The TextBlade keyboard is superb, but you'll have to be patient



  • Reply 1581 of 1615
    colinng said:

    Asking people to reveal the gift is not ethical. Don't charge others of being "ethics-challenged" until you stop doing that yourself. 

    Ethics are relative. Not unlike time. You think your clock is ticking at the same speed as mine, because you can only see your perspective.

    If Mark Knighton is going to use his position to act unethically, then it is ethical to take measures to counter that.

    Mark Knighton cannot promise ship dates, and technical updates, and then go <poof> and mysteriously disappear without effecting some consequence.

    The secret 'gift' printed on the box is simply a motivational tactic to facilitate the ongoing deception.

    It is entirely ethical to reveal the 'gift' to the thousands of customers who gave Mark Knighton their money. It violates no trade or tech secret. The gift was an add-on promise to customers who already paid. The customers know what they paid for, so knowing what 'gift' Mark Knighton is going to throw in for their 'patience' is of no consequence. 

    Are you going to try to argue that it is unethical to reveal a secret solely on the basis that some individual wants that secret kept? You're not reasonable if you think that. Secrets, and promises to keep secrets, have context. At one point in time, the 'gift' may have been a positive thing. In 2015, shipping was just around the corner, so it was all in good fun to have a 'surprise gift'. 

    Here we are now, 4.5 years later. There is no happy positive 'surprise gift' anymore. There is just a secret, a tactic, piled on top of the countless deceptive broken commitments to deliver a product paid for long ago.

    Context matters. 

    Treggers, it's okay to tell people what the 'gift' is. The thousands of customers who paid for their product have waited long enough and they deserve to know.
    edited June 2019
     1Like 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 1582 of 1615
    Rolanbek said:

    It would certainly not ,on the face of it, be ethical for someone to sign an NDA and break it because they are frustrated with delays. At least in my opinion. However if there were some from of material damage, public safety issue or criminal act happening I could see a potential for whistleblower protections in those jurisdictions that have it. It's a high bar though. As for whether it's enforceable or not, it's not what one might call a "professional" document so if one has time to waste in court and a surplus of money... 
    How long do you think the NDA can be considered to remain in effect?

    Suppose, quite believably at this point, that Mark Knighton continues to do what he has been doing for another 10 years. If you had signed the NDA, when would you no longer consider yourself bound by it?

    If you reasonably concluded that Mark Knighton was willfully deceiving thousands of customers (by means of obfuscating the real causes of the delays etc all of it), and concluded that the 'gift' was a tool of that deception (the carrot), how would it not be ethical to reveal it?

    I'm open to legit arguments (some people aren't capable of them mind you ahem we know who). Convince me that after 4+ years of Mark lying to people, its 'ethical' to maintain an arbitrary secret about a 'valuable gift' that was supposed to accompany a paid for and fulfilled order 4 years ago.

    From memory non-disparagement clauses are indefinite unless specified in the contract , NDA's are indefinite unless specified in the contract, but no-competes are finite. In most jurisdictions and excepting illegality (unfair terms, criminal acts etc) 

    However my understanding is that an NDA only covers the terms in the NDA. If you broke the TREG NDA as written, short of recovering their property and a refund there is no specific thing that the NDA specifies will happen. You are liable for damages caused by your disclosure, but WT would actually have to show what those damages are in court and specify a remedy. They might have a restraint of trade argument if you did something particularly egregious, on the other side a court might take the opinion that a perpetual one way NDA for a private citizen not employed by a company is too onerous and chuck the whole thing out. 

    NDA text here 

    That MK is what he is does not discharge your obligations. 

    I'm in no way excusing the behaviour of WT but these issues are why some of those now in exile on Reddit did not sign the NDA in the first place. 



    I don't expect you to be able to parse this, but your standards are your own. You may well have been taught to "think of the audience" but your audience also thinking of you. The consideration of the audience here and elsewhere is that that post shows a staggering lack of empathy toward the person posting an that it was phrased in an outstandingly petty manner.

