and good republicans.
  • Reply 22 of 36
    jdwjdw Posts: 1,409member
    Hats off to AppleInsider moderators who let freedom reign here in the comments section of this highly political article. Bravo!

    Now if we could just convince Apple to let freedom reign when it comes to device repair rights!  It would be better for Apple to do that on their own, without coercion by the iron fist of government.
  • Reply 23 of 36
    XrayXXrayX Posts: 3unconfirmed, member
    "This story really has no place here. There is literally no connection to Apple in it (except as an aside to a previous story).

    Please destroy this thread."

    Yes it does, because any law which applies to "farmers" WILL apply to everyone else ... including Apple;it doesn't matter how they get to Right To Repair, as long as they get there. In fact, it's actually quite smart to decouple this from tech because it focuses on an entirely different -- and less inflammatory -- aspect of the issue

    Elizabeth Warren is brilliant.

  • Reply 24 of 36
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    Actually, I take it back. Leave this thread up. It’s good to know who are the Leftist hacks who I should permanently block from my view. Thank you.
  • Reply 25 of 36
    Right to repair has been a huge issue with farmers here in California. Coming from a family of farmers, I'm very well versed on this issue. For those who are unaware, just say you buy a $300k John Deere tractor. The firmware on the tractor prevents farmers from making unauthorized repairs, even simple ones. If something goes wrong with the engine and you need to replace a part, the software won't allow you to do that yourself. The issue with this is sometimes you can't get a John Deere tech out to your farm for days. This creates a huge problem because there are times when you can't wait for days, especially depending on the crop. It's expensive to get a tech out there just to authorize a repair. It's usually $200-300 just for them to come out and then hundreds per hour to put the codes in. I've seen people with bills that were over $500 and that's before the repair. I know quite a few farmers who are now using pirated John Deere software. This may not be related to Apple currently but if legislation like this passes, there definitely would be a trickle down effect. 
    Not to minimize the pain this causes for farmers, but is John Deere the only only manufacturer that can provide such equipment?  Or are they the only producing good equipment?  Are there any manufacturers from whom farmers could buy equipment that don't do the things JD is doing?
  • Reply 26 of 36
    Mike WuertheleMike Wuerthele Posts: 6,917administrator
    jdw said:
    Hats off to AppleInsider moderators who let freedom reign here in the comments section of this highly political article. Bravo!

    Now if we could just convince Apple to let freedom reign when it comes to device repair rights!  It would be better for Apple to do that on their own, without coercion by the iron fist of government.
    The thread has not been without casualties.
  • Reply 27 of 36
    mknelsonmknelson Posts: 1,139member
    Actually, I take it back. Leave this thread up. It’s good to know who are the Leftist hacks who I should permanently block from my view. Thank you.
    Yup, you can't have any baffles in the echo chamber!
  • Reply 28 of 36
    auxioauxio Posts: 2,752member
    Actually, I take it back. Leave this thread up. It’s good to know who are the Leftist hacks who I should permanently block from my view. Thank you.
    The cornerstone of a healthy democracy is debate about what direction a country should be taking.  Some mindlessly believe in laissez faire Capitalism, others mindlessly believe in a nanny state.  So we debate and find a suitable middle ground.
  • Reply 29 of 36
    CarnageCarnage Posts: 91member
    Actually, I take it back. Leave this thread up. It’s good to know who are the Leftist hacks who I should permanently block from my view. Thank you.

    You'd rather stay in your echo chamber?
  • Reply 30 of 36
    boltsfan17boltsfan17 Posts: 2,294member
    Right to repair has been a huge issue with farmers here in California. Coming from a family of farmers, I'm very well versed on this issue. For those who are unaware, just say you buy a $300k John Deere tractor. The firmware on the tractor prevents farmers from making unauthorized repairs, even simple ones. If something goes wrong with the engine and you need to replace a part, the software won't allow you to do that yourself. The issue with this is sometimes you can't get a John Deere tech out to your farm for days. This creates a huge problem because there are times when you can't wait for days, especially depending on the crop. It's expensive to get a tech out there just to authorize a repair. It's usually $200-300 just for them to come out and then hundreds per hour to put the codes in. I've seen people with bills that were over $500 and that's before the repair. I know quite a few farmers who are now using pirated John Deere software. This may not be related to Apple currently but if legislation like this passes, there definitely would be a trickle down effect. 
    Not to minimize the pain this causes for farmers, but is John Deere the only only manufacturer that can provide such equipment?  Or are they the only producing good equipment?  Are there any manufacturers from whom farmers could buy equipment that don't do the things JD is doing?
    It's just not John Deere doing it, all farming equipment manufacturers are doing it. Say for example you have a Toyota and it needs repaired. You can take it to a Toyota dealership or any other auto repair place. Other auto repair places have access to diagnostic tools, parts, and service manuals. That's not the case in the agriculture industry. No one has access to parts, manuals, diagnostic tools, etc except the manufacturers. 
  • Reply 31 of 36
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    auxio said:
    Actually, I take it back. Leave this thread up. It’s good to know who are the Leftist hacks who I should permanently block from my view. Thank you.
    The cornerstone of a healthy democracy is debate about what direction a country should be taking.  Some mindlessly believe in laissez faire Capitalism, others mindlessly believe in a nanny state.  So we debate and find a suitable middle ground.
    This site isn’t representative of a “democracy,” it’s a privately owned site and the moderators/owners may block or censor anyone they deem disruptive or in violation of the site’s rules.
  • Reply 32 of 36
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member

    Carnage said:
    Actually, I take it back. Leave this thread up. It’s good to know who are the Leftist hacks who I should permanently block from my view. Thank you.

