Microsoft in talks to buy TikTok for up to $30 billion

in General Discussion
Microsoft plans on finishing its TikTok acquisition talks ahead of the September 15 deadline set by President Trump, with a potential offer of up to $30 billion on the table.

Microsoft in talks to buy TikTok for up to $30 billion

Microsoft continues to move forward with its plans to acquire popular video service TikTok, aiming to finish up acquisition talks within the next three weeks. The deal could be worth anywhere from $10 billion at the lowest to $30 billion at its highest. Currently, it is not believed that either side has agreed upon the purchase price.

If the deal goes through, Microsoft would have one year to transfer TikTok's 15 million lines of code to the U.S., a feat that most other companies would likely be unable -- or unwilling -- to do.

Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchen is "deeply involved" with the process, according to CNBC.

On July 31, Trump told reporters that TikTok was facing an immediate ban, heightening tensions between the U.S. and China once more.

At the time, Trump did not have an exact date. However, on August 3, he went on to clarify that the company would have until September 15 to sell to a U.S. owned company, or the service would be banned in the U.S.

He also stated that he believed a significant portion of the money from the sale should go to the U.S. Treasury. Yet, experts have warned against such an acquisition, as the move would have no basis in antitrust law, and may not be legally permissible.

TikTok's parent company, ByteDance, continues to explore alternative options, such as a new headquarters, outside of both China and the U.S.


  • Reply 1 of 36
    dutchlorddutchlord Posts: 264member
    30 billion? For what?
  • Reply 2 of 36
    tmaytmay Posts: 6,453member
    So much for busting up big tech...
  • Reply 3 of 36
    davgregdavgreg Posts: 1,046member
    For the life of me I do not see the value in the service.

    If I were the Chinese owners of the service I would slow walk the process as it looks like Trump is a one term wonder. He will be a lame duck in less than a hundred days.
  • Reply 4 of 36
    MisterKitMisterKit Posts: 513member
    Come on. No way are sound minds at Microsoft going to throw 30 million at this. To do so would be the definition of insanity.
  • Reply 5 of 36
    MisterKitMisterKit Posts: 513member
    OMG it’s billion not million.

  • Reply 6 of 36
    aderutteraderutter Posts: 622member
    MisterKit said:
    Come on. No way are sound minds at Microsoft going to throw 30 million at this. To do so would be the definition of insanity.
    Is that a typo? Billion, not million? Personally I think either is bonkers, am happy for Microsoft to shoot themselves in the foot again though.
  • Reply 7 of 36
    tmaytmay Posts: 6,453member
    I came across this 2018 article about ByteDance's founder;

    Not pretty;

    Apology and reflection


    Dear friends of Jinri Toutiao:

    我真诚地向监管部门致歉,向用户及同事们道歉。 从昨天下午接到监管部门的通知到现在,我一直处在自责和内疚之中,一夜未眠。

    I earnestly apologise to regulatory authorities, and to our users and colleagues. Since receiving the notice yesterday from regulatory authorities, I have been filled with remorse and guilt, entirely unable to sleep.


    Jinri Toutiao will shut down once and for all its “Neihan Duanzi” app and its public accounts. Our product took the wrong path, and content appeared that was incommensurate with socialist core values, that did not properly implement public opinion guidance — and I am personally responsible for the punishments we have received [as a result].


    I am responsible because I failed to live up to the guidance and expectations supervisory organs have demanded all along. Over the past few years, the regulatory authorities have provided us with much guidance and assistance, but in our hearts we failed to properly understand and recognise [their demands]. Nor did we properly rectify the situation, which led to the present failure to be responsible to our users.


    I am responsible also because I failed to live up to the trust and support placed in me by our users. We prioritised only the expansion of [platform] scale, and we were not timely in strengthening quality and responsibility, overlooking our responsibility to channel users in the uptake of information with positive energy. We were insufficiently attentive, and in our thinking placed insufficient emphasis on our corporate social responsibility, to promote positive energy and to grasp correct guidance of public opinion.


