Steve Jobs criticized Tim Cook for not being a 'product person'



  • Reply 21 of 58
    citpekscitpeks Posts: 250member
    1) Most CEOs don't have a direct hand in product development, like Jobs did.  Cook can't be faulted for not having the same level of involvement, despite how the press is spinning it.

    2) Jobs/Ive was a rare combination.  Realistically, nobody should expect Cook to lead a v2.0 of a circa-2000s Apple at the height of its powers.  That was an incredible streak to begin with, and even harder to repeat.  The Apple of today would likely be a different company, as it has evolved, even if Jobs was still around.

    3) Cook and Ive were hand-picked by Jobs himself to carry Apple forward.  He knew exactly who they were, and how they would work together.  Jobs gave Ive almost unchecked autonomy, but couldn't predict that his mind would wander and he'd lose interest, even with the keys to the kingdom.  If indeed Ive felt like he needed a partner more like Jobs, as the press implies, then it's his naïveté at fault.  If anything, Apple is better off getting to work finding the next Ive, from within or without.

    Things change, and every era comes to a close.  Hang onto the past too long, and you get IBM, HP, and Sony.
  • Reply 22 of 58
    StrangeDaysStrangeDays Posts: 13,037member
    ElCapitan said:
    ElCapitan said:
    Yet Steve Jobs decided to put a non-product guy in charge of the company. How much do we really believe Isaacson‘s story? He can say whatever. Steve isn’t here to refute it. Also Isaacson knows Ive. He knows Ive is not someone who’s going to comment on an a rumor. In fact it’s entirely possible Tim Cook’s e-mail response to Dylan Byers was not sanctioned by Apple PR. The WSJ asked Apple if they wanted to comment on the story and Apple PR said no.
    He’s enough “product guy” to commit to iPad, to stay loyal to Steve Jobs’ Post-PC vision, to create the Watch, the Pencils, iPad Mini and to see and reject toaster-fridges.
    He is also enough "product guy" to almost ruin the entire Mac product line pushing part of the core base over to competing platforms. – Come to think about it, he is a typical Compaq guy. 
    How are Compaq’s sales doing compared to Macs? Oh yeah they don’t exist anymore. 

    Cook didn’t almost ruin the Mac line, they’ve been doing great, even while then industry slows. If you’re expecting Cook to supervise engineering of the old MP and its thermal corner problem, you’re high. Not that you bought one anyway. My iMac is still going, but I look forward to upgrading to either a 5k or iMP, both are excellent machines. My MBP will be around for a lot longer. 
    You're damn right I did not bye the old "trashcan" MP. A lot of other folks did neither. 

    The difference between SJ - a product guy, and TC - not a product guy, is that SJ (or any other product management when he was absent from the company for that sake) would never let a disgrace as the current MP slip over such long period of time. To top off the disgrace, the current MP unchanged since 2013, is still retailing at premium prices while it technically is a trash can these days. 

    They also would not have let thermal disasters such as the MBP slip for years, or the keyboards, or gutting ports to the extent the machines becomes dongle and external box hell. 

    Being CEO of Apple implies also paying attention to, and correcting such disasters, and not let them slip for years. Of course TC is more busy virtual signaling and playing Hollyweired producer. 
    Oh look! Another guy who knows what Jobs would do! Yes, because Jobs never launched or continued to sell disappointing products. Every single product was a smash hit, right? Errrnt. You can find numerous examples, from the Cube to the MBs with video card problems of yesterday. But you don't remember those, huh?

    As for not being a "product guy" -- you do understand that being a product manager is not a normal duty performed by a CEO, right? That Jobs could do it because he had Cook basically acting as CEO doing the normal things a CEO does, right? And that Cook is fulfilling the normal role of a CEO, and is doing so exceptionally, right?

    The rest of your post is nonsense. Shifting to standard-compliant USB-C is not a fault. There is no "dongle" hell, since you can get native USB-C cables for anything you need. 