    Also noted is the 'doubling down' when called out on your behaviour. 

    I put it to you that there was not need for you to comment at all. If you had an issue parsing Brandon's text you could simply have ignored it. No one compelled you to read it, you chose to perform an act for which you have obvious distaste and then posted how distasteful you found it. 

    All in all this is a pointless response to a pointless response, which amuses me at least. 

    edited June 2019
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  • Reply 1583 of 1615
    Rolanbek said:

    From memory non-disparagement clauses are indefinite unless specified in the contract , NDA's are indefinite unless specified in the contract, but no-competes are finite. In most jurisdictions and excepting illegality (unfair terms, criminal acts etc) 

    However my understanding is that an NDA only covers the terms in the NDA. If you broke the TREG NDA as written, short of recovering their property and a refund there is no specific thing that the NDA specifies will happen. You are liable for damages caused by your disclosure, but WT would actually have to show what those damages are in court and specify a remedy. They might have a restraint of trade argument if you did something particularly egregious, on the other side a court might take the opinion that a perpetual one way NDA for a private citizen not employed by a company is too onerous and chuck the whole thing out. 

    NDA text here 

    That MK is what he is does not discharge your obligations. 

    Interesting read.

    Obviously someone violated the bit about non-disclosure of the TREG agreement. Hopefully that same person can share additional information about the 'top gift'. Was the NDA posted on Reddit originally, or leaked elsewhere? Is there any way to communicate with the leaker?

    I disagree with your closing remark. Context matters. Circumstance matters. Motive matters. At some point, the gloves must come off. Mark Knighton is lying to people blatantly and remorselessly. The 'where's Waldo' game he is playing on the heels of 3 rapid successive missed deadlines is evidence of his criminal mindset. 

    It's time to start shutting Mark Knighton down.

     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 1584 of 1615
    alexonlinealexonline Posts: 241member
    A Gift, and a Principle. An ethical principle. 

    When something is entirely new, there are those forward thinkers who see its potential before all others, who order immediately, and who are promised much. Like quick ownership of a new product. 

    Those who understand TextBlade and enthusiastically order it before general release, and share it with their friends – they are an important part of its success. Without customers, there is no business, so on principle, we are ethically bound to do more for those who believe in us and trust us. 

    The perceptiveness to recognize what distinguishes TextBlade, which the Hoi Polloi would merely characterise as a small keyboard, and the patience while we work to assure quality, deserve recognition. After all, you've decided to spend $99. That's 99 US dollars, not Venezuelan Bolivars.

    Through extensive research of the best factories in China, we can make these things cost effectively, without taking shortcuts on quality. As such, we can place a sincere hand on our hearts, and the other on your wallets, and assure you that the paint will never come off. Keycaps will never break. Motherboards will never flex apart. Nano stands will never snap apart. We are so confident of this that we will give you a full year's warranty, because a mere 30 days is not enough. 

    Indeed, 30 days is the time period you have after purchase to request a refund, in full, no questions asked, shipping fees included, because we are principled. And ethical. And grammatical. 

    With TextBlade, we have engineered a revolution of incredible brilliance, so much so that we decided to spend some of our profit, from your money, on you. 

    When you receive your TextBlade, you'll discover a nice surprise. That surprise won't just be an actual TextBlade, because why would you ever be surprised to get what you paid for. No, we have an even better surprise - every pre-order customer receives a gift. The earlier your order, the more substantial your gift. We think you'll like the gift we've architected. It is significant. Even more significant than shipping on time - something we have planned very carefully, so as no to disappoint you. 

    This progressive principle reflects our gratitude, and ensures that the earliest customers get the best deal. That is the way it should be, and we shall make it so. Engage. Hit it. 

     4Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 1585 of 1615
    Rolanbekrolanbek Posts: 81member

    Interesting read.

