Editorial: With sales falling backward, Google's Pixel 3a takes a desperate step into chea...



  • Reply 21 of 72
    Dan_DilgerDan_Dilger Posts: 1,583member
    gatorguy said:

    We are in complete agreement on that point. I don't think they do either. Probably why they've begun assembling a unified and experienced product design team for their hardware line. Up to now their teams have not been operating in sync and all over the place with design. There's always that chance they've figured out it's not ever going to work the way they've been attacking it. Engineering is fine, software is fine. Neither of those can reach their full product potential without an attractive outfit to put it in and a little beauty makeup on the face IMO.  

    Except for those times they've somewhat mimicked Apple (the Pixelbook and OG Pixel) their hardware has not looked visually impressive, with the possible exception of the original Google Home speaker which I think was one of their better efforts.
    Pixel phone design is terrible, but the larger problem is that Google apparently thinks it can sell an expensive Android and compete against iPhones.

    Even Samsung can’t do that. Moreover, Samsung is getting gutted by cheap Chinese phones. So how is Google going to do well selling Android commodity at iPhone pricing when cheaper Androids are doing a better job than Google while copying every camera feature Google invents?

    Apple is supposed to be worried about Huawei, but  Google isn’t? Hilarious!  
  • Reply 22 of 72
    FolioFolio Posts: 698member
    CFO Porat's latest comments on YOY sales decline do not necessarily infer unit decline, as DED says. Promotions, that she mentioned, could conceivably reduce sales $$$ but nearly double unit sales. Google has deep enough pockets to do this in HW, especially since more units out there mean less TAC and more service dollars for them. As an Apple enthusiast, I still view Google as a serious rival, especially now that not just Verizon but also T-Mobile and Sprint will be peddling Pixels.
  • Reply 23 of 72
    racerhomie3racerhomie3 Posts: 1,264member
    gatorguy said:
    OMG! It's about time, Google is plainly doomed now.

    Desperation has set in, so much so that they're now deciding to offer smartphones at multiple price points with minor differences in capabilities and a mid-cycle release. What's wrong with just a couple of flagships, same time every year? Who does this, offering cheaper devices alongside "expensive", unless they're failing?
    DED is obviously worried this device could cut into iPhone sales. It’s getting decent reviews (a good phone at a very good price) and will be on more carriers. There would be no reason to give it attention otherwise.
    Here’s the thing. People don’t buy phones from reviews. 
  • Reply 24 of 72
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,302member
    gatorguy said:

    We are in complete agreement on that point. I don't think they do either. Probably why they've begun assembling a unified and experienced product design team for their hardware line. Up to now their teams have not been operating in sync and all over the place with design. There's always that chance they've figured out it's not ever going to work the way they've been attacking it. Engineering is fine, software is fine. Neither of those can reach their full product potential without an attractive outfit to put it in and a little beauty makeup on the face IMO.  

    Except for those times they've somewhat mimicked Apple (the Pixelbook and OG Pixel) their hardware has not looked visually impressive, with the possible exception of the original Google Home speaker which I think was one of their better efforts.
    Pixel phone design is terrible, but the larger problem is that Google apparently thinks it can sell an expensive Android and compete against iPhones.

    Even Samsung can’t do that. Moreover, Samsung is getting gutted by cheap Chinese phones. So how is Google going to do well selling Android commodity at iPhone pricing when cheaper Androids are doing a better job than Google while copying every camera feature Google invents?

    Apple is supposed to be worried about Huawei, but  Google isn’t? Hilarious!  
    So wait, is Google worrying about Huawei or is Google worrying about Apple the driving force behind Pixel phones? Is it possible that Google intent isn't to outsell the iPhone to begin with, rather to expand their business base beyond ad placement services? That's something I think you yourself would suggest as a wise move for them, right?

