Mark Zuckerberg says the Vision Pro doesn't present 'any breakthroughs'



  • Reply 21 of 93
    Anilu_777Anilu_777 Posts: 567member
    "I think that their announcement really showcases the difference in the values and the vision that our companies bring to this in a way that I think is really important," Zuckerberg told employees in a meeting on Thursday, according to The Verge. Yeah and what Zuck values is DEFINITELY not what I do. I’ll take privacy for $1000 Alex. 
    Mac4macradarthekatsennenronnAlex_Vmac daddy zeewatto_cobraFileMakerFeller
  • Reply 22 of 93
    JapheyJaphey Posts: 1,772member
    I wonder how many Quest’s they will have to sell to equal the profit from just one Vision Pro? 

    edited June 2023 Alex_Vmac daddy zeeSamchasewatto_cobra
  • Reply 23 of 93
    williamlondonwilliamlondon Posts: 1,398member
    entropys said:
    He is just downplaying a potential threat to his business. What else can he do?
    it isn’t as though he can say “that is an amazing headset with a paradigm shifting OS”.
    I think not. He said what he had to say.
    Justifying lying, very cool.
    radarthekatmac daddy zeewatto_cobra
  • Reply 24 of 93
    mattinozmattinoz Posts: 2,439member
    VisionPro sees your hands and uses them as the controllers. 
    Everything your hands can do it will be able to do. 
    Every tool you pick up could be a specialist controller for an app that wants to write that code. 

    also it has a screen purely to allow other people to interact with you. Bit churlish to say it is for people sitting by themselves on the couch. 

    I thing he has neatly summed up the lack of vision that has made meta beleaguered. 
    baconstangradarthekatronnAlex_Vmac daddy zeetmayargonautDBSyncSamchasewatto_cobra
  • Reply 25 of 93
    22july201322july2013 Posts: 3,683member
    If Apple had announced, "we will allow software developers for the Vision Pro to track the user's eyes to see what they are looking at," Zuck would have heaped praise on Apple's device and promised to develop software for it.
    mac daddy zeeargonautDBSyncwatto_cobraFileMakerFeller
  • Reply 26 of 93
    eightzeroeightzero Posts: 3,128member
    bahahahahah. Good one, zucker.
    it very much was LOL...and predictable.
    mac daddy zeeargonautpscooter63watto_cobra
  • Reply 27 of 93
    snookiesnookie Posts: 141member
    avon b7 said:
    He is basically right.

    Apple has upped the ante on the technological side but not really brought anything new. It's just souped up what was already out there, and along with it, the price, and wrapped it up nicely with some extra touches. 

    That said, the finesse is appreciable and also desirable because it reduces a lot of pain points. There is a lot to like (pricing aside). 

    I'm not sure why there was so much sofa sitting footage in the keynote and hope that more options are just as possible.

    You can't fight off a Sith sitting on your sofa!

    What Zuckerberg has to understand is that my wife was happy with her Quest and itching to upgrade. That got knocked on the head as soon as Meta made a Facebook account a requirement. That was when we abandoned our plans to upgrade. If more people feel the same way we do, Meta has a problem. 

    Meta has an image problem that goes far deeper than image. Apple has a big head start over them when it comes to trust. 

    LOL, no he hasn't said a single correct thing.  If you think Apple hasn't done anything new you badly need to watch the Keynote.

    williamlondonmac daddy zeewatto_cobra
  • Reply 28 of 93
    22july201322july2013 Posts: 3,683member
    ATLMacFan said:
    chutzpah said:
    Meh, I'm not sure what else you'd expect him to say. 
    I usually like when they say something like, “the future of computing is here. We started this journey years ago and now we have worthy competition that will continue to fuel our passion for tomorrow.” Something like that
    Zuck didn't "start this journey", however. The first VR headset was built in 1968 by Ivan Sutherland. Search Google with the phrase:...

    Augmented Reality: "The Ultimate Display" by Ivan Sutherland, 1965

    And witness the first VR in action here:
  • Reply 29 of 93
    williamlondonwilliamlondon Posts: 1,398member
    snookie said:
    avon b7 said:
    He is basically right.

    Apple has upped the ante on the technological side but not really brought anything new. It's just souped up what was already out there, and along with it, the price, and wrapped it up nicely with some extra touches. 

    That said, the finesse is appreciable and also desirable because it reduces a lot of pain points. There is a lot to like (pricing aside). 

    I'm not sure why there was so much sofa sitting footage in the keynote and hope that more options are just as possible.

    You can't fight off a Sith sitting on your sofa!

    What Zuckerberg has to understand is that my wife was happy with her Quest and itching to upgrade. That got knocked on the head as soon as Meta made a Facebook account a requirement. That was when we abandoned our plans to upgrade. If more people feel the same way we do, Meta has a problem. 

    Meta has an image problem that goes far deeper than image. Apple has a big head start over them when it comes to trust. 

    LOL, no he hasn't said a single correct thing.  If you think Apple hasn't done anything new you badly need to watch the Keynote.

    Resident Android shill says some shit, surprise surprise, blocked him years ago, so only have to suffer others' responses to his stupid shit.
    edited June 2023 ronnAlex_Vtmaystompypscooter63watto_cobra
  • Reply 30 of 93
    Did Apple copy what Meta ?
  • Reply 31 of 93
    All I can say is that Vision Pro will provide the best user experience and also respect its user and not sell their data and always monitor what they are doing. 

    From what I heard the technology that went into Vision Pro is the best you can buy and works very well. 