    Ah, virtue signaling! There is the heart of the matter -- you don't like Cook because of his politics and policies of inclusiveness for gays, women, and minorities. Got it. thanks!
    edited July 2019 muthuk_vanalingamfastasleepspice-boytobybeagle
  • Reply 23 of 58
    radarthekatradarthekat Posts: 3,896moderator
    Not one bit of this matters.  It just doesn’t.  That Steve said Tim is not a product guy might have added to the Naysayer’s calls for Tim’s head In the years after Steve passed, but in the end what do we see?  We see that Tim led the company just fine regardless. 

    That Jony missed Steve and checked out three years ago from the day-to-day product design might be a revelation to some, and common knowledge to others.  But what do we see?  We see that Apple has done just fine in those years.

    I was looking at a few companies tonight as I have a big chunk of cash to reinvest.  Cash taken out of a pile of Apple call options that had come close enough to max value and had doubled my money.  So I’m
    looking at a few other businesses and comparing their financials to Apple’s.  I gotta tell ya, Apple as an investment is tough to substitute.  It’s a cash flow generating beast!  It’s not burdened by its debt, it’s churning out bottom line profits, buying down the share count, has a minimal dividend payout ratio, and is nearly cult-like in its customer loyalty.  That was Apple ten years ago, it was Apple five years ago and it’s Apple today, three years after the fading influence of the Steve/Jony duo.  Seems like Apple is in fine shape.  Much ado about nothing.  
    edited July 2019 tobybeagleFileMakerFeller
  • Reply 24 of 58
    ElCapitanElCapitan Posts: 372member
    ElCapitan said:
    ElCapitan said:
    Yet Steve Jobs decided to put a non-product guy in charge of the company. How much do we really believe Isaacson‘s story? He can say whatever. Steve isn’t here to refute it. Also Isaacson knows Ive. He knows Ive is not someone who’s going to comment on an a rumor. In fact it’s entirely possible Tim Cook’s e-mail response to Dylan Byers was not sanctioned by Apple PR. The WSJ asked Apple if they wanted to comment on the story and Apple PR said no.
    He’s enough “product guy” to commit to iPad, to stay loyal to Steve Jobs’ Post-PC vision, to create the Watch, the Pencils, iPad Mini and to see and reject toaster-fridges.
    He is also enough "product guy" to almost ruin the entire Mac product line pushing part of the core base over to competing platforms. – Come to think about it, he is a typical Compaq guy. 
    How are Compaq’s sales doing compared to Macs? Oh yeah they don’t exist anymore. 

    Cook didn’t almost ruin the Mac line, they’ve been doing great, even while then industry slows. If you’re expecting Cook to supervise engineering of the old MP and its thermal corner problem, you’re high. Not that you bought one anyway. My iMac is still going, but I look forward to upgrading to either a 5k or iMP, both are excellent machines. My MBP will be around for a lot longer. 
    You're damn right I did not bye the old "trashcan" MP. A lot of other folks did neither. 

    The difference between SJ - a product guy, and TC - not a product guy, is that SJ (or any other product management when he was absent from the company for that sake) would never let a disgrace as the current MP slip over such long period of time. To top off the disgrace, the current MP unchanged since 2013, is still retailing at premium prices while it technically is a trash can these days. 

    They also would not have let thermal disasters such as the MBP slip for years, or the keyboards, or gutting ports to the extent the machines becomes dongle and external box hell. 

    Being CEO of Apple implies also paying attention to, and correcting such disasters, and not let them slip for years. Of course TC is more busy virtual signaling and playing Hollyweired producer. 
    There is no "dongle" hell, since you can get native USB-C cables for anything you need. 