    At the same time, I failed my colleagues who invested such boundless enthusiasm and hard work to create this product. For such major problems to emerge with the product, and for service to halt, I bear leadership responsibility.


    On March 29, after China Central Television reported problems with our advertisements, I engaged in steady reflection over my previous ways of thinking, reflected upon the company’s current methods, and began an energetic campaign among our staff to raise their consciousness, improve management and streamline processes.


    My background is engineering, and my originating idea in starting this business was to create a product that would facilitate interaction and exchange among users worldwide. Over the past few years we have invested more energy and resources in the growth of the company, but we did not take the proper measures to improve supervision of the platform, and we did not adequately do our homework in terms of effectively controlling such things as low-row, violent and harmful content, and fake advertising.


    As a start-up company developing rapidly in the wake of the 18th National Congress of the Chinese Communist Party, we profoundly understand that our rapid development was an opportunity afforded us by this great era. I thank this era. I thank the historic opportunity of economic reform and opening; and I thank the support the government has given for the development of the technology industry.


    I profoundly reflect on the fact that a deep-level cause of the recent problems in my company is: a weak [understanding and implementation of] the “four consciousnesses” [of Xi Jinping]; deficiencies in education on the socialist core values; and deviation from public opinion guidance. All along, we have placed excessive emphasis on the role of technology, and we have not acknowledged that technology must be led by the socialist core value system, broadcasting positive energy, suiting the demands of the era, and respecting common convention.


    We must make a renewed effort to sort out our vision of the future. We say, we want to make global platform for creation and conversation. This demands that we must ensure that the content of “creation” and “conversation” are positive, healthy and beneficial, that they can offer positive energy to the era, and to the people.


    We must renew our understanding and enactment of our social responsibility; upright and good, innovative technology, value creation, taking responsibility, cooperation and mutual benefit. I profoundly recognise that the company’s development must stick closely to the era and to the main theme of national development.


    Today, supervisory organs, the public and the media have pointed out problems in our company, and this is well-intentioned reminder and an encouragement to us. I and my colleagues will work immediately to bring about change — changing our own thoughts, and changing our methods.


    Introducing correct values into technology and products

    1.1 Strengthening the work of Party construction, carrying out education among our entire staff on the “four consciousnesses,” socialist core values, [correct] guidance of public opinion, and laws and regulations, truly acting on the company’s social responsibility.


    1.2 Strengthening implementation of systems and mechanisms for social responsibility in various business activities, bringing them into the scope of business assessment.


    1.3 Further deepening cooperation with authoritative [official Party] media, elevating distribution of authoritative media content, ensuring that authoritative [official Party] media voices are broadcast to strength.


    1.4 Strengthening the editor-in-chief responsibility system, comprehensively correcting deficiencies in algorithmic and machine review [of content], steadily strengthening human operations and review, raising the current number of operational review staff from 6,000 to 10,000 persons [carrying out content review].

    [Translation omitted here for section on management of online communities]

    Finally, I again express my apologies to supervisory organs, and to the friends who care about us.


    We ought to do better. We will definitely do better.


    We earnestly await help from various parts of society in supervising our rectification. We will not disappoint everyones’ hopes.


    Jinri Toutiao founder and CEO Zhang Yiming.


    April 11, 2018

    The CCP at work...
    edited August 2020 BeatsGG1muthuk_vanalingamradarthekatcat52anantksundaramgatorguywatto_cobra
  • Reply 8 of 36
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    If they just wait for a few months TikTok will be dead and they can just start their own version of the app for next to nothing.
  • Reply 9 of 36
    Rayz2016Rayz2016 Posts: 6,957member
    HOW MUCH??? 

