Dozens of stalking victims join AirTag class action suit against Apple

in AirTag

A lawsuit against Apple claiming that AirTags are "the weapon of choice of stalkers and abusers," has been joined by three dozen victims.

An AirTag on a bag
An AirTag on a bag

The class action suit was originally brought in 2022 by two women who accuse Apple of making an unsafe product. Both women are among many who have been stalked by ex-partners using the device.

As now spotted by Ars Technica, an amended complaint says that since the original filing, there has been an "explosion of reporting" of cases of stalking using AirTags.

"What separates the AirTag from any competitor product is its unparalleled accuracy, ease of use (it fits seamlessly into Apple's existing suite of products), and affordability," says the complaint filing. "With a price point of just $29, it has become the weapon of choice of stalkers and abusers."

The filing now lists 36 complainants and says Apple "heedlessly forged ahead" with AirTag development "dismissing concerns and pointing to mitigation features that it claimed rendered the devices 'stalker proof'."

"The consequences have been as severe as possible: multiple murders have occurred in which the murderer used an AirTag to track the victim," continues the filing. "Similarly, individuals have been murdered-- or murdered others-- when using AirTags to track down stolen property and confront the thieves."

Throughout the filing, there are statistics such as how "in just one metropolitan area (Tulsa, Oklahoma), police have investigated 19 cases involving AirTags, with many ending in violence." There are also detailed accounts of stalking incidents and even murder, which all involved AirTags.

The class action suit asks for a trial by jury. Amongst other issues, it asks for "an order enjoining Apple from further unlawful, unfair and/or fraudulent practices with respect to the design, manufacture, and release into the market of its AirTags."

This amended suit has been filed with the US District Court, Northern District of California.

Apple has not yet responded publicly.

Separately, in 2022, Ohio House introduced a bill to criminalize AirTag stalking.

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  • Reply 1 of 32
    Simply…..DONT USE THEM
  • Reply 2 of 32
    If you started the crusade against unsafe devices, please also sue gun, knife and baseball bat makers, the healthcare system for not being able to protect you against all disease and Mickey All Mighty for not bestowing unlimited luck on your souls.

    Did the stalkers murder their victims with the airtags? Stupidity has no limits.
  • Reply 3 of 32
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,556member
    Job one: Roll out the more inclusive, complete, and discoverable tracking that partnering with Google promises without further delay. That would mitigate much of it. 
    edited October 2023 ctt_zhHonkersjony0
  • Reply 4 of 32
    Who should they sue for making a bad choice of partner?
  • Reply 5 of 32
    mayflymayfly Posts: 385member
    The lack of empathy for victims of stalking, intimidation and violence facilitated by Apple's tracking technology in every post on this topic is stunning to me. What is wrong with you people??

    For instance: "Simply…..DONT USE THEM" The victims aren't using them. AirPods are being used against them.

    Or: "Who should they sue for making a bad choice of partner?" I feel sorry for anyone who chooses you for a partner.

    Or this: "Did the stalkers murder their victims with the airtags? Stupidity has no limits." Yes, they have, and continue to do so. AirTags are deadly weapons in the wrong hands, the same as the crosshairs in your gunsights. You're correct about stupidity having no limits. At least you know you're emotionally retarded.
  • Reply 6 of 32
    It'll go nowhere, for good reason. I don't lack empathy for victims, I'm just realistic - there's better tech out there for stalkers so you actually hope your stalker tries to use an AirTag instead. You're more likely to find out someone is tracking you with an AirTag than with many other devices, none of which can possibly be removed from the market anyways. People sue Apple because they have deep pockets and are highly visible, but that doesn't mean the case has any merit.
  • Reply 7 of 32
    mayfly said:
    The lack of empathy for victims of stalking, intimidation and violence facilitated by Apple's tracking technology in every post on this topic is stunning to me. What is wrong with you people??

    For instance: "Simply…..DONT USE THEM" The victims aren't using them. AirPods are being used against them.

    Or: "Who should they sue for making a bad choice of partner?" I feel sorry for anyone who chooses you for a partner.

    Or this: "Did the stalkers murder their victims with the airtags? Stupidity has no limits." Yes, they have, and continue to do so. AirTags are deadly weapons in the wrong hands, the same as the crosshairs in your gunsights. You're correct about stupidity having no limits. At least you know you're emotionally retarded.
    oh yes, cue the virtue signalers! 
  • Reply 8 of 32
    mayfly said:
    The lack of empathy for victims of stalking, intimidation and violence facilitated by Apple's tracking technology in every post on this topic is stunning to me. What is wrong with you people??

    For instance: "Simply…..DONT USE THEM" The victims aren't using them. AirPods are being used against them.

    Or: "Who should they sue for making a bad choice of partner?" I feel sorry for anyone who chooses you for a partner.

    Or this: "Did the stalkers murder their victims with the airtags? Stupidity has no limits." Yes, they have, and continue to do so. AirTags are deadly weapons in the wrong hands, the same as the crosshairs in your gunsights. You're correct about stupidity having no limits. At least you know you're emotionally retarded.
    I think the outrage and lack of empathy is because the posters are pointing out that suing someone for abuse of their product is not a reasonable solution to their tragedy. 

    Possibly making the public aware of how many assaults and murders that are the result of airtag abuse can force Apple to review how quickly you are alerted to being close to one for a certain period of time before it alerts you. 