    Why don't you just show us where you can get an ethernet cable terminated in a USB-C plug without a dongle?  
  • Reply 25 of 58
    rain22rain22 Posts: 132member
    ElCapitan said:
    Yet Steve Jobs decided to put a non-product guy in charge of the company. How much do we really believe Isaacson‘s story? He can say whatever. Steve isn’t here to refute it. Also Isaacson knows Ive. He knows Ive is not someone who’s going to comment on an a rumor. In fact it’s entirely possible Tim Cook’s e-mail response to Dylan Byers was not sanctioned by Apple PR. The WSJ asked Apple if they wanted to comment on the story and Apple PR said no.
    He’s enough “product guy” to commit to iPad, to stay loyal to Steve Jobs’ Post-PC vision, to create the Watch, the Pencils, iPad Mini and to see and reject toaster-fridges.
    He is also enough "product guy" to almost ruin the entire Mac product line pushing part of the core base over to competing platforms. – Come to think about it, he is a typical Compaq guy. 
    That’s your personal opinion. Your liking or not liking current Macs doesn’t make him a Compaq guy. I see no trace of Compaq in Apple’s current product line. Besides, being a Compaq, HP, DEC, Sun, IBM, Oracle guy is not a bad thing, these are the pioneers of computing industry.
    Well hang on. There is a bit of truth there. Apple hasn’t been giving a lot of love to the desktop side of things. The product line is a bit disappointing for a lot of core users. Mojave is the worst release of Mac OS in over a decade as far as stability and bugs with Darkmode being the only real innovation.
    It would be nice to see some passion put back into the Mac side of things that leaves everyone fully happy with their purchase - not disappointed they didn’t take the next step up. 

  • Reply 26 of 58
    When people start waxing a bit too poetically about Steve Jobs or Jony Ive with product design, I always think of the G4 lineup and how underwhelming it was from a design standpoint. The G4 desktops recycled the G3 enclosure despite the fact that it was too small for the G4 heat output. I had the mirrored drive bay "wind tunnel" G4 desktop that was waaaaaay too loud most of the time. I also had a G4 laptop that got really hot regardless of the workload and inexplicably died within two years of it's purchase. I've always felt that Jobs and Ive passed the buck with non-optimal solutions for those simply because they didn't have the time/resources to do something better. The G5 generation had a completely new design for the desktop and never bothered with a G5 laptop. 
  • Reply 27 of 58
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    Not one bit of this matters.  It just doesn’t.  That Steve said Tim is not a product guy might have added to the Naysayer’s calls for Tim’s head In the years after Steve passed, but in the end what do we see?  We see that Tim led the company just fine regardless. 

    That Jony missed Steve and checked out three years ago from the day-to-day product design might be a revelation to some, and common knowledge to others.  But what do we see?  We see that Apple has done just fine in those years.

    I was looking at a few companies tonight as I have a big chunk of cash to reinvest.  Cash taken out of a pile of Apple call options that had come close enough to max value and had doubled my money.  So I’m
    looking at a few other businesses and comparing their financials to Apple’s.  I gotta tell ya, Apple as an investment is tough to substitute.  It’s a cash flow generating beast!  It’s not burdened by its debt, it’s churning out bottom line profits, buying down the share count, has a minimal dividend payout ratio, and is nearly cult-like in its customer loyalty.  That was Apple ten years ago, it was Apple five years ago and it’s Apple today, three years after the fading influence of the Steve/Jony duo.  Seems like Apple is in fine shape.  Much ado about nothing.  
    Have you considered ETH, BTC or even Hedera? Crypto (only a limited number of them) I consider one of the few ways available to enter a fairly high risk/ high return investment arena right now. Apple will have to introduce a car/car service or some very different product or service to seriously goose their stock price going forward, IMO.
  • Reply 28 of 58
    macplusplusmacplusplus Posts: 2,115member
    rain22 said:
    ElCapitan said:
    Yet Steve Jobs decided to put a non-product guy in charge of the company. How much do we really believe Isaacson‘s story? He can say whatever. Steve isn’t here to refute it. Also Isaacson knows Ive. He knows Ive is not someone who’s going to comment on an a rumor. In fact it’s entirely possible Tim Cook’s e-mail response to Dylan Byers was not sanctioned by Apple PR. The WSJ asked Apple if they wanted to comment on the story and Apple PR said no.
    He’s enough “product guy” to commit to iPad, to stay loyal to Steve Jobs’ Post-PC vision, to create the Watch, the Pencils, iPad Mini and to see and reject toaster-fridges.
    He is also enough "product guy" to almost ruin the entire Mac product line pushing part of the core base over to competing platforms. – Come to think about it, he is a typical Compaq guy. 
    That’s your personal opinion. Your liking or not liking current Macs doesn’t make him a Compaq guy. I see no trace of Compaq in Apple’s current product line. Besides, being a Compaq, HP, DEC, Sun, IBM, Oracle guy is not a bad thing, these are the pioneers of computing industry.
    Well hang on. There is a bit of truth there. Apple hasn’t been giving a lot of love to the desktop side of things. The product line is a bit disappointing for a lot of core users. Mojave is the worst release of Mac OS in over a decade as far as stability and bugs with Darkmode being the only real innovation.
    It would be nice to see some passion put back into the Mac side of things that leaves everyone fully happy with their purchase - not disappointed they didn’t take the next step up. 