    Both Google and Apple are diversifying their businesses. 
    edited May 2019 muthuk_vanalingamrevenant
  • Reply 25 of 72
    FolioFolio Posts: 698member
    Apple diversifying into services. Google attempting to diversify into premium HW. Each want more levers to pull. Each calculates their markets differently. But they also have substantial overlap, esp in price sensitive family households.
  • Reply 26 of 72
    auxioauxio Posts: 2,739member
    Just going off the headline I knew this was a DED article. Here’s a phone that might be somewhat successful because of value for price (and it will be available on more carriers) so gotta trash it out of the gate. I guess Apple’s products can’t stand on their own? Sad.
    God forbid anyone take an opposing opinion.

    I myself take opposition to Android because I feel that the values behind its creation are detrimental to the tech industry.  The more I work with it, the more I see it.  For example, I was working with fonts on Android the other day and found that they've created a whole set of fonts which are compatible with industry standard fonts, but help them avoid paying licensing fees to the original font designers (e.g. Arimo being a cloned version of Arial).  Same thing they did with Java.  Everyone calls out the Chinese for stealing IP and making cheap knockoffs, but Android is just as bad.  I might understand it if there was a small tech startup behind it, but for a big tech company like Google to be perpetuating these values?

    But whatever, as long as we have value for price, who cares how many people got ripped off along the way.  Sad.

    edited May 2019 StrangeDaysmagman1979lolliverwatto_cobra
  • Reply 27 of 72
    jbdragonjbdragon Posts: 2,311member
    Google had their Nexus phones which were low priced. But they really weren't selling and they were making no money from them. So what does Google do? They try to be Apple. They drop the Nexus line and create their Pixel phones. Phones that are pretty much a copy in looks to a iPhone and priced as a iPhone.

    How did the Pixel 1 work out? pretty much bombed. The Camera was rated on top, but didn't matter, few people were buying them. This was also Google bashing Apple for not having a Headphone jack on their iPhone X, that the Pixel did have one!!! Of course the Pixel phones didn't even come with a cheap pair of wired headphones. Then what does Google do, Release the Pixel 2 with NO HEADPHONE JACK!!! WOW!!!! They sell a few more of these things, but Apple sells more on launch weekend than Google does in a year. Here comes the Pixel 3, the larger version with a HUGE Notch!!! The smaller one with still a large Top and bottom Bezel. Sales aren't much better than with the 2.

    What do they do. They release this NEW Pixel 3a. A cheap version of the Pixel. So they're going back to the Nexus phone days. Back trying to sell a phone with slim profits once again because they can't sell their iPhone priced Pixel phones.
    edited May 2019 StrangeDayssacto joelolliverlwiowatto_cobra
  • Reply 28 of 72
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,302member
    jbdragon said:
     They release this NEW Pixel 3a. A cheap version of the Pixel. So they're going back to the Nexus phone days. Back trying to sell a phone with slim profits once again because they want to can't sell their iPhone priced Pixel phones. address a larger market segment than the premium end which is already well served by both Apple and Samsung.  
  • Reply 29 of 72
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    Francisco Jeronimo”... LOL.
  • Reply 30 of 72
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    auxio said:
    Just going off the headline I knew this was a DED article. Here’s a phone that might be somewhat successful because of value for price (and it will be available on more carriers) so gotta trash it out of the gate. I guess Apple’s products can’t stand on their own? Sad.
    God forbid anyone take an opposing opinion.

    I myself take opposition to Android because I feel that the values behind its creation are detrimental to the tech industry.  The more I work with it, the more I see it.  For example, I was working with fonts on Android the other day and found that they've created a whole set of fonts which are compatible with industry standard fonts, but help them avoid paying licensing fees to the original font designers (e.g. Arimo being a cloned version of Arial).  Same thing they did with Java.  Everyone calls out the Chinese for stealing IP and making cheap knockoffs, but Android is just as bad.  I might understand it if there was a small tech startup behind it, but for a big tech company like Google to be perpetuating these values?

    But whatever, as long as we have value for price, who cares how many people got ripped off along the way.  Sad.

    Here’s the thing about fonts:  They can’t be copyrighted... at least not in the US, so paying a licensing fee for an identical font you create yourself is the way to go for many companies.
  • Reply 31 of 72
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member
    I've never heard the Google CEO speak before, and I still haven't heard them, but I did read the text, and my opinion is that they should stop saying "you know" over and over again.