    Obviously someone violated the bit about non-disclosure of the TREG agreement. Hopefully that same person can share additional information about the 'top gift'. Was the NDA posted on Reddit originally, or leaked elsewhere? Is there any way to communicate with the leaker?

    I disagree with your closing remark. Context matters. Circumstance matters. Motive matters. At some point, the gloves must come off. Mark Knighton is lying to people blatantly and remorselessly. The 'where's Waldo' game he is playing on the heels of 3 rapid successive missed deadlines is evidence of his criminal mindset. 

    It's time to start shutting Mark Knighton down.

    As an aside, the TREG NDA was disclosed by WT. Well I say disclosed, they left it in the IOS app in a spot they thought was not accessible. Turns out it was. 

    There are friendlies on the other side of the fence, and I do my best not to pass any information I have that might identify them. That information is limited to bits and pieces and occasionally a cryptic pointer. Mostly. Separately and I point this out so as not to start a witchhunt on WTF (again) there are some very decent TREG members who post answers to public questions, like the chaps who pop in here and back at the sub. I know that this thread is being followed by many more than are posting in it, as is the sub, so your message may have already got through to someone. I would be remiss if did not point out that obviously this post is being written by a stranger on the internet and that a degree of caution is sensible. 

    Context etc does, as you say matter, but not as far as contract law. What is in the contract is in the contract. 

    Sadly as California consumer law is as my learned friend once put it to me "an effing joke" (except he did not say effing), there is little recourse for you as an individual. Once you have your money back, you are basically where you started. Investigatory bodies will only pick up the phone if it's tens of millions of dollars at stake. 

    I get the feeling that how Mark lives his life has led to the situation he finds himself in now. Which is with a product at risk of being taken away from him and another who' s zombie development process has stalled his IP between two stools. His personal sunk costs are simultaneously colossal and not enough. I would prefer any comeuppance as far as Mark was concerned to happen after my order is fulfilled as opposed to before. but that is just the self interest talking I think. 

    I would council against basing an action on the apparent motives of a third party. While their motives appear self evident to you, without evidence it's just an interpretation. The other thing I would like to mention is just because I operate within the "realpolitik" of the situation doesn't mean I am not disgusted with some of the things that have happened, and that while the entertainment value has been great, I only wanted a little keyboard. 


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  • Reply 1586 of 1615
    alexonlinealexonline Posts: 241member
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  • Reply 1587 of 1615
    Indeed. Unfortunately from what little i have seen of MK on forums he does not appear to be the sort of person who is likely to be sufficiently empathic to be swayed by this sort of story to action, even if he could.

    ...and speaking of lack of empathy, how on earth does someone reply to a post like that inserting your two cents’ worth without even expressing sympathy/horror at what he was put through?
     1Like 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 1588 of 1615
    colinng said:
    Regaralexonline said:
    Just for reference here: aren't you the guy who compared Mark Knighton to Mozart, Beethoven, and da Vinci? (whoa credibility!)

    And thanks for the flattery. I'm not important enough to quote, but it seems the time has come that I actually have to, um, quote myself:

    Colin said:
    "good-ish" is very predictable. You can produce that on budget, on schedule. It's repeatable like factory work. You can churn out a bunch of good-ish novels one after another. 

    But great stuff? There's a reason, hundreds of years after they have passed away, everyone knows: Mozart, Beethoven, Leonard Da Vinci. 

    If you want stuff that can be churned out on schedule - get it on Amazon (same day!), find it with Google, or AliExpress. In fact, I don't need to mention those places - because you already know where to find run-of-the-mill stuff. There are many pages in the WayTools forums where people constantly post the latest keyboard. I happen to like not wasting my money. Most tech enthusiasts can recall owing a product that sat unused in the bottom of a drawer.

    I believe I equated Mozart, Beethoven, and Leonardo Da Vinci with "But great stuff?" 

    Of am I missing something here? 