    Mojave is actually the most advanced among all desktop operating systems, and Catalina will be better after trashing 32-bit code providing full 64-bit performance. Apple File System, seamless iCloud integration of Desktop and Documents folders, common code base for both iOS and macOS applications, Metal 2 are to name a few. If you believe that the new Mac Mini, new MBPs, iMac Pro and the new Mac Pro are not the fruits of some passion for Mac, then you don’t deserve to own a Mac, sell them buy Lenovo.
    edited July 2019 tmay
  • Reply 29 of 58
    mikethemartianmikethemartian Posts: 1,467member
    Yet Steve Jobs decided to put a non-product guy in charge of the company. How much do we really believe Isaacson‘s story? He can say whatever. Steve isn’t here to refute it. Also Isaacson knows Ive. He knows Ive is not someone who’s going to comment on an a rumor. In fact it’s entirely possible Tim Cook’s e-mail response to Dylan Byers was not sanctioned by Apple PR. The WSJ asked Apple if they wanted to comment on the story and Apple PR said no.
    I assume any interviews on the record would have been recorded.
  • Reply 30 of 58
    mikethemartianmikethemartian Posts: 1,467member
    flydog said:
    Tim Cook may not be a product guy, but Apple now has over 150,000 employees, and plenty of talent among those employees to fill the shoes of Steve Jobs et al. 
    This reminds me of when Bill Gates made a comment that it was fair for Steve Jobs to say Gates himself had no taste but not that Microsoft as a whole had no taste.
  • Reply 31 of 58
    macplusplusmacplusplus Posts: 2,115member
    ElCapitan said:
    ElCapitan said:
    ElCapitan said:
    Yet Steve Jobs decided to put a non-product guy in charge of the company. How much do we really believe Isaacson‘s story? He can say whatever. Steve isn’t here to refute it. Also Isaacson knows Ive. He knows Ive is not someone who’s going to comment on an a rumor. In fact it’s entirely possible Tim Cook’s e-mail response to Dylan Byers was not sanctioned by Apple PR. The WSJ asked Apple if they wanted to comment on the story and Apple PR said no.
    He’s enough “product guy” to commit to iPad, to stay loyal to Steve Jobs’ Post-PC vision, to create the Watch, the Pencils, iPad Mini and to see and reject toaster-fridges.
    He is also enough "product guy" to almost ruin the entire Mac product line pushing part of the core base over to competing platforms. – Come to think about it, he is a typical Compaq guy. 
    How are Compaq’s sales doing compared to Macs? Oh yeah they don’t exist anymore. 

    Cook didn’t almost ruin the Mac line, they’ve been doing great, even while then industry slows. If you’re expecting Cook to supervise engineering of the old MP and its thermal corner problem, you’re high. Not that you bought one anyway. My iMac is still going, but I look forward to upgrading to either a 5k or iMP, both are excellent machines. My MBP will be around for a lot longer. 
    You're damn right I did not bye the old "trashcan" MP. A lot of other folks did neither. 

    The difference between SJ - a product guy, and TC - not a product guy, is that SJ (or any other product management when he was absent from the company for that sake) would never let a disgrace as the current MP slip over such long period of time. To top off the disgrace, the current MP unchanged since 2013, is still retailing at premium prices while it technically is a trash can these days. 

    They also would not have let thermal disasters such as the MBP slip for years, or the keyboards, or gutting ports to the extent the machines becomes dongle and external box hell. 