  • Reply 32 of 72
    StrangeDaysStrangeDays Posts: 12,923member
    gatorguy said:
    OMG! It's about time, Google is plainly doomed now.

    Desperation has set in, so much so that they're now deciding to offer smartphones at multiple price points with minor differences in capabilities and build and a mid-cycle release. What's wrong with just a couple of flagships, same time every year? Who does this, offering cheaper devices alongside "expensive", unless they're failing? Is anyone else's YOY flagship handset sales "falling backward"? Well there's the proof. 
    Lol, Google’s flagship never even fell forward in sales - no significant sales to speak of. 
  • Reply 33 of 72
    StrangeDaysStrangeDays Posts: 12,923member
    Just going off the headline I knew this was a DED article. Here’s a phone that might be somewhat successful because of value for price (and it will be available on more carriers) so gotta trash it out of the gate. I guess Apple’s products can’t stand on their own? Sad.
    What’s sadder is knowing you are personally butthurt by DED’s columns, and immediately comment on them just to tell us. Every. Single. One. There’s something not normal about that.

    “I hate this! When can I get another?”
    edited May 2019 lkruppmagman1979williamlondonlolliverpscooter63watto_cobra
  • Reply 34 of 72
    StrangeDaysStrangeDays Posts: 12,923member
    gatorguy said:
    OMG! It's about time, Google is plainly doomed now.

    Desperation has set in, so much so that they're now deciding to offer smartphones at multiple price points with minor differences in capabilities and a mid-cycle release. What's wrong with just a couple of flagships, same time every year? Who does this, offering cheaper devices alongside "expensive", unless they're failing?
    DED is obviously worried this device could cut into iPhone sales. 
    It’s funny when a concern troll has to push his or her “concern” onto other people.
  • Reply 35 of 72
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,302member
    gatorguy said:
    OMG! It's about time, Google is plainly doomed now.

    Desperation has set in, so much so that they're now deciding to offer smartphones at multiple price points with minor differences in capabilities and a mid-cycle release. What's wrong with just a couple of flagships, same time every year? Who does this, offering cheaper devices alongside "expensive", unless they're failing?
    DED is obviously worried this device could cut into iPhone sales. 
    It’s funny when a concern troll has to push his or her “concern” onto other people.
    I dunno, I do usually at least read DED's articles. Don't always agree but he typically has a few juicy morsels in there.
  • Reply 36 of 72
    StrangeDaysStrangeDays Posts: 12,923member
    bigtds said:
    Oh look! Another "Apple good, everyone else bad" editorial.  Ridiculous. No objectivity whatsoever.
    Oh look, another “I don’t understand what an opinion column is because I’ve never read my local newspaper” commenter. Ridiculous. No clue whatsoever. 
  • Reply 37 of 72
    StrangeDaysStrangeDays Posts: 12,923member
    gatorguy said:
    gatorguy said:

    We are in complete agreement on that point. I don't think they do either. Probably why they've begun assembling a unified and experienced product design team for their hardware line. Up to now their teams have not been operating in sync and all over the place with design. There's always that chance they've figured out it's not ever going to work the way they've been attacking it. Engineering is fine, software is fine. Neither of those can reach their full product potential without an attractive outfit to put it in and a little beauty makeup on the face IMO.  

    Except for those times they've somewhat mimicked Apple (the Pixelbook and OG Pixel) their hardware has not looked visually impressive, with the possible exception of the original Google Home speaker which I think was one of their better efforts.
    Pixel phone design is terrible, but the larger problem is that Google apparently thinks it can sell an expensive Android and compete against iPhones.

    Even Samsung can’t do that. Moreover, Samsung is getting gutted by cheap Chinese phones. So how is Google going to do well selling Android commodity at iPhone pricing when cheaper Androids are doing a better job than Google while copying every camera feature Google invents?

    Apple is supposed to be worried about Huawei, but  Google isn’t? Hilarious!  
    So wait, is Google worrying about Huawei or is Google worrying about Apple the driving force behind Pixel phones? Is it possible that Google intent isn't to outsell the iPhone to begin with, rather to expand their business base beyond ad placement services? That's something I think you yourself would suggest as a wise move for them, right?