    You are missing something - the above implies that producing work to a schedule is likely to result in something that is not "great stuff"; you cite Da Vinci, Mozart and Beethoven as examples of this (thus also suggesting that they did not tend to produce work to a schedule). You further imply that the TextBlade will be "Great Stuff" akin to the works of Da Vinci et al, and that this excuses the current lack of product.

    1. Da Vinci, Beethoven and Mozart did produce to schedules, and they did produce work on time, even if sometimes only just (the story goes that the parts Mozart handed out to the orchestra for the overture to Don Giovanni had wet ink as he'd only composed the overture in the hours immediately prior). I would submit that no good artist does not produce to schedule.

    2. I don't care how good the TextBlade is, I really don't feel the designer of a piece of plastic that falls apart/has paint that rubs off can be compared to some of the greatest minds to have ever walked the planet.

    Oh, perhaps I should mention that in the space of four sentences, despite having edited your post subsequently, you still managed a typo. I wouldn't have said anything, but you know, picking people up on accurate typing is apparently your thing. Seems the TextBlade isn't that great after all.
     1Like 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 1589 of 1615
    A Gift, and a Principle. An ethical principle. 

    When something is entirely new, there are those forward thinkers who see its potential before all others, who order immediately, and who are promised much. Like quick ownership of a new product. 

    Damn, that was good.

     1Like 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 1590 of 1615
    arkorottarkorott Posts: 100member
    Interesting post at WTF from Verixon:

    The last post on that thread from WT kind of minimizes the message to an "unfortunate episode":
    Verxion - thanks for sharing your experience. Very sorry he was unkind to you, and grateful he calmed down in response to your goodwill.
    They seem to have missed completely the moral of the story...

    And then went on on highlight why it has been so difficult to post an update so far:
    Although we’ve posted many points relating to our infrastructure work, there’s some important and exciting dimensions that we know folks are anxious to learn. We own that task, and we apologize for the time it takes to work through it. That onus is on us, and feel it profoundly every day, until our update is online and it’s put behind us.
    Reporting tidbits of data is not hard, we’ve been doing that, but to embrace what folks really want, and provide them enough context and depth of detail to understand it - that takes much more thought and care. Much of that involves not writing, but instead working through important decisions by our team about how we handle certain technical and business choices that defend our customers best interests. Some of those choices have more aspects than you first think, so you must work to settle any loose ends before you announce.

    Ending in a few more platitudes in F minor:

    We’re grateful for the prods, goodwill, and encouragement of many good people like you, that help us do it. We hope each of you are very pleased as you learn what we’ve been busy doing.

    @WayTools_Support: the whole point was to try to share how the non-treggers feel regardless of the (sometimes lack of) decorum. That gets compounded significantly when not a proper update has been published for months or years, and even much more so when so many updates have been promised and not delivered in quite a very long time. (since way before that post of mine that Verixon shared in his first link)

    In this situation MORE communication is better than LESS. The more transparent you are the better. For example if there are unforeseen new problems just say so. Or if there are new wrinkles to an old problem mention it in the update. Everybody would want to witness the announcement of GR, but if that cannot be the case but you are forthcoming and transparent that would be so much better for you and everybody.

    @dabigkahuna: I would appreciate if you can post the above in some shape or form at WTF as I can't. Thanks.

    edit: just saw Alex's 1587 post. Sorry for the duplicate link.

    edited June 2019
     1Like 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 1591 of 1615
    Rolanbek said:

    As an aside, the TREG NDA was disclosed by WT. Well I say disclosed, they left it in the IOS app in a spot they thought was not accessible. Turns out it was. 

    Context etc does, as you say matter, but not as far as contract law. What is in the contract is in the contract. 

    Sadly as California consumer law is as my learned friend once put it to me "an effing joke" (except he did not say effing), there is little recourse for you as an individual. Once you have your money back, you are basically where you started. Investigatory bodies will only pick up the phone if it's tens of millions of dollars at stake. 
    >Context etc does, as you say matter, but not as far as contract law. What is in the contract is in the contract. 