    Being CEO of Apple implies also paying attention to, and correcting such disasters, and not let them slip for years. Of course TC is more busy virtual signaling and playing Hollyweired producer. 
    There is no "dongle" hell, since you can get native USB-C cables for anything you need. 

    Why don't you just show us where you can get an ethernet cable terminated in a USB-C plug without a dongle?  
    So you don’t mind to carry a 9 mm thick Ethernet crossover cable of 8 inch diameter when rolled, but you mind adding to that only the Ethernet adapter of 2 inch long? Roll your Ethernet cable over that adapter it will be invisible.
    edited July 2019
  • Reply 32 of 58
    AppleExposedAppleExposed Posts: 1,805unconfirmed, member
    dicebier1 said:
            It was well documented and known that Tim was a logistics guy mainly before taking on his current role. To imply that Tim is some sort of tech visionary or has introduced anything revolutionary (Apple watch was an advanced version of an iPod nano with a wristband he saw) would be a stretch.
            He does what most CEO’s do....he tries to surround himself with people who know what they are doing.
             Apple has stalled unfortunately...lots of evolution but nothing truly visionary. I really hope Apple shows me something I “didn’t know I wanted or needed” until I saw it! THE GOOD OLD DAYS!

    Other than the iPhone there was nothing like that in the Jobs 2.0 era. And something like the iPhone doesn’t come around very often.

    iPad also.

    The Cook era is just as revolutionary as the Jobs era. We're seeing some insane software developments like ResearchKit, Swift, ARkit, Metal etc.
  • Reply 33 of 58
    AppleExposedAppleExposed Posts: 1,805unconfirmed, member
    flydog said:
    ElCapitan said:
    Yet Steve Jobs decided to put a non-product guy in charge of the company. How much do we really believe Isaacson‘s story? He can say whatever. Steve isn’t here to refute it. Also Isaacson knows Ive. He knows Ive is not someone who’s going to comment on an a rumor. In fact it’s entirely possible Tim Cook’s e-mail response to Dylan Byers was not sanctioned by Apple PR. The WSJ asked Apple if they wanted to comment on the story and Apple PR said no.
    He’s enough “product guy” to commit to iPad, to stay loyal to Steve Jobs’ Post-PC vision, to create the Watch, the Pencils, iPad Mini and to see and reject toaster-fridges.
    He is also enough "product guy" to almost ruin the entire Mac product line pushing part of the core base over to competing platforms. – Come to think about it, he is a typical Compaq guy. 

    This is completely false.  Mac market share has doubled since Tim Cook took over.  

    Your personal and subjective feelings do not change the facts. 

    When an idiot repeats the 8 year old "Apple died with Jobs" meme remind that person that Apple is 5x larger under Cook.
  • Reply 34 of 58
    mikethemartianmikethemartian Posts: 1,467member
    How are Compaq’s sales doing compared to Macs? Oh yeah they don’t exist anymore. 
    Well they merged with HP around 2001 so it’s hard to tell what the contribution to HP PC sales is today.
  • Reply 35 of 58
    mikethemartianmikethemartian Posts: 1,467member
    So you don’t mind to carry a 9 mm thick Ethernet crossover cable of 8 inch diameter when rolled, but you mind carrying a thin USB-C cable and the Ethernet adapter that take only 2 x 1 x 1 inch space together?
    Why do you assume the other poster carries around a Ethernet cable with them? Those are usually already installed at a work location.
  • Reply 36 of 58
    ElCapitanElCapitan Posts: 372member
    ElCapitan said:
    ElCapitan said:
    ElCapitan said:
    Yet Steve Jobs decided to put a non-product guy in charge of the company. How much do we really believe Isaacson‘s story? He can say whatever. Steve isn’t here to refute it. Also Isaacson knows Ive. He knows Ive is not someone who’s going to comment on an a rumor. In fact it’s entirely possible Tim Cook’s e-mail response to Dylan Byers was not sanctioned by Apple PR. The WSJ asked Apple if they wanted to comment on the story and Apple PR said no.
    He’s enough “product guy” to commit to iPad, to stay loyal to Steve Jobs’ Post-PC vision, to create the Watch, the Pencils, iPad Mini and to see and reject toaster-fridges.
    He is also enough "product guy" to almost ruin the entire Mac product line pushing part of the core base over to competing platforms. – Come to think about it, he is a typical Compaq guy. 
    How are Compaq’s sales doing compared to Macs? Oh yeah they don’t exist anymore. 

