Apple enlists influencers to promote iPhone 12 mini on TikTok

in General Discussion
Apple is now using its previously dormant TikTok account and recruiting popular influencers on the platform to promote the iPhone 12 mini.

Credit: Solen Feyissa
Credit: Solen Feyissa

The new marketing campaign comes about seven months after Apple first established its verified account in April. Until now, the TikTok account has remained unused.

In November, Apple published four video clips featuring TikTok influencers Jessica Wang, Kevin B Parry, Zach King, and Julian Bass.

Each clip features the influencers making various items shrink to a more compact size, including jackets and cupcakes. They all end with the iPhone 12 being shrunk down to an iPhone 12 mini. The TikTok videos also challenge viewers to "make it mini," with a new hashtag for the proposed trend.

The campaign seems to have boosted Apple's profile on the platform, since the company now has around 378,000 followers and 350,000 thousand likes as of writing.

TikTok has been the subject of scrutiny from the outgoing Trump Administration, which tried to ban the platform earlier in the year.

In November, the Commerce Department placed a stay on the ban pending legal developments. With a new administration arriving in The White House in January, it's unclear what will happen to the ban order, though it's probable that it'll be nixed.


  • Reply 1 of 7
    Guess Apple hasn’t heard TikTok is about to go belly up?
    edited November 2020 cat52pulseimageswatto_cobra
  • Reply 2 of 7
    JapheyJaphey Posts: 1,772member
    Influencers? Why Apple? That’s such a Samsung move. What’s next, GroFies at the Oscars?
    edited November 2020 cat52Flapporalphiepulseimageswatto_cobra
  • Reply 3 of 7
    avon b7avon b7 Posts: 7,965member
    Japhey said:
    Influencers? Why Apple? That’s such a Samsung move. What’s next, GroFies at the Oscars?
    There's nothing wrong with using influencers. 

    It's marketing. Just like product placement or any other form of getting your product seen.

    Over the last three years Apple has radically changed its iPhone business model and hardware approach.

    These have been good moves. Sales were flat and the user base was stagnating to a degree. Something needed to change and they changed it. 

    IMO, the changes have been for the good. 
  • Reply 4 of 7
    JapheyJaphey Posts: 1,772member
    avon b7 said:
    Japhey said:
    Influencers? Why Apple? That’s such a Samsung move. What’s next, GroFies at the Oscars?
    There's nothing wrong with using influencers. 

    It's marketing. Just like product placement or any other form of getting your product seen.

    Over the last three years Apple has radically changed its iPhone business model and hardware approach.

    These have been good moves. Sales were flat and the user base was stagnating to a degree. Something needed to change and they changed it. 

    IMO, the changes have been for the good. 
    I hear what you’re saying, and I respect your opinion, but I disagree. Sales have been, and continue to be, flat to declining for the past several years. Whatever changes you are referring to haven’t reversed that trend...yet. 
    Yes, they will definitely see a bump this year with the 12’s so-called super-cycle, and probably next year with tock upgraders to the 13, but a large reason will be because of the return of aggressive carrier subsidies due to 5G competition. The same subsidies, that when taken away several years ago, were one of the main reasons that upgrade cycles lengthened in the first place. Another big reason is because of the new design, which kind of proves one of your points. And finally, studies this past fall showed that something like 75% (please don’t make me look it up, lol) of American teens planned to upgrade to the next iPhone. 
    For all these reasons and more, in my opinion, Apple doesn’t need influencers. So, while it’s not wrong to use them, as you say, it’s definitely a bit lame. A bit Samsung. 
    edited November 2020 watto_cobra
  • Reply 5 of 7
    I purchased the iPhone 12 Mini and it a very excellent looking, great screen, fast and stylish iPhone. I decided to return it to Apple because of the flaw in the screen where it prevents jesters at the bottom of the screen like activating the flashlight and swiping up to remove the image message screen.  I heard that that is fixed now.  But I think that with masking wearing trend,  I am going after iPhone SE 2.
    edited November 2020 pulseimages
  • Reply 6 of 7
    I purchased the iPhone 12 Mini and it a very excellent looking, great screen, fast and stylish iPhone. I decided to return it to Apple because of the flaw in the screen where it prevents jesters at the bottom of the screen like activating the flashlight and swiping up to remove the image message screen.  I heard that that is fixed now.  But I think that with masking wearing trend,  I am going after iPhone SE 2.
    How was the battery life of the Mini? 
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