Facebook tests Face ID authentication for iOS Messenger app

in iOS edited August 2020
Facebook is quietly testing out a feature for its Messenger app to authenticate users via Face ID or Touch ID, a feature that may help keep accounts secure and private, even if the user lends their iPhone to someone else.

As one of the biggest communication platforms, Facebook Messenger is open to potential abuse if someone gains access to a device owned by a user in an unlocked state. While there are situations where handing an iPhone or iPad over is warranted, it also often means users are providing easy access to their Messenger conversation history, which could contain potentially private information.

In a new feature being tested by Facebook, the Messenger app can require the user to unlock the app in order to use it. While users can reply to messages from notifications and answer calls even if the app is locked, users would have to unlock it to access the full app.

The App Lock settings screen showing Face ID and related options [via Facebook/Engadget]
The App Lock settings screen showing Face ID and related options [via Facebook/Engadget]

The app will unlock using Face ID, Touch ID, or a passcode, depending on the iPhone's security settings, reports Engadget. There are further options allowing the app to automatically lock itself as soon as the user leaves messenger, or a period of time after closing the app, giving them a window to access the app once again without needing to reauthenticate.

"We want to give people more choices and controls to protect their private messages, and recently, we began testing a feature that lets you unlock the Messenger app using your device's settings," the social network said in a statement, continuing "It's an added layer of privacy to prevent someone else from accessing your messages."

While the feature is being tested on a small number of iOS-based Messenger users, it seems likely it will be opened up to more users in the not too distant future, as well as using comparable security features in Android for that version of the app.

The extra security would be the latest feature update to the messaging app, following a month and a half after Facebook introduced Messenger Rooms, a 50-user video chat system.


  • Reply 1 of 7
    GeorgeBMacGeorgeBMac Posts: 11,421member
    I avoid that app for many reasons.   This will just add to that list.

    We know FB has no loyalty, scruples, values or integrity.   We know they already know more about us than we know ourselves.  So, how do they plan to benefit from this?

    The irony of it is:   People are alarmed at governments ID'ing faces --- but they'll be fine with FB doing it!
  • Reply 2 of 7
    elijahgelijahg Posts: 2,822member
    I avoid that app for many reasons.   This will just add to that list.

    We know FB has no loyalty, scruples, values or integrity.   We know they already know more about us than we know ourselves.  So, how do they plan to benefit from this?

    The irony of it is:   People are alarmed at governments ID'ing faces --- but they'll be fine with FB doing it!
    I also avoid it for many reasons. But since this is using Apple's FaceID APIs, it can't actually ID your face. Well, not thought FaceID at least - it can through normal use of the camera.
  • Reply 3 of 7
    GeorgeBMacGeorgeBMac Posts: 11,421member
    elijahg said:
    I avoid that app for many reasons.   This will just add to that list.

    We know FB has no loyalty, scruples, values or integrity.   We know they already know more about us than we know ourselves.  So, how do they plan to benefit from this?

    The irony of it is:   People are alarmed at governments ID'ing faces --- but they'll be fine with FB doing it!
    I also avoid it for many reasons. But since this is using Apple's FaceID APIs, it can't actually ID your face. Well, not thought FaceID at least - it can through normal use of the camera.

    Thanks,  that's informative.   But that is also one reason why I block FaceBook from my camera and photos.
  • Reply 4 of 7
    darkpawdarkpaw Posts: 212member
    Ummm, Facebook don't get access to the data from Face ID, so there's no problem with using it to secure Messenger.

    This should probably have been done ages ago. Not sure why they need to test it out on a small number of users first. Don't they have an internal testing team who can test that it works before releasing it to everyone? What would make one person's phone different from another's, unless Facebook have written their app incredibly badly?

    Also, anyone alarmed at governments ID'ing faces should probably not be putting photos of themselves on Facebook anyway.
  • Reply 5 of 7
    chadbagchadbag Posts: 2,023member
    In other news, banks are allowing access to their apps through FaceID authentication.  

    The real question is why does anyone use Messenger?   If I ever have to use FB to message anyone I use the browser version, which still has Messenger access in it.  
    edited June 2020 watto_cobra
  • Reply 6 of 7
    fastasleepfastasleep Posts: 6,450member
    The irony of it is:   People are alarmed at governments ID'ing faces --- but they'll be fine with FB doing it!
    Facebook isn't the one doing it, your iPhone is. [EDIT: pointed out by several others before I read thru]

    darkpaw said:
    This should probably have been done ages ago. Not sure why they need to test it out on a small number of users first. Don't they have an internal testing team who can test that it works before releasing it to everyone? What would make one person's phone different from another's, unless Facebook have written their app incredibly badly?
    Facebook uses A/B testing extensively; they roll out features to subsets of users all the time. The main goals of course is to measure levels of engagement. Obviously they would've done internal QA before releasing security features in the wild. 
    edited June 2020
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