Can Apple sell a $1999 iMac?



  • Reply 21 of 34



    my guess for the new three models (if there are three, that is )
  • Reply 22 of 34
    [quote]So they could sell that for $1500 and make $150/computer (assuming no middle-man and no discout - employee/gov/student/education)<hr></blockquote>

    You neglect the fact that Apple buys parts at a significant volume discount.
  • Reply 23 of 34
    A supermarket chain here in Germany has a (VERY) special offer on computers every now and then and sells limited quantities. I almost bought the last one, but in the end I thought, **** it, I'm not having to deal with Windows.

    Just check out these specs for DM2000 ($999)

    1.8GHz Athlon CPU

    512MB RAM

    80GB HD

    GeForce3 (!!!)

    Windows XP

    dunno the rest of the specs but it sold it 5 minutes after the shops opened.

    A friend of mine got one, I'll ask him about the specs.

    Now why can't Apple make a deal like this? (rhetorical question)
  • Reply 24 of 34
    oh and DVD player AND CD-RW drives.
  • Reply 25 of 34
    matsumatsu Posts: 6,558member
    So amidala, we can pretty much agree that reasonably priced iMacs with 15" LCD's are possible if there is no superdrive.

    BTW, the cost of bare LCD panels was reported a few months back on c|net. They said 180 for the prepped glass, manufacturers who buy them still have to add an enclosure, and input circuitry. There are LCD's of that size selling in Canada for 549 CANADIAN, so that puts the US retail at about 350-375.

    If Dell can do a 999 LCD machine, so can Apple. Dell's machine isn't a screamer, but it's at least as good as the current iMacs. Apple can do it, no one is expecting a supercomputer, but a reasonably fast new model.

    PS. did you go back to the AI iMac thread. I'm interested o know what you think about gigawire?
  • Reply 26 of 34
    emaneman Posts: 7,204member
    [quote]Originally posted by applenut:


    I think the goal is to get them all under 1000 at all. I think the goal is to offer a comeptitive computer at a competitive price. Apple doesn't want to become an emachines selling crap for under a 1000.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Exactly, if the computer has the specs to back up the price then there's no problem with it over $1000 as long as it's not too much over.
  • Reply 27 of 34
    imacfpimacfp Posts: 750member



    Apple has been selling iMacs around those prices since they came out and they won't stop now. If they wanted to lower prices at the high end they would have before now.
  • Reply 28 of 34
    Okay applenut, you've forced me to get off my butt and do some actual 'research.' And it looks like you may be right. Kinda.

    According to <a href=""; target="_blank">Digital Post</a>, iDVD's 2x encoding may be due more to its fixed 8Mb/s encoding rate than to AltiVec. (Apparently this was also the reason for the one-hour limit on iDVD movies. Now, with iDVD2, this has improved to 90 minutes, so Apple may have adjusted this to accomodate for faster G4s.)

    Still, an older article on the Powerbook Zone discussing the release of external Superdrives said "We'd guesstimate iDVD's performance on a G3 PowerBook ...hooked up to an external version of Pioneer's DVR-103 DVD-R Superdrive would yield encoding rates between 8x and 16x."

    Of course, that was when PBG3's topped out at about 600MHz, so I guess we could expect a 1GHz G3 to render at between 4x and 8x. I guess that could be considered 'decently.'
  • Reply 29 of 34
    Does anybody know what Apple's profit margin is?? Earlier this year I listened to one of Apple's quarterly conference calls and heard their CFO say that their margin was something like 3%..
  • Reply 30 of 34
    If Apple can sell iBooks for $1,299, then they should have no problem putting together an LCD iMac for less than $1,999.
  • Reply 31 of 34
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,020member
    never mind

    [ 12-02-2001: Message edited by: SDW2001 ]</p>
  • Reply 32 of 34
    applenutapplenut Posts: 5,768member
    [quote]Originally posted by Michael Grey:

    <strong>Okay applenut, you've forced me to get off my butt and do some actual 'research.' And it looks like you may be right. Kinda.

    According to <a href=""; target="_blank">Digital Post</a>, iDVD's 2x encoding may be due more to its fixed 8Mb/s encoding rate than to AltiVec. (Apparently this was also the reason for the one-hour limit on iDVD movies. Now, with iDVD2, this has improved to 90 minutes, so Apple may have adjusted this to accomodate for faster G4s.)

    Still, an older article on the Powerbook Zone discussing the release of external Superdrives said "We'd guesstimate iDVD's performance on a G3 PowerBook ...hooked up to an external version of Pioneer's DVR-103 DVD-R Superdrive would yield encoding rates between 8x and 16x."

    Of course, that was when PBG3's topped out at about 600MHz, so I guess we could expect a 1GHz G3 to render at between 4x and 8x. I guess that could be considered 'decently.'</strong><hr></blockquote>

    they took a guess. they are likely wrong. Powerboos topped out at 500Mhz at that time as well. your quotes speeds are much slower than what you would get. I'll try to test some things out maybe and see what I get. Is MediaCleaner pro's MPEG 2 encoder altivec optimized? I don't think so.

    [quote]Does anybody know what Apple's profit margin is?? Earlier this year I listened to one of Apple's quarterly conference calls and heard their CFO say that their margin was something like 3%.. <hr></blockquote>

    add a zero. it's near 30%

    [quote] posted 12-02-2001 11:30 AM Â*Â*Â* Â*Â* Â* Â* Â* Â*Â*


    If Apple can sell iBooks for $1,299, then they should have no problem putting together an LCD iMac for less than $1,999.



    with you're reasoning Apple should be able to make an LCD imac for 1000 as portables are more expensive to make. of course desktops have more features and everything which raises the price.
  • Reply 33 of 34
    enderender Posts: 353member
    If Apple releases an LCD iMac anywhere near the price/feature ratio of the iBook, people are going to start wondering why they should get an iMac at all (which probably will be slightly faster, bigger screen, maybe more ports -- though the iMac doesn't do too badly as far as connectivity, but will not be portable). Heck, I'm already wondering this.

    Apple needs to make sure to provide some incentive to keep buying iMacs. Things like a SuperDrive, a G4 or screamin' G3, a great GPU, etc. Imagine a $1200 iMac with a gForce 3, G4, and combo drive (doubt that Apple could manage a superdrive at that price...). Gamers and game developers would finally have a reason to switch to Macs.

    Anyway, my point is that Apple needs to make sure that it covers different markets with it's iMac and iBook lines. Both with price as well as features.

  • Reply 34 of 34
    emaneman Posts: 7,204member
    [quote]Originally posted by Ender:

    <strong>If Apple releases an LCD iMac anywhere near the price/feature ratio of the iBook, people are going to start wondering why they should get an iMac at all (which probably will be slightly faster, bigger screen, maybe more ports -- though the iMac doesn't do too badly as far as connectivity, but will not be portable). Heck, I'm already wondering this.

    Apple needs to make sure to provide some incentive to keep buying iMacs. Things like a SuperDrive, a G4 or screamin' G3, a great GPU, etc. Imagine a $1200 iMac with a gForce 3, G4, and combo drive (doubt that Apple could manage a superdrive at that price...). Gamers and game developers would finally have a reason to switch to Macs.

    Anyway, my point is that Apple needs to make sure that it covers different markets with it's iMac and iBook lines. Both with price as well as features.


    You bring up a good point. Right now why would anyone buy an iMac over an iBook. For just a little more (or equal depending on model) you get most of the same features of an iMac in a portable. The new iMac really needs to have some kick-ass stuff otherwise people will just keep buying iBooks and not iMacs.
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