    If that were true, then Whistleblower laws could not exist. Sometimes the only way to test a legal theory is to go right ahead and test it. The enforcement section of the NDA language does not strike me as precluding anyone from revealing the 'gift'.

    Consumer law does not have to be the guiding force here. There are laws that cover credit card payments and refund notifications which have already been violated.

     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 1592 of 1615
    Indeed. Unfortunately from what little i have seen of MK on forums he does not appear to be the sort of person who is likely to be sufficiently empathic to be swayed by this sort of story to action, even if he could.

    ...and speaking of lack of empathy, how on earth does someone reply to a post like that inserting your two cents’ worth without even expressing sympathy/horror at what he was put through?

    It sounds like the initial encounter was pretty sketchy, but thankfully it all settled down quickly. I'm trying to decide if I believe the Verxion story or not. Verxion appears to be (and I say this kindly) a big dude. The angry guy must have been even bigger to walk up to a guy in public and call him a 'bastard'. And then at the end, they were pals playing with a Textblade?

    It has an air of BS, with a slight tinge of truth. What would be interesting is if the alleged angry guy posted here, or on Reddit, and told his side of the story. If he really did approach someone that way, a) He should start by apologize profusely for his rude behavior, and b) I am surprised he didnt get his butt kicked.

    That said, if thousands of real people were visiting a real retail store front every day and being treated the way Mark Knighton daily treats people on the internet, lying to them, ripping them off, banning them, etc - well, it wouldn't shock me if the place got burned to the ground.


    And @WayTools_Support aka Mark Knighton replied with the same BS platitudes he has always published:

    >We’re grateful for the prods, goodwill, and encouragement of many good people like you, that help us do it. We hope each of you are very pleased as you learn what we’ve been busy doing.

    Gaslighting 101.
    edited June 2019
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  • Reply 1593 of 1615
    colinng said:
    Regaralexonline said:
    Just for reference here: aren't you the guy who compared Mark Knighton to Mozart, Beethoven, and da Vinci? (whoa credibility!)

    I believe I equated Mozart, Beethoven, and Leonardo Da Vinci with "But great stuff?" 

    You are missing something - the above implies that producing work to a schedule is likely to result in something that is not "great stuff"; you cite Da Vinci, Mozart and Beethoven as examples of this (thus also suggesting that they did not tend to produce work to a schedule). You further imply that the TextBlade will be "Great Stuff" akin to the works of Da Vinci et al, and that this excuses the current lack of product.

    1. Da Vinci, Beethoven and Mozart did produce to schedules, and they did produce work on time, even if sometimes only just (the story goes that the parts Mozart handed out to the orchestra for the overture to Don Giovanni had wet ink as he'd only composed the overture in the hours immediately prior). I would submit that no good artist does not produce to schedule.
    ColinNG isnt going to back down from one of the dumbest comparisons ever written, any less so than Mark Knighton would back down from comparisons of himself to Jobs and Musk. We are in loony-land.

    Again, you have to wonder if multiple personalities in a single individual are at play here. They have nearly identical flaws, with slightly different styles.

     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 1594 of 1615

    A response to @Laverda on the WT forum (hopefully people there can find their way here):

    >What a shame this is, you are starting to loose the best marketing tool you have.

    'Starting'? You must be new. Scroll backwards on the WT forum to mid/late 2015, visit Macrumors (3 years ago), and review this thread. Any pretense that Mark Knighton aka Waytools retains any semblance of a good reputation is ancient history. The marketing is 100% about the debacle this has become, and the arrogant, smug, repulsive unwillingness to communicate.

    And who has the money? Mark Knighton has the money.

     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 1595 of 1615
    Hey @Verxion at WT forum:
    From JULY OF LAST YEAR, in response to that post, WayTools said: “All - Working through update topics this Sunday, will advise soon.” (still no update, a year later)

    Are you surprised?

