What Do You Expect For The Next PowerBook?



  • Reply 41 of 129
    satchmosatchmo Posts: 2,699member
    One good sign that any new Powerbook may come with a higher resolution is the recently released 23" LCD's.

    This at least signifies that Apple realizes a market for sharper high definition displays exists.

    I only hope it isn't similarly priced out of this world !
  • Reply 42 of 129
    What do I expect? Monkeys to fly out my arse - that's what I think...
  • Reply 43 of 129
    snarksnark Posts: 5member
    G4 @ 667 and 733 MHz (1GHz G4 is too hot @ 23Watts!)

    The only way we'll ever see a 1GHz+ Powerbook is when a G5 processor is released (less than 10Watts @ 1GHz?)

    133MHz bus on both (phases out the 100MHz bus)

    Higher-capacity HD

    More RAM standard? Nah. Not at today's prices.

    We probably won't see Bluetooth built-in until the next mobo design.

    I'd love to see a higher-QUALITY screen (brighter, wider viewing angle), but doubt that will happen.

    Just being pessimistic. That way, when something totally revolutionary (yeah, right) is intro'd, I'll be super pleased!

  • Reply 44 of 129
    snarksnark Posts: 5member

    I like iDome's reply better.

    <img src="graemlins/lol.gif" border="0" alt="[Laughing]" />
  • Reply 45 of 129
    prestonpreston Posts: 219member
    xiaxin: icebook optical drive placement is bad because it is interfered with by the AC cord all too often while plugged in. Also, with the ports and plugs on the back of the powerbook, drive will most likely stay on front, just for space concerns.

    I think we will see a new powerbook enclosure 6mo-1a after we see a new powermac design. Right now the ibook as a superior portable enclosure (apart from powerbook's wide screen.)

    I think the problem lies with too many apple fans stressing too much over specs. I honestly believe that you should purchase a computing machine based on your CURRENT needs. All this strategic buying at the the optimum point between revs is simply negated if you are upgrading for NECESSITY. If you have a job to do, you buy whatever will get that job done for the price. And if a company drops the ball, and is behind, they DESERVE to lose a sale. Luckily, Macs, and especially Powerbooks are the best choice for todays creative pro. It IS an aging model though, so I say WAIT until you NEED a new Powerbook, because when this great product is updated, it will breathe new life into your workflow.

  • Reply 46 of 129
    [quote]Originally posted by sjpsu:


    This is upsetting news (rumors) for me. I want to buy a PowerBook in early fall/ late summer, but I want it to last throughout my four years in college. If I buy in May, I have a laptop for the start of college but if i wait til October, I run the risk of Apple not even updating it then. I might even have to wait until MWSF 2003! I don;t think I could deal with buying a $3000 computer and then having it updated with a 25% increase in processor clock speed 5 months later (more importantly, only 1 month of actual use since college starts in september). Decisions-Decisions. What shall I do! What shall I do?

    :confused: :confused: :confused: </strong><hr></blockquote>

    Well, you could put off college for a year.

    [ 03-30-2002: Message edited by: NWBadger ]</p>
  • Reply 47 of 129
    aphelionaphelion Posts: 736member
    [quote]Originally posted by snark:

    G4 @ 667 and 733 MHz (1GHz G4 is too hot @ 23Watts!)

    The only way we'll ever see a 1GHz+ Powerbook is when a G5 processor is released (less than 10Watts @ 1GHz?)


    How about a dual G4 TiBook? Apple could solve the speed and heat problems at the same time by putting two 7410 (low power) G4's in the enclosure. The smaller die size of the 7410 and low power features would make it a perfect match. Even at dual 500MHz it would scream.
  • Reply 48 of 129
    matsumatsu Posts: 6,558member
    I dunno if they would do it, but I hope Apple ditches the slot loader.

    Funny thing is they could give the PB an immediate and pretty significant boost with two little changes. A Radeon 7500M with 32MB (pin compatible, so it shouldn't be too much of a problem, and a 800Mhz SOI 7445. Both parts are available, there must be something holding this back???
  • Reply 49 of 129
    mattyjmattyj Posts: 898member
    Maybe apple is just waiting to release DDR based TiBooks, along with supposed DDR G4s, although I would prefer G5 TiBooks, but hey, who wouldn't?