    Anyone still think Apple should buy this, even at $10bn?
  • Reply 10 of 36
    GeorgeBMacGeorgeBMac Posts: 11,421member

    Step 1:   Trump pushes the sycophants at Microsoft to shell out $30Billion for an up and coming social media platform while threatening that platform (standard Mafia tactics)
    Step 2:   Microsoft acquiesces and shells out the $30B.
    Step 3;   Byte Dance quickly accepts the offer
    Step 4:   TicToc dies on the vine
    Step 5:   Trump retires to the Big House
    Step 6;   ByteDance creates a new platform called TocTic which the young people love and flock to.
  • Reply 11 of 36
    GeorgeBMacGeorgeBMac Posts: 11,421member

    If the deal goes through, Microsoft would have one year to transfer TikTok's 15 million lines of code to the U.S., a feat that most other companies would likely be unable -- or unwilling -- to do.

    Why would it take a year to transfer 15 million lines of code?    We used to do more than that over a weekend.

    Could it be that they don't want to put too much actual effort into it and instead intend to just reverse all this nonsense once Trump is gone?
  • Reply 12 of 36
    I'm no programmer, but isn't this a fairly simple app? Why does something like that take 15 million lines of code? And, if that takes 15 million lines of code what does an app like Photoshop take? Thanks...
  • Reply 13 of 36
    mknelsonmknelson Posts: 1,144member
    I'm no programmer, but isn't this a fairly simple app? Why does something like that take 15 million lines of code? And, if that takes 15 million lines of code what does an app like Photoshop take? Thanks...
    iOS version, Android version, server side code.
  • Reply 14 of 36
    BeatsBeats Posts: 3,073member
    IF Microsoft buys this, all the media outlets and anti-Apple posters who criticized Apple's "expensive" 3 billion dollar Beats acquisition will turn away or even rationalize reasons why this was good for Microsoft.

    We know this as Apple users.

    dutchlord said:
    30 billion? For what?

    Bill Gates wants the young whippersnappers to think his office company is 'far out'!

    Microsoft will pay billions for this.

    Pictured above is Microsoft's attempt at being "cool".
    edited August 2020 cat52watto_cobra
  • Reply 15 of 36
    kimberlykimberly Posts: 434member
    I'm no programmer, but isn't this a fairly simple app? Why does something like that take 15 million lines of code? And, if that takes 15 million lines of code what does an app like Photoshop take? Thanks...
    Most of the code is concerned with sniffing out data, chopping it up and sending the pieces back to the PRC for reassembly into a knock-off !!!
  • Reply 16 of 36
    BeatsBeats Posts: 3,073member
    kimberly said:
    I'm no programmer, but isn't this a fairly simple app? Why does something like that take 15 million lines of code? And, if that takes 15 million lines of code what does an app like Photoshop take? Thanks...
    Most of the code is concerned with sniffing out data, chopping it up and sending the pieces back to the PRC for reassembly into a knock-off !!!

    I was thinking half the code is internal spyware.
  • Reply 17 of 36
    DAalsethDAalseth Posts: 2,989member
    Why MS wants to walk into this political minefield is a mystery to me. Trump and Co won't be happy when it comes out that they only bought the North American portion. I read last weekend that ByteDance was planning on keeping TicToc for the rest of the world. The PRC won't be happy that MS was party to this extortion. Users will immediately say that MS TicToc is not as good as "real" TicToc. They will move off. Heck TicToc might have already peaked. 

    So I expect that MS or anyone that buys this will get slapped by the US, Slapped by the PRC, and abandoned by users. 
  • Reply 18 of 36
    dewmedewme Posts: 5,691member
    How about that Lady Gaga getting her own hosting gig on Beats1. Good for her.

    Yeah, it's a different thread, but it's far more interesting than anything having to do with Microsoft or TikTok, or should we call it TikyTackyTok...Boom - it's gone.
    edited August 2020 Beatshexclockwatto_cobra
  • Reply 19 of 36
    JWSCJWSC Posts: 1,203member
    MisterKit said:
    Come on. No way are sound minds at Microsoft going to throw 30 million at this. To do so would be the definition of insanity.
    Well, if Steve Ballmer were still running the show it would all make sense. 🧐
  • Reply 20 of 36
    hexclockhexclock Posts: 1,306member
    And to think people flipped out when Apple spent a couple billion on Beats.
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