Human Shields (What are they thinking?)



  • Reply 441 of 449
    adambadamb Posts: 24member
    She was obviously a very intelligent and mature human being.
  • Reply 442 of 449
    bungebunge Posts: 7,329member

    Originally posted by Scott

    Don't you care about "root causes"?

    Yeah, those bulldozers are the "root cause" of her untimely death.

    Go read the Boston Globe article. It's less than flattering.
  • Reply 443 of 449
    noahjnoahj Posts: 4,503member
    Now that the war has begun, where are the stories about the human shields in Iraq? Where have they been finally positioned and how many are left? I am interested to know.

    BTW, about that girl and the bulldozer. Terrible tragedy. The news seems to be that the windows on the bulldozer are so small that the driver could not see her there. I do not know if this is true, if so I do not hold the driver responsible as he did not even know he ran her over. If he did see her and ran her over anyhow he should be tried and punsihed.

    My personal thought is, he did not see her. She tripped and could not get out of the way. Not his fault, and not the brightest move she could have made getting in front of the bulldozer with as limited visibility as that one had. Overall however, a terrible tragedy and an example of what one must be preapred for when one decides to be a human shield. The possibility of death for the cause.
  • Reply 444 of 449
    noahjnoahj Posts: 4,503member

    Originally posted by New

    Matsu, Saddam has expelled most human shilds many days ago.

    No he did not. He expelled the ones who questioned his orders of where to go. He allowed all to stay who went where they were asked without question. There is a difference.
  • Reply 445 of 449
    There?s also a question of extra democratic action taken by these people. People made their voice and wishes clear when they went to the ballot box, both in Israel and the United States. These human shields, are trying to circumvent the democratic process by taking these kind of actions, that are outside the democratic process, to obstruct policy decision made by democratic elected officials. I?m not a lawyer, but it seems to me, this kind of blatant disrespect for the democratic process should bring legal procedures against the offenders, and some serious jail time considering the gravity of the situation.
  • Reply 446 of 449
    noahjnoahj Posts: 4,503member

    Originally posted by mika_mk1984

    There?s also a question of extra democratic action taken by these people. People made their voice and wishes clear when they went to the ballot box, both in Israel and the United States. These human shields, are trying to circumvent the democratic process by taking these kind of actions, that are outside the democratic process, to obstruct policy decision made by democratic elected officials. I?m not a lawyer, but it seems to me, this kind of blatant disrespect for the democratic process should bring legal procedures against the offenders, and some serious jail time considering the gravity of the situation.

    If they are Americans and they are opposed to the war they have a right to do what they wish to show thier opposition, right up until they take up arms against their nations military. If any of these "human shields" are americans and they take up arms against the American military they are guilty of treason, an offence punishable by death.
  • Reply 447 of 449
    Good point Noah. Have these people crossed the line? By standing in the way of the American or the Israeli forces, have they in fact crossed the line of legitimate protest action to one of aiding the enemy and treason? I would argue they have.
  • Reply 448 of 449
    randycat99randycat99 Posts: 1,919member
    My thoughts on the bulldozer thing:

    How come there are people standing next to her as the bulldozer approaches? How come there are people comforting around her after the bulldozer incident? Now how come it is only her that got snagged by the bulldozer? Me thinks the answer is that the other people evidently had the sense to get outta the freakin' way. So either this lady didn't have enough sense, or (more darkly imagine) it was her very intent to be mangled by the bulldozer as a martyr? That's just crazy, right? Sure it is, but similarly, I don't put it too far out of the way for demonstrators of this nature. ...or maybe her intent was just to get injured (so she could live to tell the harrowing tale), but instead got killed. (Think in terms of that fraud dude who "plans" to go to some fastfood place, slip on a supposedly wet patch of floor, and come out with a broken arm to sue.)
  • Reply 449 of 449
    trevormtrevorm Posts: 841member
    I was listening to a few Australian Human Sheilds on the radio yesterday and I jsut didnt get their attitudes. One was a mother that had left two young children at home while that silly women risks her life.....Poor Kids really!
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