People forget that squeezed in there 40 years ago. After showing the Mac to the BoD. The entire team including Jobs himself jumped on a plane to Boston. The BCS. Was hosting an Apple Computer show yep Apple II in the old Armory There was a small room booked for this special presentation. It had bro be relocated very last minute. Due to demand.
Hundreds of us marched across Boston towards sympathy hall and next door they had secured a modest sized function room. Of course there were glitches and the Mac froze briefly but everyone left knowing we had glimpsed the future. My 128 with external floppy an ImageWriter and box of tractor feed paper a couple months later was slightly over 3k. The 20mb SCSI Hard drive that came close to 2 years later was $1120 so 40 years on $3500 for the VP actually seems an extremely we'll considered introductory price point The VP is one hell of a lot more sorted out introduction of an entirely new operating system and platform than anything I’ve seen and I’ve seen a lot.
Hopefully the VP finds enough customers. Can’t see it as a mainstream thing, but definitely the slickest headset.
March timeframe is just right.
I don't think Apple is intending this to be a mass produced product at first. We've seen articles that have shown Apple Vision Pro will be an absolutely pain in the ass for mass assembly so the production numbers will be quite low. I think the price tag of AVP indicates some of this. Once version 2 comes out with a couple different models then I think it will start true mass production.
People didn't see iPhone as a mainstream thing either at first but after around iPhone 3G it really started to take off. This is a very immature space so it needs time to come together. People will have to be patient and Apple will have to adjust to the market as it sees fit just like it did with the iPhone. If it can do this and make the correct decisions at the right time I bet it will take off. The price will come down as the technology gets better. The iPhone wasn't cheap either when it first came out for a smartphone. There were much cheaper smartphone options.
People didn't see iPhone as a mainstream thing either at first but after around iPhone 3G it really started to take off. This is a very immature space so it needs time to come together. People will have to be patient and Apple will have to adjust to the market as it sees fit just like it did with the iPhone. If it can do this and make the correct decisions at the right time I bet it will take off. The price will come down as the technology gets better. The iPhone wasn't cheap either when it first came out for a smartphone. There were much cheaper smartphone options.