Steve Wozniak says he may have been first coronavirus case in US [u]



  • Reply 41 of 48
    He really just copied it from Mr Xerox, but Woz has made it more famous.
  • Reply 42 of 48
    MisterKitMisterKit Posts: 509member
    I smell bullshit.
  • Reply 43 of 48
    garamondgaramond Posts: 109member
    mcdave said:
    He’s a quack - but we love him.
    Don't tell me what to do, weirdo.
  • Reply 44 of 48
    steven n.steven n. Posts: 1,229member
    dws-2 said:
    steven n. said:
    I personally think my sister contacted it at CES (about 50,000 people from China) this year. 18 days after returning from Vegas, she got the worst case of the flu with serious respiratory issues. Because she was outside the (then) 14 day incubation period, it was “just the flu” ruled by the ER doctors. 6 weeks later she is still getting over it. 

    Shortly afterwards, I got a 4 day case of the flu which hit my muscles and joints something fierce. I was also at CES. 

    I strongly suspect my sister got corona virus. Me? I don’t know.

    i think it is WAY under-reported. 
    You're describing a flu, and there's no way of knowing its source. You may just be one of the millions of people who get the flu every year. I had a severe flu four years ago much like yours, but it was just the ordinary flu, which of course kills tens of thousands every year. In fact, based on what we know, the major issue with isolating the coronavirus is that it's pretty mild in most cases.

    In fact, I wonder if total flu deaths will actually be lower than expected this year because people are actually practicing decent sanitation. It's difficult to know, but nine times out of 10, things are better than the media reports. Of course, there's always the outlier that everyone points to.
    As I said, I got the flu. My sister had totally different symptoms that match to Coronavirus though the ER doctor (with no testing) called it the flu.

    I think this is going WAY under-reported. 
  • Reply 45 of 48
    anantksundaramanantksundaram Posts: 20,407member
    martinxyz said:
    He really just copied it from Mr Xerox, but Woz has made it more famous.
    Umm..what!? /facepalm

    Groan, you have a shitload to learn. It’s going to take you years. Get started. 
  • Reply 46 of 48
    ktappektappe Posts: 824member
    kestral said:
    Why does this guy keep opening his mouth and putting his foot in it. Does he not care about his legacy??

    Let's be honest; if you know much about Woz, you know this is his personality. I believe, in retrospect, he falls on the Asperger's chart; mild but there. It's how he designed the first Apple computers, why he was so driven to run the US Festival, and why he keeps making weird announcements. He just doesn't have the normal filters the rest of us do. It's his way.
    edited March 2020 likethesky
  • Reply 47 of 48
    StrangeDaysStrangeDays Posts: 13,037member
    Anilu_777 said:
    “ Update: In a statement to USA Today, Janet indicated that she had a sinus infection, not COVID-19.”

    I suggest you retract the article then. 
    No, because that he said it is the story. Not whether they did or not. 
  • Reply 48 of 48
    Mike WuertheleMike Wuerthele Posts: 6,917administrator
    Anilu_777 said:
    “ Update: In a statement to USA Today, Janet indicated that she had a sinus infection, not COVID-19.”

    I suggest you retract the article then. 
    Re-read the headline. The story is about what Wozniak said -- and the Tweet and remark he made about it is still up.
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