Anti-War Actors



  • Reply 21 of 57
    aquafireaquafire Posts: 2,758member

    Originally posted by trevorM

    I live in Tasmania, outside Hobart in a suburb called Blackmans Bay. [42 Degrees south]

    I also lived in Sydney for a few years too. Really liked it their too. Tho down here is great as I do Mountain Biking in my spare time and the tearrin rocks!

    As long as you don't run over any Tasmanian Tigers.

    Hey this Thread is meant to be Anti-War Actors Suck..sorry ENA

    But nice to meet an " Apple" islander...
  • Reply 22 of 57
    trevormtrevorm Posts: 841member

    Originally posted by aquafire

    As long as you don't run over any Tasmanian Tigers.

    Hey this Thread is meant to be Anti-War Actors Suck..sorry ENA

    But nice to meet an " Apple" islander...

    Ahh this is half the fun of Apple insider.

    So where are you located.

    (No Tassie tigers hear tho - Extinct]
  • Reply 23 of 57
    aquafireaquafire Posts: 2,758member
    I can't mountain bike as much as I used to. I've busted too many bones in my time. Leg ( 5 places), neck, hands, ribs, 3rd vertabrae, smashed in face, broken foot...........but heeps of fun !

    My knees look like shit & work like shit too.

    As to where I live........gosh I'm an International Man of mystery & live out of a shoebox......My call sign should give you a clue or two.

  • Reply 24 of 57
    jcjc Posts: 342member

    Originally posted by bunge

    Why was Sean Penn in Iraq?

    He went there to find out for himself the 'Truth' about Irac, as I guess he could not trust what the media and president said was true. He figured that he could get Saddam on the phone and find out the real truth.
  • Reply 25 of 57
    trevormtrevorm Posts: 841member

    Originally posted by aquafire

    I can't mountain bike as much as I used to. I've busted too many bones in my time. Leg ( 5 places), neck, hands, ribs, 3rd vertabrae, smashed in face, broken foot...........but heeps of fun !

    My knees look like shit & work like shit too.

    As to where I live........gosh I'm an International Man of mystery & live out of a shoebox......My call sign should give you a clue or two.

    So not good with working cluey sorta things out. Guess your from the UK?
  • Reply 26 of 57
    aquafireaquafire Posts: 2,758member
    I swear Sean Penn has the Illuminati cornered.

    He radiates light like a 5 watt globe.

    Ego Ego everywhere & not a drop of reality to drink.

    All this Peace & actors stuff started with Nancy Sinatra

    going to North Vietnam & making a Documentary wich even included scenes of her sitting in an anti-aircraft battery and pretending to fire at USAF pilots.

    Since then, its been part of the groove for developing "street credz "

  • Reply 27 of 57
    powerdocpowerdoc Posts: 8,123member

    Originally posted by Eugene

    Not quite. I don't really care what Tim Robbins or Susan Sarandon's politcal views are, but they in particular have shown no restraint preaching their views when they want, where they want, no matter how inappropriate the forum. As presenters at the Oscars in the early 90s, they decided to bring up Haitian refugees out of the blue for example. Just like Michael Moore's rant, it wasn't appropriate. The Oscars is an awards presentation, not a stage for politics. At least Michael Moore wasn't supposed to follow a script. Richard Gere did the same with his "Free Tibet" views too.

    As long as they stick to the right modes of communication, I've got no beef with them...too bad they never do.

    I agree with you Eugene, especially for your conclusion. I do not see my self during an official congress speak of war or death penalty or whathever ...
  • Reply 28 of 57
    aquafireaquafire Posts: 2,758member
    "not so good with working cluey sorta things out.

    Guess your from the UK? [/B][/QUOTE]

    Don't mention the place OK on any thread..but let's just say

    that Crows are involved....I think your sharp enough to pick it if I also mention that we make great wine...... Don't blow my cover.

  • Reply 29 of 57
    trevormtrevorm Posts: 841member

    Originally posted by aquafire

    "not so good with working cluey sorta things out.

    Guess your from the UK?

    Don't mention the place OK on any thread..but let's just say

    that Crows are involved....I think your sharp enough to pick it if I also mention that we make great wine...... Don't blow my cover.


    Dang, I was geographically very far off indeed. Indeed the wine is good, crows on the other hand. hmmm!