    Now a lot has happened since then. For example, I posted about a grave concern I had with a graphic on the website. I posted about that a half year ago: This is what Waytools said over half a year ago in response: “Team will brainstorm some further refinements, and alternative ways to present it. We’ll plan to revise it within a week.” (it still hasn’t been changed)

    Are you surprised?

    More than two months ago, I wrote a post:
    In that post, I said: “How long will it be before you all get to know more of what I know right now? ... Based on my most recent conversation with Mark, I’d be surprised if you don’t know more in less than two months. Hopefully significantly less than two months from now.” (we still don’t have this information posted)

    Are you surprised?

    I had intentionally padded what Mark had told me of when he’d share information with everyone. BY A LOT. But then I sort of quietly forgot about it as I have a lot going on in my life right now (we are getting VERY CLOSE to adopting the little boy we’ve had in foster care for two years!!!) As some of you know, I’ve been extremely bullish about the TextBlade and I continue to know and believe that it is a TRANSFORMATIVE PRODUCT, one that people will love when they receive it. But I recently had an experience that unfortunately made me have to take a step back. 

    Congrats on the adoption. 

    While the nature of your restaurant encounter was obviously uncomfortable, given that the outcome ended up being somewhat congenial, it seems it was a net positive. Too many of the WT cheerleading squad seem to live in a bubble of non-empathy, similar to Mark Knighton. I'm glad you are taking a 'step back' and thinking about the degree to which you tolerate Mark Knighton's ridiculous BS.

    There is honor and integrity in being transparent, reliable, deadline oriented, consistent, and truthful. Mark Knighton is none of those things, so it really baffles me as to why others who seemingly have some of those qualities would attempt to defend his behavior so often.

     0Likes 0Dislikes 1Informative
  • Reply 1596 of 1615
    Rolanbekrolanbek Posts: 81member
    Rolanbek said:

    As an aside, the TREG NDA was disclosed by WT. Well I say disclosed, they left it in the IOS app in a spot they thought was not accessible. Turns out it was. 

    Context etc does, as you say matter, but not as far as contract law. What is in the contract is in the contract. 

    Sadly as California consumer law is as my learned friend once put it to me "an effing joke" (except he did not say effing), there is little recourse for you as an individual. Once you have your money back, you are basically where you started. Investigatory bodies will only pick up the phone if it's tens of millions of dollars at stake. 
    >Context etc does, as you say matter, but not as far as contract law. What is in the contract is in the contract. 

    If that were true, then Whistleblower laws could not exist. Sometimes the only way to test a legal theory is to go right ahead and test it. The enforcement section of the NDA language does not strike me as precluding anyone from revealing the 'gift'.

    Consumer law does not have to be the guiding force here. There are laws that cover credit card payments and refund notifications which have already been violated.

    Whistleblower laws cover you when there is criminal activity. It's a public interest defence. Contract law is a civil matter. 

    You will receive some information and materials that we will ask you to keep confidential. WayTools will identify these in writing.
    I am fairly sure that the nature of the free gift was marked as confidential, and I think that TREG members have said that they have been asked to withhold the gift details. 

    I don't disagree with you that credit card agreements have probably been violated, but that is also civil. WT have not stopped anyone from getting their money back as far as I am aware so pecuniary advantage is tenuous at best. Informing their merchant service of the situation would potentially impact their ability to take payment, but you are in effect hindering subsequent refunds, which is not I suspect the desired outcome. 

    I also don't disagree that testing the WT appetite for court might be the only way of knowing. But I would advise caution as in effect the risk we are talking about here is not yours but a well disposed third party.  

     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 1597 of 1615
    How long do you think the NDA can be considered to remain in effect?

    I'm open to legit arguments (some people aren't capable of them mind you ahem we know who). 
    1. You are just looking for excuses for people to be unethical so they tell you what you want.

    2. You just don't consider anything challenging your assumptions to me legit. It's always been a self-serving definition for you.