    You'd rather stay in your echo chamber?
    The discussions here are already an echo chamber. What’s it to you who I decide to block or not? Besides, if you disagree with me, feel free to block my posts!
    edited March 2019
  • Reply 33 of 36
    auxioauxio Posts: 2,752member
    auxio said:
    Actually, I take it back. Leave this thread up. It’s good to know who are the Leftist hacks who I should permanently block from my view. Thank you.
    The cornerstone of a healthy democracy is debate about what direction a country should be taking.  Some mindlessly believe in laissez faire Capitalism, others mindlessly believe in a nanny state.  So we debate and find a suitable middle ground.
    This site isn’t representative of a “democracy,” it’s a privately owned site and the moderators/owners may block or censor anyone they deem disruptive or in violation of the site’s rules.
    I was referring to the idea that we should just not listen to/block ideas which we don't agree with.  There's a difference between a post which is an outright attack/hateful and one which is simply an opposing viewpoint.  The moderators here do a pretty good job blocking the former while allowing the latter.  We're all free to block who we like, and it's certainly warranted when one is being bullied or attacked.  But if it's solely for the purpose of not hearing viewpoints that differ from one's own (as your post would indicate with the term "Leftist hacks"), then I'd argue that it's simply being close-minded and counter-productive to the larger, democratic society we're a part of.
  • Reply 34 of 36
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    auxio said:
    auxio said:
    Actually, I take it back. Leave this thread up. It’s good to know who are the Leftist hacks who I should permanently block from my view. Thank you.
    The cornerstone of a healthy democracy is debate about what direction a country should be taking.  Some mindlessly believe in laissez faire Capitalism, others mindlessly believe in a nanny state.  So we debate and find a suitable middle ground.
    This site isn’t representative of a “democracy,” it’s a privately owned site and the moderators/owners may block or censor anyone they deem disruptive or in violation of the site’s rules.
    I was referring to the idea that we should just not listen to/block ideas which we don't agree with.  There's a difference between a post which is an outright attack/hateful and one which is simply an opposing viewpoint.  The moderators here do a pretty good job blocking the former while allowing the latter.  We're all free to block who we like, and it's certainly warranted when one is being bullied or attacked.  But if it's solely for the purpose of not hearing viewpoints that differ from one's own (as your post would indicate with the term "Leftist hacks"), then I'd argue that it's simply being close-minded and counter-productive to the larger, democratic society we're a part of.
    I’ve been here for a long time. I won’t spend even more of my time reading or responding to people who offer nothing of value to me. That may offend you, but that’s my position.
  • Reply 35 of 36
    auxioauxio Posts: 2,752member
    auxio said:
    auxio said:
    Actually, I take it back. Leave this thread up. It’s good to know who are the Leftist hacks who I should permanently block from my view. Thank you.
    The cornerstone of a healthy democracy is debate about what direction a country should be taking.  Some mindlessly believe in laissez faire Capitalism, others mindlessly believe in a nanny state.  So we debate and find a suitable middle ground.
    This site isn’t representative of a “democracy,” it’s a privately owned site and the moderators/owners may block or censor anyone they deem disruptive or in violation of the site’s rules.
    I was referring to the idea that we should just not listen to/block ideas which we don't agree with.  There's a difference between a post which is an outright attack/hateful and one which is simply an opposing viewpoint.  The moderators here do a pretty good job blocking the former while allowing the latter.  We're all free to block who we like, and it's certainly warranted when one is being bullied or attacked.  But if it's solely for the purpose of not hearing viewpoints that differ from one's own (as your post would indicate with the term "Leftist hacks"), then I'd argue that it's simply being close-minded and counter-productive to the larger, democratic society we're a part of.
    I’ve been here for a long time. I won’t spend even more of my time reading or responding to people who offer nothing of value to me. That may offend you, but that’s my position.
    It doesn't offend me.  It just gives me a bit of insight into why rationale debate is missing from politics these days.
  • Reply 36 of 36
    crowleycrowley Posts: 10,453member
    auxio said:
    auxio said:
    auxio said:
    Actually, I take it back. Leave this thread up. It’s good to know who are the Leftist hacks who I should permanently block from my view. Thank you.
    The cornerstone of a healthy democracy is debate about what direction a country should be taking.  Some mindlessly believe in laissez faire Capitalism, others mindlessly believe in a nanny state.  So we debate and find a suitable middle ground.
    This site isn’t representative of a “democracy,” it’s a privately owned site and the moderators/owners may block or censor anyone they deem disruptive or in violation of the site’s rules.
    I was referring to the idea that we should just not listen to/block ideas which we don't agree with.  There's a difference between a post which is an outright attack/hateful and one which is simply an opposing viewpoint.  The moderators here do a pretty good job blocking the former while allowing the latter.  We're all free to block who we like, and it's certainly warranted when one is being bullied or attacked.  But if it's solely for the purpose of not hearing viewpoints that differ from one's own (as your post would indicate with the term "Leftist hacks"), then I'd argue that it's simply being close-minded and counter-productive to the larger, democratic society we're a part of.
    I’ve been here for a long time. I won’t spend even more of my time reading or responding to people who offer nothing of value to me. That may offend you, but that’s my position.
    It doesn't offend me.  It just gives me a bit of insight into why rationale debate is missing from politics these days.
    He reads and responds and screams "SOCIALISTS!" all the time anyway.  I wouldn't put much stock in his "offensive" lack of follow-through.
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