    Both Google and Apple are diversifying their businesses. 
    Except Apple is and has been successfully diversifying its business by growing services revenue, but Google has been a repeated failure with its poor hardware sales. They don’t understand good hardware (or software IMO) and keep putting out failures. You’re trying to pretend they haven’t been failing over and over. 
  • Reply 38 of 72
    StrangeDaysStrangeDays Posts: 12,923member

    gatorguy said:
    gatorguy said:
    OMG! It's about time, Google is plainly doomed now.

    Desperation has set in, so much so that they're now deciding to offer smartphones at multiple price points with minor differences in capabilities and a mid-cycle release. What's wrong with just a couple of flagships, same time every year? Who does this, offering cheaper devices alongside "expensive", unless they're failing?
    DED is obviously worried this device could cut into iPhone sales. 
    It’s funny when a concern troll has to push his or her “concern” onto other people.
    I dunno, I do usually at least read DED's articles. Don't always agree but he typically has a few juicy morsels in there.
    Right, but you aren’t the person I’m commenting - this “Rogifan” person is always eager to tell us DED is worried/concerned about Apple, despite Rogifan being a super concern troll. As DED identified, it’s projection and it’s bizarre. 
  • Reply 39 of 72
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,302member
    gatorguy said:
    gatorguy said:

    We are in complete agreement on that point. I don't think they do either. Probably why they've begun assembling a unified and experienced product design team for their hardware line. Up to now their teams have not been operating in sync and all over the place with design. There's always that chance they've figured out it's not ever going to work the way they've been attacking it. Engineering is fine, software is fine. Neither of those can reach their full product potential without an attractive outfit to put it in and a little beauty makeup on the face IMO.  

    Except for those times they've somewhat mimicked Apple (the Pixelbook and OG Pixel) their hardware has not looked visually impressive, with the possible exception of the original Google Home speaker which I think was one of their better efforts.
    Pixel phone design is terrible, but the larger problem is that Google apparently thinks it can sell an expensive Android and compete against iPhones.

    Even Samsung can’t do that. Moreover, Samsung is getting gutted by cheap Chinese phones. So how is Google going to do well selling Android commodity at iPhone pricing when cheaper Androids are doing a better job than Google while copying every camera feature Google invents?

    Apple is supposed to be worried about Huawei, but  Google isn’t? Hilarious!  
    So wait, is Google worrying about Huawei or is Google worrying about Apple the driving force behind Pixel phones? Is it possible that Google intent isn't to outsell the iPhone to begin with, rather to expand their business base beyond ad placement services? That's something I think you yourself would suggest as a wise move for them, right?

    Both Google and Apple are diversifying their businesses. 
    Except Apple is and has been successfully diversifying its business by growing services revenue, but Google has been a repeated failure with its poor hardware sales. They don’t understand good hardware (or software IMO) and keep putting out failures. You’re trying to pretend they haven’t been failing over and over. 
    You have a very odd definition of failing.

    Don't you wish you could fail with over a $100B in the bank, a top three ranking in the tech world, and an international brand image that is either #1 or 2? I think what you actually mean is "Google isn't as rich as Apple". Well you got me there. They aren't. Nor are they failing.
    edited May 2019 chemenginmuthuk_vanalingamrevenant
  • Reply 40 of 72
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,302member

    gatorguy said:
    gatorguy said:
    OMG! It's about time, Google is plainly doomed now.

    Desperation has set in, so much so that they're now deciding to offer smartphones at multiple price points with minor differences in capabilities and a mid-cycle release. What's wrong with just a couple of flagships, same time every year? Who does this, offering cheaper devices alongside "expensive", unless they're failing?
    DED is obviously worried this device could cut into iPhone sales. 
    It’s funny when a concern troll has to push his or her “concern” onto other people.
    I dunno, I do usually at least read DED's articles. Don't always agree but he typically has a few juicy morsels in there.
    Right, but you aren’t the person I’m commenting - this “Rogifan” person is always eager to tell us DED is worried/concerned about Apple, despite Rogifan being a super concern troll. As DED identified, it’s projection and it’s bizarre. 
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