    Mark knows who has the better system he just can’t publicly admin it. 
    for $3500 vs $400
    mac daddy zeewilliamlondon
  • Reply 32 of 93
    JP234 said:
    So the Vision Pro isn't breakthrough enough for Zuck? In that case I can't wait until Meta shows us a real breakthrough! Check this !!
  • Reply 33 of 93
    avon b7avon b7 Posts: 7,956member
    snookie said:
    avon b7 said:
    He is basically right.

    Apple has upped the ante on the technological side but not really brought anything new. It's just souped up what was already out there, and along with it, the price, and wrapped it up nicely with some extra touches. 

    That said, the finesse is appreciable and also desirable because it reduces a lot of pain points. There is a lot to like (pricing aside). 

    I'm not sure why there was so much sofa sitting footage in the keynote and hope that more options are just as possible.

    You can't fight off a Sith sitting on your sofa!

    What Zuckerberg has to understand is that my wife was happy with her Quest and itching to upgrade. That got knocked on the head as soon as Meta made a Facebook account a requirement. That was when we abandoned our plans to upgrade. If more people feel the same way we do, Meta has a problem. 

    Meta has an image problem that goes far deeper than image. Apple has a big head start over them when it comes to trust. 

    LOL, no he hasn't said a single correct thing.  If you think Apple hasn't done anything new you badly need to watch the Keynote.

    Enlighten me.

    I have seen the entire Vision Pro keynote segment.

    Form factor, cameras, Lidar, sensors, gesture and voice control, screens, lenses, materials, specialised chipsets, web and software access... 

    As a first generation product it soups up all of the above but please don't think that is all 'new'. 

    Some of it is, for sure, but how much? 

    I'm not saying Apple hasn't done anything new. 

    IMO, the real difference is in how it all comes together. Of course at a hefty price but I can understand that. It's pretty compelling all the same.

    In fact my favourite feature, which isn't really necessary at all, is the visual representation of the user on the outer screen. A screen showing a representation of the user. It has zero impact on the use of the device but nevertheless serves a purpose for people around the user. 

  • Reply 34 of 93
    dewme said:
    Well, I guess this confirms that Facebook will be copying every single aspect of the Vision Pro that they can get away with without running afoul of Apple's IP.
    LOL.. It is the other way around .. Apple is copying Meta..check the link below. Meta is like Tesla.. it has already sold 10's on millions of Quest. and it has following prototypes that are probably at the same price point as Apple Vision Pro, but, is not releasing them, as it won't capture market share..
  • Reply 35 of 93

    Apple Vision Pro looks like what Zuck already has from last year,, probably price was around 3-4000 dollars, so, didn't release it..
  • Reply 36 of 93
    Japhey said:
    I wonder how many Quest’s they will have to sell to equal the profit from just one Vision Pro? 

    I also wonder how many Vision Pro will actually sell.
  • Reply 37 of 93
    How many on this board actually own a VR headset ? doesn't matter whether Quest or Sony or HP or any other brand.

    Own one and then buy Apple Vision Pro, and you will surely throw Apple Vision Pro away.. 

    For $3500 dollars, you need to think what you are getting actually vs $400/$500 dollars device.
  • Reply 38 of 93
    radarthekatradarthekat Posts: 3,895moderator
    AppleInsider:  Zuckerberg is telling employees that Apple didn't bring anything to the table that his company hadn't "already explored."

    By 'explored' Zuck means he watched Minority Report. 
  • Reply 39 of 93
    avon b7 said:
    snookie said:
    avon b7 said:
    He is basically right.

    Apple has upped the ante on the technological side but not really brought anything new. It's just souped up what was already out there, and along with it, the price, and wrapped it up nicely with some extra touches. 

    That said, the finesse is appreciable and also desirable because it reduces a lot of pain points. There is a lot to like (pricing aside). 

    I'm not sure why there was so much sofa sitting footage in the keynote and hope that more options are just as possible.

    You can't fight off a Sith sitting on your sofa!

    What Zuckerberg has to understand is that my wife was happy with her Quest and itching to upgrade. That got knocked on the head as soon as Meta made a Facebook account a requirement. That was when we abandoned our plans to upgrade. If more people feel the same way we do, Meta has a problem. 

    Meta has an image problem that goes far deeper than image. Apple has a big head start over them when it comes to trust. 

    LOL, no he hasn't said a single correct thing.  If you think Apple hasn't done anything new you badly need to watch the Keynote.

    Enlighten me.

    I have seen the entire Vision Pro keynote segment.

    Form factor, cameras, Lidar, sensors, gesture and voice control, screens, lenses, materials, specialised chipsets, web and software access... 

    As a first generation product it soups up all of the above but please don't think that is all 'new'. 

    Some of it is, for sure, but how much? 

    I'm not saying Apple hasn't done anything new. 

    IMO, the real difference is in how it all comes together. Of course at a hefty price but I can understand that. It's pretty compelling all the same.

    In fact my favourite feature, which isn't really necessary at all, is the visual representation of the user on the outer screen. A screen showing a representation of the user. It has zero impact on the use of the device but nevertheless serves a purpose for people around the user. 

    From your original post: “….but not really brought anything new”

    You very much said Apple didn’t do anything new. 
  • Reply 40 of 93
    mattinozmattinoz Posts: 2,439member
    How many on this board actually own a VR headset ? doesn't matter whether Quest or Sony or HP or any other brand.

    Own one and then buy Apple Vision Pro, and you will surely throw Apple Vision Pro away.. 

    For $3500 dollars, you need to think what you are getting actually vs $400/$500 dollars device.
    Ummm... only people with more money than sense would throw one away. Not the least as is going to be made from recyclable materials mostly it seems. 

    But if you do decide to throw one out please let us know your bin night. 
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