    Cook didn’t almost ruin the Mac line, they’ve been doing great, even while then industry slows. If you’re expecting Cook to supervise engineering of the old MP and its thermal corner problem, you’re high. Not that you bought one anyway. My iMac is still going, but I look forward to upgrading to either a 5k or iMP, both are excellent machines. My MBP will be around for a lot longer. 
    You're damn right I did not bye the old "trashcan" MP. A lot of other folks did neither. 

    The difference between SJ - a product guy, and TC - not a product guy, is that SJ (or any other product management when he was absent from the company for that sake) would never let a disgrace as the current MP slip over such long period of time. To top off the disgrace, the current MP unchanged since 2013, is still retailing at premium prices while it technically is a trash can these days. 

    They also would not have let thermal disasters such as the MBP slip for years, or the keyboards, or gutting ports to the extent the machines becomes dongle and external box hell. 

    Being CEO of Apple implies also paying attention to, and correcting such disasters, and not let them slip for years. Of course TC is more busy virtual signaling and playing Hollyweired producer. 
    There is no "dongle" hell, since you can get native USB-C cables for anything you need. 

    Why don't you just show us where you can get an ethernet cable terminated in a USB-C plug without a dongle?  
    So you don’t mind to carry a 9 mm thick Ethernet crossover cable of 8 inch diameter when rolled, but you mind adding to that only the Ethernet adapter of 2 inch long? Roll your Ethernet cable over that adapter it will be invisible.
    You still need the ethernet cable...

    ... and crossover? When was the last time you used ethernet (if ever)? 
  • Reply 37 of 58
    macplusplusmacplusplus Posts: 2,115member
    ElCapitan said:
    ElCapitan said:
    ElCapitan said:
    ElCapitan said:
    Yet Steve Jobs decided to put a non-product guy in charge of the company. How much do we really believe Isaacson‘s story? He can say whatever. Steve isn’t here to refute it. Also Isaacson knows Ive. He knows Ive is not someone who’s going to comment on an a rumor. In fact it’s entirely possible Tim Cook’s e-mail response to Dylan Byers was not sanctioned by Apple PR. The WSJ asked Apple if they wanted to comment on the story and Apple PR said no.
    He’s enough “product guy” to commit to iPad, to stay loyal to Steve Jobs’ Post-PC vision, to create the Watch, the Pencils, iPad Mini and to see and reject toaster-fridges.
    He is also enough "product guy" to almost ruin the entire Mac product line pushing part of the core base over to competing platforms. – Come to think about it, he is a typical Compaq guy. 
    How are Compaq’s sales doing compared to Macs? Oh yeah they don’t exist anymore. 

    Cook didn’t almost ruin the Mac line, they’ve been doing great, even while then industry slows. If you’re expecting Cook to supervise engineering of the old MP and its thermal corner problem, you’re high. Not that you bought one anyway. My iMac is still going, but I look forward to upgrading to either a 5k or iMP, both are excellent machines. My MBP will be around for a lot longer. 
    You're damn right I did not bye the old "trashcan" MP. A lot of other folks did neither. 

    The difference between SJ - a product guy, and TC - not a product guy, is that SJ (or any other product management when he was absent from the company for that sake) would never let a disgrace as the current MP slip over such long period of time. To top off the disgrace, the current MP unchanged since 2013, is still retailing at premium prices while it technically is a trash can these days. 

    They also would not have let thermal disasters such as the MBP slip for years, or the keyboards, or gutting ports to the extent the machines becomes dongle and external box hell. 

    Being CEO of Apple implies also paying attention to, and correcting such disasters, and not let them slip for years. Of course TC is more busy virtual signaling and playing Hollyweired producer. 
    There is no "dongle" hell, since you can get native USB-C cables for anything you need. 