    Wow! It's the other half of Mark Knighton's cheer-leading squad.

    Colin, you are actually more ridiculous than Kahuna.
    See? You just can't tolerate disagreement with your assumptions.

    You are also the person, in your latest post at Waytools, to bully and discriminate against the punctuationally voice-to-text challenged. 
    Really? Did the poster using voice to text say he had some special problem? I don't know that he does. It sounded to me like he was just trying it out, not that he needed to use it. But, true, I don't know for sure either. But this is what I did do - I looked back at his other posts and, guess what? They have all kinds of punctuation! So even if he is challenged, clearly he's been able to get the job done.
     1Like 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 1598 of 1615
    you can only see your perspective.

    If Mark Knighton is going to use his position to act unethically, then it is ethical to take measures to counter that.

    The customers know what they paid for, so knowing what 'gift' Mark Knighton is going to throw in for their 'patience' is of no consequence. 

    Are you going to try to argue that it is unethical to reveal a secret solely on the basis that some individual wants that secret kept? You're not reasonable if you think that.
    1. You mean like you only see your perspective?

    2. So if someone shoots your dog, it is ethical to shoot their dog?

    3. For something that is of "no consequence" you sure seem to think it is important to reveal!

    4. It is unethical because we agreed not to tell. It doesn't matter why they want it to be a secret. It only matters that we agreed to keep it a secret.

    The enforcement section of the NDA language does not strike me as precluding anyone from revealing the 'gift'.
    Actually, it does. The NDA gives some general information about how there will be some things we aren't to talk about publicly - and the specific examples would be given in writing. And they did exactly that right before we actually got the TB, specifying the gift as one of those things.

    It sounds like the initial encounter was pretty sketchy, but thankfully it all settled down quickly. I'm trying to decide if I believe the Verxion story or not. Verxion appears to be (and I say this kindly) a big dude. The angry guy must have been even bigger to walk up to a guy in public and call him a 'bastard'. And then at the end, they were pals playing with a Textblade?

    It has an air of BS, with a slight tinge of truth.
    Once again, even when a Treg member makes a post which critics should like, you still tend to assume they aren't really telling the truth. Amazing bias there.

    Too many of the WT cheerleading squad seem to live in a bubble of non-empathy, similar to Mark Knighton. 

    Actually, regardless of Verxion's views, most, probably all, are empathetic. We just don't automatically agree with everything people like you think. I've been pointing this out for years, yet even when I document agreement with many things the critics say, I'm still more likely to get responses from critics saying I only defend WT. Just maybe you have the problem with the concept of empathy.

    Rolanbek said:

    I am fairly sure that the nature of the free gift was marked as confidential, and I think that TREG members have said that they have been asked to withhold the gift details. 
    Absolutely true. It was specifically mentioned with other stuff, in writing, as the NDA states would be the case.
     1Like 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 1599 of 1615
    How long do you think the NDA can be considered to remain in effect?

    I'm open to legit arguments (some people aren't capable of them mind you ahem we know who). 
    1. You are just looking for excuses for people to be unethical so they tell you what you want.

    2. You just don't consider anything challenging your assumptions to me legit. It's always been a self-serving definition for you.

    Wow! It's the other half of Mark Knighton's cheer-leading squad.

    Colin, you are actually more ridiculous than Kahuna.
    See? You just can't tolerate disagreement with your assumptions.

    You are also the person, in your latest post at Waytools, to bully and discriminate against the punctuationally voice-to-text challenged. 
    Really? Did the poster using voice to text say he had some special problem? I don't know that he does. It sounded to me like he was just trying it out, not that he needed to use it. But, true, I don't know for sure either. But this is what I did do - I looked back at his other posts and, guess what? They have all kinds of punctuation! So even if he is challenged, clearly he's been able to get the job done.
    DBK, why do you always have to attack attack attack, it was clearly a sarcastic comment wrapped up in the truth of my comment - ColinG attacked the messenger rather than responding to the message, which his response rudely dismissed!