  • Reply 50 of 129
    spartspart Posts: 2,060member
    The PowerBooks will not get ADC, due to the power it consumes. They will get DVI, and probably have an option to buy a DVIator.
  • Reply 51 of 129
    spartspart Posts: 2,060member
    The PowerBooks will not get ADC, due to the power it consumes. They will get DVI, and probably have an option to buy a DVIator.
  • Reply 52 of 129
    airslufairsluf Posts: 1,861member
  • Reply 53 of 129
    razzfazzrazzfazz Posts: 728member
    [quote]Originally posted by AirSluf:

    <strong>ADC only consumes 28vdc power</strong><hr></blockquote>


    You're not an EE guy, are you?

    (Hint: An Athlon only "consumes" 1.75V of "power" or something, and I kinda doubt you'd want to put 15 of them into a notebook...)



    [ 03-30-2002: Message edited by: RazzFazz ]</p>
  • Reply 54 of 129
    razzfazzrazzfazz Posts: 728member
    [quote]Originally posted by AirSluf:

    <strong>Space for the connector itself will be the biggest issue. VGA to connect to LCD projectors is more of a show-stopper for presentations than ADC or DVI for monitors. The space available for a second video connector is the critical issue.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Well, a DVI connector isn't really much bigger than an analog VGA connector, and it still carries the analog signal too. So you could just put it in the place of the current VGA port, and all you need to connect a beamer or CRT is a tiny (and dirt-cheap) DVI-&gt;VGA adapter.


  • Reply 55 of 129
    spartspart Posts: 2,060member
    [quote]Originally posted by RazzFazz:


    Well, a DVI connector isn't really much bigger than an analog VGA connector, and it still carries the analog signal too. So you could just put it in the place of the current VGA port, and all you need to connect a beamer or CRT is a tiny (and dirt-cheap) DVI-&gt;VGA adapter.



    Exactly my point. AND, although ADC already carries the DVI signal, it also powers the display. This is bad news for a PowerBook, even running off of an adapter. The battery will die before you can say, "Whoops, I think the battery is going to die."

    <img src="graemlins/oyvey.gif" border="0" alt="[No]" />
  • Reply 56 of 129
    spartspart Posts: 2,060member
    Just thought of something, do LCDs have capacitors?

    Don't know if this is possible, but could the backwards current of say an ACD fry a PB?
  • Reply 57 of 129
    g4dudeg4dude Posts: 1,016member
    Wow, we might get an 867mhz PowerBook in a few months, and it MIGHT have a Radeon 7500. Well, Intel has 1.6Ghz Mobile P4's out RIGHT NOW!!! Even the G4 with its superior architecture cannot make up for the 733mhz difference in processor speed. Ya, the mac gets better battery life but so what. This sucks. I am REQUIRED by my high school to BUY a laptop for next year and I'm gonna be in a tough position. Fu ck you Steve.
  • Reply 58 of 129
    carbon3carbon3 Posts: 34member
    Originally posted by G4Dude:

    "Wow, we might get an 867mhz PowerBook in a few months, and it MIGHT have a Radeon 7500. Well, Intel has 1.6Ghz Mobile P4's out RIGHT NOW!!! Even the G4 with its superior architecture cannot make up for the 733mhz difference in processor speed. Ya, the mac gets better battery life but so what. This sucks. I am REQUIRED by my high school to BUY a laptop for next year and I'm gonna be in a tough position."

    Just because it's a P4 doesn't make it fast. In fact, a 1.7 GHz P4-M at is actually slower than a 1.2 GHz PIII-M at about everything! It looks like the 1.2 GHz PIII-M is the top of the line for now, and we know that the G4 can compete on par or better (especially in multimedia tasks) than any PIII-M. Don't believe me? Take a look at this <a href="http://pcworld.com/news/article/0,aid,82003,00.asp"; target="_blank">PC World article</a>.

    Like Steve says, MHz isn't everything.
  • Reply 59 of 129
    g4dudeg4dude Posts: 1,016member
    Ahh yes, I forgot about the P3 faster than the P4 thing. But still, we are reaching the point where the lack of Mhz DOES matter.
  • Reply 60 of 129
    matsumatsu Posts: 6,558member
    What high-school REQUIRES students to BUY a laptop??? Smells like bullshit to me.
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