    Why don't you just show us where you can get an ethernet cable terminated in a USB-C plug without a dongle?  
    So you don’t mind to carry a 9 mm thick Ethernet crossover cable of 8 inch diameter when rolled, but you mind adding to that only the Ethernet adapter of 2 inch long? Roll your Ethernet cable over that adapter it will be invisible.
    You still need the ethernet cable...

    ... and crossover? When was the last time you used ethernet (if ever)? 
    Ha ha, Ethernet is as old as that, I said “crossover” knowingly, the shape is similar. Of course you need to carry your Ethernet cable, no one will unplug their device to give you a cable. But you don’t mind to carry that huge Ethernet cable, what angers you is to attach a 2 inch adapter to that.
  • Reply 38 of 58
    macplusplusmacplusplus Posts: 2,115member
    So you don’t mind to carry a 9 mm thick Ethernet crossover cable of 8 inch diameter when rolled, but you mind carrying a thin USB-C cable and the Ethernet adapter that take only 2 x 1 x 1 inch space together?
    Why do you assume the other poster carries around a Ethernet cable with them? Those are usually already installed at a work location.
    I don’t know any work location who provided free plugged-in Ethernet cables for casual visitors. If you need to connect to an Ethernet network in a workplace you bring your own cable. If this is your workplace then just leave your Ethernet adapter attached to the cable and plug its USB cable to your MBP next morning.
    edited July 2019
  • Reply 39 of 58
    ElCapitanElCapitan Posts: 372member
    ElCapitan said:
    ElCapitan said:
    ElCapitan said:
    ElCapitan said:
    Yet Steve Jobs decided to put a non-product guy in charge of the company. How much do we really believe Isaacson‘s story? He can say whatever. Steve isn’t here to refute it. Also Isaacson knows Ive. He knows Ive is not someone who’s going to comment on an a rumor. In fact it’s entirely possible Tim Cook’s e-mail response to Dylan Byers was not sanctioned by Apple PR. The WSJ asked Apple if they wanted to comment on the story and Apple PR said no.
    He’s enough “product guy” to commit to iPad, to stay loyal to Steve Jobs’ Post-PC vision, to create the Watch, the Pencils, iPad Mini and to see and reject toaster-fridges.
    He is also enough "product guy" to almost ruin the entire Mac product line pushing part of the core base over to competing platforms. – Come to think about it, he is a typical Compaq guy. 
    How are Compaq’s sales doing compared to Macs? Oh yeah they don’t exist anymore. 

    Cook didn’t almost ruin the Mac line, they’ve been doing great, even while then industry slows. If you’re expecting Cook to supervise engineering of the old MP and its thermal corner problem, you’re high. Not that you bought one anyway. My iMac is still going, but I look forward to upgrading to either a 5k or iMP, both are excellent machines. My MBP will be around for a lot longer. 
    You're damn right I did not bye the old "trashcan" MP. A lot of other folks did neither. 

    The difference between SJ - a product guy, and TC - not a product guy, is that SJ (or any other product management when he was absent from the company for that sake) would never let a disgrace as the current MP slip over such long period of time. To top off the disgrace, the current MP unchanged since 2013, is still retailing at premium prices while it technically is a trash can these days. 

    They also would not have let thermal disasters such as the MBP slip for years, or the keyboards, or gutting ports to the extent the machines becomes dongle and external box hell. 

    Being CEO of Apple implies also paying attention to, and correcting such disasters, and not let them slip for years. Of course TC is more busy virtual signaling and playing Hollyweired producer. 
    There is no "dongle" hell, since you can get native USB-C cables for anything you need. 

    Why don't you just show us where you can get an ethernet cable terminated in a USB-C plug without a dongle?  
    So you don’t mind to carry a 9 mm thick Ethernet crossover cable of 8 inch diameter when rolled, but you mind adding to that only the Ethernet adapter of 2 inch long? Roll your Ethernet cable over that adapter it will be invisible.
    You still need the ethernet cable...