    And yes, the poster used voice to text to say he had a problem - this was quite evident. The problem was that he was unable to use his glass keyboard for whatever reason, or if on a computer, a real keyboard, (although voice to text is possible on a computer, too) or for either scenario, he was unable to use his TextBlade because he doesn’t have one - unlike, well, YOU, Colin, Verxion etc. 

    As for Verxion, his story is shocking, and I would never, ever wish it on anyone. 

    It is an indictment of MK’s extreme tardiness. Good on you for taking one of the strongest stands against him I’ve seen you take in the clock is ticking thread. The tock is clicking...

    Hopefully it has some effect, none has been seen as yet but MK seems effectively immune to legitimate and constructive criticism having gotten away with it for so long. 

    Don’t know why you didn’t show any empathy for Verxion in your first reply to his comment, but your longer comment did state it was a busier day than usual. 

    I’m guessing you have been concerned an episode such as Verxion’s might happen to you, which is why you have kept your anonymity so strongly, unlike Verxion who used his own photo and was recognised from it. 

    Given the far gentler public pest factor many have experienced, even AI’s William Gallagher, and now Verxion’s legitimately shocking story, where people want to know what that keyboard is, with at least one almost violently so, some Treggers will presumably decide just how wise it is to use TextBlade in public, which is very sad indeed. 

    The reality of course is that millions of TextBlades should have now been in the public's hands, but for the pomous Emperor Knightonius and his impenetrable ways. 

    The next update had better have some real substance - no-one wants Platitudes in F Minor, Part II, and no-one wants the July 2018 update from nearly a year ago to arrive in August 2020.

    Yet again, the ball is in Mark’s court, but he lacks the balls to hit the ball of out his side of the court very often, and when he does, it is a tiny shot without much power, rather than a 200km/h blast down the court from an Agassi, Sampras, Federer or Nadal. 

    Mark, where are you? Is your keyboard real? Can you  afford mass production or have you spent your money on lawyers defending your other case?

    Mark, where are you? Wally/Waldo can be found much more easily than you, Mark. 

    Mark, any more of this and you will have jumped the shark out of the park with a years-long lark full of your dark snark and biteless bark that is ultimately telling all, even ultimately Treggers, to just go and get pharq’ed. 

    Thanks Mark, you Elon Jobs Gates wannabe, where even your own customers are SO pissed off they are abusing Treggers in public!

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  • Reply 1600 of 1615
    2. So if someone shoots your dog, it is ethical to shoot their dog?
    4. It is unethical because we agreed not to tell. It doesn't matter why they want it to be a secret. It only matters that we agreed to keep it a secret.
    #2 - Ugh. What an ugly analogy. You're primitive little brain repulses me. I'll restate the point at a higher level: At the extremes, ethics become relative. It's not ethical to just shoot someone, but it may be ethical to shoot someone who is shooting at you.

    #4 - By that sweeping logic, anyone who ever swore to keep secrets for a leader/politician/govt/bureaucracy/organization which later turned narcissistic, corrupt, or cruel committed an unethical act by revealing any secret that helped to reform or expose or bring down the offender. By that logic, all whistleblowers are unethical in your view. What a world we would live in if you ran it.

    You are far too much of a simpleton to debate this Kahuna. I'm sure if we were to place you somewhere in time under dire circumstances, you would be very loyal soldier in the hands of a tyrant.

    To everyone else, I say:  The circumstances have changed. A line has been crossed. The 'top gift' is no longer a 'gift'. It is a means of manipulation. Test Mark Knighton by revealing it. After 4+ years of his ludicrous, unprofessional, embarrassing insanity, watching him do the same things over and over again is just, well, insanity - as the saying goes. So lets try something else. Push Mark Knighton in an unknown direction. Take something he currently uses to control people - a piece of information that would cause no harm to Waytools by revealing - and give it to the people who paid and never received anything. Lets see what happens.

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