  • Reply 30 of 57
    aquafireaquafire Posts: 2,758member
    never been to Tasmania, but I understand there are lots of Feral women knocking around the bush.

    Ya I wanta get me some feral bush.
  • Reply 31 of 57
    trevormtrevorm Posts: 841member

    Originally posted by aquafire

    never been to Tasmania, but I understand there are lots of Feral women knocking around the bush.

    Ya I wanta get me some feral bush.

    uh huh indeed! If thats ya thing go for it. LOL!
  • Reply 32 of 57

    Originally posted by trevorM

    I live in Tasmania, outside Hobart in a suburb called Blackmans Bay. [42 Degrees south]

    I also lived in Sydney for a few years too. Really liked it their too. Tho down here is great as I do Mountain Biking in my spare time and the tearrin rocks!

    Ever go to that Crocodile Hunter zoo? that must be cool..

    back on topic: We never hear the crocodile hunter getting all political on his show!
  • Reply 33 of 57
    trevormtrevorm Posts: 841member

    Originally posted by The General

    Ever go to that Crocodile Hunter zoo? that must be cool..

    back on topic: We never hear the crocodile hunter getting all political on his show!

    Not as yet! Want to tho! I really like him - think he is cool!
  • Reply 34 of 57

    Originally posted by trevorM

    Not as yet! Want to tho! I really like him - think he is cool!

    Yeah, he seems to have a good sense of humor, mainly goofing on himself. I like his new show The Crocodile Hunter Diaries. Hopefully he will keep making new shows like this.
  • Reply 35 of 57
    scottscott Posts: 7,431member
    Hollywood is one big popularity contest and as soon as these actors find out how unpopular they are they cry foul. Cry me a river.
  • Reply 36 of 57
    trevormtrevorm Posts: 841member

    Originally posted by Scott

    Hollywood is one big popularity contest and as soon as these actors find out how unpopular they are they cry foul. Cry me a river.

    Amen to that!
  • Reply 37 of 57
    aquafireaquafire Posts: 2,758member
    So TrevorM

    I'm back, had to feed the vultures.

    Have you cracked you skull riding your bike yet?

    If your ever mainlanding again you should take

    the Flinders Heyson trail and burn out over the desert

    in a sheet of flame.

    West coast must be wild your way.

    Franklin river & all that. But I figure

    I'd survive 10 minutes.

    Hate the cold & have seen enough snow

    to last me ten lifetimes.

    Personallly, I have always loved the desert.

    I'm crazy enough to enjoy 110 F ( 45C )

    so long as it's dry heat.

    Makes my bones feel less busted.

    And I love the intensely cosmic sense of timeless distance.

  • Reply 38 of 57
    stoostoo Posts: 1,490member

    back on topic: We never hear the crocodile hunter getting all political on his show!

    Back off topic: on the back of the "Crocodile Hunter: Collision Course" movie box, the warning says "some mild peril." Crocodiles only constitute some mild peril these days?
  • Reply 39 of 57
    aquafireaquafire Posts: 2,758member

    Originally posted by Stoo

    Back off topic: on the back of the "Crocodile Hunter: Collision Course" movie box, the warning says "some mild peril." Crocodiles only constitute some mild peril these days?

    Argh hoots mun, thats Nor danger, lying on Scottish beach being eaten alive by midges...Arrgh the terror......

    Re Crocodiles

    Actually label is correct.

    Emphasis is "human beings" represent " mild peril " to crocodiles.

    Up in Kakadu, some idiot tour boat operators were encouraging tourists to lean out of boats with arm raised in air dangling meat.

    Crocodiles can launch themselves like torpedoes, so leaping out of the water is an easy behaviour to drill.

    Trouble arises when crocodiles think this is a really neat trick to pass onto their offspring & start ramming the bottom of boats demanding food !

  • Reply 40 of 57
    bungebunge Posts: 7,329member

    Originally posted by ena

    I couldn't help but wince watching Sean Penn with his 35mm running around Iraq before the war. It seemed REALLY shallow. Something tells me they didn't show him the plastic shredders they used to enforce discipline.

    I'll ask again:

    Do you even realize why he was there? Do you know any of his opinions? Are you really this ignorant?
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