    ... and crossover? When was the last time you used ethernet (if ever)? 
    Ha ha, Ethernet is as old as that, I said “crossover” knowingly, the shape is similar. Of course you need to carry your Ethernet cable, no one will unplug their device to give you a cable. But you don’t mind to carry that huge Ethernet cable, what angers you is to attach a 2 inch adapter to that.
    It does not anger me. :-)  
    But it is outright unprofessional to market machines as Pro without the most commonly used ports built into the machine. 

    All my Macs (new and old) have built in ethernet, thank you. A machine without a built in ethernet port will simply not be bought by me or a large range of businesses.
  • Reply 40 of 58
    macplusplusmacplusplus Posts: 2,115member
    ElCapitan said:
    ElCapitan said:
    ElCapitan said:
    ElCapitan said:
    ElCapitan said:
    Yet Steve Jobs decided to put a non-product guy in charge of the company. How much do we really believe Isaacson‘s story? He can say whatever. Steve isn’t here to refute it. Also Isaacson knows Ive. He knows Ive is not someone who’s going to comment on an a rumor. In fact it’s entirely possible Tim Cook’s e-mail response to Dylan Byers was not sanctioned by Apple PR. The WSJ asked Apple if they wanted to comment on the story and Apple PR said no.
    He’s enough “product guy” to commit to iPad, to stay loyal to Steve Jobs’ Post-PC vision, to create the Watch, the Pencils, iPad Mini and to see and reject toaster-fridges.
    He is also enough "product guy" to almost ruin the entire Mac product line pushing part of the core base over to competing platforms. – Come to think about it, he is a typical Compaq guy. 
    How are Compaq’s sales doing compared to Macs? Oh yeah they don’t exist anymore. 

    Cook didn’t almost ruin the Mac line, they’ve been doing great, even while then industry slows. If you’re expecting Cook to supervise engineering of the old MP and its thermal corner problem, you’re high. Not that you bought one anyway. My iMac is still going, but I look forward to upgrading to either a 5k or iMP, both are excellent machines. My MBP will be around for a lot longer. 
    You're damn right I did not bye the old "trashcan" MP. A lot of other folks did neither. 

    The difference between SJ - a product guy, and TC - not a product guy, is that SJ (or any other product management when he was absent from the company for that sake) would never let a disgrace as the current MP slip over such long period of time. To top off the disgrace, the current MP unchanged since 2013, is still retailing at premium prices while it technically is a trash can these days. 

    They also would not have let thermal disasters such as the MBP slip for years, or the keyboards, or gutting ports to the extent the machines becomes dongle and external box hell. 

    Being CEO of Apple implies also paying attention to, and correcting such disasters, and not let them slip for years. Of course TC is more busy virtual signaling and playing Hollyweired producer. 
    There is no "dongle" hell, since you can get native USB-C cables for anything you need. 

    Why don't you just show us where you can get an ethernet cable terminated in a USB-C plug without a dongle?  
    So you don’t mind to carry a 9 mm thick Ethernet crossover cable of 8 inch diameter when rolled, but you mind adding to that only the Ethernet adapter of 2 inch long? Roll your Ethernet cable over that adapter it will be invisible.
    You still need the ethernet cable...

    ... and crossover? When was the last time you used ethernet (if ever)? 
    Ha ha, Ethernet is as old as that, I said “crossover” knowingly, the shape is similar. Of course you need to carry your Ethernet cable, no one will unplug their device to give you a cable. But you don’t mind to carry that huge Ethernet cable, what angers you is to attach a 2 inch adapter to that.
    It does not anger me. :-)  
    But it is outright unprofessional to market machines as Pro without the most commonly used ports built into the machine

    All my Macs (new and old) have built in ethernet, thank you. A machine without a built in ethernet port will simply not be bought by me or a large range of businesses.
    Sorry the space constraints only allow the addition of multi-purpose ports. They cannot compromise the thermal envelope and the portability of their laptops by adding each single-purpose port to the machine. Remember, a laptop is not cooled down by the fans, the fans only cool down the CPU and GPU, the rest of your laptop needs to cool down itself, and for that, for fast heat dissipation, a thin profile is needed.
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