    I don’t see any news from media or police that indicates that airtag abuse is as high as the lawsuit indicates. There were news pieces about the lady and her daughter who were paranoid about airtag alerts when they were at Disneyland, but that could have been other park goers that had one in their belongings. 
  • Reply 9 of 32
    Apple isn’t the only company that makes this kind of equipment. This is simply a money grab by some lawyers. 
  • Reply 10 of 32
    No good deed goes unpunished. Had Apple not included any anti-stalking features, they would've never known they were being stalked. Just another Apple cashgrab.
    edited October 2023 timpetusAlex1Nwatto_cobraMissNomerjony0
  • Reply 11 of 32
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,556member
    neillwd said:
    Apple isn’t the only company that makes this kind of equipment. This is simply a money grab by some lawyers. 
    C'mon Apple, do you need more reasons to get this done sooner rather than later?
  • Reply 12 of 32
    mayflymayfly Posts: 385member
    reiszrie said:
    mayfly said:
    The lack of empathy for victims of stalking, intimidation and violence facilitated by Apple's tracking technology in every post on this topic is stunning to me. What is wrong with you people??

    For instance: "Simply…..DONT USE THEM" The victims aren't using them. AirPods are being used against them.

    Or: "Who should they sue for making a bad choice of partner?" I feel sorry for anyone who chooses you for a partner.

    Or this: "Did the stalkers murder their victims with the airtags? Stupidity has no limits." Yes, they have, and continue to do so. AirTags are deadly weapons in the wrong hands, the same as the crosshairs in your gunsights. You're correct about stupidity having no limits. At least you know you're emotionally retarded.
    oh yes, cue the virtue signalers! 
    Oh yes, trigger the sociopaths!
  • Reply 13 of 32
    mayflymayfly Posts: 385member
    timpetus said:
    It'll go nowhere, for good reason. I don't lack empathy for victims, I'm just realistic - there's better tech out there for stalkers so you actually hope your stalker tries to use an AirTag instead. You're more likely to find out someone is tracking you with an AirTag than with many other devices, none of which can possibly be removed from the market anyways. People sue Apple because they have deep pockets and are highly visible, but that doesn't mean the case has any merit.
    That's a reasoned response. Unlike 5-6 others who insist on blaming and shaming the victims of illegal stalking for having the audacity to seek redress. We need more people like you.
  • Reply 14 of 32
    sflocalsflocal Posts: 6,121member
    I'd bet money that this "class action" lawsuit was only initiated by scummy ambulance-chasing lawyers fishing for people so they can roll the dice for an Apple payday.  

    If someone is stalking you, GO AFTER THE STALKER!  Don't put blame on companies making products that nefarious people also use.  

  • Reply 15 of 32
    sue your partner ya ejits
  • Reply 16 of 32
    mayflymayfly Posts: 385member
    sflocal said:
    I'd bet money that this "class action" lawsuit was only initiated by scummy ambulance-chasing lawyers fishing for people so they can roll the dice for an Apple payday.  

    If someone is stalking you, GO AFTER THE STALKER!  Don't put blame on companies making products that nefarious people also use.  

    Sociopath much?
  • Reply 17 of 32
    mayfly said:
    The lack of empathy for victims of stalking, intimidation and violence facilitated by Apple's tracking technology in every post on this topic is stunning to me. What is wrong with you people??
    Nah, you’re just misunderstanding comments and then trying to blow them up into something else. The same tactic you used quite a bit when you posted as JP234, before that handle got banned and erased, so no surprise you’re up to it again. Also not a surprise: your ad hominem attacks.

    This article is about a class-action lawsuit against Apple and the comments you mentioned are basically just pointing out the silliness of the lawsuit, that’s it.
  • Reply 18 of 32
    danoxdanox Posts: 3,230member
    mayfly said:
    The lack of empathy for victims of stalking, intimidation and violence facilitated by Apple's tracking technology in every post on this topic is stunning to me. What is wrong with you people??

    For instance: "Simply…..DONT USE THEM" The victims aren't using them. AirPods are being used against them.

    Or: "Who should they sue for making a bad choice of partner?" I feel sorry for anyone who chooses you for a partner.

    Or this: "Did the stalkers murder their victims with the airtags? Stupidity has no limits." Yes, they have, and continue to do so. AirTags are deadly weapons in the wrong hands, the same as the crosshairs in your gunsights. You're correct about stupidity having no limits. At least you know you're emotionally retarded.
    Where does the question of personal responsibility begin? A non-owner of Apple AirTags.
  • Reply 19 of 32
    sflocalsflocal Posts: 6,121member
    Nah, you’re just misunderstanding comments and then trying to blow them up into something else. The same tactic you used quite a bit when you posted as JP234, before that handle got banned and erased, so no surprise you’re up to it again. Also not a surprise: your ad hominem attacks.

    I was wondering what happened to JP234.  Guess he found a new rock to crawl out of.
  • Reply 20 of 32
    Fred257Fred257 Posts: 250member
    These are typical responses in society that people who are abused and sometimes killed get. I am a victim and survivor of extreme mental psychopathic abuse. I’m a male in my 50’s. I have wrote on AI about these devices being a stalkers dream since they came out. There is virtually no information or education about narcissistic and psychopathic abuse. And unless you have gone through it, or lost a family member to it, people dismiss it as people who are at fault for picking a bad partner, it’s THEIR fault. You blamers further gaslight and torture victims of this kind of abuse further. And you are no better then the abusers themselves for your thoughtless and none empathic answers. I hope victims get billions out of Apple.
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